Breast lipofilling: advantages of the procedure, contraindications, stages of conduct

Breast lipofilling: advantages of the procedure, contraindications, stages of conduct

Some women, in the struggle for beauty, are decided on plastic surgery. Most of the fairer sex want to have large breasts, because they believe that they can attract the attention of men.

One of the most common breast augmentation operations is considered lipofilling. Read more about the advantages and disadvantages of this procedure in this article.

Features of the procedure for breast lipofilling

  • What is this procedure - lipofilling? Its essence lies in the fact that an increase in breast volume occurs due to the transplant of the patient's fat.
  • Every year, the lipofiling procedure is gaining popularity. The number of procedures ongoing increases annually by 20%. Women who want to conduct liposuction at the same time resort to such an operation.
  • However, there are girls who only want to increase the volume of the chest. They must understand that lipofilling is carried out only through the use of fat. If a thin girl solves this operation, she may have health problems, because the lack of fatty layer provokes diseases. Of all of the above, the first limit - lack of fat in the body.
  • There is another restriction - you cannot introduce a lot of fat in one operation. After the introduction of the fat cell, she needs to give time to take root. If you introduce a lot of fat at a time, compression of fat cells will begin with tissues surrounding them.
  • This leads to the fact that fat cells do not take root. Doctors agree to introduce no more 250 ml of fat per operation. That is, this will increase the chest by only 1 size.
Increase in size
The size is added
  • If your goal is to increase the size of the breast by 2-3 sizes or more, then several operations will be required. The interval between them should be at least 3 months. This time is enough for the adipose tissue to take root.
  • Any surgeon who performs such operations dreams that at least 90% of fat cells take root in the girl’s body. However, each woman has its own body, so this indicator is significantly lower.
  • On average, after lipofilling in the chest takes root no more than 70% fat. If the girl’s body is weakened, then this indicator decreases to 50%. Unfortunately, it is impossible to predict how many adipose tissues will remain.

The main advantages of lipofilling

If you decide on breast lipofilling, you should know the main advantages:

  • The shape of the chest and its softness are natural. No one will guess that you have increased it using plastic surgery.
  • At the same time, you can solve several problems - remove fat where it is not needed, and make your dreams of your dreams. In addition, the price of lipofilling is low, given the complexity of the procedure - fat fence and the correction of the mammary glands will cost you in 40,000-70000 rub up to 50 ml, and from 78000 rub. When moving from 100 ml cells.
You can both enlarge breasts and get rid of fat in problem areas
You can both enlarge breasts and get rid of fat in problem areas
  • You can combine breast lipofilling along with implants. You will need small implants, which will reduce the likelihood of problems.
  • Lack of allergic reactions and scars. The body will not reject the adipose tissue, because it is yours. A set of fat and its administration is carried out using skin punctures.
  • Recovery occurs quickly. No need to wear linen with a high compression indicator for weeks. Bruises and swelling will disappear after 10-14 days.

Disadvantages of lipofilling procedure

It is also important to know about the disadvantages of breast lipofilling:

  • As mentioned above, thin women will not be able to make the procedure fully, because they do not have enough fat layer.
  • Breast enlargement per 1 procedure is limited only by 1 size.
  • If you lose weight, then the chest also decreases. This is due to the fact that there is fat inside it.
  • Not a very long result. Fat will resolve after 5-7 years. Therefore, you will need to sign up for the operation again.

Who needs lipofiling procedure?

Among the main indications for lipofilling is highlighted:

  • desire to increase the mammary glands;
  • correction of forms after an increase in implants;
  • giving contours;
  • thickening of cover fabrics;
  • asymmetry correction.

Who is prohibited from lipofilling?

Lipophiling has a number of contraindications, among which:

  • Menstruation. You can not carry out the operation 3 days before menstruation and 3 days after their end. Otherwise, the number of bruises and rehabilitation time increases.
  • Pregnancy and the period of lactation.
  • Diseases hearts and blood vessels.
  • Sugar diabetes all types.
  • Benign and malignant tumors mammary glands.
  • Disadvantage of adipose tissue.
  • Infectious diseases in the chest area and place where fat will be taken.

Features of the surgery of lipofilling

  • If you decide on such an operation, be prepared for the fact that you will have to go a rather difficult way. First you need to undergo an examination by a doctor to get permission.
  • After all the necessary tests will be completed, and after the operation, the rehabilitation period.
  • If you are configured for all stages, and you have no contraindications, you can safely fulfill your dream.

Analyzes before lipofilling

If you are under local anesthesia during the operation, you will have to take the following tests:

  • general blood analysis;
  • coagulogram;
  • analysis for blood sugar;
  • an analysis for sexually transmitted diseases.

How is lipofiling procedure carried out?

Stages of breast lipofilling:

  1. The fence of adipose tissues using a special thin tube from the abdomen, buttocks or the inside of the hips. The punctures will be small, only 3 mm. They will heal quickly, and without a trace.
  2. Fatty tissue is cleaned using solutions. For surgery, cells with high vitality are used. They should not have impurities of blood and drugs.
  3. Introduction of adipose tissue into the thoracic region. For this, small punctures are made. On average, their diameter will be 3 cm.
Transfer of adipose tissue
Transfer of adipose tissue

The duration of the operation is about 2-3 hours. After the patient is transported to the ward, where, under the supervision of doctors, she departs from anesthesia.

Rehabilitation after lipofilling

  • To make bruises and swelling much faster, the doctor will write you special drugs. Take them according to the instructions.
  • Try to sleep on your back. Do not play sports, and are not in places with high temperatures (hot bath, sauna, etc.). Such restrictions are entered for only 30 days.
  • It is necessary to wear compression underwear the number of days that the doctor will advise. It will not allow adipose tissue to shift.
Special underwear
Special underwear
  • After 3 months, you can see the desired result. During this time, cells that could not take root will be removed from the body.
During rehabilitation, complications are possible
During rehabilitation, complications are possible
Such complications can also be
Such complications can also be

As you can see, lipofilling is a universal procedure that allows women to get rid of excess fat in some places, and increase breast volume. Such a procedure, by the way, is carried out not only for breast correction.

Face lipilifting
Face lipofilling
Body lipilifting
Lipofilling of the body

Before the operation, consult a doctor and undergo an examination. So you can maintain your health.

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Video: All about the procedure of lipolifting

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