Male name Maxim - which means: description of the name. The name of the boy Maxim: The Secret, the meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

Male name Maxim - which means: description of the name. The name of the boy Maxim: The Secret, the meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

Name Maksim It goes deep in history. Its carriers were distinguished by talent, thoughtfulness, versatility and a little despotism. Many great people bear this name, endowing it with special meaning.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "The male name Nazar - which means: description of the name". You will learn about the secret, the meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decryption, characterization, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality.

The name itself has powerful energy and gives its owner many positive qualities. More details are described in the article below. Read further.

What does the name Maxim in the church calendar mean?

In the church calendar, the name is marked by saints and a considerable number of dates dedicated to them. It is worth noting that most saints with the name Maksim, I had to experience persecution. Their distinctive features were resistance, dedication and powerful spirit, despite what they had to go through, they fought for the purity of faith to the last. Therefore, such adversation means "Big", "majestic", "noble".

The patron saint of the name Maxim

In people named Maksim Many patrons. Especially it is worth highlighting Maxim the Confessor and Maxim GreekOrthodox Christians revered to this day.

  • February 3rd The memory day of two saints Maxims is celebrated - two people who lived at different times. They are separated by almost a thousand years, while they were united not only by the name, but also by the amazing similarity of lives.
  • The main value was the truth, both fought for the purity of teaching and faith, devoting all their lives to this, are the patrons of scientists and students.

It is also worth noting Maxim Blessedwho was considered to be the saints after they began to talk about miraculous cases of healings at his grave. The church in which the grave was located was burned, but the remains were not injured. In its place, a stone church was erected, consecrated in honor of him, where the relics of the saint were transferred.

The secret of the name Maxim


It is worth highlighting the main features of the name, such as caring, darkenness, authority, a gift of belief, the ability to keep secrets, sound mind, a sense of harmony, hard work. This is the main secret of this adversary.

  • The carriers of this name are characterized by rationalism and judgment, they are good manipulators and are prone to publicity, but do not crave glory.
  • Nature endowed Maxim From birth to ambition, openness and straightforwardness, thirst for knowledge and curiosity. It may even sometimes seem that he sometimes leaves too much in the topics of interest to him. But it is worth paying tribute to his efforts to delve into his favorite business and bring the result to the ideal.

The environment and the environment in which such a person is located is extremely important. It is support, a sense of own significance and the importance of what he does, are for him the best incentive.

Name Maxim: Russian or not, what nationality is the name Maxim?

The nationality of the name is of great importance, like its history, only by studying exhaustive information can be added to a complete performance.

  • It is believed that the name Maksim It came to us from ancient Rome, from the famous family and in turn greatly evolved.
  • There are related names such as Maximilian, Maximianbut they have their own story.

The name is widespread in:

  • Russia
  • Belarus
  • Ukraine
  • Bulgaria
  • Serbia
  • Czech Republic
  • Croatia
  • Slovakia
  • Hungary
  • Romania
  • The Netherlands
  • Montenegro and many other countries

In this case, you can sometimes hear quite interesting variations of sound. Therefore, it can be said with the confidence that this is the russian and at the same time has another different nationality.

Name Maxim: origin and meaning, popularity

Name Maksim has Latin roots, and one of the versions was once a generic call and sounded like "Maximus". There are disputes about the time and history of the origin of this call, however, that it came from Rome is not disputed.

  • In Rome, it was majestic and mainly called the children of the nobility, putting success and the desire for victory in the meaning.

In the 19th century the name Maksim It has become quite popular with us. Gradually, the excitement fell silent and a new outbreak fell on the 70s of the 20th century. Now the name is included in the ten most popular.

Maxim - decoding a name from Greek

Translated from the Greek name Maksim means "greatest". However, there are other values \u200b\u200bthat are most often used:

  • Great
  • Majestic
  • The biggest
  • Maximum

At the same time, such features as slowness and inactivity were attributed to carriers of the name, but still such men were considered very reliable and strong -willed people.

Name Maxim in English, Latin, different languages

The name is quite common in different countries and may sound differently.

  • In England, for example, it will be pronounced as “Maxim” or “Max”
  • Portugal - "Masima"
  • Spain - "Maximimo"
  • Italy - "Massimo"
  • Poland - "Maxym"
  • In Latin, the name originally sounded like "Maximus"

This is how the name is written Maksim In English, Latin, different languages:

Name in different languages
Name in different languages

How is the name Maxim written in the passport?

