The male name Ilya - which means: description of the name. The name of the boy Ilya: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

The male name Ilya - which means: description of the name. The name of the boy Ilya: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

Ilya - Beautiful male name. It has an ancient story. Although the name is short, it contains internal strength, courage. Recently, parents are increasingly calling their sons such an adventure. Often it can be found among friends, acquaintances, relatives. It is also found among famous people.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "The male name Nazar - which means: description of the name". You will learn about the secret, the meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decryption, characterization, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality.

Consider the features of the name Ilya, his distinctive features and unique features. Read further.

What does the name Ilya according to the church calendar mean?

Name "Ilya" translated as "believer". In addition, there are other versions of the name interpretation. It also translates as "My God", "The power of God". The church calendar has been listed since ancient times. But widespread only in the modern world.

Saint patron named after Ilya

At the name Ilya Several patrons:

  • Elijah Egyptian (Egyptian).
  • Elijah Murom. The recluse of the Antoniyev caves. He was a monk in the Kiev-Pechersky monastery. The popular hero of the Russian epics, who embodied the strength, courage and wisdom.
  • Martyrs Elijah Sinai, Elijah Tir, Elijah Tomsk.
  • Elijah Fesvityan. The Prophet, who predicted the drought on Egyptian land. Three years later, after his prayer, rain flooded on Egypt. And the Prophet itself was taken alive to heaven. He was counted to the face of saints.

In church literature, this name was popular. Many saints wore an ancient variation of the name - Or me. Accordingly, this name has several personalized patrons.

The secret of the name Ilya


People who bear this name love to communicate. Easy to find a language with any person. They have a cheerful disposition. Unprofitable. Very devoted to the family. Not devoid of nobility and decency.

Ilya - This is the name that has its secrets. Such a person has a good -natured character, speaks directly what he thinks. Nothing nothing. He does not like to soak in the clouds. Fantasies prefer the case. This is a reliable friend and comrade. Likes to work from the earliest years. Holders of the name Ilya They have excellent intuition. And if they follow her, then difficulties and obstacles will easily overcome.

Name Ilya: Russian or not, what nationality is the name Ilya?

Name Ilya Has Jewish roots. First meets in the Old Testament, which describes the life of the holy prophet Elijahopposing idolatry. In Russia for a long time, this names had a spelling in the form Or me. Therefore, we can assume that such adversary is Russian and a little Jewish.

In Islamic countries there is also a prophet with this name, but in a different sound - Ilyas. In Slavic mythology, the name is associated with Ilya Muromets, healed thanks to God's power. It was considered the patron saint of thunder and lightning, as well as the crop.

Name Ilya: origin and meaning, popularity

There is still no unambiguous interpretation of origin. However, most researchers consider Jewish roots. In Russia, it was widespread with the advent of Christianity. Had the meaning of God, literally - "My Lord God".

They called them mainly saints. In Russian villages and villages, the name for a long time was not widespread, especially in tsarist Russia. And only in recent decades began to gain great popularity. Increasingly, boys are called the name Ilya. Now they call men in the male in the range of 8-10 children per 1000.

Ilya - decryption of the name from Greek

Greek name in Greek Ilya sounds like Iliocrat. Literally translates as "The power of the sun". In the Greek language, the name came from Hebrew and was revised to the sound of this people. And already from Bestrics, the adversary came to Russia as a successor to the Greek Orthodox faith.

Ilya name in English, Latin, different languages

Name Ilya It is widely used not only in Russia. However, this adversary in other countries is written and pronounced in different ways. Only the general elements of the sound remain.

AT english language There are several options for this adversary at once:

  • Elia
  • Ilaija
  • Elaes
  • Eliu
  • Elihu

AT latin The name sounds like Ilias. Is close in sound with azerbaijani languagewhere Ilya sounds like Ilyas. The same pronunciation of the name in tatar and arabic. In addition, this adherence in various forms is in Armenian, Belarusian, Georgian, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, German, Turkish, French and several other languages.

Name in different languages
Name in different languages

How is the name Ilya written in the passport?

In a foreign passport name Ilya written as Ilia. This spelling corresponds to the latest edition of the transliteration rules used in the Russian Federation. Be sure to be indicated in large capital letters. All other spelling options are considered incorrect.

If you need to know how other personal data or words are written by Latin, then use the site. Insert the word into the form and click on "Translation". After 2 sec. You will get the result.

Ilya: What is the abbreviated short name, diminutive?

