The male name Damir - which means: description of the name. The name of the boy Damir: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

The male name Damir - which means: description of the name. The name of the boy Damir: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

Damir - A rare noble name. It has strong energy and has an interesting origin. Its owners are distinguished by an intuitive worldview and a fair attitude to the world and people.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "The male name Nazar - which means: description of the name". You will learn about the secret, the meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decryption, characterization, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality.

From this article you will learn about the talismans of this nation, its meaning. We will also talk about how fate can be Damir, intuition, intelligence, morality, etc. Read more.

What does the name Damir according to the church calendar mean?

The church calendar, otherwise it is called the Saints or the month. This is a list of names of the saints, in honor of whom they are named by the one who is baptized. Name Damir It is not spelled out there. In such cases, they are baptized by the Orthodox name by choice or date. For example, you can choose the name day on your birthday or choose the most consonant name. In some cases, it is possible not to take a name at baptism at all. But this is better to discuss with the priest in the parish in the church. He will tell you under what name it is better to be baptized and when you celebrate the names. 

Patron saint of the name Damir

Most often with baptism Damir Choose the following Orthodox names: Diomid or Demetrius.

  • Saint Diomid Tarsyanin He was a doctor, traveling, he glorified Christ. Date of memory August 29.
  • Holy Prince Dimitri Donskoy He was a pupil of Sergius of Radonezh. At the age of 12, he occupied the princely throne. He showed himself to be a brave warrior and wise ruler. His memory date June 1st.

Below even more interesting information. Read further.

The secret of the name Damir


Name Damir It contains the power of calm and power. This is the main secret of the names.

  • Such a person is persistent in achieving the desired.
  • Always finds the most profitable and successful way.
  • It has natural intuition, which always prompts the right direction.
  • The secret of the name lies in the apparent luck.
  • But in fact, this man knows very well what he wants and understands how to get it.
  • Intuition plays the role of a tool in planning its actions.

He also feels people well. But with external friendliness and openness, he always keeps his feelings a secret.

Name Damir: Russian or not, what nationality is the name Damir?

Name Damir It has three national roots - Slavic or Russian, Turkic and Arabic. His three meanings are not similar, but perfectly complement each other. All three origin belong to the receipt of power, a fair and balanced character. Such adversary indicates stamina and unshakability in difficult situations.

Name Damir: origin and meaning, popularity

Name Damir Four versions of origin are attributed:

  • Slavic
  • Arabic
  • Turkic
  • Soviet

Interesting: The name comes from the old Dalirir, is its short form.

  • Slavic name It is formed from two words - "Dal" and "and peace". The second word is interpreted as "Great", "famous". "And peace" had two meanings and designated - the world, as the Universe and the world as calm. The Slavs interpreted this name like "Creator of the Universe"and "Bringing the world".
  • Turkic origin on behalf of Demir (Temir) what is translated, how "iron" in meaning "strong".
  • Arab version name - translated literally "conscientious" and "honest" (دامير). There is also a different version of the translation of the name Damir - "Mind" and "persistent". But the closest value is "conscience". It was from this word that the name came.
  • The fourth version of origin is Soviet. Most likely, in the Soviet era they simply gave a new meaning to the old dialect. But in the years after the revolution he was given precisely in honor of the new significance. The most popular slogans that attribute to this name "Give a world revolution!" Or "Long live the world!". It was then that it gained the first wave of popularity.

The peak of the popularity of this name came for 2010-2014. Then the statistics began to fall and while keeping unchanged. Now it is unexplored, which means a memorable name for boys.

Damir - decoding a name from Greek

There is no name in Greek Damir. Although it is believed that all the adversaries originate in Greece, since before this nation inhabited the whole Earth. But this is the name Arabic -دامير close to the name For peace. The meaning of the name: slim, elegant. It is of noble origin. It is associated with wealth, power and sophistication.

