Why is it impossible to be very nervous during pregnancy, how not to be nervous during pregnancy?

Why is it impossible to be very nervous during pregnancy, how not to be nervous during pregnancy?

Let's immediately highlight the fact that pregnant women should never be nervous, annoyed, and even more so - to fall into a stressful state. It should be clear to everyone! All this negativity is harmful not only to the health of the future mother, but also by her not yet born child.

Both everyone around him and the woman healing the child should remember that all irritable factors can provoke the incorrect formation and development of the intrauterine fetus already at the initial stage of its development. And congenital cardiovascular diseases in the baby, do you think where they come from? Yes, basically everything from there - from the nervous state of a pregnant woman. A powerful nervous breakdown can even end very deplorable, premature birth.

Nervous during pregnancy: consequences for the child

  • As soon as the egg is fertilized, the female body instantly reacts to this event and begins to urgently rebuild its work. This can be determined by the frequent unexpected tearfulness of a woman and suddenly a feeling of anxiety and absolute, just childish helplessness.
  • It is the first trimester that is different the largest mood swings and increased nervousness of a woman, since in her body the changes only began, and he had not yet had time to rebuild, as it should.
The pregnant woman is nervous
The pregnant woman is nervous
  • The middle of pregnancy is also a very crucial period for the future mother. She should understand, if mother is nervous during pregnancy, then her child a priori will not be able to be born healthy.
  • And then we are surprised where the hypoxia could come from a newborn child? Know that he “picked up” her with his excessively nervous mother, while still in her stomach, because the middle of pregnancy is the peak of formation of the fetus of the nervous system.
  • Do not think that if he has not yet been born, then he does not feel and does not understand anything. Doctors argue that the slightest excitation or nervousness of his mother is instantly transmitted to the fetus, and first of all, because of this, nervous pregnant women are more likely to be born of children with small weight or asthmatic disease.
  • You have already understood how great the importance provides the behavior of a pregnant woman is on how her baby will be. A calm mother throughout the entire period of pregnancy - and the child is calm.
Calmness is important
Calmness is important
  • Imagine how restless the baby will be if the woman, bearing it, could not control her emotions, and even trifles could lead her out of balance. It’s clear that he will be exactly the same as his mother.
  • As a result, it will be bad and not during the hours of the regime - and this is a new reason for irritation and discontent of the young mother. And so she has to live in constant stress - both before childbirth and after them.
  • Usually children of nervous mothers are very susceptible frequent mood changes And they are very sensitive to all changes in the environment. From new smells, bright light, noise, sun, thunderstorms, etc. They will be very annoyed, worried and often cry.

Why are you nervous during pregnancy?

  • Unfortunately, many pregnant women, despite all their efforts, are not able to constantly stay during all these long 9 months in a calm and unshakable state.
  • So what is the reason why most women are nervous during pregnancy? It turns out that pregnancy is a very complex process that causes hormonal restructuring all female body. At this time, he is subordinated to almost one goal - to endure the baby.
The reason is hormonal restructuring
The reason is hormonal restructuring
  • Such changes entail the excessive susceptibility and nervousness of the future mother, and even some insignificant troubles that she had previously simply noticed can annoy her. Moreover-she can even because of some kind of nonsense to be very nervous and cry during pregnancy, despite the persuasion of the people around her.
  • But all these persuasion and constant reminders of the dangers for a child of her excessive nervousness can even more angry a woman in her position. After all, she is already constantly under the influence of a whole hormonal hurricane, and then she is constantly being kept in her ear: “Do not be nervous, do not cry, forget about your experiences, think about the child”!
  • From all this, the expectant mother’s nerves will play even more, because even ordinary people cannot constantly experience equanimity, and already pregnant with her truly crazy hormonal restructuring is simply incapable of copeing with their nerves. However, there should be a measure in everything. The pregnant woman wanted to cry - let her shed a little tears, her time came to call - yes to her health! But all these actions should be present, and excessive extremes should be left aside. It should be remembered that real tantrums will not bring to good.

Which woman is nervous during pregnancy?

