Musical quiz “Guess the melody, song” for children - the best selection for holidays

Musical quiz “Guess the melody, song” for children - the best selection for holidays

A large selection of texts, words, melodies of children's songs for conducting a musical quiz “Guess the melody, song” in school and kindergarten.


Musical quiz “Guess the melody, song” with answers

Musical quiz “Guess the melody, song” with answers
Musical quiz “Guess the melody, song” with answers

Musical quiz “Guess the melody, song” with answers:

Top. Top. The baby stomps.
With mom on the path - a sweet haircut!
Little legs are in no hurry
Just know for yourself:
Top. Top. Very difficult
The first steps are unknown.
And in the garden the path is so long -
She stretches directly to the sky.
Top, top ... top, top ...
Very difficult.
Top, top ... top, top ...
"The first steps"

I live with my grandmother
I live with my grandfather.
Dad and mom go to visit us.
It became fashionable alone
The baby has everything
And then - throw the old people!
I have no sister,
I have no brother,
They say that the troubles are troublesome with children!
What will happen on Earth
In the next hundred years,
If the fashion for children completely passes?
"I live with my grandmother"

I wanted to make a thunderstorm
And got a goat,
Pink goat
With a yellow strip.
Instead of the tail, the leg,
And on the foot of the horns.
I would not want again
Meet with that goat.
I wanted to make an iron, -
The elephant suddenly turned out
Wings - like a bee,
Instead of ears, flowers.
I have a dream at night, -
The goat and elephant cry,
Cry and say:
"What did you do to us?!"

Neither waves nor wind scare me -
I swim to the only mother in the world.
I swim through the waves and wind
To the only mother in the world.
I swim through the waves and wind
To the only mother in the world.
I want to get to the ground sooner
“I'm here, I came!” I will scream her.
I will scream my mother
I will scream my mother ...
"Song of Mammoth"

The geese were washed
In a puddle near the groove.
One is gray
The other is white -
Hid in the groove.
Here the grandmother screams:
Oh, geese disappeared!
One is gray
The other is white -
My geese, geese.
Geese came out
They bowed to the grandmother.
One is gray
The other is white -
They bowed to the grandmother.
"Two cheerful geese"

One simple fairy tale,
Or maybe not a fairy tale
Or maybe not simple
We want to tell you.
We remember her since childhood,
Or maybe not from childhood,
Or maybe we don't remember
But we will remember.
I remember Vorone
Or maybe a dog
Or maybe the cow,
Once lucky.
Someone sent her cheese
Gram, it seems two hundred,
Or maybe three hundred,
Or maybe half a kilo.

Or maybe a crow ...

"What a blue sky"
The paws are boiled, paws then boo di
The paws are boo dupu give, barking bark Lai Lalalalala.
The paws are boo dupuy, paws then boo dubudi,
While the brackets live in the world,
We must glorify our fate!
What a blue sky
We are not supporters of robbery:
You don't need a knife for a bracket,
He will be a little to be a little -
And do with him what you want.

"What is taught at school"
Write letters to write
A thin feather in a notebook
They teach at school, teach at school, teach at school.
Subtract and multiply, do not offend kids
They teach at school, teach at school, teach at school.
Add two to four,
By syllables read words
They teach at school, teach at school, teach at school.
Good love books
And be educated
They teach at school, teach at school, teach at school.

Sing with us a quail-reel
Once a needle, two needles - there will be a Christmas tree!
Since a plank, two planks - there will be a ladder!
Since a word, two words - there will be a song!
In the heavens of the dawn, the strip is filled,
Once a birch, two birch trees - there will be a grove!
Since a plank, two planks - there will be a ladder!
Since a word, two words - there will be a song!
Together to walk together

Wonder-Ostrov, miracle fasteners!
Living on it is easy and simple!
Living on it is easy and simple!
Our happiness is constantly -
Cheat coconut, eat bananas!
Cheat coconut, eat bananas!
Chunghah! There is no better place!
Chunghah! We do not know troubles!
Chunghah! Who has lived here for an hour -
Chunghah! Will not leave us!

I'm lying in the sun,
I'm looking at the sun
I am lying and lying
And I look at the sun.
Crocodile-dil-dil is coming.
The rhino-rog-rog is coming.
Only I - everything is lying
And I look at the sun.
Near the lion lies
And moves the ears,
Only I - everything is lying
And I look at the sun.
Song of a lion cub and turtles.

I am a water! I am a water!
Who would talk to me.
And then my girlfriends -
Leeches and frogs!
I am a water! I am a water!
No one is with me!
Inside me, water -
Well, what to go with this?!
Eh, life is my tin ...
Well, in the swamp!
I live like a beaten
And I am hunting to fly!
"Water song"

Children's musical quiz “Guess the hero of the song by” for school holidays

Children's musical quiz “Guess the song by” for school holidays
Children's musical quiz “Guess the hero of the song by” for school holidays

Children's musical quiz “Guess the hero of the song by” for school holidays:

  • "Inside me is water, what to get around with me?" (Water from m/f "Flying ship").
  • “And I don't want, I don't want to calculate! And I want love, I want love! " (Princess of Fun from the m/f "Flying Ship".
  • "The rain went barefoot on the ground, he clapped maples on the shoulders" (Leopold from the m/f "Summer of the cat Leopold)
  • "I'm lying in the sun, I look in the sun, I lie and lie ..." (Lion from the m/f "Like a lion cub and a turtle sang a song).
  • "Do you want you cake, you want ice cream ..." (Vovka from M "/F You want you cake, you want ice cream ...".
  • “Oh, you, my poor trumpeter, look how the figurine was emaciated! I will cover you with care! " (King from the m/f "In the wake of Bremen musicians).
  • “I am not bored at all, I sing when I want! What a cheerful I am, and my song! " (Mouse from m/f "Mouse Song")
  • “I don’t know how to think with my sleepy, I would like to ask Goodwin’s mind from Goodwin.” (Scarecrow from the m/f "Wizard of the Emerald City").
  • “Neither waves nor wind scare me, I swim to my only mother in the world.” (Mammoth from the m/f "Mom for the Mammoth").
  • "Finally, all dreams come true, my best present is you." (Wolf from the m/f "Well, hare, wait!").
  • “And it doesn’t matter what he is busy if he will not lose weight, and he will never lose weight! Yes!" (Winnie the fluff from the m/f "Winnie the Pooh").
  • "You allowed the omission, you can see the wolf penetrated the room" (Goat from the m/f "Wolf and seven goats").
  • "We are sailing on an ice floe like a brigantine on gray harsh seas." (Mom of the Umki bear from the m/f "Umka").
  • "If there was no winter in cities and villages, we never knew these days of fun" (Mom Uncle Fedor from the m/f "Winter to Prostokvashino").

