Secrets of acne treatment during pregnancy: prevention, how to get rid of if you sprinkled? Acne as a sign of pregnancy in the early stages, to delay: how to treat?

Secrets of acne treatment during pregnancy: prevention, how to get rid of if you sprinkled? Acne as a sign of pregnancy in the early stages, to delay: how to treat?

Often acne during pregnancy is a big problem. How to deal with her, read in the article.

At first glance, there are plenty of materials on the treatment of acne during pregnancy during pregnancy - at least when entering the form of the search engine of the corresponding request, a fair amount of pages with articles on this topic appears in the search results.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "The best candles from thrush during pregnancy". You will find a list of funds, recipes for traditional medicine and learn about the prevention of pathology.

True, this information abundance is only apparent, and the joy of it quickly passes after a careful reading of one or two dozen such “articles”. Having done this, you will be surprised to find that almost all of them are just a retelling of one and rather meaningless note, written, apparently, by a man without a medical education.

What is such a harsh sentence based on: why did acne on the face appear during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, acne on the face appeared
During pregnancy, acne on the face appeared

If we discard the “water” and the idle discussions about the joys that a woman experiences during the period of bearing a child, then the essence of publications on the treatment of acne during pregnancy is reduced to the following provisions that do not have “soil”:

  1. Acne during pregnancy is natural.
  2. Pimples during pregnancy do not need to pay attention at all, as this is just a small skin defect.
  3. After pregnancy, acne will disappear by themselves.
  4. To combat acne during pregnancy, only peeling can be used.

However, one fair thought is still present in such a matter. It can be stated shortly as follows:

  • For the treatment of acne during pregnancy, retinoids and peroxides cannot be used.

Of course, such information from the network in no case can satisfy a young woman who was faced with acne during pregnancy, and immediately wants to get specific recommendations to combat them, and not general reasoning.

So, first of all, you should understand why for the treatment of acne during pregnancy categorically application is contraindicated 99% of anti -heat drugs available for sale. The fact is that most modern such drugs contain compounds that are dangerous for the development of the fetus as the active substance.

What in such a situation remains to do pregnant to combat acne? It is quite enough: the active prevention of their appearance, plus a certain number of drugs that can completely cure acne completely, then at least effectively prevent their appearance.

Acne as a sign of pregnancy before delay

Pregnant women who do not yet know about their interesting situation often suffer from acne. This is the first sign of pregnancy before the delay. The woman does not even suspect that life has already originated in her stomach, and her face, shoulders and back can be covered with acne. Therefore, if you have such a problem as acne, then do a pregnancy test first.

However, it would be negative, this is not an indicator that there is no pregnancy. It is better to repeat it in a couple of weeks or donate blood on the hCG to know for sure.

Acne on the face during pregnancy in the early stages: Prevention

Proper nutrition: Prevention of acne during pregnancy
Proper nutrition: Prevention of acne during pregnancy

Taking into account the fact that there are a lot of nuances of acne treatment during pregnancy, and it is impossible to state them in detail within one article, here we will consider only the most important points. Let's start, of course, with prevention. It should be noted immediately that the appearance of acne on the face during pregnancy in the early stages is very often stimulated by such a banal factor as gluttony.

Its reason is simple:

  • It just so happened that so far mothers, grandmothers and great -grandmothers in matters of their pregnant children in most cases are in an irreconcilable confrontation with modern medicine.
  • Peremptorly issued by them old recommendations for pregnant women like “Now you should eat for two”, “Eat what you want and how much you want” and so on. They lead to improper food behavior.
  • Future mothers, who are pretty fired in the struggle for the figure, begin to absorb a lot of fatty and high -carbing foods: dishes fried in oil, baking, ice cream, all kinds of confectionery, etc., justifying this with a stupid statement “necessary for the child”.

In combination with a sedentary lifestyle, such nutrition quickly leads to the appearance of tens of kilograms of fat deposits, increased pressure, constipation, and, of course, all kinds of skin rashes, including acne.

The first recommendation To fight acne during pregnancy:

  • Eat more fish, meat, natural dairy products (cheese, cottage cheese, milk, yogurt).
  • Eat bread from coarse flour, a lot of vegetables, fruits or dried fruits, and only a little baking and confectionery.
  • Of course, try to completely avoid or minimize the use of products that stimulate acne-fast food, fried and fatty dishes.