The name in its composition is short. Therefore, not abbreviated forms. A complete and short version of the adoption coincides. In a diminutive form Ilya You can call this:

  • Ilyusha
  • Ilyusha
  • Ilyukha
  • Ilyukha
  • Ilyas
  • Ilyunya
  • Ilyus

A variety of diminutive forms is not limited to this list. In a narrow, family circle, various forms of this name are used, invented personally by parents, grandparents and other households. It all depends on the fantasy of the environment of this person and his attitude to the changed form of advent.

Ilya: The meaning of the name, character and fate

Name Ilya associated with the divine meaning. In the initial version, there was a translation "My God-Yahwa". This is what can be said about the character of such a person:

  • Since childhood, he is an active, cheerful child. Although in his character there is a certain share of selfishness, this does not interfere with a large circle of friends who respect the boy.
  • The family hurries to help parents himself, shows the initiative to work.
  • A good-natured and open character can have a teenage guy into a bad company. It is important for parents to pay attention to the circle of communication of their son.
  • In school years Ilya Usually learns well. His behavior corresponds to the norms accepted in the educational institution. Communicates with many. It can have musical abilities.
  • In adolescence, egoism manifests itself even more. Everything that belongs to him should only be him. It is reluctant to share its things. But the master's vein is also developing over time.

In adulthood, he is able to quickly solve problems and make the right decision. However, not all conceived brings to the end, as it quickly loses interest in the matter. It is an intellectual. Hardworking, patient, rehabying. It can achieve great heights in professional activities. Often chooses a profession in accordance with family traditions, or listening to the advice of parents.

Positive features of the name:

  • Sharp mind
  • Kindness
  • Responsiveness
  • Hard work
  • Not conflict
  • Sociability
  • Direct
  • Frankness
  • Perseverance

Thanks to such qualities Ilya Respect in the team, listen to his advice. He does not delay conflict situations. Always ready to help. This is a faithful comrade who will not abandon in a difficult situation. It is interesting to communicate with him on various topics.

Negative qualities of character:

  • Those temper
  • Excessive trusting, emotionality
  • Dissatisfaction with the present
  • Waiting for a better life in the future

The listed qualities do not allow such a person to fully realize his potential, to achieve the intended goals. He always hopes for a better life in the future and in the present may not have the right forces to achieve the goal. Accordingly, and subsequently cannot achieve the desired. It is important for him to remind of the value of the present moment. The fact that you need to act here and now.

Fate carriers of the name Ilya Usually it is not so simple. Before gaining true happiness in personal, family life, he will have to be disappointed more than once. The fault of everything is the excessive trusting and good nature of these people. Difficulties arise in the professional sphere. But having passed all the trials, he nevertheless gains true happiness.

What patronymic suits the boy to the name Ilya: compatibility with male names

It is important that the name and patronymic together sound beautifully and harmoniously. After all, if they are difficult to pronounce and will, as they say, “language is stuck”, then communicate with such a person, especially if it needs to be called by name and patronymic. This is necessary at work and with official circulation.

What patronymic suits the boy to the name Ilya? This adherence has compatibility with male names. For this name, the following patronymics will be suitable:

  • Vladlenovich
  • Veniaminovich
  • Germanovich
  • Dmitrievich
  • Denisovich
  • Elizarovich
  • Iosifovich
  • Igorevich
  • Olegovych
  • Rudolfovich
  • Stepanovich
  • Stanislavovich

This list can be continued for a long time. And even it is impossible to say which patronymics are not suitable for this adolescence. It seems that everyone will sound harmoniously. This is a feature of this name. Below even more interesting information. Read further.

When is the name day, Ilya's Angel's Day is an Orthodox calendar?

Name days of boys named Ilya According to the Orthodox calendar twice a year:

  • January 1 - the day of the Monk Elijah Murom is celebrated
  • August 2 - The Day of the Holy Prophet Elijah of the Thesvityan

It is worth noting that the Angel Day is the day of the baptism of man in the church. Therefore, everyone has his own. Many believe that the name of the Angel is one and the same, but this is not so. Do not confuse these concepts and days.

Congratulations on the Day of the Angel Ilya short in verses and prose

On the day of the angel Ilya Various congratulations sound. Beautiful poems and bright words in prose sings the best qualities of boys, young men, men with this name.

Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day

Song named Ilya

There are various songs with that name. Dedicated to both this dialect and singing the feat of the hero Ilya Muromets and the prophet Elijah.