The game "Guess the song by the words" - a cheerful musical quiz

The game guess the song according to - a cheerful musical quiz
The game "Guess the song by the words" - a cheerful musical quiz

The game “Guess the song by words” is a cheerful musical quiz:

"Adventures of Dunno"
A grasshopper sat in the grass, a grasshopper sat in the grass,
Just like a cucumber, he was green.
Imagine, imagine
Just like a cucumber
Imagine, imagine
He was green.
He ate only weed, he ate only the grass,
He did not touch the Kozyvka, and was friends with flies.
Imagine, imagine
I did not touch the boat
Imagine, imagine
And he was friends with flies.

"Good beetle"
He ate only weed, he ate only the grass,
He did not touch the Kozyvka, and was friends with flies.
Imagine, imagine
I did not touch the boat
Imagine, imagine
And he was friends with flies

Get up, children, stand in a circle,
Get up, children, stand in a circle,
Stand in a circle, stand in a circle!
A good beetle lived in the world,
Good old friend.

He never grumbled,
I didn't scream, I did not squeak
Loudly cracking with wings,
Strictly forbade quarrels.

Clouds are white horses.
Clouds, what are you rushing without looking back?
Do not watch, please, down
And roll us around the sky, clouds.
We will rush into the sky -high distance
Past the stars in the sky.
A star will inaudibly fall to us
And chamomile will remain in the palm of his hand.

"Lullaby to the bear"
Stirring snow with a spoon,
The night is big,
What are you, stupid, are you sleeping?
Your neighbors sleep -
White bears,
Back soon and you, baby.
We are sailing on the ice
Like a brigantine,
On the gray, harsh seas.
And the neighbors all night
Star bears
Shine on distant ships.

"Beautiful far" - the comic "Guest from the Future"
I hear a voice from the beautiful far,
Morning voice in silver dew.
I hear a voice and an alluring road
It is circling his head like a carousel in childhood.
Beautiful far
Do not be cruel to me
Do not be cruel to me
Be cruelly not.
From a pure source
The beautiful is far away
Far from the beautiful
I'm starting the way.

Pony runs in a circle - m/f "Pony runs in a circle"
The ponies of girls are rolled,
Pony boys rolled,
Pony runs in a circle
And in the mind he counts circles.
Horses went to the square,
Horses went to the parade,
I went out into the fire blast
A horse named Pirate.
And sighed a sad pony
“Isn't I a horse?
Can't I go to the square?
Do I drive children
Worse than adult horses?

Ellie's song and her friends - m/f "Wizard of the Emerald City"
We go to the city of Emerald, we go to the difficult road
We go dearly difficult, dear is not straight,
The cherished three desires will fulfill the wise Goodwin,
And Ellie will return, and Ellie will return home with a total!
And I was born iron
I could become useful
But not enough
Heart heat.

"Fortune -ink robber"
From the cartoon "Bremen musicians"
They say we are boobs ...
How the Earth endures us!
Give, or something, cards in your hands -
Guess to the king!
Oh la-la! Oh la-la!
Guess to the king!
Tomorrow is a long road
Falls out to the king.
He has a lot of money,
And I love money!
U-lu-yu! U-lu-yu!
And I love money!

"Tired toys are sleeping"
Tired toys are sleeping,
Books are sleeping
Blankets and pillows
Waiting for the guys.
Even a fairy tale goes to bed,
To dream at night.
You wish her -
You can sway in a fairy tale
On the moon
And rush about the rainbow
On a horse
Make friends with an elephant
And catch a feather of firebirds.
Close your eyes

"Winnie-Pooh song"
From the cartoon "Winnie the Pooh"
If I scratch in the back of my head -
No problem!
In my head of my sawdust,
Yes Yes Yes.
But although there are sawdust there,
But no noise and scum
(As well as chants,
Pykhtelki and even
Sopels and so on)
I compose not bad

"Morning Crit"
Who goes to visit in the morning
He acts wisely!
Tram-paramas, param-tharams-
That's the morning!
In the evening - it's time to sleep soon,
The owners are yawning ...
Now, if the guest comes in the morning -
This does not happen!
Yes, if the guest came in the morning
He does not need to rush!
The hosts shout: "Hurray !!"

Musical quiz "Guess the melody" for primary school children

Musical quiz
Musical quiz "Guess the melody" for primary school children

Musical quiz “Guess the melody” for primary school children:

"33 cows"
In the center of the city of Bolshoi,
Where the blades are not growing,
The poet lived - the wizard of the word,
Inspisent rhyme.
He rhymed something.
Just exhausted.
And to the village for the recovery,
Where cows pinch the grass,
It was sent to rest.
Thirty -three cows,
Thirty -three cows,
Thirty -three cows -
Fresh line.
Thirty -three cows,
The verse was born a new
Like a glass of fresh milk.
Thirty -three cows,
The verse was born a new
Like a glass of fresh milk.

At least believe me, at least check, I dreamed at night,
As if the prince came after me on a silver horse!
And we were met by dancers, drummer and trumpeter,
Forty -eight conductors and one gray violinist!
Although believe me, at least check, it was a wonderful ball!
And the artist painted my portrait on the cuff!
And he said the sage known that I was no longer!
The composer sang songs to me, and the poet read poet!

"Where does childhood go"
Where does childhood go
In which cities?
And where to find us a remedy,
To get there again?
It will leave inaudibly
While the whole city is sleeping
And he will not write letters
And he is unlikely to call.
Both in winter and in the summer of unprecedented wait for miracles,
There will be childhood somewhere, but not here.
And in the snowdrifts of the white, and in puddles by the stream
There will be someone to run, but not me.

