The male name Ruslan - which means: description of the name. The name of the boy Ruslan: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

The male name Ruslan - which means: description of the name. The name of the boy Ruslan: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

Ruslan is the name of a strong man who is used to seeking everything in life. Read more in the article.

It has long been believed that the further life of the personality depends on the name of the name. It can tell a lot about a person, allow you to touch the invisible "I" and develop its strengths.

Read on our website another interesting article on the topic: "Male name Rinat and Renat - which means: description of the name". You will learn about his secret, meaning, decryption, characteristic, fate, etc.

Name Ruslan Usually a person is very proud, power -loving and rebellious. With his appearance, he resembles a lion, enjoys special success among women and boasts great respect. Read more about what else gives this naming to a person is described in this article. Read further.

What does the name Ruslan according to the church calendar mean?

In Orthodoxy, this name is not canonized, therefore, in the holy (church calendar) it cannot be found. During the baptism of the baptism, the boy is given another adult. Usually, his parents choose him, relying on the church calendar (the day of memory of the saint is closest to the date of birth of the child) or consonant with Ruslan. For example, Rostislav or Roman.

  • Rostislav means in Orthodoxy "glorious". Translated from Old Russian - "Growing glory", "The one whose glory is growing."
  • Novel It came from the word Romanus, which translates as "Roman" or "Roman". Translated from Greek Novel means "Strong, strong."
  • Rustik In honor of the Rusty of Paris - a famous saint in the Orthodox Church. The name means in Orthodoxy "rustic".

Of course, you can choose other names for the baby’s baptism. But for this it is better to consult with the priest.

Saint patron named after Ruslan

Saint patron named after Ruslan
Saint patron named after Ruslan

Saint patrons named Ruslan There is no calendar in the Orthodox calendar. Many consider the patron saint of people with this name - a holy martyr Rusty Parisian. Presbyter Rustik accompanied St. Dionysius and Deacon Eleuteria in wanderings in Western countries. The Orthodox confessors managed to convert to Christianity many inhabitants of Rome, Germany, Spain, but pagan pursuers overtook the followers of Christ. They spent several days in imprisonment, and then they were publicly executed.

The great martyr Rustik is revered by the Russian Orthodox Church. In the St. Danilovsky Monastery (Moscow) there is an icon with the face of St. Rusty of Paris.

The secret of the name Ruslan

The owner of the name Ruslan He managed to combine bright, but opposing features. At the same time, it is selfish, freedom -loving and very gentle. A man is the personification of the word harmony. At first glance, absolutely everything seems perfect in it. He is cheerful and beautiful, very charming and is always ready to support. This is the main secret of this adversary.

The shadow side speaks of something completely different. Sometimes Ruslan It is difficult to cope with the alluring temptation. He will not endure if Fortune suddenly leaves him. The man is used to the fact that he does not need to try to achieve the goal. When everything begins to fall out of his hands, he becomes simply unbearable. The development of certain features depends on the worldview of the person himself, his environment and other aspects of life that can have a great influence.

Name Ruslan: Russian or not, what nationality is the name Ruslan?

According to one of the recognized versions Ruslan - This is a name that does not belong to the Russians, but has oriental roots of origin. By nationality, it is considered Turkic.

Name Ruslan: origin and meaning, popularity


In the Iranian ethnic group of the Persian poet "Shakhname" a hero named Rustam. After hundreds of years later, songs and legends appeared in the work of the Turkic peoples, singing this hero, only he is already mentioned under the name Arslan. Translated from Turkic, it sounds like "a lion".

  • The close ties of Kievan Rus with nomadic tribes contributed to the appearance or origin of the new name, only in Russian, it already sounded like Eruslan.
  • Gradually, a new character appears in folklore - the hero Eruslan Lazarevich.
  • In Russian fairy tales, he is mentioned as a strong, fearless and brave warrior, on the account of which a huge number of exploits.

The name acquired the usual form in Russia much later, and popularity came only after the release of the poem A. S. Pushkin "Ruslan and Lyudmila". Now only 6 boys out of 1000 are called this ad).

Ruslan - Deciphering a name from Greek

Most common, famous and popular names arose in ancient Greece. Unlike them Ruslan - Eastern, so you will not meet him in any interpreter of the Greek names, which means that he does not have a decoding with Greek.

