The male name Denis - which means: description of the name. The name of the boy Denis: Secret, the meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

The male name Denis - which means: description of the name. The name of the boy Denis: Secret, the meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

Each human name has its own individual story, the patrons, protecting it, mysterious secret, consisting in nominal numerology. Any name has its own interpretation and meaning.

Read on our website another interesting article on the topic: "Male name Rinat and Renat - which means: description of the name". You will learn about his secret, meaning, decryption, characteristic, fate, etc.

From this article you will find out what fate to the holders of the name Denis, as well as what character and what awaits him in marriage. Read further.

What does the name Denis on the church calendar mean?

According to the church calendar, the name Denis Translated as "Dionysus belonging". In ancient Greek mythology, this is the god of crop of grapes and winemaking. He was also considered a god of madness, religious ecstasy, holiday and theater.

Saint patron named after Denis

Any Orthodox name is protected by the forces of the patrons. U Denis There are enough of them, but we will consider four of them:

  • Confessor and bishop of Dionysius Alexandriarevered on October 5 or 18.
  • Rev. Martyr Dionysius ValaamAnnually recalling February 20 (March 5).

In February 1578, in the monastery, whose novice was a young man named Dionysius, the Swedish army invaded. Together with the rest of Christians and the elders, they accepted martyrdom. Since then, in these places, a worship of their eternal peace has been performed annually.

  • Martyr Dionysius Vatopedsky, memorable day - July 31/August 13.

In August 2007, by the decision of the ROC Synod, the name Dionysius was included in the Orthodox calendar.

  • The icon painter Dionysius Glushitsky, born in the Vologda region, in 1362, originally called Dmitry. After 25 years, he accepted the ceremony of tonsure, becoming Dionysius. Having founded the Pokrovsky monastery in the Novgorod region, after a while he became an abbot.

To the poor, coming for the instructions, was always merciful, never drove anyone away. Later, he organized a female monastery.

The secret named after Denis


The main secret lies in the influence of the time of the year in which a young man named was born Denis.

  • Spring It will include vulnerability, temper and windiness in it. By itself, it will be closed, with a minimum number of familiar friends. All this will destroy him from the inside. The only way out of this critical situation is a faithful, reliable, self -confident companion.

Summer He will give him lightness, positive, dreaminess, but at the same time instability. A young man easily walking on his acquaintances will not be in the most profitable position for himself. It is very often sad. He needs a spring girl.

  • Autumn gives the boy with judiciousness, calm, self -sufficiency and determination. The spouse should not be “stronger”, in terms of determination, courage and so on.

Winter It shows the personality with straightforwardness, perseverance, honesty, harmful to establish communication with others. Such a Denisk is a good guy, but he is not familiar with tact. Only the one who will be ready for him to everyone - a friend, opponent, defender will love him.

Name Denis: Russian or not, what nationality is the name Denis?

Initially, the name sounded like Dionysius, being a folk form of the church language and meaning - "Belonging to Dionysus". This God was associated with fertility, winemaking, inspiration. For this reason, the translation may sound like "Walking".

Later, it was modified and accepted the species that is used in our world now. By nationality, such adversary is considered Russian.

Name Denis: origin and meaning, popularity

Speaking of how common the name Denis in the world - we can say that it is confident 141st position. The approximate number of people with such an adversary - 3 million 300 thousand people. The highest prevalence is the territory of the Russian Federation, the highest density in the Moldavian Republic. Next, we give detailed statistics on countries:

Country Estimated amount, thousand people. Of these men, % Of these women, %
Switzerland 6,2 100
Croatia 9,5 51 49
Peru 9,7 82 18
Indonesia 10 79 21
Ethiopia 11 100
Colombia 29 94 6
USA 40 100
Canada 88 100
Kazakhstan 89 100
Kenya 106 100
Belarus 112,5 99 1
Uganda 174 99 1
France 254 100
Russia 1.5 million. 100

The origin and meaning of this adversary was described above in the text. It is worth noting only that it is popular thanks to belonging to something divine, as well as fun and joy. In addition, this nagging sounds beautiful.

