The male name Pavel - which means: description of the name. The name of the boy Pavel: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

The male name Pavel - which means: description of the name. The name of the boy Pavel: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

Name Paul, which has become widespread since ancient Russia, has rightfully gained its popularity, and after many years, does not lose its relevance. A strong and proudly sounding name certainly makes you pay attention.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "The male name Nazar - which means: description of the name". You will learn about the secret, the meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decryption, characterization, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality.

From this article you will find out what name Paul Interpretation and meaning. We will also talk about his talismans and a lot of other useful information. Read further.

What does the name Pavel mean by the church calendar?

The church calendar is the meaning of the name Paul It consists of prototypes, given the difficult fate of the saints with this name and the qualities characteristic of them. Literally translated as "Small", "Small".

Such adversary characterizes its owner as a quiet and meek person, closed and rather conservative, thoroughly suitable for any issue, in order to get the desired result.

Patron saint

In Orthodoxy, the name Paul They are associated with the saints glorious and all kinds of better apostles Peter and Paul. Their veneration day is July 12.

  • Peter He was one of the 12 apostles, was born into a simple fishing family, and later became a favorite disciple of Christ and devoted faith. However, having a quick -tempered disposition, he once stumbled and gave a slack, but repenting was forgiven.
  • Paul Unlike Peter, he was not one of the 12 apostles, moreover, he did not immediately become one of the believers. Before contacting Vera, he bore the name Saul. During the persecution of Christians, he took an active part and as he could fight believers, zealously fought with the spread of religion. But once everything changed, according to stories, on one day insight descended on him, and he heard the voice of Christ, after which he became an ardent adherent of faith.

Saints with this name is quite a large number and everyone can choose the heavenly patron of the heavenly patron.

The patrons of the name
The patrons of the name

The secret named after Paul

Name Paul They attribute such characteristic features as kindness and generosity, perseverance and hard work, talent and high intelligence, the desire to conquer peaks and firmness on the way to their own goal.

The mystery of this adversation is as follows:

  • As a rule, carriers of the name are laconic, but at the same time very eloquent, value ambitious and loyal people.
  • This person has a special craving for justice, while trying to observe life canons, he knows how to listen and hear, good manners and kindness Paul They have people to him.
  • In addition to positive qualities, of course, there are negative ones.
  • Unfortunately, this person is characterized by frivolity and the adoption of rash acts, but as a rule this manifests itself in small things and does not bear serious consequences.
  • There are some difficulties with punctuality, responsibility and constancy. It is impossible to say that this is a disorderly person, rather it follows from his frivolity and not the ability to carefully plan.
  • He is inclined to impromptu and far from always and does not plan everything, as a result of which he quickly learns to dodge and make decisions with lightning speed.

Despite the fact that such a man is extremely ambiguous, he is a born leader and can achieve a lot

Name Pavel: Russian or not, what nationality is the name Pavel?

Initially, the name Paul It was not popular in Russia and came to us in ancient times from Byzantium. However, it quickly took root, undergoing some changes in sound and spelling, gradually acquiring the usual appearance. Therefore, it can be said that it is not considered Russian, and this naming was pronounced in the Italian manner as Paulus. Only then did it become Russian by nationality and underwent some changes.

Paul name: origin and meaning, popularity

As it is considered from Rome, the origins of the name come Paul. It sounded a little different - Paulus or Paulus.
The peak of the popularity of this adversary occurred at the end of the 20th century. Currently, it is still quite relevant and is one of the hundreds of the most used names for newborn boys.

Pavel - Decoding the name from Greek

At the name Paul A curious translation. It was usually used to refer to the younger media of the name in the family and deciphered with Greek, as “Little”, “younger”, “small”, “baby”.

Initially Paul It was not a name as such. In Roman families, children were called the name of the father and for convenience they added the prefix Paulus, thereby designating the younger one. And only after many years, it is already entering into use as an independent name.

Paul name in English, Latin, different languages

In many languages, writing a name Paul It is similar, but has a different sound. For example:

  • In England - Paul (floor)
  • Germany - Paul (Paul)
  • France - Paul (Paul)
  • Spain - Pablo (Pablo)
  • Serbia - Pavle (Paul)
  • Greece is Pavlos

The Latin name is written in the Latin Paulus - Paulus/Paulus. The name is widespread around the world, has many variations and related adversaries.

How is the name Pavel written in the passport?