From the Staro-Candinavian language name Ruslan (or rysaland) translates as "Russian land", from the Turkic - as "Russian Leo", while in Slavic, this adversation denotes "Blond".

The name Ruslan in English, Latin, different languages

Spelling and pronunciation of any name in different countries have their own characteristics and aspects. Ruslan - There is no exception that has many analogues around the world. This is how it is written and pronounced in English, Latin, different other languages:

The name Ruslan in different languages
The name Ruslan in different languages

How is the name Ruslan written in the passport?

According to the generally accepted rules for writing personal data in documents acting outside the country, Latin letters are used. Based on this trend, Ruslan In the passport - Ruslan.

If you need to translate other data to Latin, then you can use the site. Insert the word in shape and click on top "In translite". In a second, the result will appear.

Ruslan: What is the abbreviated short name, diminutive?

There are a huge number of forms of a name applicable to Ruslan. Here are abbreviated short names:

  • Lanik
  • Ruslanchik
  • Rusik
  • Lan
  • Ruechka
  • Rus
  • Ruslanushka
  • Rus
  • Rasel et al.

In each family for a child, you can come up with your own version of a diminutive form of a name. It will be the most favorite and sweet name for you.

Ruslan: The meaning of the name, character and fate

A purposeful and bright person always attracts a lot of attention. It has a huge number of positive qualities, is always surrounded by people and never stops half the way to the goal. Many envy him, because the owner of the name is good in absolutely everything. He makes the right decisions, is not afraid of mistakes and does not look back. This is the meaning of the name Ruslan.


  • The image of an ideal man and a beautiful leader hides a quick -tempered chlerik.
  • Excessive jealousy often interferes with building relationships with the second half, and excessive pride does not allow many friends to make.
  • Negative features of the characters begin to appear in childhood.
  • You should not encourage them, because Ruslan And so, by nature, a spoiled egoist who often thinks only of his own good.
  • For the sake of cherished praise and love, a man is ready to go to anything.
  • He, by his nature, resembles a chameleon, easily adapting to any conditions.


  • Around in a man attracts a great sense of humor and the ability to sensibly assess the situation.
  • Its thinking is often different from others. He is not afraid to express his opinion, stubbornly proves point of view and loves to argue.
  • In the future, Ruslan hopes to gain fame.
  • Wealth and fame always attract him.

Ruslans usually achieve in life what they want. But for this, a person must have ambitions, otherwise he will be a simple person who confidently goes to his goal.

What patronymic suits the boy to the name Ruslan: compatibility with male names

The most well -combined patronymics that are suitable for the boy to the name Ruslan, count:

  • Ivanovich
  • Borisovich
  • Petrovich
  • Andreevich
  • Sergeyevich
  • Vladimirovich
  • Gennadievich

A very sonorous and bright in nature, the name will look best with no less noticeable male names in the form of patronics. Poor compatibility will be with complex patronymics that descended from the old names: Veniaminovich, Gavrilovich, Artamonovich, Silantievich, as well as Ruslanovich and others.

When is the name day, the day of the Angel at Ruslan on the Orthodox calendar?

The Angel Day is most often celebrated on the day of man’s baptism in the church. Namedays are the day of veneration of the memory of the patron saint by the Orthodox calendar. These are different dates, so you should not confuse them. In the list of names mentioned in the saints, Rustic Parisian is considered the closest to the name of Ruslan. His date of veneration of memory is October 3.

Congratulations on the Day of the Angel Ruslan are short in verses and prose

If your relative or friend by name Ruslan Soon the day of the angel or name day, then congratulate it in an original way. This can be done in verses. A person will never forget such a surprise. Here are the short congratulations in verses and prose:

Congratulations on the Day of the Angel Ruslan short in prose
Congratulations on the Day of the Angel Ruslan short in prose
Congratulations on the Day of the Angel Ruslan short in prose
Congratulations on the Day of the Angel Ruslan short in prose
Congratulations on the Day of the Angel Ruslan short in verses
Congratulations on the Day of the Angel Ruslan short in verses
Congratulations on the Day of the Angel Ruslan short in verses
Congratulations on the Day of the Angel Ruslan short in verses
Congratulations on the Day of the Angel Ruslan short in verses
Congratulations on the Day of the Angel Ruslan short in verses