Also, the owners of this name from childhood are fidgets, painstakingly working over every trifle. In kindergarten they work on creating crafts, at school they try to get to the bottom of their own essence of each subject. The university allows them to direct their forces and mental abilities accumulated over the years, in the right direction. In most cases, such guys manage to successfully protect the diploma, get a practice, get a prestigious company.

Denis - Deciphering the name from Greek

The name comes from the ancient Greek "Dionysius"translated as “belonging to Dionysus” and bearing an incredible, sometimes inexplicable luck. "Discarded the last car" - this is about Denis. But at the same time, he is never lazy, constantly working and working for the benefit of his family.  

Denis name in English, Latin, different languages

In different languages, the name can be written the same, but sound completely different. Here are a few examples of transmission translation Denis In English, Latin, different languages:

Language Sound form Written form
Azerbaijani, English, Greek, Danish, German, Portuguese, Swedish, Latin denis Denis
Amharic hulum Neger ሁሉም ነገር
Arab dines دينيس
Armenian denis Դենիս
Belorussian Dzyanis Dzyanis
Georgian denis დენის
Chinese Danishi 丹尼斯
Romanian Denisa Denisa
French Dani Denis
Javanese Aditi Aditi
Japanese denisu デニス

How is the name Denis written in the passport?

When traveling outside the Russian Federation, any person needs to draw up a foreign passport of the corresponding sample. During this procedure, all key information is transcribed from Russian to the main European language - English or Latin.

  • It is worth noting that in a foreign version two spelling options may be indicated - from one n and with a doubled.
  • However, in all official documents it is necessary to indicate one letter.
  • That's why, Denis The passport will be spelled out as Denis. Moreover, you need to write precisely in capital in capital letters. All other options are considered incorrect.

If you need to transfer other personal data for the passport to Latin, you can use the site. Just insert the word into the table and click on the “translation” - you're done.

Denis: What is the abbreviated short name, diminutive?

From early childhood, any child is called in their circle (parents, grandparents, relatives close to the family), slightly differently, modifying the form of his original name. Denis can be called the following cute names in an abbreviated or diminutive form:

  • Denya
  • Den (Dan)
  • Deniska
  • Dusya
  • Desch
  • Denisochka
  • I will go
  • Denis (stress on the first vowel)
  • Dennis
  • Day

Of course, in every family you can come up with your short or sweet form of the name. In any case, it will turn out beautifully and will sound like a native.

Denis: The meaning of the name, character and fate

His character, which appears after birth and developing throughout life, has great importance. However, in the ancient name Denis Both positive and negative qualities have already been laid. To some extent, the character also affects fate. Let's consider this in more detail:

  • pros - It is an active, purposeful, energetic personality. Periodically, even to the necessary criticism, reacts very violently - first of all, he is taken by emotions, “turning off” the mind. Having calmed down, an understanding of excessive emotionality comes. Possessing innate quickness and intelligence, easily emerges from the most difficult situations, remaining "dry and sound." It obeys moral principles, but does not recognize any framework imposed from the outside. He spends his free time traveling (around the city, in different countries). It is considered a hospitable owner. Successful in a friendly circle and in personal affairs.
  • Minuses - Very often leads a carefree, idle life. Sometimes it is too talkative than annoying others. Forgets about requests, showing his optionality. Likes to impose his thoughts and ideas to strangers. It has a feature - to get carried away with an idea, after a while throwing it, without bringing the matter to the end.

The fate of this person to some extent depends on the meaning of the name. If he works a lot and receives a good “crop”. It will not work differently.

What patronymic suits the boy to the name Denis: compatibility with male names

It is important that the adversary and middle name sound beautifully and combine. Otherwise, in adulthood, communication with people will be difficult, since usually difficulties arise at work during official circulation, especially if the language “stumbles” when pronouncing a name and patronymic. Denis has excellent compatibility with many male names.

