How to use tea from an elderberry with colds?

How to use tea from an elderberry with colds?

Tea from an elderberry flowers is quite effective for colds. Let's take a closer look at the benefits of inflorescences.

Buzina flowers are of particular value. Due to its composition, an elderberry tea drink is used as a drug for colds. Using aromatic tea, the body receives many useful elements. In winter, a buzin drink will serve as a good preventive. The effective effect of the drink is achieved thanks to such as apple acid, vitamin C, vitamins of group B.

How to use tea from an elderberry with colds?

The anti -industrial agent has an active action in the fight against cough and fever. In addition to the expectorant and anti -inflammatory properties, brewing an elderberry is ideal as a diaphoretic folk remedy. At the same time, a very soft unobtrusive effect is on the mucous membrane.

Therapeutic tea
Therapeutic tea
  • Tea from an elderberry Enhances the effect of antipyretic drugs, accelerates the reaction of the body in the form of characteristic sweating. A similar action is due to a high concentration of glycoside in the composition. The high routine content helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, having a favorable effect on the cardiovascular system as a whole.
  • Tea from an elderberry inflorescences with a cold It has a thinning and mitigating effect in the presence of dry cough. With irritated and inflamed oral mucosa, therapeutic tea is consumed for rinsing. The healing composition has a disinfectant effect.

Drug tea from an elderberryeffective in the treatment of superficial signs of colds. You can rinse your eyes or rinse a hoarse throat. With pleurisy, sore throat or laryngitis, the decoction relieves sore throat well.

According to medical research, Buzin received confirmation of effective action in the fight against influenza type B. The recovery of sick patients took place much faster.

  • Buzina flowers need to be collected during active flowering. Since the flowers are very small, you need to cut off with full brushes. Inflorescences must be dried, avoiding direct sunlight. The drug is stored in a closed container throughout the year. With new flowering, it is recommended to update the contraceptive workpiece.
  • Boil tea from an elderberry flowers with a cold within 10-15 minutes. For a glass of boiling water you will need two teaspoons of dry blanks. The drink is consumed both during the course of a cold, and as an immunostimulator with frequent ailments. Before use, tea must be filtered.
  • If you brew tea with fresh flowers of an elderberry, then it is enough to add 2-3 flowers to one cup. Cover with a lid and after five minutes the drink is ready for use.
  • Rinse of the oral cavity is carried out half an hour before meals at least 4-5 times a day. You can also prepare an infusion for inhalation.
  • Brew and drink tea from an elderberry flowers with a cold Three times a day between meals. Given the diuretic effect of the drug, the last intake should take place no later than an hour before bedtime.

As a prevention, use a drink for 20-25 days. With a cold, the drink is drunk until complete recovery.

With a cold
With a cold

Tea from an elderberry flowers with a cold It has several restrictions. First of all, it is necessary to track the reaction of the drug to a new plant agent. After the first trick, stand a pause for the detection of an allergic reaction.

Important: Buzina is contraindicated in use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Buzina’s tea is contraindicated in diabetics and ulcers. Do not brew tea for preschool children.

Before using the drink, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

  • Busina's tea has a fragrant thin aroma and is suitable for independent use.
  • If the aroma is therapeutic buzina's flowers It does not coincide with your taste preferences, you can brew it along with ordinary tea leaves. The useful composition will remain the same, only the aftertaste will change.
  • An elderberry drink goes well with honey and citrus fruits. Adding vitamin C will enhance its action.
  • To strengthen immunity, it is recommended to combine tea with holosas syrup. It is enough to add one drop of a treatment and preventive agent to a glass of tea.
  • You can not abuse the amount of therapeutic tea from fresh flowers of an elderberry with a cold, since the damp parts of the plant are to varying degrees are poisonous.
From inflorescences
From inflorescences

Try to drink the course of medicinal tea at the first signs of a cold, and you will be surprised how quickly your ailment will pass. If the internally use of the therapeutic infusion provokes a strong laxative effect, then use an elderberry only to rinse the oral cavity.

Video: We get rid of colds using an elderberry inflorescences

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