Song with the name Ruslan

Another stylish present on the birthday, on the day of the angel or name day is a song with a name. Of course, you can compose it yourself on the motive of some familiar composition. But, if you do not know how to find the right rhyme, we will help. Here are songs with a name Ruslan:

Video: Happy Birthday Ruslan

Video: Song about Ruslan

Video: Macca Mezhieva - Ai Ruslan! You are my brother

Tattoo named Ruslan

Any tattoo on the body has a special meaning for the owner. Some in this way give a special charm of their own name, others make it to always remember their beloved. Here are options for a tattoo named Ruslan:

Tattoo named Ruslan
Tattoo named Ruslan
Tattoo named Ruslan
Tattoo named Ruslan

Suspension with the name Ruslan from gold: photo

One of the most popular jewelry was pendants with a name. Any owner feels an invisible connection with him that can give harmony and endow with self -confidence. Such an original suspension with a name from gold will become a favorite addition to the image and will definitely attract the views of others. Here is a photo of the pendant named Ruslan From gold and with the patron saint of this advent - Parisian rustic:

Suspension with the name Ruslan from gold
Suspension with the name Ruslan from gold
Suspension with a patron saint of gold
Suspension with a patron saint of gold

Name Ruslan: intuition, intelligence, morality

A man named Ruslan endowed with birth intellect. He easily achieves success in all the affairs, loves to study and loves work. The owner of the name always chooses the profession that he likes. Often he becomes a good lawyer. Perfectly developed intuition Helps not only in the working, but also the personal sphere. He always understands when they hide the truth from him.

The sixth feeling does not deceive in choosing a second half. The man knows whether the woman is next to him. It is quite difficult to be next to a person equal in spiritual strength. Own place Ruslan He is not going to give in to anyone, but always glad to meet with the enemy, whom he will consider as smart as himself. It is quite difficult to build friendly relations.

Behind the outwardly an impregnable mask, sensual nature is hidden. Ruslan Particularly sensitive to beauty, he is able to see her where others are not destined. Nature endowed it with excellent acting abilities and artistic talents. He dreams of dividing his knowledge and feelings with his loved one. In his woman, a man should be sure exactly the same as in himself. That's why moral He has in the first place.

Name Ruslan: hobbies, activities, business

Men with a name Ruslan Sometimes it is difficult to decide on plans for the near future, the choice of a profession is considered an equally difficult task. Others can consider this person talented in absolutely any activity. It has pronounced leadership qualities, hardness of character and judgment. Therefore, an excellent businessman will come out of such a person.

The owners of the name are never looking for easy ways. Most often they make a choice in favor of a position that makes you think. Excellent will come out of Ruslan journalist. He can easily get to the bottom of the truth, is known as a wonderful speaker and is never afraid to express his own position. All the necessary character traits are available for a talented lawyer. Success is also waiting in politics.

Ability to play in public at Ruslan in blood. Excellent acting abilities help not only at work, but also in ordinary life. It easily becomes the soul of any company, quickly has people and gains all the necessary information, hiding behind the mask of charm. Hobbies in childhood are usually associated with acting - studios, mugs, etc.

Name Ruslan: Health and psyche

The owner of the name Ruslan Praised strong health. He is extremely rare and does not suffer even in the season of serious diseases. The only minus for his general condition is an excessive love for alcohol. Quite often, this person drinks, never refuses a glass during a feast with his comrades and often tries to forget himself with strong drinks. Alcohol is considered one of the few weaknesses.

There is a probability of acquiring a mental disorder. Very zealously the owner of the name defends his point of view, often comes into conflicts and refuses to lose in disputes. He exhausts his body with constant quarrels. Family troubles or omissions with a second half can cause protracted depression. At this moment, you need to monitor your psyche.

Usually Ruslan It stands out from the crowd due to the impeccable appearance. He devotes a huge amount of free time to care for himself, visits sports halls and always tries to keep the body in good shape.

Name Ruslan: Sexuality, marriage

The male Ruslan It is especially popular among women. He himself loves to look gorgeous, clinging to himself the eyes of others. His confidence and the desire to show himself often become the main reason for the love of numerous fans. Ruslan is often called Lovelass. Official relations or bonds He is in no hurry to constrain himself, has nothing against light affairs and short novels. A man sometimes only studies the fair sex, although they hope for a wedding and creating a family in the future.