The most suitable patterns for the boy to this name are:

  • Yurievich
  • Olegovych
  • Anatolevich
  • Germanovich
  • Igorevich
  • Romanovich
  • Stanislavovich
  • Semenovich
  • Sergeyevich
  • Eduardovich
  • Stepanovich
  • Alexeyevich
  • Lvovich
  • Mikhailovich
  • Petrovich

It is considered difficult to pronounce a ligament Denis Denisovich, as well as with any Old Slavonic names that form patronymics as Feodosievich, Emelyanovich etc.

When is the name day, Denis's Angel's Day is an Orthodox calendar?

All Denis Orthodox Christian faith can be celebrated by name day many times a year. But the most basic are considered:

  • May 25 (Star. 12)-in honor of the clergyman of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra Dionysius of the Monk, who reliably helped the poor, sick parishioners and committed certain exploits in monasticism.
  • October 16 (according to the old style 3.10) - in memory of the holy martyr Dionysius Areopagita, who was one of the jury in the Supreme Court of Greece. It is considered the first Athenian bishop to write the work “On the Heavenly Hierarchy”, which describes in detail about the angelic hierarchy - cherubs, archangels, seraphims. He died at the hands of the Roman emperor Domitian, at the end of the first century.

Here are another name day for the Orthodox calendar:

Named after Orthodox calendar
Named after Orthodox calendar
Named after Orthodox calendar
Named after Orthodox calendar
Named after Orthodox calendar
Named after Orthodox calendar

It is worth noting that the Angel Day is the day of the baptism of man in the church. Therefore, do not confuse with the names, which are considered the day of veneration of the patron saint. These are two different days.

Congratulations on the Day of Angel Denis short in verses and prose

Congratulations to the birthday of an angel with the help of self -composed poems or beautifully written prose is the most original idea. In the absence of time or desire - you can choose from existing ones. Here are beautiful congratulations for Denis Short in verses and prose:

Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day
Happy Angel Day

Song with the name Denis

Only a few can give a song. Because, firstly, you need to guess this, and secondly-not everyone can realize it. We will help you. Here's an idea for a beautiful gift - this is a song named Denis:

Video: Songs with names: Song about Denis | Happy Birthday Denis

Video: I love you Denis - a song of love in the name

Video: Song about Denis

Video: Denis Dionysius Song about Denis

Video: Happy Birthday Denis - Song for Birthday in the Name

Tattoo named Denis

Special craftsmen with the talent of applying special pigments to human skin create original tattoos named Denis. They will please both owners and their second halves. Here are a photo of such tattoos:

Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named
Tattoo named

Suspension with the name Denis from gold: photo

Jewelry Masters, to choose from the customer, will be able to make a nominal gold suspension. Of course, the surprise is not cheap, but it's worth it. If a man does not want to wear such a jewelry, then you can give him a soul mate. You can give a wife, a girl or mother of the owner of this adult, give a pendant with the first letter of the name Denis. The youngest man is suitable for a pendant with the face of the patron saint.

Here are a photo of gold pendants:

Suspension with the name of gold
Suspension with a face of a saint of gold
Suspension with the name of gold
Suspension with the name of gold
Suspension with the name of gold
Suspension with the name of gold
Suspension with the name of gold
Suspension with the name of gold
Suspension with the name of gold
Suspension with the first letter from gold
Suspension with the first letter from gold
Suspension with the first letter from gold

Name Denis: Intuition, Intelligence, Morality

Despite the predominant cultural principle, this person has a detailed analysis of the information received, logical thinking, and the allocation of the key material from all of the material. With intelligence, such a man named Denis everything is fine. On an ongoing basis, it is funded by unusual ideas, thoughts, sentences. However, it is not uncommon for him-a loss of interest in his own creations due to banal laziness.

He completely and completely trusts his intuition, because it is the sixth feeling that provides him with invaluable help and support. In most cases, she saved him from committing rash acts, which could lead to irreparable consequences. Therefore, the morality of this person is completely dependent on intuition, because how he feels at the moment, he does.