Transliteration of the name is very important when filling out documents. In a foreign passport, the name will be correctly written as Maksim, by no means maxim, it will be a mistake. Necessarily the data is indicated in large in -in -law letters - Maksim. All other options are considered incorrect.

If you need to translate other data for foreign documents, then use the site. Insert the words into the form and click on the "translation". In a couple of seconds, the result will appear.

Maxim: What is the abbreviated short name, diminutive?

There are names to which it is difficult to choose a diminutive-abutive options, but Maxim Lucky, there is something to choose from.

In short, you can contact:

  • Max
  • Sim
  • Maxi

Or you can say more tenderly:

  • Maxik
  • Makya
  • Maxyuta
  • Sima
  • Maxyusha
  • Maxim
  • Maximum
  • Maksutka
  • Maximimo

Here are a few more short and diminutive options:

A short version of the name
A short version of the name

Someone may more like the sound of this name in other languages.

Maxim: The meaning of the name, character and fate

The meaning of the name lies not only in its sound, but also in separate letters:

  • M - diplomacy, love of harmony and comfort
  • A - hard work, strong leadership qualities
  • K - mystery, endurance, tact and insight
  • C - impulsiveness, power, the ability to analyze
  • And - energy, curiosity, spirituality, romance

Maksim He loves attention to himself and communication. The world around him is a certain battery, inspiration and strength to new achievements are drawn from it. He loves to get acquainted with new people, but does not forget about old friends, appreciates loyalty and devotion.

By nature, this person is used to achieving your goals, achieving an impeccable result. However, often not patient enough and may not prefer long -term prospects, but momentary success. Maxim loves to be in the spotlight and large companies where he must certainly shine, we must admit it well.

The fate of this person is usually good. Likes to work and achieve your goals.

What patronymic suits the boy to the name Maxim: compatibility with male names

Name Maksim It goes well with soft male names, for example:

  • Ivan Ivanovich
  • Alexey - Alekseevich
  • Andrey - Andreevich
  • Vitaly - Vitalievich
  • Nikolai - Nikolaevich
  • Sergey - Sergeevich
  • Anatoly - Anatolyevich
  • Valery - Valerievich

What other patterns are suitable for the boy with this name? It goes well with more ringing patronymics:

  • Alexandrovich
  • Igorevich
  • Eduardovich
  • Grigoryevich
  • Yurievich

It is worth choosing based on a complete combination of surname, name and patronymic. All these personal data should be combined and sound beautifully.

When is the name day, the day of the Angel at Maxim on the Orthodox calendar?

It is worth noting that the name of the Angel is different dates. Name days are celebrated on the day of the memory of the patrons, and the day of the Angel is the day of the baptism of man in the church.

Name day for the Orthodox calendar at the name Maksim in the year several times - in every month:

  • January - 26, 29 and 31 January
  • February - 3, 12 and 19 February
  • March - March 4 and 19
  • April - April 2 and 23
  • May - 4, 1, 13 and 27
  • June - June 1 and 30
  • July - July 4
  • August - 12, 13, 24 and 26 August
  • September - 2, 18 and 28 September
  • October - October 8 and 22
  • November - 5, 10, 12, 20 and 24 November
  • December - December 5 and 19

This day has this nationwide more than 30 times a year. However, for each specific person with such a name, this holiday is celebrated on the next day of the memory of the patron saint after the birthday.

Congratulations on the Day of the Angel Maxim are short in verses and prose

For many people, an angel's day means no less than a birthday. On this occasion, there are many different options for congratulations - beautiful, funny and interesting. Will be originally congratulated on the day of the angel Maxim Briefly in verses and prose:

Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day

Song named Maxim

Contractors did not bypass the name Maksim. Songs can be found many both from famous performers - Ice Baby Caste Aquarium, and from lovers.