The name Damir in English, Latin, different languages

Sometimes it is necessary, how the name is written in different languages. If your adherence Damir, then in English, Latin and other languages, it will be written like this:

  • In English - Damir
  • Latin version will be like English - Damir
  • Chinese 達米爾 - Da mier
  • In the Arabic languageدامير - Damir
  • Greek νταμίρ - ntamir
  • Hebrew -דמיר
  • On Korean 다미르 - Damileu
  • In French - Damier
  • In Japanese ダミル Damiru

But how is this adolation written in foreign documents according to the rules of our country? Read further.

How is the name Damir written in the passport?

The passport is drawn up according to the rules that are established by established bodies in our country. Data is indicated by Latin. These rules are constantly changing, but experts know about all changes. How the name is written in the passport Damir?

  • In a passport, this naming is written in large Latin letters - Damir. All other options are considered incorrect.

If you need to translate other personal data into Latin, then use the site. Just insert the word into the form and click on the "translation". In a couple of seconds, the result will appear.

Damir: What is the abbreviated short name, diminutive?

Many parents and grandparents like to call their kids short names. It is beautiful, cute and sounds like a house. What is the abbreviated or diminutive option in the name Damir?

An affectionate person with such an adversary can be called this:

  • Damik
  • Mirusha
  • Mirochka
  • Damirik
  • Mirusha
  • Damirchik
  • Damironka
  • Mirushka
  • Mirchik
  • Damy
  • World
  • Damirushka
  • Damirka

You can come up with your own option for your son or grandson. It will be original, special, the sweetest and dear. 

Damir: The meaning of the name, character and fate

Name Damir means many qualities in different cultures. But all of them can be combined with one meaning and word - "nobility".

Character Such a person:

  • Its main feature is leadership. He does not make much effort to like people, they themselves reach for him. From him blows confidence.
  • Such a person is really confident in his abilities and never jumps above his head. It can rarely be seen in the power of strong emotions.
  • There are only two things that can make him lose control. When they touch his honor and when they act unfairly with his loved ones.
  • Friendship and family for him are a reflection of himself and he is very experiencing the sorrows of his relatives. But it will never show it.
  • For Damir It is important to make the right impression. Therefore, sometimes with all the friendliness, it can be treated with cold from it.
  • He is one of those who will act when others promise. But he will be inspired by only very strong affection.
  • Do not try to use the kindness of such a person. This can wake the beast, as it will be perceived by an insult to honor.


  • It will turn out successfully, but only when he knows exactly what he wants.
  • He should not plunge very much into the problems of loved ones, as he can create his own.
  • No need to fall in love with it unrequited. It is always important for such a man to maintain harmony between how much he gives and how much he receives.

Thanks to strong intuition, he has great chances to find his place in the world.

What patronymic suits the boy to the name Damir: compatibility with male names

For any person, it is important that his name and patronymic are combined with each other and be consonant. After all, this can affect communication with people in adulthood. It is known that if when pronouncing a name and middle name the language will “stumble”, then it will be difficult for such a person not only to contact, but also to talk with him. What patronymic suits the boy to the name Damir? He has good compatibility with many male names.

The following combinations will foresee luck:

  • Damir Sergeevich
  • Damir Alekseevich

These two names complement each other with meanings and energy. Excellent consonance and strengthening of character will be a middle name Dmitrievich. middle name Viktorovich and Alexandrovich add militaryness and stubbornness to the character of such a person.

Such patronymics are also suitable:

  • Aliyevich
  • Ildarovich
  • Ilyasovich
  • Maratovich
  • Nazilevich
  • Ramilevich
  • Rashidovich
  • Rafaelevich
  • Rinatovich
  • Rustamovich
  • Rushanovich
  • Shamilevich

The patronymics formed from the Old Slavonic names are not suitable at all - Emelyanovich, Efremovich etc.

When is the name day, the Angel's Day is Damir according to the Orthodox calendar?