Girls easily fall in love with Ruslan. They are attracted to him sexuality. They consider him not like everyone else, they feel free nearby and feel permissiveness. Such is a man only at first glance. When the chosen one bothers him, he abruptly breaks off all the connections. Parting for a young man means a complete cessation of communication. In an instant, he turns from a true gentleman and a polite handsome man into a shameless boor and an egoist who cares only about his own good.

Such a person sees the companion of life soft and calm. It is easier for him to find a common language with a woman who will be weaker and will easily obey him. He dreams that they would be admired, walked and cherished, while continuing to endure all the shortcomings, and a man has enough of them. Entering a relationship, he is transformed. The main reason for conflicts between lovers most often becomes unreasonable jealousy of the representative of the stronger sex. Even the random gaze of a passerby, which allowed himself to give his beloved attention, can bring him out of a state of balance.

In the bed Ruslan I'm used to dominating. He feels like a king, forcing his partner to experience new sensations, but does not like to remain unsatisfied. A man changes girls like gloves. He likes the variety, but boredom annoys.

What zodiac sign is the name Ruslan?

Astrologers believe that it is best to call a child Ruslan, if his zodiac sign belongs to the earthly element. The most common option is Virgo.

  • By nature, such a person is very powerful, but at the same time calm and reasonable.
  • Pretense and rigidity in decision -making attracts representatives of the opposite sex.
  • Ruslan It seems impregnable and distant.
  • He is able to open up only with someone who will truly trust.
  • A man is inclined to suppress emotions.
  • The features of his character are fully revealed in this zodiac sign.

Sometimes he is too offensive and jealous, but he will never tell others about his experiences. Friends and relatives can only come to terms with his shortcomings, because he himself does not consider them such.

Stone-the-dumpman to the name Ruslan

Men's ring with a talisman stone-adventurine
Men's ring with a talisman stone-adventurine

An ideal amulet of the name Ruslan Aventurine is considered. It is no coincidence that the stone got this name. It is suitable for workaholics, who are sometimes difficult to break away from work and distract. This talisman helps to relax, start to look at things and relieve stress. Excessively emotional and delicate natures do not buy such a amulet, which is impossible to say about the cold Ruslan. The amulet will help keep feelings under control.

The owner of the name has a weakness for gambling. Most often, luck accompanies him, but sometimes leaves. A man is especially acutely perceiving the loss of fortune, which the amulet will help. He returns lost self -confidence, makes him look at things sensibly and not allow people to touch the inner ego with caustic remarks. Aventurine also aggravates attention, thanks to him, bluff and lies are noticeable from afar. The holder of the amulet feels an incredible burden next to those who are trying to deceive him.

Flower, plant, wood-dalisman for the name Ruslan

Totemy plants help to look inside their consciousness, to deal with the psychology of personality and develop qualities in the right direction. True interpretation of the information received guarantees the receipt as a result of a clear analysis of complete harmony.

Ruslan - Dandelion flower
Ruslan - Dandelion flower

Flower name Ruslan - Dandelion. It has long been considered a source of light. It symbolizes the sun, protects from the evil eye and infidelity. A pure and kind plant, at first glance, is in no way connected with such a bright and extraordinary personality. Inside the owner of the name hides a delicate and vulnerable soul, desperately in need of love. It helps to attract dandelion. Often, amulets are created from it to help to achieve success in all endeavors and, especially, in her personal life.


The plant is olive. She became a totem due to connection with the most outstanding features of Ruslan. Among them are determination and firmness. The owners of the name are quite rarely lost in spirit. On the contrary, they always encourage others and give excellent tips. The man always stubbornly goes to his dream, despite all the difficulties found in the way.

Delisman tree named-oak
Delisman tree named-oak

The dalisman tree is oak. The symbol of harmony and wisdom comes to mind first at the mention of Ruslan. Others usually characterize it as a serious and calm person, especially if it concerns the adoption of important decisions. He always evaluates different positions, looks at what is happening from a different angle, trying to predict the possible consequences in the future. Such qualities make Ruslan a wonderful diplomat. Quite often, the last word remains behind him, and the outcome of the whole situation depends on the foregoing. Its decisions are distinguished by a firm position and are based solely on facts or life experience.