In this case, the rule “We also hear and write” the rule, we just take the consonant Latin letters and we get it as a result Pavel. But in the passport you need to write in large invisible letters - Pavel. It is difficult to make a mistake, since this naming does not provide for other spelling options, the main thing is not to try to use the correctness of writing in other countries, trying to reinse it, for example, into English.

If you need to translate other personal data for foreign documents, then use the site. Just insert the word into the form and click on "Translation". After a few seconds, get the result.

Pavel: What is the abbreviated short name, diminutive?

Most often, reducing the name surrounding the man by name Paul, Use generally accepted Pasha. Naturally, this is not the only possible abbreviated form. You can turn to such a person differently. For example, here are still short and diminutive-abominating options:

  • Pavlush
  • Pavlik
  • Pashenka
  • Pashulya
  • Groin
  • Pahan
  • Pashka

Of course, this is not a complete list, there are many options, since fantasy is endless and everyone uses what is closer to him in spirit.

Pavel: The meaning of the name, character and fate


Name Paul It consists of five letters, which indicates a tendency to creative activity and a special worldview. Such a person is difficult to change, he prefers stability and static.
Each letter of the name is of considerable importance, bearing a special meaning for revealing the character of a person.

  • "P" - speaks of well -developed intuition, determination and perseverance.
  • "BUT" - Leadership, energy, initiative.
  • "AT" - Goodwill, sociability, honesty and openness.
  • "E" - Stubbornness, poor flexibility in communication, especially when it comes to principles and beliefs.
  • "L" - Talent, sophistication, spirituality, original and bright vision.

Of course, not only the name affects the fate of a person, but it means a lot. Such adversary has powerful power, endowing its owner with optimism and hardness of character, which undoubtedly create a strong base for accomplishments, helping to achieve heights. If he will listen to himself and use his abilities correctly, Checking, setting priorities, then he can achieve a lot.

What patronymic suits the boy to the name Pavel: compatibility with male names

Paul - The majestic name, which will be perfectly combined with sonorous patronymic, without losing itself. It will harmoniously stand next to such male names:

  • Boris
  • Evgeniy
  • Alexander
  • Igor
  • Edward
  • George
  • Gregory
  • Dmitry
  • Novel
  • Vladimir
  • Sergey

Among the softer names are also many suitable, the main thing is that the middle name is not overshadowed by such a strong name. What patronymic suits the boy to the name Paul? Good compatibility with such patronymics:

  • Antonovich
  • Vadimovich
  • Efimovich
  • Zakharovich
  • Leontyevich
  • Maksimovich
  • Natanovich
  • Pavlovich
  • Fedorovich

This adversary is not suitable for patronymic Veniaminovich - the union is difficult to pronounce, and Guryevich, Ramsesovich And others are similar.

When is the name day, Paul's Angel's Day is an Orthodox calendar?

Nameday Paul According to the church Orthodox calendar, more than seventy times are found in the year. A considerable number of saints glorified this name. There are 29 representatives of the name in the Orthodox calendar, counted by the saints.

  • Day of name day, already adult native speakers, choose for themselves July, 12, marketing memory proceedings of Peter and Paul, tightly in history.
  • However, each person himself can decide who to choose his patron. Above the text, the days of veneration of different saints are published with this name.
  • It will also be correct to choose a saint whose day of veneration is worth immediately after the birthday of a person. For example, if you have a birthday April 1, then you will celebrate the name day in honor rev. Pavel Bishop of Corinth - His Memorial Day is on April 9th.

Angel Day is a day of man’s baptism in the church. Therefore, everyone has its own special date, and it is celebrated separately from the name day and birthday. As a result, each person of the Orthodox faith can celebrate 3 special days a year - name day, Angel Day and Birthday. Want to congratulate your family and acquaintances on their important holidays? Below you will find congratulation options. Read further.

Congratulations on the Day of Angel Pavel short in verses and prose

There is a huge selection of congratulations on the day of the angel for every taste, both in verses and in prose. You can find ready -made postcards, spectacularly designed and filled with wishes. Although it is possible to behawed, composing a congratulation on your own, putting the soul into it and the meaning that I would like. Below we offer several options for beautiful quatrains and words for congratulations Paul:

Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day

Song named Pavel

Paul They sink both in the songs of famous performers and in the texts of music lovers, masters of word and rhyme.