Name Denis: hobbies, activities, business

Guys named Denis The painstaking, small work beckons.

  • But given the availability of one's own opinion, it is most often becoming an excellent sales manager or agent for advertising products.
  • Sometimes he prefers creativity, revealing his potential and providing the opportunity to “come out” to all the most daring ideas and dreams.
  • In this case, he can become a popular actor, a talented director, writer, researcher, artist or journalist. Hobbies in childhood are more often associated with writing small stories, fairy tales.
  • It will be possible to build its career in show business, engaged in creativity on the TV screen.

In general, everywhere, in any activity where you need to take risks - the guy will be successful. The future leadership will appreciate it, first of all, for enthusiasm, openness, daring and bold ideas that help to constantly develop the company himself.

Constant fortune accompanying Denis, helps him to find himself a lucky one in various lotteries, draws. He does not have to waste the accumulated savings, so almost all the earned remains as an inviolable stock. Given that we are dealing with a creative nature, manifested every day in a new way-it is better not to become businessmen for such people.

Name Denis: Health and psyche

Childhood Denis - Annual test of the body (immunity) for resistance. Parents always care about health, even in adulthood. Having transferred all possible infectious, respiratory and other diseases by the child, in adulthood, it rarely addresses the doctors for help. Only in the case of any surgical interventions or undergoing planned examinations at work.

Never, under no circumstances, it is impossible to overload its nervous system. Otherwise, depression, melancholy state, bad thoughts, psyche and much more, over time, can become chronic. Cure of Chronya is an expensive and long -term lesson. To exclude the above consequences, a good rest is important. One of the antidepressants can be alcohol products, and this is the minus of the character of such a person.

Name Denis: Sexuality, Marriage

Hot, emotional, passionate guy by name Denis, considers intimacy an indispensable part of mutual relations with the opposite sex. In his girlfriend, he will value the most emancipation, sexuality (to the right extent and only with him), tenderness, affection. Full opposites of this - it does not attract it.

For his life, he can be married several times before finding that one, intended for fate. However, it is believed that the second marriage will be considered the happiest and most fruitful. Priority in choosing a life partner is a complete lack of jealousy. It is not brought up by a whip, but not a gingerbread. If necessary, put in place. In general, it gives women freedom to learn from their own mistakes.

What sign of the zodiac is the name Denis?

Many aspects of life directly depend on the zodiac circle. Not everyone is suitable, chosen by parents at the birth of a child, names. Now we will study this issue in more detail. Which zodiac sign is the name Denis?

Zodiac sign Its characteristic
ARIES Serious, rotten, with a frequent and sharp change of mood. Trying to take his place in society, but because of a difficult nature-this does not always succeed.
TAURUS A purposeful, calm man prefers calm, conflict and constancy. He is an avid workaholic, a loving husband and father.
TWINS A well -educated, educated, honest individual is not capable of betraying his loved ones and friends, does not endure human pretense (hypocrisy).
CRAYFISH The vulnerable, soft -hearted man is endowed with emotional warmth and calm, ready to always come to the rescue, to support his family in the most difficult situations.
A LION The imperious, proud egoist (most often) proving his case “before losing the pulse” and taking a certain position in disputes - people around them do not respect or appreciate.
VIRGO An amazing diplomat, in a calm and friendly form, protecting (if necessary) his interests and defends his personal interests will never offend anyone or betray anyone.
SCALES Energetic, arrogant, freely experiencing difficult life moments. A patient, tactful, intelligent young man charms a future wife with such qualities.
SCORPION Constantly in motion that does not know rest, an ardent young man surrounds himself only by those people and situations that bring positive emotions.
SAGITTARIUS Configured for the result, independent Denis Often mistaken in actions. A late marriage allows the formed family to become strong and strong.
CAPRICORN A quiet, calm, sincere, responsive man has great willpower, endurance. Reasons rationally, hiding emotionality further and further.
AQUARIUS Decisive, intellectual, moderately stubborn, reaches the tasks quickly and promptly. In love - envelops relatives and friends with warmth, care and attention.
FISH In love, romantic nature is in a constant search for its love. Not everyone is suitable, but only capable of sincerely support him in all endeavors.