"Golden ray of sunshine"
Golden ray of sunshine
The cloud hid a veil.
And between us again
Suddenly the wall grew.
The night will pass, the morning will come clear,
I believe, happiness is waiting for us with you.
The night will pass, the time is inclement time,
The sun will rise ... The sun will rise.

The little Prince
Who invented you, star country?
I have long been dreaming, I dream about it.
I'll leave the house, I will leave the house -
A wave beats right behind the pier.
The screams of birds are silent by windy in the evening.
Starry I notice the light from under the eyelashes.
Quietly to meet me, quietly to meet me
A gullible little prince will come out.

Mom is the first word
The main word is in every fate.
Mom gave life
The world gave me and you.
It happens - sleepless at night
Mom will slowly burst:
How is there a daughter, how is her son -
Only in the morning mom will fall asleep.


Bear with a doll is dancing a flight
Bear with a doll is briskly stomp
Breakly stomp, look!
And they clap their hands loudly,
They clap loudly, one, two, three!
Mishka is fun, Mishka is fun,
Twists Mishenka with his head.
The doll is fun, also fun
Oh, how fun, oh, oh, oh!

"We will survive this trouble"
I go and sing
About everything good.
And your smile
I give passers -by.
If in the heart of a stranger
I will not find an answer
This trouble
We will survive.
By the way, this
We will survive.
In heaven high
The sun shines brightly.
How good it is
Live in the world!
If the thunder suddenly wives
In the middle of summer,
This trouble
We will survive.
By the way, this
We will survive.

The dog is gone
Hangs on the fence, swaying by the wind,
A paper leaf swaying by the wind.
The dog is gone, the dog disappeared,
The dog was gone named Druzhok.
The dog is gone, the dog disappeared,
The dog disappeared, nicknamed Druzhok.
Snow -white puppy, only red spots,
Only red spots and a brush tail.
He is very interesting, he is very interesting,
A very stupid gullible dog.
He is very interesting, he is very interesting,
A very stupid, gullible dog!

Musical quiz "Guess the melody" for children of high school

Musical quiz
Musical quiz "Guess the melody" for children of high school

Musical quiz “Guess the melody” for children of high school:

Pink Elephant
Where the baobabs went to the slope,
The pink elephant lived in the clearing.
There were a lot of fun in him,
He did not wear boring shoes.
Smart tigers, stupid jackal
They moved quieter if he was sleeping.
He was a little baggy outside -
Good ears, affectionate look.

Dance ducklings
They want to be similar to walking ducklings,
They want to be similar not in vain, not in vain.
You can shake the tail and go on a long journey
And go on a long journey, shouting "quarrels".
And nature is good, and the weather is good,
No, it is not in vain that the soul sings, not in vain, not in vain.
Even a fat hippo, clumsy hippo
It does not lag behind the ducklings, Krya-Krya grunts.

Who is a good fairy tale in the house?
Who is familiar to everyone since childhood?
Who is not a scientist, not a poet,
And he conquered all the white light,
Who will be recognized everywhere,
Tell me, what is his name?
Bo! Ra! Ty! But! Pinocchio!

His cap is on his head,
But the enemy will be badly,
He will show the villains his nose
And make friends to tears,
He will be very soon here
Tell me, what is his name?
Boo! Ra! Ty! But! Pinocchio!

Song of a brilliant detective
Oh Yes!
I am a brilliant detective
I don't need help,
I will find even a pimple
On the body at the elephant!
Like a lion, I fight in a fight,
I work like a bee,
And the scent, like a dog,
And the eye is like an eagle!

Oh Yes!
My iron hands
They are afraid like fire!
And in general, it is useless
Hide from me!
More quarrier than macaques,
More resilient ox,
And the scent, like a dog,
And the eye is like an eagle!

Musical quiz "Guess the melody" for children from cartoons

Musical quiz
Musical quiz "Guess the melody" for children from cartoons

Musical quiz “Guess the melody” for children from cartoons:

Treasured dreams, Barboskins
Treasured dreams,
Always come true.
Dream and sing!

The hopes are bright,
Let them be performed.
Dream and sing!

Turn with me mom,
About flying ships,
About the magic shores,
And sing countries.

Sleep trees giants,
And flower glades.
About the magic shores,
Dream with me!

Barbariki - what is kindness?
What is kindness?
What is kindness?
And you cannot see, and you cannot touch.
Kindness is when
Kindness is when
All friends to each other,
And everyone can fly!

Girls and boys,
Sweet, like caramels,
And they have large shoes,
This is bar-bar-bar-barics.
Light, like moths,
And flashlights burn in the eyes,
And they have large shoes,
These are barbarics.

Barbariki: Arrangements cried
There was a hare in the world and most of all
I was afraid of rains, and he was not lucky
I wanted comfort and affectionate hands,
And the evil element is raging around

Without shell, wings and sharp claws
It is always harder in the world.
When you are not a gopher or a ferret,
A little gray, eared animal.

Song from the cartoon Luntik "Anthem Friendship"
We play together, live with a smile,
And we sing a new song about friendship.
After all, friendship for us is the main thing,
We will be able to boldly talk about this.

On Iva and in flowers, in the grass and on leaves
In the pond and by the stream
We have fun, friends!

Friends are not scared in a thunderstorm and bad weather,
Together we can easily overcome misfortune.
And friendship brings us strength and courage,
And we promise to keep loyalty in friendship.

Once upon a time there was a gray goat with my grandmother
Once upon a time there was a gray goat with my grandmother,
Once upon a time there was a gray goat with my grandmother,
That's how, here's how, a gray goat,
That's how, here's how, a gray goat.

Mouse song "
What a wonderful day!
What a wonderful stump!
How wonderful I am
And my song!
I'm not bored at all
I sing when I want!
What a cheerful I am
And my song!

Musical contest "Guess the melody" - free material

Musical contest
Musical contest "Guess the melody" - free material

Musical contest "Guess the melody" - free material:

"Who are the fixtures"
What a fixture
Vertically challenged!
We are and through glasses
It’s not easy to see.