The name of the Orthodox calendar is the day of the memory of the patrons, and the day of the Angel is the day of the baptism of man in the church.

  • Above, we have already written that the most major patrons of all people with a name Damir is Diomid Tarsyanin (his memory date on August 29) and  Dimitri Donskoy(June 1st).

Nameday Demetrius There may also be in such dates of memory of other patrons with this name:

  • January 14
  • 19, 24 February
  • March 28
  • May 28
  • 1, 16 June
  • August 22
  • September 24th
  • The 4th of October
  • 8, 10, 28 November

Nameday Diomida:

  • July 16
  • August 29

If you want to congratulate a familiar person with such an adversary on the name of the Angel, then do it beautifully and original. Read further.

Congratulations on the Day of the Angel Damir short in verses and prose

Before congratulating Damir, It is worth finding out the story and the exact date of his baptism. Such a person is an intellectual, so he will appreciate the verses of personal composition. The most successful wishes will be the wishes of success, career growth, obtaining deserved awards. Here is a congratulation on the Day of Angel Damir Short in verses and prose:

Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day

Song with the name Damir

There are many compositions with this name. They can be presented to the birthday man for their birthday or confess with the help of music in love. The most popular song about Damir The composition of the same name is performed by Thazaplova's Zalina.

Video: Zalina Thazlova - Damir


Video: I love you Damir - a song of love in the name

Video: Happy Birthday Damir - Birthday Song

Tattoo named Damir

More often a tattoo named Damir Girls stuff in honor of their beloved man. This name looks great in medieval font or classic design. Also, the carrier of this name can encrypt it into pagan patterns. And if you fill it in Arabic, you can emphasize the best dignity of the carrier - nobility.

The most successful places for tattoos are a neck, a place under the heart and a hand. In order for your own name to bring good luck, you need to fill your symbol or totem animal with it. Here are examples of sketches and a tattoo with this advent:

Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named

Suspension with the name Damir from gold: photo

A suspension with a name is a memorable gift as for itself Damir, and for his chosen one. The value of the metal emphasizes the value of a person. And successful conciseness and sonority of the name are an excellent design solution.

It is worth noting that not all men agree to wear such a decoration, as it looks female. Therefore, a man can be presented with a pendant with the face of his saint. And the woman will be happy to wear a pendant with the name of her lover as a sign of veneration. You can also give her a pendant with the first letter of his name. Here are a photo of such gold jewelry:

Suspension with the face of the holy name of gold
Suspension with the face of the holy name of gold
Suspension with the first letter from gold
Suspension with the first letter from gold
Suspension with the first letter from gold
Suspension with the first letter from gold
Suspension with the first letter from gold
Suspension with the first letter from gold

Name Damir: intuition, intelligence, morality

Such a person is distinguished by a flexible mind and good intellect, easily remembers important information. Damir Always in the spotlight, they are respected. He does not like to distribute advice, although he has insight. It is easy with him in communication, but he lets him only elected. It is very difficult to earn the trust of this man. He is hidden in his feelings and motives.

Morality and honor are very important for him. He will not condemn anyone, but will come closer only to a worthy person. This applies not only to the future life partner, but also to friends. To deceive such a person is almost impossible. He very subtly feels people and deeply offends his attempt to play his feelings. The betrayal is very worried and restored for a long time after it. Fortunately, intuition Damir It practically does not allow him people with a bad intent. He feels liars and panties, after which he tries to reduce communication.

Name Damir: Hobbies, Activities, Business

Damir Always very carefully approaches the study of everything new. More often, his hobbies reflect interest in details and the possibility of growth and development. The same features make him a wonderful leader in any field of activity.

  • It is comfortable for him to give orders, and his subordinates simply execute them.
  • Such a person easily gets along with people and gains authority.
  • Around him, the atmosphere of goodwill and stability reigns. But he does not forgive mistakes either.
  • Damir It will not allow itself or in its presence the humiliation of another person.
  • Such decency can interfere with a rapid climb up the career ladder, since the sneaks are not disdained by any means. But then his position will be strong under any circumstances.

