The male name Timur-as can be called differently: forms of name

The male name Timur-as can be called differently: forms of name

What can you call Timur differently?

Timur - This is a male name, having a Turkic or Mongolian origin. It means "persistent, durable person." The name gained fame thanks to the conqueror and commander Timur. During the Soviet Union, the name gained popularity after writing a story called “Timur and its team” by the Soviet writer A.P. Gaidar, as well as the movements of pioneers-Timurov. The name was widely used in cities.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "If you change the name or surname, will fate change?". We will also talk about when you should not change the last name.

As some researchers say, the name Timur It was also widespread due to the fact that it could be reduced as Tim. This was similar to how the name Timothy was reduced. In this article you will find information about how a person can be called with this name, and also how it will sound in different languages. Read further.

Timur name: meaning, origin

Timur name: meaning, origin
Timur name: meaning, origin

Name Timur It matters, covered with many puzzles and contradictions. These men can show unreasonable aggression, tenderness and kindness at the same time, since they are very ambiguous. There are a lot of versions of how it happened and what this name denotes:

  • If you translate from the language of the Mongols, it will turn out "iron", that is, the carrier of the name is a glorious and courageous person.
  • In the Tatar language there is an analogue of this name. It sounds like Damir and also has an association with iron and fortress.
  • Also Timur It is a relative of the name Tamerlan. With a variety of types of name, you can get confused, where the word came from and what a secret it has.

The meaning for this name was formed a long time ago-in the 14th century. Familiar to many Tamerlan or Timur, is the head of the dynasty called Timurida, which controlled Central Asia for more than two hundred years. At first he was the leader of the gang. Then he became a servant of Haji - the leader of the Mongol tribe of Barulas. Subsequently, Timur learned as the greatest conqueror of lands. The brave man fought with all his might, defended his honor. Because of this, in battle he was left without 2 fingers, he was injured. Therefore, it began to be called iron lame.

The famous governor attacked the Golden Horde. He helped the Russians free himself from many years of danger and oppression. After several centuries, Russia was able to restore economic, political, economic relations with other countries. The exchange of goods, as well as names, began to make. Over time, due to the influence of church figures, Russia was forgotten about the mysterious name. Only after the revolution in October, did this advent return to our country again, spreading through the Russian expanses.

The fate of boys and men named Timur

U Timura Life is quite multifaceted. He wants to keep up with and differs from others everywhere. The complex character intersects with great affection, warmth. The fate of boys and men with this name:

  • Child Timur Very temperamental and energetic. Often it can be self -confident, proud, acutely perceives criticism addressed to him.
  • These boys are firm in intentions, persistent, purposeful, cautious and rational.
  • Such a man analyzes the future, and is always sure whether he needs to make friendship with any person.
  • Only people who have fallen into his heart feel all the kindness of a little man.
  • The boy Tim is greedy for new knowledge. It easily perceives new information, remembers important, reproduces in the mind.
  • These boys study the Five.

Youngs have many features necessary in the modern world:

  • Diplomacy
  • Nobleness
  • Patience
  • Intelligence

A generous and open guy is of particular popularity in his environment, as it is very responsive. The young man is rather romantic and dreamy, loves adventure. Therefore, Tim loves to travel, gets involved in adventures. He loves adrenaline.

Often Timura They become leaders, because they know how to maintain a conversation, dilute it with good jokes.
On the way of growing up, becomes pragmatic, selfish. He begins to feel the ability to control. But at the same time, it remains kind, wasteful, generous, sincere, fair, faithful, organized and responsible. Timura boys often visit hospitals. However, when they become men, they have excellent health. Timur wants to receive stability from life in everything.

If someone wants his child to be courageous and brave, achieve a lot in life, then you can call a son Timur. After all, the name is able to influence the fate of a particular person, as proved by some researchers.

Name Timur: What will be the full name?

Timur - This is the full name. It sounds beautiful and belligerent. Many parents are trying to call their son precisely the full form of this advent. However, others do not mind and reduce the name.

The name Timur-as can be called differently: forms of name

Name Timur It sounds like "Male", "Strong". However, they strive to call a child with this adversity somehow affectionately. So, what can be called differently? For example, here are the forms of the name:

  • Timurchik
  • Tima
  • Tim
  • Timurka
  • Timusha
  • Timochka
  • Timushka
  • Timul

It has this names and similar names, for example:

  • Demir
  • Timer
  • Taimuraz
  • Temir
  • Teimuraz

The name will be best combined with such patronymics:

  • If the boy was born in winter or autumn, then it will work Antonovich, Maksimovich, Sergeevich, Alekseevich, Aleksandrovich.
  • If the boy was born in the summer or spring, then he will suit him Arnoldovich, Vladimirovich, Arturovich, Askoldovich, Zakharovich, Davydovich, Olegovich.

Below even more useful information. Read further.

Name Timur: Brief form of the name

Many parents love to call their children a brief form of name. It is convenient, beautiful and sounds kind. Here is a brief form of the name Timur:

  • Tim
  • Moore
  • Timusya
  • Timul
  • Timurchik

So friends and other close people can call. Parents can also use diminutive forms. Read further.

Timur name: affectionate form

Even a strong, at first glance, indifferent young man wants him sometimes to be somehow gently and loving. In such cases, affectionate forms for this name will be appropriate. Parents of their little son can also be called. But also brave Timur will be satisfied if he hears:

  • Tima
  • Timurka
  • Timka
  • Timash
  • Murka
  • Moore
  • Tim
  • Mura
  • Timonchik
  • Timochka
  • Timoshka
  • Timushka
  • Timchik
  • Murchik

If you use these forms when talking, you can see how the heart of a boy or man melts, it will become much kinder.

Timur Name: Squeezing Form

Here are a few more options for a diminutive form of the name Timur:

  • Tima
  • Tim

Such forms are used among friends and simply in the society of close people.

Name Timur: Form of the name in Latin

Latin is used in filling out official documents. This is convenient and so require the rules for filling. The form of the name Timur will be written in Latin as follows:

  • Tymurus

If you need to translate your other personal data into Latin, you can use the site. Just insert the word into the form and click "translate." In a couple of seconds you will have a result.

How to write the name Timur in Ukrainian?

Name Timur It sounds beautiful in different languages \u200b\u200bof the world. In pronunciation, it seems in any country. For example, this is how it sounds in Ukrainian:

Timur name in Ukrainian
Timur name in Ukrainian

How to write the name Timur in Japanese?

An exception to pronounce any naming is Japanese. All words on it sound in a special way. Here's how you can write a name Timur In Japanese:

The name Timur in Japanese
The name Timur in Japanese

How to write the name Timur in French?

Another beautiful pronunciation language is French. Any word in translation will sound stylish and interesting. Here's how you can write a name Timur French:

  • Timour
  • Tamerlan

If a man with a ruling Timur You need to go to France, then his name in the documents will be written that way. But you can write in English. Read further.

How to write the name Timur in English?

Name Timur In English is indicated in different papers, when official documents are filled out, a hotel is booking, an order is placed, for example, in a foreign online store.

  • Timur

It seems to be written in this naming in German. Read further.

How to write the name Timur in German?

If you go to Germany, for example, on weekends or work, then the name Timur It will be written a little differently. How to write in German? Here is the right option:

  • Timur

As you can see, in some languages \u200b\u200bof the world, this adhesion is written and sounds the same. This is convenient, since it will turn out well, if necessary, for example, if you travel to different countries of the globe.

Video: The meaning of the name Timur - Karma, character and fate

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