They are such a trifle
That there are almost no them
And who are the fixes -
Big, big secret!

They repair from the inside
Irons, motors,
Phones, mp3,
Other devices.

Helper from the cartoon Fixiki
TV, televator,
Dryz-Tyts TV,
Dryz-Tyts TV,
Dryz-Tyz TV
And two fixes inside.
Dryz-Tyts TV,
Dryz-Tyts TV,
Dryz-Tyz TV
And two fixes inside.

Cartoon batteries Fixiki
If something is disconnected,
Do not rush to throw it away or repair it
Maybe just discharged
Maybe just batteries need to be replaced

Batteries, batteries
We need them a huge amount
Batteries, batteries
So that the devices have electricity

"Internet" - fixiki
How much the elephant weighs
How much the elephant weighs
How much an elephant weighs -
Where to find out the answer?

Drum (from the cartoon fixtures)
I came up with who I will become -
I want to become a drummer.
And with a dream of drums
I knock, knock, knock.
I knock on the batteries
On the pots with a spoon - BAM, BAM, BAM!
Maybe someone will regret
And give the drum.

Song of Smesharikov
On the Great Planet
For all children in the world
There is a happy country
Beautiful live there
And peaceful
Round as balls -
Favorite Smeshariki.

Hedgehog and owl,
Kar-Karych and Barash,
Krosh, Pin and Nyusha,
Kopatych and moose.
They are so different
But the good beautiful
Round as balls -
Favorite Smeshariki.

By screws! Smeshariki
Who wants to be a pilot
Very bold you can see that
Because only brave
He will climb onto the plane
Because only brave
Respects the height
Because on the plane
It all depends on the screw
From! From! By screws!
From! From! By screws!

The pilot has a job
He flies a plane
The pilot has care
If suddenly the pilot falls asleep
Because when a friend
You will decide to fly
Do not forget that you are a flyer
And don't dare to sleep in the cabin
From! From! By screws!
From! From! By screws!

Round song
Floats, floating yellow circle swims across the sky
Floats in the sky, floats and shines everyone around
And on a round night from heaven, the cold moon looks
And she is also round, and she is also round

Running, running through the forest round hedgehog
Runs and sings that he himself looks like a circle
On a round back, his big apple is one
And it is also round, and also round it ...

Vestibular apparatus, mixes
Who is also to blame?
Which fails regularly
The most important apparatus
The vestibular apparatus! Vestibular!

I'm standing on my head
I sing this one
The song is quiet
I don't understand where the right is left
Left, right, everything is now a puzzle!
The world is easy to change!
Stand on your head and he is different
Only to make the head always at hand

Musical quiz "Guess the song by chorus"

Musical quiz guess the song by chorus33
Musical quiz "Guess the song by chorus"

Musical quiz »Guess the song by chorus":

Visiting a fairy tale
Come to visit us
Come to visit us,
The cat will tell you everything,
Because he saw everything himself.

Ah, how quiet and dark,
Oh, how wonderful and wonderful,
Ah, how scary and funny,
But in the end everything will be fine.

Song from the cartoon "Scarecrow-humido"
Once, two, morning!
Three four five!
Go to play!
Go to play!
Together with us
Go to play!
Hello morning!


Do not go to Africa for a walk
In Africa, the robber,
In Africa, a villain
Africa is terrible in Africa

Magic country where dolls come to life
Where a whole year is a game where children grow up.
A magic country with a fairy tale next door.
The magical country, as called childhood.

Song of a steam locomotive from Romashkov
Good in the world! Sunny, shine,
Wish us, the wind, a good way!
Good, good, good way,
The most good way!

Musical quiz “Guess the melody” for children - texts and melodies of songs from the cartoon “Masha and the Bear”

Musical quiz “Guess the melody” for children - texts and melodies of songs from the cartoon Masha and the bear
Musical quiz “Guess the melody” for children - texts and melodies of songs from the cartoon Masha and the bear

Musical quiz “Guess the melody” for children - texts and melodies of songs from the cartoon “Masha and the Bear”:

New Year's song
To us for a festive Christmas tree
We are waiting for guests from different places.
Everyone is not angry at all
Nobody eats anyone.

Even the snow runs skipping,
And not just going.
Opens like a book
Our cheerful New Year.

Everything is in a good mood
And the thorns hid the hedgehog,
And on the general birthday
This wonderful day is like.

About friendship
A stream rang, and you can hear
How to crack the ice on the river,
And drops with a wet roof
We are flowing for a scruff!
The river spilled in vain
She can’t separate friends!
Well, we are not scared together
Even to wet your legs.

Sunny bunnies jump in puddles,
The stream sparkles blue with a ribbon,
Drops are scattered with spray of freckles,
Only strong friendship cannot be poured with water.

About traces
Beast in the wake of any
I know how to find out!
Both giraffe and cow,
And the beetle and sparrow!

Whose traces wind these traces
Near forest roads?
This is walking through the forest
Nobility and wild!

No, not that! Wait, something ...
Did the beast go?
AND! This is a trace of a crocompet! ..
Or is it finging?

About jam
Here we have a crowd
This is me picked up
It is cooked by jam
That is, I cook him.

What is disgraced in the garden
What is growing on a tree,
Everything is useful for business
And it will fall into jam.

Under the laughter of childish flocks
The ice does not melt on the river,
And people run through
Hiding his nose in collars.
Everyone does not sit at home,
And laughter, like snow, sparkles,
When playing for bacons
Funny skates.

Three wishes
Who said that the miracle is ridiculous?
A dream will live in the heart while
On the azure watercolor of the sky
Clouds will swim like fish.

Choose a bait for good luck,
Do not hang your nose if it doesn’t bite!
Suddenly you catch a goldfish?
It means - definitely lucky!

And in a dream this will not dream.
Through three desires, make a bolder!
Do not forget to share with friends,
After all, miracles are not sorry for friends.

Congratulations on birthday
Smile, don't be sad
Wish on birthday
Happiness, joy, good luck and love!