This person has an analytical mindset and truly reveal his potential, he will be able to where the strategy is needed. It is also important for him to be interested in his business. Getting pleasure for him directly depends on overcoming difficulties. Therefore, it will make a great businessman. 

Damir name: Health and psyche

In childhood and youth, such boys are often fond of team sports. But they rarely come to great sport. An increased sense of justice leads to frequent fights, which also entails injuries. More often Damir He breaks his hands and bruises appear on his back.

  • This man adheres to the right lifestyle throughout life.
  • Bad habits or dependence considers below human dignity.
  • At the same time, it can afford to drink, but a little so as not to harm health.
  • While in Hops, it becomes even more charming.
  • But unfortunately, and worse copes with control, which can lead to outbreaks of aggression.

Usually such a person is balanced and with his psyche everything is in order. But when he is very fond of something or someone, he may lose an account of time and resources. It happens too much assertive and stubborn, which does not always play in his hands. Due to a secretive nature, it is predisposed to cardiovascular diseases.

Name Damir: Sexuality, Marriage

Often Damir It has a pretty appearance that attracts the opposite sex. That does not play in the hands at the beginning of sexual relations. This man opens only with his beloved girl. In other connections, it can be considered insensitive. Pleasure for him directly depends on emotions. Thanks to this line, it is rarely a womanizer. But he is always surrounded by female attention. Flirt for him is the same tool for itself as goodwill.

In the marriage companions, he chooses a confident girl who does not scare competitors.

  • The girl herself should be bright and cheerful.
  • Of course, it is necessary for him that the future wife is an interesting interlocutor and be fond of any business.
  • For such a young man, it is important that he does not ask for evidence and words of love. He has high demands for the life partner and he tries to meet them.
  • Gifts are making high -quality and expensive. Not too romantic.
  • Will not write so that you get dressed in warmer or do not forget to eat. He believes that he builds relations with an independent person, and such things are appropriate with children.
  • Silently and quickly solve the problem with which he will be asked to help.
  • Caring and puts the family in the first place.
  • But he appreciates freedom and will consider it humiliating to ask friends or report on his whereabouts.

Under the crown, he will go from the one who represents his ideal, will never agree to less.

What zodiac sign is Damir's name?

The most suitable zodiac sign Capricorn. In combination with the name Damir, Enhances in man such character traits as leadership and understanding of other people. Makes more sensual and soft. Adds magnetism and attractiveness.

Stone-the-duman to the name Damir

Men's ring with a stone-talisman-lapis lazuli
Men's ring with a stone-talisman-lapis lazuli

U Damir Several stones-stones bringing good luck and prosperity:

  • Cornelian
  • Onyx
  • Lapis lazuli
  • Citrine
  • Flint
  • Agate
  • Jasper
  • Amethyst

One of the most important stones that must be present in the house of such a person is lapis lazuli.

  • It is this stone that enhances intuition.
  • Previously, lapis lazuli was used for the rites of white magic, for good resolution of difficult situations.
  • The main plus of this stone is that it has a beneficial effect not only on the owner himself, but also on the environment.
  • That is why the most successful place of his location will be a room in which the family is most often gathering.
  • The lapis lazuli has a rich blue hue. The figurine from this stone will fit perfectly into any interior.
  • You can wear a ring with this stone.

For success at work and profitable social relations, a stone is ideal jasper.

  • This is a stone personifying well -being and supporting the health of the owner.
  • The ideal place is the desktop.
  • Jasper is of different types, but variegated stones have suitable energy for such a person.

Another most important for Damir A stone is amethyst.