Recommendation is second:

  • During pregnancy, you are as long as possible in the fresh air.
  • This is necessary not only for the normal development of the fetus: fresh air and moderate amounts of solar insolation are natural factors that effectively restrain the growth of microorganisms, including causing acne.
  • Therefore, at least twice a day, be sure to go for a walk duration 1-2 hours.

The recommendation is the third:

  • Correct your face skin.
  • First of all, scrubs should be completely excluded - their use for acne is generally undesirable, and during pregnancy it is simply contraindicated.
  • To prevent active multiplication of acne, as well as to normalize seafrotment, 2-3 times a week Alternately use yeast masks and masks from natural yogurt (you can with the addition of lemon juice).
  • With very oily skin 2-3 times a week Additionally do salt procedures. Apply a mixture of soap foam and small table salt to the skin (iodized is not suitable!), after 3-4 minutes Carefully remove the composition from the skin with warm water and at the end rinse the face of cold.

So, the main points regarding the prevention of acne during pregnancy are listed above. And now you should tell you how to treat and eliminate this problem. Read further.

During pregnancy, poured acne: how to get rid of, how to treat?

During pregnancy, poured acne
During pregnancy, poured acne

It often happens that during pregnancy, a woman is sprinkled with acne. This is unpleasant and spoils the appearance. How to get rid of, how to treat?

  • Main recommendation: For active struggle to acne, use a combined drug Zinerite.
  • For information: the effectiveness of this tool is due to the presence in its composition of one of the most active antibiotics - erythromycin. This medicine suppresses the post -acne well.
  • They also help to cope with the problem of zinc combination in the composition of zinery. Zinc Acetate digidate significantly reduces the production of the sebaceous glands. When using it, both the amount of acne and comedones quickly decreases.

The action of active substances Zinerita It is almost exclusively local in nature. Only the trace concentrations of erythromycin, which is quickly excreted from the body, fall into the bloodstream.

Advice: Before using zinery, be sure to consult a dermatologist. Perhaps you have contraindications for its use. After all, it is important to exclude the negative effect on the fetus and the development of possible side effects.

You can also treat post -acne in pregnant women with peeling. If there is a desire to do them and there are no contraindications to this - feel free to perform such procedures, but just remember that after peeling the skin becomes noticeably more prone to the appearance of inflammatory elements. Therefore, without the use of additional measures to protect the skin, the effect may well be completely opposite to your expectations.

Acne on the face, stomach, chest, chin, back, forehead, labia during pregnancy: reviews

Acne on the face during pregnancy
Acne on the face during pregnancy

If you are pregnant and suffer from acne, then read the reviews of other women who have coped with this problem. Someone used folk remedies, others-well-known drugs. There is an exit. So, you have acne during pregnancy, read reviews.

Larisa, 23 years old

Before I found out that I was pregnant, my whole face and chin sprinkled with acne. At first I was so scared, because I never had such a problem, even during adolescence. I did not know what to do. I turned to a dermatologist. The doctor advised Zinerite. Since the beginning of use, there was a slight burning sensation and a feeling of dry skin. A few days later everything went. Now the skin is clean, but the doctor said that it is possible to repeat the course if the problem appears again.

Olga, 22 years old

My acne problem began when I already found out about pregnancy-at the 4th week. I was also worried about nausea and vomiting in the morning. I felt bad and the fact that pimples appear on my forehead, stomach and back, I almost did not pay attention. But my grandmother, having learned about my problem, brewed me with calendula and chamomile. I later lubricated the affected areas with this infusion. Helps well. Separate the chamomile and flowers of calendula - 1 tablespoon per glass of water. Pour boiling water, boil in a water bath, cool, strain. Keep the infusion in the refrigerator. Before use, heat to room temperature.

Ekaterina, 30 years old

During the second pregnancy, I was strongly sprinkled with acne. Moreover, they appeared not only on the face, but also on the chest and even the labia. When I had a daughter at the age of 25, I did not have this. Even toxicosis did not bother. She told the neighbor, she said that perhaps there would be a boy. She also had, and in general, that acne during pregnancy is a boy. So it turned out, on an ultrasound I found out that I would have a son. There was no limit to joy, since we wanted a boy. For treatment, I used salicylic acid and tincture of calendula - wiped my face and affected places on my chest. To get rid of the problem on the labia, it was washed with infusion of calendula flowers.

Video: How to get rid of acne during pregnancy?

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