Men's name Egor: Variants of the name. What can you call Yegor differently?

Men's name Egor: Variants of the name. What can you call Yegor differently?

The male name Yegor has many different options. When translating into other languages, it sounds beautiful and original.

In Russia male name Egor In 47th place in popularity. Previously, it was known in the folk environment, it was considered a vernacular. The children of the noble estate were called the name George. Now everything has changed and the adversary has no estate connotations. It is considered Orthodox, but at baptism they use the name George: the same adversary is indicated in the saints. It is also common for the name Igor, Yuri.

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From this article you will learn what forms of name exist Egor. We also describe the meaning and origin, and they are very interesting. Read further.

Egor's name: meaning, origin

Egor's name: meaning
Egor's name: meaning

By origin Egor - Russian male name. It came from the ancient Greek name Georgios in the X century, during the spread of Christianity. Then it separated from him, became an independent form and even appeared in the shrines, and the name Georgos was forgotten for the next seven centuries. On behalf of Georgios, the names Yuri, George also occurred. The adversaries were translated as a "farmer." They belonged to Zeus, which was considered the patron saint of agriculture. It is no coincidence that people who are named Yegor speak of successful, hardworking personalities who are trying to multiply the results of their labors.

Then the nasal changed beyond recognition due to the phonetic laws of the Old Russian language-the soft sound “G” could not be pronounced at the beginning of the speech. As a result, the phoneme disappeared at the beginning of the word. The name was pronounced as Eory. After eliminating gaping, pronouncing two vowels in a row, the name began to be pronounced as Yuri.

This all did not end. In the XVII century, the churchmen took up the correction of books: the name was correctly recorded, corrected for the original form for borrowing. Despite the change in the rules of the Russian language, the name was again borrowed by the people in the form of Yegor. Along with this version of the name, the form of Egorgy and Egoriy was popular.

Egor's name: What will be the full name?

Egor It is considered in the Russian language a complete name. From him, by adding the suffix “Ovich/Aries”, the middle name Egorovich and Egorovna occurred. At the same time, the name Yegor is one of the derivatives for the name of Greek origin George. Parents often write down the child under this name, but call exclusively Yegor. Such complete forms as Egorgium, Egoriy are also possible.

Egor's name-as can be called differently: beautiful forms of the name

At the name Egor Many beautiful, sonorous options. Among them, forms are distinguished:

  • Egoriy
  • Zhora
  • Hera
  • Gosha
  • Mountain

All, except for the first option, are brief. Here's another way to call Egor differently:

  • Egor
  • Grief
  • Hesnya
  • Egosha
  • Goshun
  • Egun
  • Gunya
  • Goga

Below are even more options. Read further.

Egor's name: Brief form of the name

Name Egor It is not considered long, so it is rarely reduced. A complete and brief form in everyday life coincides and the man is called by a man, friends, relatives and subordinates. Other brief forms include:

  • Mountain
  • Grief
  • Zhora
  • Gosha
  • Gunya

Exoticly sound:

  • Hera
  • Gerel
  • Gary
  • Woe

You rarely hear these forms in speech.

Egor's name: affectionate form

To affectionately call Egor, the family uses affectionate forms. The options sound softly:

  • Goshun
  • Egun
  • Georges
  • Zorochka
  • Zhorushka
  • Goshenka
  • Goshechka

Forms seem a little less affectionate - Gunya, Egor, Zhorik.

Egor's name: diminutive form

The name has many diminutive forms. They are used more often in relation to the child, and not to an adult man. These forms:

  • Zhora
  • Zorochka
  • Hera
  • Gerochka
  • Gesha
  • Gosha
  • Goshenka
  • Goshulya
  • Goshun
  • Goga
  • Egor
  • Egosha

You can come up with your original option. He will be the most beloved and sweet for you and your family, loved ones, friends.

Egor's name: Form of the name in Latin

The Romans borrowed the name from the Greeks. In sound and meaning, these forms are identical in both Greek and Latin. So, in Latin, the name was recorded as Georgiusthat corresponds to the original Greek name Georgios.

How to write the name Yegor in Ukrainian?

In Ukrainian territories, the name has long been known. During the second borrowing, the Ukrainians without changing adopted this name into their language. Only the appearance of the word is distinguished. In Ukrainian, the name is recorded as follows:

Egor's name in Ukrainian
Egor's name in Ukrainian

There are many options in Ukrainian. Some coincide with the Russians, and some do not. Here is their list:

Egor's forms in Ukrainian
Egor's forms in Ukrainian

Recently, Ukrainians have preferred a name Igor, and Egori is called children less often.

How to write the name Yegor in Japanese?

When translating into Japanese, a phonetic way to use is difficult and useless. Therefore, a meaningful translation is more often used. The etymological meaning of the word is taken, its equivalent in Japanese is located and an entry occurs using hieroglyphs. This is due to the gap between the Asian and European culture, the lack of a common Christian past.

At the name Egor There is no its own etymological meaning, therefore, the meaning of the original word is used for translation - George. In Japanese, this word is recorded by the following signs:

Egor's name in Japanese
Egor's name in Japanese

This set of hieroglyphs is read as Nof.

How to write the name Yegor in French?

In French, the name is recorded in three ways:

Egor's name is in French
Egor's name is in French

The French themselves prefer to use the full version of the name - Georges, directly borrowed from Latin. How abbreviated forms are popular - Jore, jorioz. The name is common among the French. In Russian, these forms sound like- Zhora, Georges. These forms are used in translating these adversaries into Russian from French novels.

How to write the name Yegor in English?

In English during transliteration, name Egor Write down how Egor. So the name will look like when issuing a passport. But the phonetic version of Yegor is not common in the USA and Great Britain. There is a similar name - George.

How to write the name Yegor in German?

In German, forms are common on behalf of Georgius, they phonetically changed much less. Synonymous for the name will be German options:

  • Georg
  • Jurgen
  • Jorg

With transliteration, the name Yegor will look like Jegor.

Name Egor Great for a boy, a future man. Its meaning and origin connects the child with his native land, but does not make strangers to other countries, because the variants of the name are known everywhere. First of all, this adherence is associated with the Holy George Victorious, revered in Christianity. A man with that name will be under the protection of this saint.

Video: the meaning of the name Yegor - karma, character and fate

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