May yours come true
On this holiday, this evening
Let your soul always
Shines like a star
And lightly light candles, candles will light up

Congratulations on birthday
Smile, don't be sad
Wish on birthday
Happiness, joy, good luck and love!

Vacation came - a wonderful time
And do not wake up at seven in the morning!
Let's go to Africa, go to Mars
And our school will not run away from us.

Vacations, holidays, goodbye, favorite class!
Vacations, holidays, we have been waiting for you for a long time!
Vacations, holidays, friends and entertainment!
Long live the holidays - after all, this is adventure!

Fish from the pond
Do not hit the bucks, friend,
Better take care of business
Always full things around,
Just do not be lazy - look around ...

Even a fish from a pond
You can’t get it without difficulty
This is true, not nonsense ...

Even a fish from a pond
You can’t get it without difficulty
Just without difficulty today - nowhere.

Call of the sky
The call of the sky is always true
Winged people young eagles ...
The sky calls the brave again,
He calls on flight - a distant flight.

There, visiting new planets
We will still find the answer -
There was life there or not.

Let them not wait for us in the star Dali,
But ships will fly to the ultimate goal ...
There will be a meeting, as if with a dream,
In the darkness of the night with a brave star.

The light of love
In captivity of cosmic rains,
In cold silence of nights
He lives a sadness of the unfamiliar
The warmth of the left house ...

Light of Love, Light Earth
Always with me, like a native house ...
The light of love, the light of the Earth,
You are like lights on a long road
In the world is endless ...

Musical quiz “Guess the melody, song” - texts and melodies of songs from the cartoon “Ivan the Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”

Musical quiz “Guess the melody, song” - texts and melodies of songs from the cartoon Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf
Musical quiz “Guess the melody, song” - texts and melodies of songs from the cartoon “Ivan the Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”

Musical quiz “Guess the melody, song” - texts and melodies of songs from the cartoon “Ivan the Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”:

Vasilisa's song
Ah, how romantic is it all
Very fabulous, unusual
I just and easily fly away
So far, very far
You will not find me, you will not catch
I will fly by - you won't know
It became so easy ... I fly away
So far, just far ...
Different paints: white, red,
I will color the sky
In waves of blue casually over the peaks
The wind will show me

The march of the heroes
The sun shines, the chicken pecks
Grain, grain
And the service is going on
Grain, grain
And the service is going on

"Listen to my team friend" -
Politruk will tell us strictly.
Stomp - the enemies will all shudder suddenly,
They shout to us: "Hurray!"

We will ask our friends
Strictly, did anyone go around?
Stomp - the enemies will all shudder suddenly,
They shout to us: "Hurray!"

The song of the scientist cat
Ears and tails are extremely important to us by scientists,
But there is no dreamer of wings.

For science, feelings and flowers are indifferent,
But to live not just without a dream.

So look around, maybe next to you ... ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha life
And make up quietly and lightly ... am! (What a yummy)

Just need to carefully, affectionately look
It is very important not to scare it here.

Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf - firefighters
Fired a sunset,
But we eat our bread for no reason,
We will instill in the wind instantly
We will only clarify the address.

Nearby we will stand together in a circle.
Steam: "Who smokes bamboo here?"
Demolish: everything around will go out,
We will shout "Hurray!"
Nearby we will stand together in a circle.
Steam: "Who smokes bamboo here?"
Demolish: everything around will go out,
We will shout "Hurray!"

Musical quiz “Guess the melody, song” - texts and melodies of songs from the cartoon “Luntik”

Musical quiz “Guess the melody, song” - texts and melodies of songs from the cartoon Luntik
Musical quiz “Guess the melody, song” - texts and melodies of songs from the cartoon “Luntik”

Musical quiz “Guess the melody, song” - texts and melodies of songs from the cartoon “Luntik”:

Song about vaccination
Nothing, a little to a little ...
(Kuzya: maybe not?)
Well, be patient for five minutes
The disease will run into the window -
And the health is right there!
Do not worry, children
Do not hide, ant
(Ant: And I don't hide)
We will vaccinate together -
We will be more healthy together!

Favorite song of caterpillars
We are not so stupid to play nonsense
We will better eat grass to become butterflies!
We are not so stupid, to play with the baby
Taras-params, Taras params to become butterflies!

Anthem of the caterpillars
We do not need friends at all, we are fine together!
About our cunning and deceit, we will sing a song to you!

A song about the mess
The kids plants flowers
And sweeps the paths
Clean leaves and grass
You look at beauty!
Ha ha ha da hehe-heh
Scatter the woods,
We scatter all the papers
Garbage, dirt and a bunch of dust -
What could be more beautiful?
Ha ha ha ha ha!

Anthem of the bees
Of course it will come true for centuries
Hooray, cheers, cheers!
We are highly fading over the Earth
Our wings are the virtues of the will!
No obstacle is afraid of us
Honor and courage - our reward
Hooray, cheers, cheers!

Musical quiz “Guess the melody, song” - texts and melodies of songs from the cartoon “Barboskina”

Musical quiz “Guess the melody, song” - texts and melodies of songs from the cartoon “Barboskina
Musical quiz “Guess the melody, song” - texts and melodies of songs from the cartoon “Barboskina

Musical quiz “Guess the melody, song” - texts and melodies of songs from the cartoon “Barboskina:

Barboskin - Santa
All year I am getting ready for Christmas,
I will sharpen my knife for children-uuu-uuu

Hou! Hou! Hou! I am Santa!
Hou! Hou! Hou! Under the fight of chimes
I am flying and my bag will fill my bag!

Star sky ...
The moon smiles at me
And I get into the chimney again.

School school school open
We came here to the kids,
Holding the flowers in the hands of the flowers.
And the dads, mothers were worried,
They gave the wise advice to us.
But time quickly ran
And we grew up a little bit,
And so I wanted a childish look
We still look at school
School, school, doors open,
School, school, lessons-rings,
School, school - teacher at the board
And we are warm with your love. (2 times)

Bugi-wool in styleoctopus
You ask the octopus,
This is a lot for a person,
And for him all the legs are not enough, he walks boldly along the bottom,
And not how to him the element, and I write poetry about him.
And if you give him one well-well-well-well-well.
PR: Bugi-Wui in styleoctopus
Bugi-wool in styles eight legs
Bugi-wool, in the style of octopus.
Bugi-wool in styles eight hands
Bugi-wool in styles eight legs
Bugi-wool, in the style of an octopus.