Video: Songs with names: Song about Pasha | Happy Birthday Pavel Pasha

Video: Alla Pugacheva - Favorite Pashka

Video: Happy Birthday Pavel - Birthday Song

Tattoo named Pavel

Tattoos with names do not lose their popularity. Salon catalogs are full of all kinds of design methods, giving the opportunity to create their own unique image on the body. Here are examples of a tattoo named Paul:

Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named

Suspension with the name Pavel from gold: photo

A registered suspension can become a memory for many years, both for the owner of the name and for its second half. If a man himself does not want to wear such a decoration, then he can be presented to his wife or girl. Himself Pavel I like the pendant of gold with the face of his holy name. Below you will also find a photo of the pendants in the form of the first letter of the name, who can wear mothers who have the name of sons. It is stylish and beautiful.

Suspension with the name of gold
Suspension with the name of gold
Suspension with a face of a saint of gold
Suspension with a face of a saint of gold
Suspension with the first letter from gold
Suspension with the first letter from gold
Suspension with the first letter from gold
Suspension with the first letter from gold

Name Pavel: Intuition, Intelligence, Morality

U Paul A wonderful intuition that allows him to subtly feel people. It is thanks to her, such a person manages to avoid communicating with undesirable people. For him, betrayal and lies are unacceptable, he does not like people who speak behind him and when someone is sitting, they assign other people's merits and does not tolerate selfish.

Paul - An intellectual person, but he is a little passive in self -development, which prevents him from revealing to the fullest. At the same time, he has an excellent imagination and good fantasy, which, combined with his sense of humor, make such a man an attractive and curious person.

As a rule, the carrier of the name is extremely friendly and friendly, this is an honest and decent person, with an increased sense of justice and good morality. He does not know how to plan very well, while his logic is perfectly developed, he will persistently go to the goal and calculate every step. U Paul The most powerful character, it allows himself to take risks, does not tolerate defeats and is extremely persistent. His self -confidence and determination help to get what they want.

Paul name: hobbies, activities, business

U Paul The reaction is well developed and it can immediately assess the situation, while doing nothing to solve it, preferring to stay away. It is this quality that is the main obstacle to achieving success.


  • Thanks to charismatic and calculation, he can be perfectly realized in various fields of activity, such as a journalist or teacher, possibly as a financier or accountant.
  • For this person, it is important how his rubbing is paid and is not disdained by part -time jobs.

Opening of your business:

  • In business, he could well realize himself, provided that he would try, having forgotten about his laziness.
  • However, the prospects for business development are weak, since the main priority is to provide itself with everything necessary, and as soon as income is enough money for all personal needs, business development will go to naught.


  • Paul As a person with a remarkable imagination is extremely passionate about mysticism and science fiction, he is interested in everything that is inexplicable.
  • In addition, he loves to know new, travel and change of situation throughout his life.
  • He will not refuse an interesting trip and practically no circumstances will make him change his mind.

Calm and simple -minded Pavel Laziness is characteristic, but at work he is appreciated for the ability to support and willingness to help. Despite his slowness, he always completes what he has begun, trying to do the work as efficiently as possible. You can count on it, this is a reliable person with outstanding thinking.

Paul name: Health and psyche

Paul A calm and non -immulic person who does not tolerate vanity and haste. He is used to gradually resolving issues as they are admitted, trying not to be particularly strained. In especially emotional moments, he prefers to hide behind the mask of restraint and is extremely delicate in the manifestation of emotions, since it is personal for him. At the same time, he knows how to listen and empathize, without staying aside, in the hope of a response, if he needs help.

The carrier of the name is not conflict and tries to avoid disputes and discussions, any topic that can get it falls on the list of those that he will not support. However, he is a good interlocutor and can support almost any dialogue if he does not go beyond what is permitted. Therefore, the psyche of such a person is stable, he will always stay calm and measured. In general, this is a balanced and disciplined person who sometimes gives himself to relax, the main thing is to know the measure in everything.

Health at Paul Strong, but often representatives are lovers of food. As a result of this, problems with excess weight may arise, not bypassing the resulting consequences. Food must be monitored and not abuse harmful foods.

Name Pavel: Sexuality, Marriage

Paul It does not suffer from the lack of attention of women, its wit delights, and the ability to arrange people to itself and create a trusting atmosphere is simply conquered.

Sexuality such people:

  • Women are not his weakness, however, they attract his attention, causing a sense of tenderness and trepidation.
  • Among the many representatives of the fair sex, he tries to find his only and unique, so he does not shine with a huge number of feats in the love field and is not ready to boast of a large “track record” list.
  • He tries to avoid fleeting hobbies, giving preference to constancy and stability.