Video: Song about Ilya

Video: not music - the best song about Ilya

Tattoo named Ilya

Tattoo named "Ilya" Do on any parts of the body, more often on the arms or legs. This word is written in Russian, English transcriptions, or in any other language. It all depends on the imagination of a person who decided to make a tattoo. In addition to the name, additional signs, symbols, objects can be applied. A tattoo can have a fun, comic inscription, or carry a certain meaning. Some tattoos are applied to the body as a talisman.

Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named

Suspension with the name Ilya from gold: photo

Suspensions with adversary are an excellent gift. No exception and pendants named Ilya. You can purchase ready -made work, or order an individual option. Beautiful application by gold letters named after various variations will not leave indifferent even representatives of the stronger sex. Here are a photo of such a pendant of gold:

Suspension with the name of gold
Suspension with the name of gold
Suspension with the name of gold
Suspension with the name of gold

It is worth noting that not every man will put on such a decoration. Therefore, it can be presented to a woman. She can wear this suspension as a sign of veneration. She can also give her a pendant with the first letter of the name of her husband or guy - stylish and interesting. And a man to present a pendant with a face of his holy name well.

Suspension with a face of a saint of gold
Suspension with a face of a saint of gold
Suspension with the first letter from gold
Suspension with the first letter from gold

Name Ilya: Intuition, Intelligence, Morality

The representatives of the name Ilya Intuition is very well developed. Thanks to which they can make the right decisions if they listen to it. However, often, in the way of implementing the decisions made, there are small obstacles that prevent these people from quickly achieving the goal, to resolve the situation.

Such a person has a high level of intellectual development. He has a great memory, a wide horizons, a great ability to assess the situation from different angles.

Men with this name have a good set of moral qualities, but they are poorly versed in people. Therefore, they can bring people to themselves not the most prosperous circle. The same goes for the fair sex. But having met true love, they can achieve high results and show their best moral qualities.

Name Ilya: Hobbies, Activities, Business

From an early age of boys named Ilya attracts labor activity. Especially they can prove themselves in construction, vegetable growing, gardening, car repair. The hobbies associated with travels are very fond of.

In the professional sphere, they can realize themselves if they work in a team with a person with similar character traits. Your business Ilya He will not give. He cares for him with his soul. Success can achieve in any field and even in business.

Name Ilya: Health and psyche

Mental condition Ilya balanced. This is a kind, cheerful, responsive person who is ready to help at any moment. However, it can be closed in itself if you show indifference and coldness to it. This person will not tolerate such an attitude. It can be very offended and no longer let anyone in. To preserve a stable mental state, it is necessary that both at work and at home are surrounded by a friendly atmosphere, and there are faithful and kind friends, close people nearby.

The health of people with this advent is stable. If a boy from childhood spends a lot of time in the fresh air, then practically no diseases are terrible. Difficulties can arise with the nervous system, which is strongly susceptible to external influence. Especially if there is a lot of stress and physical exertion in life. A weak spot is also kidneys and liver.

Name Ilya: Sexuality, Marriage

Ilya - A gentle and caring partner. For intimate and personal relationships, he chooses delicate, kind, affectionate women who can provide comfort and comfort. At the same time, the external data of the chosen ones will not have much importance. Sexuality is important. Prefers to conquer the women proud and independent, as if trying to win them. But quickly won the trophy, may lose interest. He does not like assertive, power women.

In family life Ilya He also prefers comfort and comfort. The wife in marriage should provide him with a bright home environment. If he finds a woman close to him in spirit, he becomes an ideal family man. He will love his family very much and take care of her in every way. He loves children, often spoils them. If quarrels happen in marriage with such a person, then they quickly end, because he does not like conflict situations. The family is an arbiter that settles all conflicts, which households can often use.

Successful for Ilya There will be a marriage with women with such names:

  • Alexandra
  • Anna
  • Victoria
  • Arina
  • Daria
  • Catherine
  • Elena
  • Inna
  • Kira
  • Nina
  • Larisa
  • Margarita
  • Rimma
  • Emilia

Below even more interesting information. Read further.

Which zodiac sign is the name of Ilya?

Best with the name Ilya The signs of the zodiac are combined Sagittarius and Capricorn. Under such signs, people with a strong character are born, purposeful, but also stubborn. The listed qualities are quite consistent with this name.