Happy birthday!
And I, and I, and I, and I congratulate you!
And I, and I, and I, and I congratulate you!

The morning of this day, the sky of this day,
In the bell of the ring, congratulate you
Happy birthday, and I, and I, and I congratulate you!
Happy birthday, and I, and I, and I congratulate you!

And today it was not for nothing that the earth was dressed up.
Because the Earth congratulates you
Happy birthday, and I, and I, and I congratulate you!
Happy birthday, and I, and I, and I congratulate you!

What is kindness
What is kindness?
What is kindness?
And you cannot see, and you cannot touch.
Kindness is when
Kindness is when
All friends to each other,
And everyone can fly!

Barboskin - you and me, we are friends
You and me, you and me
We're friends
Yes you and me, you and me
We're friends
You and me, you and me
We're friends
And you and me, you and me
We're friends

We are easy and simple with a friend
More fun with a friend
Let's say kids and adults
Take care of your friends
Loudly clapping his hands
I go with Barboskin
From the fact that the day is good
We sing this song
We sing this song

Musical quiz “Guess the melody, song” - texts and melodies of songs from the cartoon “Cold heart”

Musical quiz “Guess the melody, song” - texts of songs from the cartoon cold heart
Musical quiz “Guess the melody, song” - texts and melodies of songs from the cartoon “Cold heart”

Musical quiz “Guess the melody, song” - texts and melodies of songs from the cartoon “Cold heart”:

Elsa song Text
The blizzard will tame the slopes of the mountain peaks
And white white earth.
Silent Kingdom,
I became the queen.
And the wind groans and a hurricane on the heart.
I would have to restrain him, but I could not.
Do not open, keep a secret
Be a good girl for everyone.
Close all the feelings on the castle
But everything is in vain!

Song of little Anna Text
There are already snowdrifts outside the window,
The snowman has been waiting for us for a long time,
But I don't see me now,
Open the door
Only one thing is important to me.
After all, you and I are girlfriends!
But you are silent.
Admit why?
There are already snowdrifts outside the window
And you and I are like two snowdrifts.
I'm leaving ...

Olaf's song Text
No, but sometimes I like to close my eyes
And dream of what will happen when summer comes ...
Bumblebee buzzes, dandelions flies somewhere
And I step in the summer with a snow gait ...
Glass in his hand, warm sides on hot sand
A chic tan will give me a hot summer.

Again beyond the horizon
You just noise, ordinary ringing in my ears
Everything I hear, I will marry, you are just a longtime fear
All I loved, with me in these walls
Goodbye a faceless voice and forget about my dreams
The thorny path has gone and I don't wait for a new one
After all, I am afraid that I will stumble, since I will go for you ...

Ballad about the Achtohallen River Text
The edge is harsh in the sea of \u200b\u200bice
There is a river there - she remembers everything
Fall asleep soon, my light
And you will find the answer in that river

Her water is just diving
Everyone will tell and indicate the way
So trust the depth
But an extra step - and you are at the bottom ...

Where are you?
I'm trembling, cold on the skin
But it's not frost
So it is familiar
Like a glue of elusive dreams
I know close to you
Like my old friend
I came back
Finally came home

I stood like a fortress
Storing a secret for many years
I will understand you
So go out into the light ...

Eternal things
When the wind blew a little colder
And we became older
And the autumn breeze drives clouds across the sky
Red pumpkin now fertilizer
And my leaf became sadder and wiser
But not everything takes the time of the river

Yes, eternal things
How when we sing together
Our friendship and dear house
These walls granite our peace keeps
Very simple recipe
Things are eternal, so I will always be with you ....

Do what should - text
I saw darkness, she is bright
This is the ice, the thread is empty in the heart
The light remained in the past, the night has come
Looking into the abyss, I am ready to give in

I always followed you, walked to the end
But now I don’t understand how to live on
There are no feelings, only despair, I am alone
But I hear a voice deep down ...

I wander in the forest - Text
I left again ...
I called the trail of you again
And I guess
Do you need to follow you.
You're not from evil
I can understand this
I chose you myself with my fate

Well, if so
I will become a stranger to you
I lead the eternal pursuit behind your heart

Musical quiz “Guess the melody, song” - texts and melodies of songs from the cartoon “Fairytale Patrol”

Musical quiz “Guess the melody, song” - texts and melodies of songs from the cartoon Fairytale patrol
Musical quiz “Guess the melody, song” - texts and melodies of songs from the cartoon “Fairytale Patrol”

Musical quiz “Guess the melody, song” - texts and melodies of songs from the cartoon “Fairytale Patrol”:

The world is filled with secrets
Fairy tales and miracles.
Someone appeared there-
Someone disappeared here.

One ... guess is not easy for a rebus:
How do we find our right path!
Together we will be able to a fairy tale
Open the doors!

Fairytale patrol!
Reflects the sky rainbow colors,
You and I are looking for the key to our fairy tale!
The doors will open, a firebird will fly
There are miracles, we do not dream of it!

Kings, princesses, knights, dragons,
Choosing roles: they know us!
We open the wings, put on masks
We are different now!

The city of Myshkin
The city of Myshkin is our magical hail!
Here a character can leave any fairy tale!
And so that a miracle remains a miracle for people!
Our patrol, always ah! These fabulous doors ...

The old fairy tale says ...
The old fairy tale says
When a person is born,
The star in the sky will light up
To keep it forever!

Let! Let the straight line
She leads you to a dream.
Let it warm with your warmth,
And he will save from all troubles!

How to find out your girlfriend
How to find out your girlfriend
Among thousands of people
To take her hand
And go through life with her
Just look at each other
And we will feel warm
We know for sure we are with you
Very lucky

Joy in half
In half sad
For the native soul
Nothing sorry ...

Greeting Alenka

Hey girls!
I am Alenka!
I got up early today
Muson grabbed her.
Sororyan for being late,
I really hurried to you!
Rrr, p-r, thousand, k-au ...

