Muscle and energy techniques: what is it and what is their benefit?

Muscle and energy techniques: what is it and what is their benefit?

In the past few years, manual therapy has become very popular. It helps to relax the muscles of the body, and improve the tone of the whole organism. If static therapy involves the implementation of all work only by a doctor, then the muscle and energy technique is considered active for the patient.

Read more about the muscle and energy technique in this article.

Varieties of muscle and energy technology

There are several types of muscle and energy technology, among which:

  • Autogenous type inhibition. It is divided into postisometric relaxation (feast) and after -phaseilitation stretching (PFR).
  • Recycling braking.

For more details, each variety will be described later.


Features of muscle and energy technology with autogenic braking

Given that such a technique is divided into other varieties, it is advisable to consider each of them. The essence is to inhibit the muscles in an autogenous way.

Features of postisometric relaxation (feast)

This technique was created by the famous therapist - Karel Levit. After the procedure, the tone in the muscles (one or group) occurs.

Relaxation procedure:

  1. First stretch the muscle that was located in high tone. It is pulled until the pain appears to form resistance.
  2. The patient feels a slight contraction of the muscles in the opposite direction. It lasts no more than 10 seconds. The doctor at this moment pulls the muscle back. All movements of the patient are carried out on inhalation.
  3. When the muscle contraction ends, the patient should relax and exhale. This will allow a little pushing the barrier.
  4. As soon as a new barrier is formed, 2-3 more procedures will be required.

Features of after -and -filled stretching (PFR)

This variety of muscle and energy technology was developed by Vladimir Yanda. It is stronger, and also consists in braking by the autogenic method.

The technology of the procedure:

  1. If the muscle is in high tone, it is transferred to strengthened condition.
  2. The patient must strain the muscles for 10 seconds. This must be done as purposefully as possible. The doctor will direct the muscle back.
  3. The patient should relax, and the doctor will pull the muscle to the new barrier. In this position, you need to fix for 10 seconds.
  4. The doctor returns the muscle to the usual position, after which another 3-5 approaches are performed.

Features of technology with reciprocal inhibiting

This variety has a number of differences before technology with autogenic braking. In this case, the effect of bilateral inhibiting occurs.

The technique of the procedure:

  1. The muscle is translated into a tense conditioned state.
  2. The patient must make every effort to make abbreviations towards the obstacle. The doctor works in such a way as to direct the muscle in the other direction.
  3. The patient relaxes and exhales. The doctor passively stretches the muscle to the new barrier.
  4. The procedure is 3-5 times.

Who is shown by muscle and energy techniques?

  • Such a technique is suitable for absolutely everyone. It can be used for all joints. The effectiveness of muscle and energy technology in the prevention of possible injuries has been proven. You can use technique to people who have problems with the amplitude of movements due to improper operation of the facet joints in the cervical region.
  • You can carry out the procedure if there is muscle pain, which are combined with skeletal discomfort. It begins to seem to man that he breaks the bones.
  • If you need to relax or stretch the muscles, be sure to use this technique.
Mat has important tasks
Mat has important tasks

MATE effectiveness for physiotherapeutic purposes

  • Scientists have always tried to prove the effectiveness of muscle and energy technology. When they tried to understand how it affects the treatment of patients with pain in the lower back of an unknown nature, it was not possible to do this, because The studies were low -quality.
  • When investigated muscle and energy technology on patients with pain in the neck, it was proved that this technique helps to get rid of discomfort.
  • Majority basketball players They resort to the help of this technique, because Often suffer from pain in the shoulders. Already after the first procedure, the volume of movements of the shoulder joint increases, which allows them to play better.
For muscles and joints
For muscles and joints

Examples of Mat

Mat is aimed at treating different muscle groups. Next will be considered the most common:

  • Big lumbar muscle. A person should lie on the couch. One hand of the doctor should be above the knee, and the second - slightly lower. The patient must bend the thigh.
  • The tensioner of the wide fascia of the thigh. The patient should lie on the couch and lower one leg from it. The second leg must be bent at an angle of 90 ° C. One hand of the doctor should be on the crest of the iliac bone, and the second in the lower part of the lower leg. The patient must take the thigh.
  • External femoral rotators. The patient should lie on his back and bend his knees. The doctor puts one hand in the middle of the lateral side of the affected leg, and the second - on the lateral side of a healthy thigh. The patient must divert his leg.

As you can see, muscle and energy technique is a very useful procedure that helps to put muscles and joints in order. The cost of one procedure is quite high, so not everyone can afford it yet.

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