The male name is George, Gosha, Zhora: Variants of the name. How can George, Gosh, Zhora can be called differently?

The male name is George, Gosha, Zhora: Variants of the name. How can George, Gosh, Zhora can be called differently?

The male name George is beautiful and sounds interesting. He has many forms and options. Gosha and Zhora are diminutive forms of the name George.

Beautiful and courageous name - George. In Russian lists of popularity, it takes 35th place. Its owners became many great people not only in Russia, but also in the world. We are especially revered in the Christian world, George the Victorious, who took martyrdom in the second century. And after the death, who returned to the Earth and destroyed a huge snake, saving people from death. St. George is a symbol of our capital, depicted on its coat of arms, and the defender of the entire Orthodox army. For centuries, he was the patron saint of the Grand Duke family. At baptism by this name, Yaroslav the Wise was called.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "If you change the name or surname, will fate change?". You will learn how it affects the decoding of numerological significance.

From this article you will learn what forms of name exist George And how it sounds in other languages. Read further.

Name George: meaning, origin

Name George: meaning, origin
Name George: meaning, origin

There are two versions of the appearance of the name George:

  • The first is unlikely. Just one of the forms of name is consonant with Hebrew Uriah - "The flame of God". But in no dictionary this connection was confirmed. The male name Uri is now popular in Hebrew. There is not one in the language even similar to George. And if the etymology of the adults, which came from the Greek language or Hebrew, is quite easy to trace along a certain chain, then no connection is found with this. Of course, the historical possibility of Hebrew is possible, but unprovable.
  • The second version is more objective. The name came from Greek. Although it cannot be found in the lists of ancient Greek names. In ancient pre -Christian times George is mentioned as one of the epithets in relation to Zeus. In later, already Christian times, the name has become common. The version is repelled from St. George the Victorious. He was a native of Cappadocia, this is the Asian region during the period of antiquity was different. The main population was the Greeks and Armenians. There is an assumption that the adversary was taken the first of the Armenian language and interpreted from the position of Greek. It’s just that these two peoples are often found now.

Nevertheless, the main version of the origin of the name was the Greek roots. It is worn by many famous people:

  • Georgy Sedov - Russian polar researcher
  • George Clooney is an American actor
  • Georgy Vitsin - Actor
  • George Washington is the first American president
  • Georgy Zhukov - Soviet military leader

This is far from the whole list. There are athletes and writers, political figures.

The name is George, Gosha, Zhora: What will be the full name?

George - This is the full name. The root of the adults on the ancient Greek "Georgos" means "Cultivating land", the nickname of Zeus, the patron saint of farmers. He has a paired female Georgin. One of the rare names.

The diminutive forms of the female name will be: Gosha, Zhora, In, Hera, Georgin. The Ukrainian version is Georgin, and the Belarusian is Vyargin. In European countries - Dalia.

The name George-as can be called differently: forms of name

This is the richest name for forms. Officially, there are three passport options:

  1. George
  2. Egor
  3. Yuri

It is believed that each of these names has come out of another in this sequence. Egor, a derivative of George, is a colloquial Russian name, based on the same meaning. Perhaps for easier pronunciation, the Russians were rearranged the first letters. And at that time the name was pronounced Egoriy. Subsequently, Egor became vernacular, and the form of Yuri was used by the nobles.

It is worth knowing: Now Yegor and Yuri are independent names. Therefore, they try to separate short forms and affectionate in accordance with them.

In ancient Russian chronicles, birch bark letters, one can also find the following forms:

  • Gürgi
  • Gurie
  • Durga
  • Yurko

Meeting in foreign languages \u200b\u200babout Jorge, Jurger, Irji, Dierrd, we may not know, but these are all forms of one name. An example will be common in Armenia Gevorg or Gevork. In Georgia, George's name Givi. In addition to male, there are many female. Some are paired, other independent: Horhelina, Irzhina, Dierdy, Yorga, Georgian.

Name George, Gosha, Zhora: Brief form of the name

Those who watched the film “Moscow do not believe in tears” definitely remembered the phrases: “Goga, you can Gosh”, “He is Yuri, he is a mountain, he is Zhora ...”. And this is not all the short forms of this name, there is still:

  • Hera
  • Gary
  • Gesha
  • Gosha
  • Garik
  • Gunya
  • Mountain
  • Hesnya
  • Zhora

You can yourself come up with your short forms of this navigation. They will be unique and may be the owner of the name.

Name George, Gosha, Zhora: affectionate form

Giving a name to his son at birth, we find in advance not only its meaning, but also affectionate forms. After all, I want to call the baby somehow affectionately, especially, while he is small. To George The following options are suitable:

  • Gerochka
  • Goshenka
  • Gunochka
  • Goshun
  • Goshulya
  • Egor
  • Zorochka
  • Egorushka
  • Genech

But it is worth noting that every parent, when he first sees his newborn baby, will come up with his diminutive form of the name. This will be the most favorite option.

Name George, Gosha, Zhora: diminutive form

It is very difficult to divide the name into diminutive and affectionate forms, one can be used in both versions.

  • Gosha - Goshenka, Goshuna, Goshunochka, Goshulya
  • Zhora - Zhorochka, Zhorik, Georges
  • Garik - Garya, Igorek
  • Egor - Egor, Egorushka, Egun

As you can see, you can come up with many different interesting and cute forms for this adversation. Read further.

Name George: Form of the name in Latin

Latin - in this language they spoke in the Roman Empire. Now it is the official language of the Vatican, the Maltese Order and the Roman Catholic Church. In public life, this is the scientific language of botany, zoology, anatomy, medicine, various terminology. On him George sounds like Georgius.

In Latin, names are usually indicated in foreign passports and other documents. This form of the name is written as follows: Georgii.

How to write the name George in Ukrainian?

In Ukrainian, the name sounds, as in Russian - George, written with the replacement of the letter "and" On Ukrainian "I". It should be noted that the spelling of the name in the future, so that there is no confusion, should be the same as in the testimony of birth or passport. And the person who has arrived, bearing a name, for example, Athanasius, cannot be called Ukrainian Panas, Nicholas cannot be called Mykol.

How to write the name George in Japanese?

In sound, the name will be similar to the original, and with writing problems may arise due to the lack of appropriate sounds. In Japanese, two alphabets: hiragana and katakan. To write borrowed words from other languages \u200b\u200band personal foreign names, the second is used. The signs used in the katakan are more simple in drawings and look angular, but came from hieroglyphs. Each letter in the name is a syllable consisting of one deaf consonant and one of the five vowels. There are separate syllables consisting of one consonant “n” and vowels “I, Yu, E”. There are 46 of them in Katakan, and they are the main ones.

It looks like in writing and reading George In Japanese:

The name George in Japanese
The name George in Japanese

How to write the name George in French?

Georges - It is customary for the French to write like that. And the Georges with slightly muffled sounds "and" in the end - Georges. There is also a female pair name Georgetta - "Georgette".

How to write the name George in English?

All their own names when translated into English are Latinized, there is a replacement for Russian letters, similar and identical in sound. George - Georgiy. In addition to using translation, in English there is an analogue George - GeorgeBut they find the first option preferred.

How to write the name George in German?

The Germans have their own pronunciation and writing this advent. How to write the name George in German? Here's the answer:

  • George - Georg, "Georg"

German counterparts can be attributed Gottfried, Gunther.

Passport is the only document that reliably calls the name. For close communication, the man himself will say in which option it will be more convenient for him, it is more familiar to hear him.

Video: Karma named after George (useful for Yuri and Egorov). The typical fate of Zhora

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