Is it possible to sleep in front of the mirror at night: the opinion of scientists, some beliefs, folk beliefs, Feng Shui. What to do if you can’t sleep in front of the mirror at night?

Is it possible to sleep in front of the mirror at night: the opinion of scientists, some beliefs, folk beliefs, Feng Shui. What to do if you can’t sleep in front of the mirror at night?

An article about whether it is possible to sleep in front of the mirror at night. Opinions from beliefs, folk signs, scientific point of view, Feng Shui.

In the modern world, mirrors are very fashionable everywhere: on furniture, in the doorway, on the walls, and even on the ceiling. How does a person feel in such a room? Is it useful to be there? How to sleep in front of a mirror at night? Is it harmful? We find out in this article.

Who will give the answer: can you sleep in front of the mirror at night?

To the question: is it possible to sleep in front of the mirror at night, you can find the answer:

  • In some beliefs
  • In popular beliefs
  • At psychologists
  • In some philosophical groups, for example, Feng Shui
You can’t sleep in front of the mirror at night, not only popular beliefs warn about this

Is it possible to sleep in front of the mirror at night: the advice of believers

When asked if you can sleep in front of the mirror at night, there are 3 versions on beliefs:

  • 1 version. The person, when he sleeps, leaves the spirit for a while, that is, the soul. If a mirror hangs opposite the bed, it can tighten her soul, and she can’t get out of there.
  • 2 Belief version. The soul before awakening, returning to the body, can see itself in the mirror, get very afraid and not reach the body - and then a person dies in a dream.
  • According to the 3rd version: From a sleeping person, a mirror can draw all positive energy. You can feel this if after sleep, in the morning, you have not got enough sleep, irritated, sluggish, tired.

Is it possible to sleep in front of the mirror at night: popular beliefs

According to popular beliefs, there are several answers to the question - is it possible to sleep in front of the mirror at night:

  • If spouses have to sleep in front of the mirror, this gives neither romance nor sexuality, as some people might think. If you sleep in front of the mirror to her husband and wife, this leads to the infidelity of one of the spouses. And if, opposite the mirror, not only the bed stands, but also the door, then the newlyweds will often quarrel and disperse.
  • If you have to sleep in front of a broken mirror, and look into it, then your fate can be further broken (unhappy).
  • Lonely people also cannot sleep in front of the mirror, otherwise a person can become even more lonely, that is, loneliness will double.
  • Another ancient belief. In those days, people thought that every person had a double in the after the grinder. If you sleep in front of the mirror at night, the double from the mirror can come and pick up the soul.
  • And even worse, if your bedroom is someone else's mirror. Since belief, the mirror can remember all the bad and good, and then influence the future life of the new owner.
You can’t sleep in front of the mirror, folk beliefs also say about it

Is it possible to sleep in front of a mirror at night: a scientific point of view, tips of psychologists

Scientists have found that our body wakes up 10 seconds earlier than the brain. If a person sleeps in front of the mirror, and wakes up at night, then opening his eyes, and seeing himself in the mirror, he may not recognize himself, and be afraid. And from here - fright, panic, stress. And then a psychological disease of mirrors - spectrophobia can develop. This disease itself does not pass, it must be treated at a psychiatrist.

Is it possible to sleep in front of the mirror at night: the point of view of philosophy by feng shui

According to Feng Shui, energy flows pass in the rooms, if the situation in the house is calm, then the energy flows will be friendly. If you sleep in front of the mirror at night, it will attract negative energy, and transmit it to the sleeping person, which is why pessimism then appears at the owners of the house, and in the house there is an unhealthy atmosphere.

Feng Shui also does not bode well if you sleep in front of the mirror at night

Is it possible to sleep in front of the mirror at night: to believe or not believe in beliefs?

Is it possible to sleep in front of the mirror at night or not - these are just signs. But signs were taken not from an empty place, but from centuries -old observations in real life. If we do not believe it, it means that this cannot be denied that this is not.

What to do if you can’t sleep in front of the mirror at night?

If you still slept in front of the mirror at night, and in order not to harm yourself, it is better to do it as follows:

  • Rearrange the bed to another place, away from the mirror.
  • Remove the mirror from the bed, and do not hold it in the bedroom.
  • If it is impossible to remove the mirror from the bedroom, you need to hang the curtain in front of the bed, or close the mirror at night with something.

So, folk beliefs, some beliefs, Feng Shui, and even a scientific point of view says that you can’t sleep in front of the mirror at night.

If you have to sleep in front of the mirror at night, it can be closed at night

Video: Why can't you sleep opposite the mirror?

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Comments K. article

  1. I never knew about these signs. Very useful information.

  2. All these Fenshui, I do not believe. The main thing for me is to sleep, and where is this bed there ... Here is sometimes problems with insomnia, but if it was a rich day, and I was a lot of nervous. Very good Evalarovsk tea bio, soothing evening and daytime, helps. I drink his course. Plus, the shower is warm, I don't like the bath. And read the book, calm.

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