  • This stone is also called a gift from the gods.
  • He was highly revered in ancient Greece, where he was named after the nymph and has an excellent legend of the appearance.
  • In China, Egypt, Ancient Russia and other cultures, it was a stone of nobility and clergy.
  • The relief of a hangover can be considered an unusual property.
  • Amethyst is also a stone of love and guarantees reciprocity and a strong feeling with his chosen one.
  • In addition to everything described, it also improves health and sleep. Therefore, for the amethyst, the most successful place is the bedroom.

Below are described other amulets for a person with such an adherence. Read further.

Flower, plant, wood-talisman for the name Damir

Mandragora-a dalisman plant named after
Mandragora-a dalisman plant named after

Each person, in addition to the stones-stones, has amulets from the plant world. The name Damir has several.

Plant, talisman - torapiva, Ruta, Mandragor.

  • Nettle It is a symbol of well -being and health. He is a talisman protecting from curses and evil eye.
  • Ruta Known as a plant of girls. It symbolizes immaculate. For a man means morality.
  • Mandrake It is a medicinal plant. Since ancient times, he was credited with magical properties. Symbolizes wisdom.

Talisman flower- jasmine.

  • It is sophisticated, gentle and unique.
  • It is a symbol of wealth and prosperity.

Tale-Milisman- cypress.

  • Arabs consider cypress to a tree of life.
  • In Asia, it symbolizes immortality and well -being.

Animals also protect people. Read further.

Totem animal named after Damir

Horse is a totem animal name
Horse is a totem animal name

U Damir Two totem animals are a cat and a horse.

  • Cat It has always been considered a special animal who lives on the border of our and otherworldly worlds. Most cultures deified cats. But some attributed these animals to the servants of evil spirits. He symbolizes wealth, grace, cunning and treachery.
  • Horse - This is a symbol of freedom, strength and rebellion. Negative symbolism reflects the waywardness, unbridled feelings and passions.

As you can see, totems have positive aspects and negative symbolism. All this enhances character traits and helps, or vice versa, interferes in life. But, if a person knows about it, then it’s easier for him.

Numerology named after Damir

Numerology is a collection of knowledge about the influence and calculation of numbers in names, dates of birth and other indicators. Century of practice proved the relationship and influence of the prevailing numbers on the fate of man. Numerology is an excellent tool for correcting weaknesses and enhancing the main number.

Name number Damir - 3:

  • It speaks of openness and activity.
  • People with this number easily learn new things. They are cheerful and optimistic.
  • They feel confident in any companies and situations.
  • Easily gaining the trust and respect of others.They can make excellent manipulators.
  • The best realization of the potential in political activity or in leading posts.

Big risk with money earned by money. Do not take bribes or lend large amounts.

Pseudonym to the name Damir

The pseudonym is not always used to hide your name or personality. With it, you can emphasize the strengths of your character. The pseudonym can talk about talent, interests and even show the level of professionalism. It is possible to add a word or a dalisman number to the pseudonym-this will attract even more good luck.

Pseudonym options for the name Damir:

  • Damik
  • MIR
  • DamirDarkhorse
  • Damory
  • Mirnyikot
  • damik3wish
  • Chestniydam, etc.
Pseudonym to the name
Pseudonym to the name

Famous people, celebrities named Damir

To call their children in honor of great and famous personalities is a long tradition. The more successful people they have a specific name, the greater energy it has. You can also understand what character traits prevail in the carriers of this adherence. Celebrities named Damir They are excellent evidence that this naming is a synonym for balances and determination. Here are famous people with this name:

  • Damir Enaliev - Creative Director
  • Damir Dzhumkhur - popular tennis player
  • Damir Khadzovich - MMA fighter
Famous people, celebrities named
Famous people, celebrities named  

The described above proves that the owners of the name Damir - Reliable and interesting personalities. This is an excellent nationwide for the first -born. It adds to a person the qualities of a leader. In this case, the personality remains soft and understandable. Such a person will always support and take care of loved ones. Will defend justice and will be able to achieve success.

Video: The meaning of the name Damir is the secret of the name


Video: The meaning of the name Damir. Male names and their meanings

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