The male name is Peter, Petya: Variants of the name. How can you call Peter, Petya is different?

The male name is Peter, Petya: Variants of the name. How can you call Peter, Petya is different?

The male name is Peter - majestic and sounds original. It has many different forms that are used in life.

Name " Peter“You can rightfully associate with something great or grandiose, because it was precisely that various historical personalities wore it, famous not only in the territory of our state, but also abroad. For example, the Apostle Peter is one of the closest disciples of Jesus Christ, Emperor Peter the Great, in whose reign the Russian kingdom received the status of the empire, or composer Petr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, whose classical works to this day cause admiration among music lovers - all these people unite the general name .

Read on our website another article on the topic: "If you change the name or surname, will fate change?". You will learn how it affects the decoding of numerological significance.

what does the name mean Peter? What forms does he have? How to pronounce it in another language? It is these questions that this article is called to answer. Read further.

Name Peter, Petya: meaning, origin

Name Peter: meaning
Name Peter: meaning

The name itself " Peter", Although it is a fairly common name among Russian -speaking people, in fact comes from the ancient Greek word" Πέτρος", Which translates and means as" stone" or " rock". Such a background of the word can be considered suitable, because it makes it clear what should be expected from a person with this name.

The nature PetraLike a rock, they are often self -confident, purposeful and unshakable, but can also be hot -tempered. In an effort to achieve the tasks, they do not always know how to control their emotions and feelings, but even this does not prevent them from showing kindness and fidelity to other people.

Name Peter, Petya: What will be the full name?

Speaking of historical personalities listed in the introduction, people pronounce their name as " Peter", Without using in such cases a short form of a name or changing this name in any other way. And this is the right approach, because this is how the complete form of this name sounds. It should be used in more serious cases. Such as, for example, business correspondence or official appeals.

The name is Peter, Petya-as you can call it differently: beautiful forms of the name

Despite the beautiful and confident sound of this adversary, its repetition is too frequent, like the repetition of any other name, can lead to the fact that it will sound monotonous and monotonously. What can be called differently?

In order to diversify his appeals to a person with that name, instead of " Peter»You can use the following beautiful forms:

  • Petro
  • Petyuk
  • Petriy
  • Petrash
  • Petyusha
  • Petrik

Obviously, the listed forms are suitable only for informal communication, and in no case should they be used in official conversations.

Name Peter, Petya: Brief form of the name

By the way of informal communication, such a name is one of those names, the brief form of which is hardly different from complete. And the complete and brief form of this adversation - "Peter" and " Petya" - consist of only four letters. But if you really want to reduce this name, then you can boast of your knowledge and use the English version - " Pete».

Name Peter, Petya: affectionate form

There are times when we need to turn to a person gently, show our kindness and love not only by actions, but also in words. In such cases, affectionate forms of the name come to the rescue. They are as follows for Petrov:

  • Petrunya
  • Petrus
  • Petun
  • Petka
  • Cockerel
  • Petrusha
  • Petra
  • Petry
  • Petya
  • Petrusya
  • Petruha
  • Petriy
  • Petryak
  • Petyusha
  • Petyukha
  • Petya

As you can see, some of these forms are more suitable for appeals to friends and acquaintances, while others are for conversations with the family.

Name Peter, Petya: a diminutive form

Sometimes we need to strengthen the degree of affection, show that we sincerely love and appreciate a person. For example, in a conversation with a child. Of course, to achieve this goal, you can simply use the affectionate version of the word, but it will be much more pleasant to a person to hear a diminutive form of the name in his address. For the name "Peter" they are:

  • Petrunya
  • Petyushenka
  • Petel
  • Petenka
  • Rooster
  • Petrushenka

You can come up with your own option. He will be the most unusual and sweet for you and your family.

Name Peter, Petya: Form of the name in Latin

It is no secret that when filling out documents for a passport, the name and surname of a person is corresponded by Latin symbols instead of Cyrillic. In this case, the name "Peter" turns into Petr. However, this is a complete, multiple tracing paper. If we are not talking about business documents, but about friendly correspondence in a foreign language, then it will be much more appropriate to use " Piotr».

How to write the name Peter, Petya in Ukrainian?

The Russian language, obviously, is not the only one using the symbols of the Cyrillic alphabet. Despite the fact that both Ukrainian and Belarusian languages \u200b\u200bpossess this property, the names in them sound differently. Here, for example, how will it be " Peter»In Ukrainian:

  • Peterabout

The stress is placed on the last letter "about".

How to write the name Peter, Petya in Japanese?

The Japanese language differs significantly from the European usual European ones, if only in that it uses hieroglyphs, not letters to write down words. Therefore, it is not surprising that people who are unfamiliar with this language are almost impossible to write their name in Japanese hieroglyphs correctly. Here's how the name " Peter»Will be written in Japanese:

  • ピョトル [To the pet]- Painting tracing paper
  • 石 [Ishi] - retains the meaning of the name "Stone"

 Often, people with their name make tattoos. This is original and stylish.

How to write the name Peter, Petya in French?

French is really beautiful. The elegant sound in it applies not only to scientific terms, but also to everyday words, curses and, of course, names. It is expected that the name "Peter" in the French style sounds no less elegant:

  • Pierre[Pierre] -The true French version of the name, retains the meaning of the "stone".

However, if this option seems unsuitable for you, then the use of the English version is also acceptable in French.  

How to write the name Peter, Petya in English?

By the way about English, there is hardly a person who, at least the outfold of the ear, did not hear the English version of the naming of "Peter". In English, this name will be written as follows:

  • Peter[Peter]

But this name has a short version already mentioned in this article:

  • Pete[Pete]

It can be used both as an abbreviated form, and as a separate, full -fledged name.

How to write the name Peter, Petya in German?

Name " Peter"It is incredibly well suited to such a firm language as German, not only because of its pronunciation, but also by virtue of the meaning of the name -" rock ". Nevertheless, in German, as in French, it is acceptable to use repeatedly mentioned " Peter". However, in this language there are its own alternatives, and this is how they sound:

  • Petrus[Petrus] - Saves the meaning of the name "Stone".
  • Pjotr[Pietr] - The translation of the Russian version of the name. This form is used, for example, when they talk about Peter the Great.

Each name is beautiful, in its own way elegant, bewitching. Be it “Victoria”, “Maria”, “Peter” or any other, each of them has something that can pull a person to himself. The history of origin, pronunciation, meaning, or something completely different-an interesting, distinctive feature has every name. However, behind each call, even if it is repeated, a person stands - unique and unique. Sometimes it is very important to realize this fact and not to hang the labels on a person who barely get acquainted with him simply because he has a certain name.

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