Magic world, meet! text
Magic world, meet
Today with you are stars
Turn on in full
We speak seriously

Fairytale patrol
We will hardly start playing
Fairytale patrol
Everyone is drawn to dance
As soon as you bind
Applause sound
And we beat all the records
Competitors sob.

Lullaby for the dragon
The light has long passed
Only you are not sleeping
Eyes are clear cloud
Pour the baby
Sleep comes to the threshold
Get sleeping tightly
We will sing quietly
Bai, Bai, Bai Bai
Bai, Bai, Bai Bai
Bai, Bai, Bai Bai

Musical quiz “Guess the melody, song” - texts and melodies of songs from the cartoon “Rapunzel”

Musical quiz “Guess the melody, song” - texts and melodies of songs from the cartoon Rapunzel
Musical quiz “Guess the melody, song” - texts and melodies of songs from the cartoon “Rapunzel”

Musical quiz “Guess the melody, song” - texts and melodies of songs from the cartoon “Rapunzel”:

Rapunzel song "When I can start life"
At seven as usual, I meet the new dawn.
The floor is sweeping until it becomes clean.
Washing, cleaning, let everything sparkle.
The dust is brisk, there are almost seven fifteen on the clock.

And you can take the book, and preferably two and three.
A living pattern will decorate the walls from the inside.
I can play, knit and stove, but it would be better to know
When can I start life?

Rapunzel song "Mom Smarhes"
You know why we are in the tower
(I know but…)
Only here, with me, you will be intact.
I knew that this day would come!
The chick is more fun,
But you need to wait! (But)
TSS and understand. Mom is smarter!

Mom smarter, listen to your mother
The world of people is very terrible.
Mom is smarter, I won't lie
I know for sure to be trouble!

Rapunzel song "The Sun is a bright ray"
The sun is a bright ray,
Find the way in the darkness.
I ask you to return that it is so desirable for me.
The wounds healed
Light Light Pour.
I ask you to return that it is so desirable for me
I wish for me ...

Rapunzel song "I see light"
I sat for so many days at the window
I suffered for so many years, waited.
I lived and did not notice
How blind was.

The stars are so shining next to him,
A veil was sleeping next to him.
How in a dream it opened to me,
That my fate is here.

Musical quiz “Guess the melody, song” - texts and melodies of songs from the cartoon “Prostokvashino”

Musical quiz “Guess the melody, song” - lyrics from the cartoon Prostokvashino
Musical quiz “Guess the melody, song” - lyrics from the cartoon “Prostokvashino”

Musical quiz “Guess the melody, song” - texts of songs from the cartoon “Prostokvashino”:

Song of Matroskin
And I notice more and more often
That someone seemed to have replaced me.
I don't dream about the seas,
The TV was replaced by nature.
What was to forget yesterday,
From tomorrow,
From tomorrow!
Neither neighbors nor friends
Do not recognize me!
Do not recognize me!

If there was no winter
If there was no winter
In cities and villages,
We never knew
These days are funny.
I didn’t circle the baby
Near the snow woman,
I would not loop the skir
If, if, if ...
I would not loop the skir
If, if, if ...

Musical quiz “Guess the melody, song” - texts and melodies of songs from the cartoon “Well, wait”

Wait for it!
- Tell me, Snegurochka,
Where was it?
Tell me, dear,
How are you?
“I ran after you, Santa Claus,
I spilled a lot
Bitter tears.
-Come on, come on, dance to go out!
- No, Santa Claus, wait a minute!

For a week until the second I will leave for Komarovo
Look at the open eye at the Baltic Wave
And at sea I will be a ship and a diver at once
I will find myself in the abyss
If I will sunbathe for an hour
For a week until the second I will leave for Komarovo
I will find myself in the abyss
If I will sunbathe for an hour ...

Iceberg: Well, wait a minute!
- I'm like an iceberg in the ocean:
Everything floats in a continuous fog,
I see nothing around - -
White light, like white snow.
Well, someone wanders nearby
He looks in the back with a hot gaze.
Who is he really: a predator, or a person?
But I don't lose heart, I save myself, -
Nothing in the world will come true itself.
- And I'm as hungry as an iceberg in the ocean ...
And you are as beautiful as in the summer Eskimo.

"Flame", "No need to be sad!"
The rain swaying with a thick veil,
The rains are knocking in your window.
Today the dream has passed
And tomorrow, and tomorrow you will meet her.
No need to be sad, all life is ahead!
All life is ahead, hope and wait
The path in the forest smelled in the spring,
The Earth was open from sunny days.
Today love has passed
And tomorrow, and tomorrow you will meet her.

Earth in the porthole
Earth in the porthole
Earth in the porthole
Earth in the porthole is visible
How a son is sad about a mother as a son is sad about his mother
We are sad about the ground she is alone
And the stars are nevertheless, but the stars nevertheless
A little closer, but still cold
And as in the hours of the eclipse and as in the hours of the eclipse
We are waiting for light and earthly we see dreams
And we do not dream of the rumble of the cosmodrome
Not this icy blue, but we dream of grass
Green Green Green grass at the house

Musical quiz “Guess the melody, song” - texts of songs from the cartoon about the cat Leopold

Musical quiz “Guess the melody, song” - lyrics from the cartoon about the cat Leopold
Musical quiz “Guess the melody, song” - texts of songs from the cartoon about the cat Leopold

Musical quiz “Guess the melody, song” - texts of songs from the cartoon about the cat Leopold:

We will forget everything that was
I wanted to say for a long time
That it’s a pity to spend strength on a fight,
We need it for good deeds.
The sun shines brightly,
The sparrow chips.
Good to live in a white world is more fun.
I'm not a coward, I admit honestly

Good and bad
The rain went barefoot on the ground,
Maples clapped on the shoulders.
If a clear day is good.
And when, on the contrary, it is bad.
You can hear how they ring in the sky high
Sunny rays of strings.
If you are good, it's good.
And when, on the contrary, it is difficult!