Totem animal named after Ruslan

Totem animal named after Ruslan
Totem animal named after Ruslan

Translated by the name Ruslan The secret lies. From the Turkic it means "a lion". It is the king of animals that is considered the patron saint of this advent or totem animal. He gives pride and desire to lead others. Often, the name of the name become the heads of large companies, the rest consider it authority and often seek advice. Behind the outer royal and cold mask hides an ardent nature.

  • RuslanLike a lion, does not like to stay in the shade.
  • He admires himself, it may seem too narcissistic or distant.
  • The man feels best in the society of people best.
  • He enjoys the attention of others, often becomes the soul of the company.
  • Open merryman, who does not love to miss, radiates energy.

At work and with friends, Ruslan seems to be a completely different person. At the same time, two warring individuals are combined in it. For some, he can become an excellent adviser and faithful comrade, and for others - a strict boss capable of expeling from work for any fault. The man tries to get rid of every inner weakness. He stubbornly goes to his goal with his head raised, forcing the enemies to envy his success.

Numerology named after Ruslan

In the name of each person according to numerology, numbers are encrypted that can help him understand himself and even try to predict the future. Each has a number that brings luck and characterizes a person.

  • Ruslan is suitable for 6. It is a symbol of honesty and justice.
  • The owner of the name can easily understand any question. It is distinguished by hard work and attentiveness.
  • A man can see in the case the details inaccessible to the rest.
  • Most often, he puts his career in the first place, confidently goes to his goal and does not allow anyone to prevent the implementation of plans he planned.

Failures Ruslan Do not scare. He is sure that he is ready to cope with any difficulties. The owner of the name never hopes for help from the outside. He hates any manifestations of weakness. The money of the stronger sex has always attracted. They can get material wealth honestly, as always they wanted. Luxurious life is the main goal. Ruslan I would like not to take care of the amounts that you have to spend, and enjoy wealth.

Outside of work, the man is very sociable. A bright personality is able to fall in love with anyone who is nearby. It is quite easy for him to gain trust and arrange people to himself. His extraordinary views on life, the ability to correctly conduct a dialogue and knowledge of how better to submit themselves, exhibit a “six” in the best light.

Pseudonym to the name Ruslan

The most popular nicknames of the name Ruslan are considered Blond and Rus. Quite often, friends or relatives can call the name of the name. Inventing an extraordinary pseudonym, you can also seek help to the very origins. Ruslan comes from another name - Arslanwhich is consonant with another call - Aslan. The latter may be familiar thanks to a series of films "Chronicles of Narnia." That was the name of the ruler of a magical country, which was a lion, which also indicates a resemblance to the name Ruslan.

Here are another options:

  • Ruslanch
  • Roussian
  • Rus_lan
  • Russilidze
  • Russik
  • Nagibator Rusishche
  • Reaching of the channel
  • Ruslyash
Pseudonym to the name Ruslan
Pseudonym to the name Ruslan
Pseudonym to the name Ruslan
Pseudonym to the name Ruslan

Famous people, celebrities named Ruslan

The owners of this name are always very vivid personalities who often achieve great success. They like to swim in the rays of glory and enjoy attention. The fame of men does not blind at all, it gives them self -confidence. Representatives of the stronger sex always know the measure, so they often break off their careers at the peak itself.

  • Among Russian celebrities and famous people, the first to come to mind is the popular comedian Ruslan Bely. It is considered one of the brightest participants in the Standup show.
  • Talented Muratov I became famous thanks to the magnificent musical data. The composer boasts great achievements.
  • In the field of sports are known hockey players Batyrshin, Nurtdinov and the football player is a collapse.
  • Born in Belarus, pop singer Alekhno He became the author of many hits, took part in several television projects and represented his country at the Eurovision Song Contest in 2008.
Famous people, celebrities named Ruslan
Famous people, celebrities named Ruslan

Having learned more about your name, you can begin to study the personality. A person who knows about his shortcomings correctly corrects them. The owner of the name boasts a wonderful mind, magnificent external data, and the fair sex will not be able not to mention charisma. In the formation of character, it is important to pay attention to positive aspects, try to get rid of selfishness and abandon excessive pride.

Video: Ruslan. Meaning and secret of the name

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