Stone-the-dumpman to the name Ilya

Men's ring with a name stone name-blue fire opal
Men's ring with a name stone name-blue fire opal

Name Ilya Several stones-dumpers are awarded at once. The best defense of the carrier of this adversation will be provided fiery Opal and cornelian. Talismans will also be:

  • Topaz
  • Aquamarine
  • Ruby
  • Pomegranate
  • Sapphire
Fiery Opal helps to find yourself, awakens talents and helps to realize them, attracts inspiration
helps achieve the goal. Cornelian Protects against betrayal or partings. Other talismans will help to remain themselves, and will also serve amulets in life.

Flower, plant, wood-talisman for the name Ilya

Vasilek-a named after
Vasilek-a named after

Talismans can be not only stones, but also representatives of the plant world.

  • The talisman flower for Ilya - cornflower. Great amulet from failures. It can be planted near the porch of the house.
  • The patronizing plant is thistle. In ancient times, it was believed that such a plant has a radical character, which even evil spirits are afraid of. Therefore, it perfectly protects against enemies and bad people.
  • Forest-defender for this adherence- birch. He will bring peace and peacefulness to life.

Animals can also protect. Read further.

Totem animal named after Ilya

Totem animal name - Nightingale
Totem animal name - Nightingale

The main patron of the name is nightingale. A beautiful singing bird conveys the characteristics of the character of such a person. Outwardly, a kind, defenseless bird, which is a totem animal name, has an internal rod. What can be said about the representative of this nation.

Patronizes Ilya also snake. He, like the reptile, does not let people with poor intentions and can give a serious rebuff.

Numerology named after Ilya

Happy for Ilya According to numerology, several numbers are.

  • Planetary number - Five. It transfers strong energy, gives activity. However, improper use of strong energy can lead to adverse and harmful consequences. Therefore, carriers of the name need to control the flows of energy and direct it into a peaceful direction.
  • Zodiac number - eight. Eight personifies extreme. This means that around a person with a negative scenario, dangerous situations can be created that will be dangerous not only for himself, but also for the immediate environment. With a positive scenario, the carrier of the name can easily cope with extreme situations and get out of them the winner.
  • The sacred number is a deuce. Conveys strength, power, fearlessness. Helps protect others.
  • Personal numbers of the name will be seven and four. They give the bearer the name reliability, constancy, the ability to achieve their goals.

The name is provided by the patronage of several numbers at once. And, if you use their energy correctly, you can achieve many life heights.

Pseudonym to the name Ilya

The pseudonym depends on the purpose of its application. The official, working environment will require a more stringent nickname, without diminutive forms. If the pseudonym is necessary for personal needs, for example, for social networks, then various options are suitable. The main thing is that he is not offensive to Ilya, did not humiliate his personal dignity.

Here are suitable options:

  • Ilya
  • Eli
  • Liy
  • Or to
  • Il
Pseudonym to the name
Pseudonym to the name
Pseudonym to the name
Pseudonym to the name
Pseudonym to the name
Pseudonym to the name
Pseudonym to the name
Pseudonym to the name
Pseudonym to the name
Pseudonym to the name

The list is not exhaustive. You can come up with absolutely any options. It all depends on the fantasy of the author and the appointment of a pseudonym.

Famous people, celebrities named Ilya.

Although the name had no particular popularity before, however, there are several famous people with such an adversary. Each of them has talents in different fields, but they all made a significant contribution to the field of their professional activity.

Here are celebrities named Ilya:

  • Elijah Murom - Wonderworker
  • Ilya Repin - artist
  • Ilya Ilf - writer
  • Ilya Mechnikov - biologist
  • Ilya Frank - physicist
  • Ilya Oleinikov - actor
  • Ilya Reznik-Pesennik poet
  • Ilya Lagutenko - Singer
  • Ilya Averbukh - skater

These are the most famous personalities with this name. But in other areas, carriers of this name achieved and achieve significant heights. Make a significant contribution to various spheres of public life.

Name Ilya It is an excellent option for naming a newborn boy. It gives its carrier inner strength, wisdom. Thanks to kindness and non -conflict, named media are always surrounded by friends. They are loved, appreciated and respected by loved ones. Such people always achieve their goals, open and friendly. If you respect them, then you can find not only a good interlocutor, but also a great friend. Since the name is associated with divine origin, he will protect its owner from negative energy. For parents Ilya It will become support and support, from childhood to adulthood.

Video: ⚦ Ilya. Meaning and interpretation of the name

Video: The meaning of the name Ilya: Karma, character and fate

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