Video: Aquarium - Maxim forester

Video: Songs with names: Song about Maxim Max | Happy Birthday Max Maxim

Video: I love you Maxim - a song of love in the name

Video: Happy Birthday Maxim - Birthday Song

Video: Song about Max

Tattoo named Maxim

Tattoos with this name are bright accents, for example, fuchsia, which is a talisman of the name, fire and water. Some abstract drawings with a riot of colors that display the ardor will look beautiful Maxim Or, on the contrary, you can give preference to restraint and classical style. Here is a tattoo named:

Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named

Suspension with the name Maxim from gold: photo

The suspension can be an excellent gift and a memorable thing. There are neat and delicate jewelry, and there are those on which additional information can be applied. Such a suspension will delight for many years and inspire memories.

Of course, a man is unlikely to wear such a jewelry, but the product made of gold can be presented to a woman. She will put him on a sign of veneration, respect or love. She can also give her a pendant with the first letter of his name - stylish and original. And for yourself Maxim You can present a pendant with the face of the patron saint as a gift. Here are a photo of gold pendants:

Suspension with the name of gold
Suspension with the name of gold
Suspension with a face of a saint of gold
Suspension with a face of a saint of gold
Suspension with the letter of the first name of gold
Suspension with the letter of the first name of gold
Suspension with the letter of the first name of gold
Suspension with the letter of the first name of gold

Name Maxim: Intuition, Intelligence, Morality

Books from childhood are weak Maxim. This is one of the main hobbies of such a boy. At a young age, he prefers science fiction, plunging headlong into the magical world. Over time, there is an interest in psychology and even esotericism. For him, as a sociable personality, the secrets and psychology of communication are quite interesting.

  • Maksim Undoubtedly an intellectual personality, who is a good diplomat, which helps him to influence others.
  • In addition, he knows how to convince that he often plays an important role in his life.
  • Unfortunately, he does not always use his abilities, prefers to swim with the flow, thereby making mistakes in choosing a specialty, place of work, position.
  • However, if necessary, he knows how to instantly make decisions in any situations, which is helped by intuition, which is well developed.
  • She paired with his knowledge of psychology can work miracles. Even in the most difficult situations, thanks to the combination of these qualities, Maxim is not lost.

For him, the morality and generally accepted moral and ethical norms that he adheres to. But sometimes he tends to change these norms, especially if someone has stood in the way. It is worth noting that such a person is characterized by restraint, flexibility and endurance. At the right points, he evaluates himself objectively and knows exactly what he is capable of and what is not.

Name Maxim: Hobbies, Activities, Business

Maksim A self -sufficient personality and will always find a lesson. It was said above that one of his favorite hobbies is reading. He also loves traveling and sports, painting and design, cooking. The interests of such a person are versatile. He will be happy to take up any work, provided that she is interesting to him. However, it is not ready to independently conduct your business, since it is not a load of responsibility for others.


  • Although this name gives the carrier an entrepreneurial vein, indecision develops with age, not allowing him to reveal as an entrepreneur.
  • This person also interferes with the lack of flair in financial matters.
  • Therefore, a partner who will supplement it is necessary, ideally, if it is a good friend or acquaintance who has gained confidence.
  • Maksim In turn, it is perfectly revealed as an organizer and a strategist who can analyze, plan and make decisions.

This man is suitable for creative professions in various fields of activity:

  • Painter
  • Photographer
  • Writer
  • Actor
  • Journalist
  • Designer

Success is also possible:

  • In politics
  • Scientific activity
  • Sports
  • Engineering
  • Medicine
  • Banking case
  • Construction
  • Architecture

Enrichment is not for such a person the main goal of work. He can be content with the average income, not striving for growth in ordinary or little positions of his positions. However, if such a person is in the sphere that interests him, he will show workaholism and will bring the work begun to perfection.

Name Maxim: Health and psyche

MaksimHaving a good intuition, he is inclined to listen to his body and relate to his health rather carefully.

  • Caution and attentiveness help him to avoid injuries both at work and in everyday life.
  • He always tries to comply with the rules and precautions, which allows him to pass many diseases.

For such a person, early growing up and independence is characteristic, and despite his talent to think through everything, he has a slight carelessness. As a result of this, situations that are out of the rut often arise. Support is important for him and sometimes needs help to direct strength in the right direction. But this should be done as delicately as possible, since such a person is quite sensitive.

Maksim Impulsive personality prone to whims and depression. The consequence of this state of the psyche can be a craving for bad habits with which he will try to get rid of the prolonged spleen.
It is necessary to protect the nervous system and monitor the condition of the kidneys, liver and lungs, genitourinary system, prostate.