Women at an early date risk being subjected to frequent nervous stresses and emotional instability if they are:

  • and in their usual state they had too nervous and impulsive;
  • suffered from neurological diseases;
  • hypochondria was their usual state, i.e. before they constantly experienced experiences because of themselves, and now also about his future baby, which is an inexhaustible source of all sorts of worries;
  • are located In despair due to its pregnancy, since it is undesirable for them;
  • they do not feel that people close to them - husband, relatives, friends;
  • before the child bearing, the endocrine system had a disorder, and with pregnancy it only intensified or complicated.
If the pregnant woman is nervous before pregnancy, then in an interesting position it will aggravate even more
If the pregnant woman is nervous before pregnancy, then in an interesting position it will aggravate even more

How to stop nervous during pregnancy?

  • Absolutely all future mothers dream that they will have a healthy and calm baby. And how can one force your body to submit to common sense, so that in the soul of a woman with a life that is born inside her, balance and serenity reign? How to stop nervous during pregnancy?
  • This can be achieved by d freshly drunctional walks in the fresh air (a park, square or forest), a park), viewing good movies and reading good books, communication with pleasant people, animals and nature.
More walks
More walks
  • Such a simple time, accessible to everyone, without a doubt, will positively affect the behavior of pregnant women, because everything pleasant cannot cause negative emotions.
  • A positive effect can also be achieved using aromatherapyUsing pink and sandalwood or patchouli oil.
  • And in general, you need to listen to what your pregnant organism wants at one time or another - to eat, drink, sleep, take a walk. However, if you feel that your body wants only two things - to eat and lie down, here you need to connect “heavy artillery” - your brain, and through I don’t want to pull yourself out into the fresh air.
  • You need to regularly go to your doctor and attend classes for pregnant women - gymnastics, swimming. Caring for yourself and the baby that is formed inside you, you will feel confidence and calm, so you yourself will not want to hysteria again.
  • If you work in your position and you like your work, then continue to do this further - this will not allow you to look for reasons for sadness, longing and nervous.

I am very nervous during pregnancy: is it possible to use sedatives?

  • The first months of bearing a baby is a very crucial period, so doctors do not recommend that women take any sedatives at this time.
  • They can only be drunk after 16 weeks of pregnancy passes, and then, if this is an extreme necessity.
  • This needs to be done only by order and under the supervision of your doctor, in no case do not self -medicate!

I am nervous during pregnancy: what to do?


Here are some tips that will help a pregnant woman calmly calm down and in the future not to succumb to stress attacks.

I am nervous during pregnancy - what to do:


  • start making deep and even breaths and exhalations;
  • in small sips, drink useful herbal tea, for brewing which you can use valerian, motherwort, lemon balm or mint. It is possible to brew lemon balm and drink infusion from it after the birth of a baby - breast milk is better produced from it;
  • inhale pairs of essential oils with impurities needles, sandalwood, citrus fruits and etc.;
  • to give yourself easy physical activity - to carry out exercises specially designed for those women who are preparing to become mothers soon;
  • having massaged his anti -stress point with a finger (it is on the chin) - 9 times in one and the other side;
  • having accepted the lotus position, do meditation.

In extreme cases, it is worth taking advantage of another advice, although it may seem to you somewhat rude. But, nevertheless, he acts on a person, as if sobering a shower. If you are not able to achieve reassurance, you should think about the defenseless being inside you, and say to yourself: “Don't be a rag! You are an adult woman, now take yourself together! ”

  • In some cases, during pregnancy, the female body begins to experience a lack of vitamin B, which can also lead to a woman’s mental imbalance.
  • Therefore, her diet must be replenished with products that contain this vitamin: yeast, cottage cheese, cheese, milk, sprouted grains, legumes, liver, kidneys, green vegetables, carrots, melons, pumpkin, peanuts, fish, eggs.

As you understood from this article, they will not lead to anything good during the bearing of the child. Therefore, you need to throw aside all the negative emotions and enjoy life: after all, thanks to you and the sacraments of nature, a new little man will soon be born!

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Video: 5 ways to calm nerves for pregnant women

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Comments K. article

  1. Everything that happens in a woman, especially in the early stages, can adversely affect the health of the baby. Moreover, sedatives cannot be drunk, there are a lot of contraindications. I am an emotional woman, worked until the last month, and also nervous. But the doctor immediately warned me about the consequences. To strengthen the nervous system, I drank Evalarovsky magnesium Helat, you know, it became much calmer. Slept well.

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