Stone-the-dinosman to the name Denis

Ash from Malachite-Stalisman Star
Ash from Malachite-Stalisman Star

Talismans of the name Denis, made of hard rocks, are considered the following stones:

  • Sapphire - associates reliability, strength, unbending, disinterested friendliness to others.
  • Malachite - symbolizes life, prudence, harmony, the ancients believed in its strength, capable of driving away spirits and evil spirits.
  • Chrysolite - saves from troubles, threats, protects against committing rash acts.

Flower, plant, wood-talisman for the name Denis

Landysh flower
Landysh flower

Representatives from the world of plants can also be amulets. Here are the talismans for the name Denis:

A talisman flowerspring is considered lily of the valleymarked by tenderness, groove, fidelity, kindness and care in relation to others. There is a belief: the assembled bouquet of the valley, located at the bed of newlyweds, gives the young man attentiveness, and the girl with passion and sensuality.

Tail-maleit has long been considered chestnutmeaning fidelity to his soulmate. In addition, it protects against various kinds of temptations, evil eye, damage and dark forces.

Totem animal named after Denis

The totem animal of the name
The totem animal of the name

AnimalProtecting the owners of the name Denis from all the bad, is calf, giving inner purity, sacrifice, prosperity. Such a totem adds peace of mind and determination.

Numerology named after Denis

We will make a detailed calculation based on the position that each letter of the Russian alphabet has a serial number. For example: “a” - 1, “b” - 2, “c” - 3, etc. So: so:

  • D (5) + E (6) + H (15 \u003d 1 + 5 \u003d 6) + and (10 \u003d 1 + 0) + C (19 \u003d 1 + 9 \u003d 10 \u003d 1 + 0 \u003d 1) \u003d 5 + 6 + 6 + 1 + 1 \u003d 19 \u003d 1 + 9 \u003d 10 \u003d 1 + 0 \u003d 1

All carriers of the name Denis, according to numerology, are under reliable protection of the first ordinal number, generously awarded the extraordinary character, emotionality, individuality and excessive independence. Such a person has congenital leadership qualities that open the doors to him in many directions.

Pseudonym to the name Denis

The pseudonym is sometimes necessary to hide his true personality or simply give charm to his name. Slightly changed nicknames to the name Denis can serve:

  • Denchik
  • Denka
  • Denis
  • Melon
  • Day
Pseudonym to the name
Pseudonym to the name
Pseudonym to the name
Pseudonym to the name
Pseudonym to the name
Pseudonym to the name

Famous people, celebrities named Denis

Many parents want to call their child the name of some famous person. It seems that the baby will then be able to repeat the successful fate of this great person. Celebrities named Denis a lot of. This ancient name, at one time, was named the following outstanding personalities:

  • Denis Sobolev - Doctor of philosophical sciences, writer, culturologist.
  • D. Nikiforov -the famous, popular film actor, the most famous, in wide masses, according to the criminal drama “Battle with a Shadow” and the multi -part project “Youth”.
  • D. Grebeshkov -champion of the Russian national hockey team in 2008-2009, Honored Master of Sports of the Russian Federation.
  • D. Nowell Prutt -a public figure and publicist, one of the politicians of the Labor Party.
  • D. Fonvizin -the writer of the Catherine’s era, a linguist, creator of the genre of “household” comedy.
  • D. Davydov -lieutenant General, representative of Hussar poetry.
  • D. Kolodin -russian football player, defender, bronze medalist of the European Championship 2008.
  • D. Matsuev -people's Artist of the Russian Federation, pianist, laureate of the State Prize of Russia.  

Summing up, it can be noted that Denis - A difficult person, with a peculiar character, unusual habits and his unique features. The whole totality of these elements, with the proper attitude, can make from a young man a well -known, promising specialist of one of the labor areas.

Video: The meaning of the name Denis: Karma, character and fate

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