Name Maxim: Sexuality, Marriage

Maksim It has natural charm, not jealous, very romantic and decent, and it is also thoroughly and seriously related to sexual relations.

  • Sexuality and mutual pleasure are important to him only realizing that the partner is satisfied, he will be completely calm.
  • This not only brings him pleasure, but also helps to assert himself.
  • This person is extremely selective in relations and not a supporter of the change of partners, but he has high demands for women.
  • The partner must correspond to him and admire him, he should feel his superiority, importance and significance.

This man is married and even a little dictator. He has clear views on everyday life, raising children, prioritization. It will be difficult to argue with him, so the woman who shares his views and is ready to accept them is suitable.

Not every lady will be able to get along with such a person. It should be experienced and imperious, softly able to turn the situation, while not contradicting her husband. He is an excellent family man who is actively involved in family events, a loving and attentive parent. Such a man appreciates calmness, comfort and harmony at home. If this was achieved, then he becomes an economic, caring and affectionate man.

Which zodiac sign is the name Maxim?

Maxim patronizes Capricornbut despite the earth sign, its element is water. And even its metal is mercury, also moved and fluid. But the colors correspond to the most “fiery”: orange and red.

People born under patronage Capricorn, and who are called Maximam, build their personal growth based on superiority over other signs. In addition, they have excellent intuition. The planet, under the influence of which is the owner of the name, Pluto, who is a symbol of potential, power, passion and unpredictability.

Calisman stone to the name Maxim

Men's ring with a stabi-stamp-amethyst
Men's ring with a stabi-stamp-amethyst

Talisman Maxim is amethyst - A stone of peaceful, sincere and ambitious people. He gives warmth and harmony.

  • Stone jewelry amethyst They contribute to pleasant sleep, help to drive away anxiety and dispel doubts.
  • If you believe mythology, amethyst, presented as a gift, had a magical property to arouse warm feelings for the donor.
  • It is also believed that the stone rally and favorably acts on relationships, strengthening them.

Such a amulet will bring peace and prosperity to the owner.

Flower, plant, wood-talisman for the name Maxim

Fuchsia-a named after
Fuchsia-a named after

Symbols of the name Maksim are ash and fuchsia.

  • Ash - The talisman, which symbolizes the renewal, revival and divine nature of mankind. This tree is the personification of wisdom and helps to find themselves, but only to those who are open and sincere.
  • Fuchsia flower - This is the highest power, powerful creative energy, spirituality, eternity and intuition.

These plants are a symbol of devotion and trust, protect from ill -wishers, bring luck and happiness.

Totem animal named after Maxim


Totemic animal names Maksim is rightfully mink, which is the personification of quick wits, insight, the ability to curb their desires and carelessness. Although disharmony is also characteristic, throwing yourself, but this is not critical.

Numerology named Maxim

According to the numerology of the name Maksim corresponds number 7. It speaks of talent, determination, analytical warehouse of the mind.

  • This is a person who unexpectedly create a world masterpiece easily performs mechanical and repeated actions.
  • Despite the tendency, there is no ardent thirst for publicity, self -digging and a search for oneself are characteristic. It is worth noting a love of philosophy and everything new.
  • Such people are good organizers and are easily oriented in this situation, they are able to plan and solve complex issues.

However, sometimes solitude is required to make the right decision.

Pseudonym to the name Maxim

Name Maksim Pseudonyms associated with symbolism are perfect. For example:

  • PLUTOwhich is a planet-patron
  • ASH
  • Maximus - Ancient name
  • 80th element - which is the mercury and talisman of the name
  • BITTER - with a hint of the great writer Maxim Gorky

Various variations of the name are also suitable, perhaps in the variety of foreign sounds there is exactly what is needed.

Pseudonym to the name
Pseudonym to the name
Pseudonym to the name
Pseudonym to the name

Famous people, celebrities named Maxim

This name is always by hearing and recalls such famous celebrities as:

Famous people, celebrities named
Famous people, celebrities named

No wonder greatness is in the meaning of this name. Such a person is able to achieve a lot and loves success, while at the same time a diligent family man. However, be careful, lack of attention for Maxim It can become extremely painful.

Video: The meaning of the name Maxim: Karma, character and fate

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