I'm sitting all day
On a steep bank.
They float high
Clouds in the sky.
Gently squints
The sun is golden,
Cheerfully splashes
Blue river.
The stalk is trembling
A beetle buzz over me,
Mosquito squeak
It is heard slightly.
Gently squints
The sun is golden,
Cheerfully splashes
Blue river.

We will survive this trouble
I go and sing about everything good
And I give my smile to passers -by.
If in the heart I will not find an answer,
We will survive this trouble,
By the way, we will survive this.
In the sky, the sun shines highly bright.
How good it is to live in the world!
If the thunder flows suddenly in the middle of summer,
We will survive this trouble,
By the way, we will survive this.

Pedaling, twist
I twist, twist, pedal, twist,
From the mountain, from the mountain, from the mountain like a bird.
I hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry lightly
Towards the rainbow - an arc.
Let, let the road run into the distance,
Let the sadness not lie on the heart,
Everything is in the world on the shoulder
And with this song swing around the light,
Swing, where I want.
I have fun today
I have fun today
In the morning
I sing a song
About their affairs
And things are beautiful
Everything to me on the shoulder
And I will say, not boasting -
Mountains of the hook
Never lose
Don't lose your dreams
Firmly believe, know for sure:
You can do everything in the world.

Golden the sun is affectionately squinting. |
I'm sitting all day
On a steep bank.
They float high
Clouds in the sky.
Gently squints
The sun is golden,
Cheerfully splashes
Blue river.

The stalk is trembling
A beetle buzz over me,
Mosquito squeak
It is heard slightly.
Gently squints
The sun is golden,
Cheerfully splashes
Blue river.

If everything turns out
I have fun today in the morning
I sing a song about my affairs
And the things are beautiful - everything is on the shoulder
And I will say not bragging, a mountain of a hook.

Never lose
Do not lose your dreams.
Firmly believe, know firmly -
You can do everything in the world!

If everything turns out,
Do not fall in despair and do not hang your nose.
In the most difficult case, hold the tail with a pipe
And then everything will turn out by itself!

Musical quiz “Guess the melody” by the passage - a selection by March 8

Musical quiz “Guess the melody” by the passage - a selection by March 8
Musical quiz “Guess the melody” by the passage - a selection by March 8

Musical quiz “Guess the melody” by the passage - a selection by March 8:

Childhood begins with my mother's smile

Childhood begins with my mother’s smile,
From a lullaby, with surprised dreams.
Childhood begins with a grandfather's gate,
From the New Year tree, from the very first words.

Mom's holiday
The door opens - mom came,
The room is immediately brighter.
So only she smiles,
There is no smile mile.
Mommy has a lot of our worries,
But never - never
We will not forget us, it will always be suitable,
He will ask how our affairs.
Grandma - Best Girlfriend

We analyze the letters in books with my grandmother,
We play dolls with her and play football.
All your secrets whisper in her ear,
Because grandmother, because grandmother is the best girlfriend ...
Because grandmother, because grandmother is the best girlfriend ...

And I don't notice toys
One and the same I am stubbornly repeated:
"I'm waiting for you, I miss you, mom!"
And I don't notice toys
One and the same I am stubbornly repeated:
"I'm waiting for you, I miss you, mom!"

Mom and daughter

Where is spring, there are flowers and gifts,
Good songs familiar lines ...
On a clear day take a walk in the park
Mom and daughter are going.
The sun is a ray, thin as a thin one,
I forgot about frosts and blizzards.
Girls admire in the class:
"You and your mother are just like a girlfriend!"

Musical quiz "Guess the melody" by the passage for February 23

Musical quiz “Guess the melody” for the passage for February 23:

We walk like soldiers
We are growing boys with brave ones,
The time will come, we will all go to the army:
We will secure the homeland reliably,
So that people in it can sleep peacefully.

Brave soldiers
Brave soldiers with songs go,
And the boys follow joyfully.
Eh! Left! Left! They go with songs,
And the boys follow joyfully.

Heirs of Russia.
What remains for us in the inheritance
From our grandfathers and fathers?
Of course, a loving heart
To the land of the native - the basis of all the foundations.

My army
My army is strong, strong,
My army is brave, bold,
My army is proud, proud,
This song is about my army.
Our army is the strongest,
Our army is the most daring
Our army is the most proud!
And the holy defender of the children!

"Defenders of the Fatherland"
Today is a special day,
After all, the holiday is February 23!
Meet in every city
And every family knows him.
Let's see the photos.
On a bar for valor and honor
And let the uniforms are different,
But the homeland is only one.

Musical quiz “Guess the melody” by the passage - a selection for the New Year

Musical quiz “Guess the melody” by the passage - a selection for the New Year
Musical quiz “Guess the melody” by the passage - a selection for the New Year

Musical quiz “Guess the melody” by the passage - a selection for the New Year:

Lyrics of the song "New Year, Christmas tree, balls, crackers" Giant:
New Year, New Year, Christmas tree, balls, crackers.
New Year, New Year, disco, serpentine.
New Year, New Year, all gifts under the pillow,
We do not want to let go of the New Year anywhere.

Lyrics of the song "This is the New Year" of the barbarics:
What kind of holiday is this, full of songs of different,
And runs a cheerful, longest round dance?
All in the outfits are bright, children are waiting for gifts,
Because children know - New Year is coming soon!

The lyrics "And the snow comes, and the snow goes":
And the snow comes, and the snow goes
And everything around is waiting for something ...
Under this snow, under quiet snow,
I want to say at all:
“My most important person
Take a look at this snow with me -
He is clean, as something that I am silent,
What I want to say. "

Lyrics of the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest":
The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree,
She grew up in the forest
In winter and summer, slender, green was.
In winter and summer, slender, green was.
A snowstorm sang a song to her: “Sleep, Christmas tree, butai-bai!”
Frost wrapped with a snowball: "Look, do not freeze!"
Frost wrapped with a snowball: "Look, do not freeze!"

Lyrics of the song "Santa Claus"
On the paths through the village
Over a river without a bridge
Santa Claus is funny,
Singing just like that.
Chorus: Santa Claus, Santa Claus,
Beard icicle,
Red nose.
Santa Claus, Santa Claus,
Beard icicle, red nose.

Video: Musical quiz for elementary grades

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