  • Paul It is dependent on someone else's opinion, it is important for him that the environment thinks about his woman.
  • We must pay tribute, the lover will not be rejected in case of inconsistency, on the contrary, Paul It will gently direct and prompt, trying to bring to perfection.
  • He wants to see the enthusiastic glances towards his wife, in the eyes of others she should be a queen.

In the household Paul Rather, not an assistant, but a finger pointing and a handler's hand. The order in the house is important for him and is extremely scrupulous in this, since he loves the order, but not very much to clean. Therefore, he tries to supply the house with smart assistants, it can be a robot vacuum cleaner, a dishwasher, a variety of kitchen appliances that simplifies cooking. All that can simplify homework deserves his attention.

Which zodiac sign is the name Pavel?

Opinions about the right zodiac signs to the name Paul vary, but it is believed that the closest will be Twinsand Virgo. Such a person born under one of these signs promises success and well -being.

  • Virgo It is a symbol of purity and justice. Patronizing, this sign gives a person wit, kindness and composure.
  • Twins They complement the image with curiosity and inquisitiveness of the mind, powerful character, freedom, energy and sociability.

The general picture is rainbow, patrons give their owner everything necessary for successful realization of themselves.

Stone-the-dinosman to the name of Pavel

Stone-the-dumpman to the name-Rubin
Stone-the-dumpman to the name-Rubin

It is believed that a stone-talisman Paul is rubin -a powerful stone, endowing with a huge power of the spirit, positively affecting the welfare, helping to take a significant position in society.

  • Ruby - This is a symbol of decency and justice. As a amulet, he has an influence on family relationships, protecting from quarrels and misfortunes, contributes to harmony in the house and mutual understanding.

The stone feeds its owner, giving emotional calm, positive energy and balance.

Flower, plant, wood-talisman for the name Pavel

Flower-Talisman named after-Astra
Flower-Talisman named after-Astra

The amulets are not only stones, but also representatives of the plant world. Here is a description of the names Paul:

  • Astra - This is a symbol of beauty, elegance, love, sincerity and modesty. In many countries, such a flower was the embodiment of the sun and stars, it was believed that it had a special connection with the sky.
  • Nut He earned his recognition since ancient times, from it was made by amulets from evil forces. It is also believed that such a talisman tree gives energy and has a positive effect on intelligence.

In addition to the positive sides, the nut has negative. This is a good conductor that can lead through himself to the owner not only good, but also illness and negative wishes. Therefore, do not accept gifts from such wood from people who are not trusted.

Totem animal named after Paul

The totem animal name is already
The totem animal name is already

U Paul Not one totem animal, but two: already a rudd.

  • Oh In many countries, it is considered a defender of the house. He is characterized by flexibility, perseverance, cunning and even a little arrogance.
  • Krasnereka, As a rule, it lives in thickets and standing waters, nevertheless, it is considered a symbol of purity and nobility.

Of course, these totems are not entirely classic, but giving a curious combination with adversary.

Numerology named after Pavel

Name Paulaccording to numerology, patronizes four.

  • Such people are characterized by stability and decency, they are distinguished by hard work and reliability.
  • In everything, practicality matters, innovations are difficult, but the mind is ready to master the new one.
  • In the work, these people are painstaking, strive for an ideal result and clearly fulfill the task.
  • They are excellent organizers and have the gift of beliefs, knowing how to find an incentive and direct the team.

Such people are hard to endure loneliness, coming home importantly, that they are met and fed, it was warm and comfortable, and some pedantry, requires purity and order.

Pseudonym to the name Pavel

You can use a huge number of nicknames derived on behalf of Paul. For example, these are the pseudonyms can come up with such an adversary:

  • Pate
  • Pahan
  • Pancho
  • Pablo
  • Pavlos
  • Pashutka
  • Public

It is also widespread to turn the name in a foreign way and write to various symbols, including hieroglyphs. The scope for imagination is wide.

Pseudonym to the name
Pseudonym to the name
Pseudonym to the name
Pseudonym to the name
Pseudonym to the name
Pseudonym to the name

Famous people, celebrities named Pavel

Famous people who are named after Paul, can be found in completely different areas. All these personalities include a list of celebrities.

Famous people, celebrities named
Famous people, celebrities named
Famous people, celebrities named
Famous people, celebrities named

Video: The meaning of the name Paul: Karma, character and fate

Video: Karma named after Pavel. The typical fate of Pasha.

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