Can I do a massage to pregnant women? What is Reboso-massage, how is it to be pregnant?

Can I do a massage to pregnant women? What is Reboso-massage, how is it to be pregnant?

Often a gynecologist prohibits the patient with any massage in the initial stages of pregnancy. Not everyone knows that there is a massage, the technique of which can practically harm a woman in an interesting position. On the contrary, a removal massage for pregnant women can be very useful.

Rebozo-massage, or Mexican massage, is done not only by women, men, but both children and pregnant women. Thanks to it, you can relieve tension in muscle tissues, remove the tension in the zone of feet and lower back. Sometimes Reboso-massage helps to take the fetal arrangement in the womb. Masseurs, thanks to professionalism, can create a feeling of nirvana in pregnant women. They make smooth movements, removing all tension in different parts of the woman’s body. Further in more detail.

What massage can be done during pregnancy?

Before you carry out any procedures for pregnant women, especially massage, you should consult your attending gynecologist. Most often, pregnant women are recommended to abandon massage in the back, abdomen, so as not to harm themselves and the child. Although, in a long period of pregnancy, it would not hurt the woman to somehow relax the spine, because the load increases on him. And, in general, thanks to some types of massage, you can significantly help the future mommy, and solve some problems in the form of swelling, tension, get rid of stress. Women, even in an interesting position, want to remain beautiful, well -groomed and desired.

Massage Rebzo for the head
Massage Rebzo for the head

Some types of massage are allowed during pregnancy. To get rid of swelling on the face, it is allowed to massage the face according to any method, the main thing is that a woman is comfortable. The procedure did not cause any unpleasant sensations. And even more so, if a woman before pregnancy visited massage procedures of this nature, then certainly they will not harm her.

IMPORTANT: Caution should be treated with aromatic oils. Some of them can cause poor consequences. Therefore, warn the massage masters about your pregnancy. Indeed, in the early stages, the tummy is invisible.

Due to hormonal changes in pregnant women, external data often change. And not only. Also expectant mothers have jumps associated with a change of mood. To improve external data and mood, the removal massage for pregnant women will not interfere. As you know, if a person has a great mood and a positive mood, then he looks great, and the immune system rarely fails.

After the massage procedures using a rebuz-shawrf in the neck and blades in expectant mothers, a feeling of anxiety disappears, sleep improves. And some women claim that they get rid of headaches, feel a surge of energy. Only such a massage can be trusted to make specialists of your business.

Naturally, facial massage can even be done independently, this cannot harm the child in anything. But you can do massage of the back and abdomen only with special techniques. In the process of the procedure, you will need to take into account even the position of the pregnant woman.

So, future mothers are allowed to do the following types of massage:

  • rebozo-massage
  • massage in the back area in a certain position
  • massaging actions of the cervical and collar part of the body
  • point and re-massage of the head
  • lymphodnate massage.

All these types of massage are made with particular caution, using only a small effect on the body.

What is Reboso-massage?

Translated from the Mexican language, the word "Rebozo" means a scarf. But they just use it not as an accessory for wearing on the neck, but as an auxiliary tool for the massage procedure. Rebozo-massage for pregnant women, perhaps, is one of the most favorite procedures that Mexico midwife use. It is also interesting that it is in the Rebozo-Sharfs that women wear babies after birth. And in the last periods of pregnancy, a rebuza-chart is used as a bandage for the tummy.

Neck massage with a scarf
Neck massage with a scarf

Rebozo massage is greater in our time among pregnant women. Professional doules often recommend it to women. After all, the procedure has a beneficial effect on future mothers and the fetus.


Before deciding on the procedure, it is necessary to take into account all kinds of reasons, according to which to carry out a removal massage for pregnant women. Despite the fact that the Rebozo-massage is a neat slow swaying in a large Mexican scarf, it is sometimes better to abandon it.

Massage is contraindicated if:

  1. The pregnant woman has a threat of fruit disruption, regardless of the reason for this position.
  2. Manifestations of toxicosis.
  3. Hypertensive crisis and manifestation of swelling in the late pregnancy.
  4. Infectious diseases.
  5. Strong pain in the back.
  6. Vascular diseases, varicose veins.
  7. Any pathology of the epidermis, including wounds, damage, burns of the skin.
  8. Various diseases of the internal organs.

Rebozo-massage for pregnant women is a special procedure. It has a weak micro-cycle effect on the bloodstream, lymph flow. Not all pregnant women are useful.

Is it possible to massage pregnant women?
Is it possible to massage pregnant women?

In the first trimester, the fetus is only gaining strength, and therefore massage is allowed to make mothers only in the second trimester. At this time, the child is already well “mastered” in the mother’s body, already has all organs and vital systems. Therefore, it will be great if an experienced massage therapist makes a relaxing massage to the future mommy rebuza-swatom.

Rebozo-massage for pregnant women-how to do it?

Usually they begin to do massage from above from the head. Only then they massage the shoulder zone, lower back, arms and legs. The head is placed in a scarf and made smooth swaying movements. Thanks to this effect, the tension goes away. In this case, the removal massage for pregnant women is useful and leads to complete relaxation.


For example, a dowla can do a massage of the neck and head. In order for the expectant mother to be convenient, you should lay a blanket on an even surface, after which a pregnant woman lays there. The masseur of the scarf wraps over the woman's head. Then he begins to gently stag the Reboso scarf. The head is as if in a gamet. Only an experienced masseuse will feel when the patient is relaxed. If the pregnant woman completely gets rid of the tension, then the scarf is easily swaying, there is no interference. And when the expectant mother can not relax her neck, then the tension of the scarf will depend not only on the masseur. Sometimes, in order for the pregnant woman to relax completely, the procedure should be carried out for about thirty minutes.

IMPORTANT: You should not shake your head in a Rebozo-Sharf if a woman has a neck hurt or there was an injury in this zone.

Mexicans, practically, all trained in a Rebozo-massage. For them, the process is a common thing. It is also interesting that not only a woman, but a man can make a massage with a scarf. And thanks to this effect, the Mexicans get rid of even headache. They don't have to drink pills. And pregnant women are such a process, as Mexico believes, is simply necessary.

The same is done with the shoulders, a basin. They are also wrapped around with a scarf, and then raising a little bit. Thanks to such movements, you can relieve tension in the spine, heal the pain in the back. It will relax, calm the pregnant woman and the baby.

Massage Rebozo
Massage Rebozo
  • Mexicans make ribozo-spas made of silk fabric, cotton or acrylic and silk fabric. A real scarf for rebuza-massage is elastic, gently tightens the massage areas. For the procedure of Rebozo-massage, such scarves are sold in online stores. If there is no way to buy such a scarf, it can be replaced.
  • There are scarves such as sling-shawl. It may well be used for rebzo-massage. The scarf, as well as Rebozo-Sharf, is stretched and durable, you can safely use it for the massage therapy of pregnant women.
  • Rebozo-massage is not a therapeutic procedure. Even though the back pain or migraine passes after the procedure. This is just the result of relaxation and meditation - nothing more.

Massage Rebozo - reviews

Rebozo-massage for pregnant women is becoming a popular procedure. Thanks to him, you can papel up, calm down, come to your senses after shocks. In addition, massage helps to eliminate pain, because there is a relaxation after massage of different parts of the body. For the most confidence about the effectiveness of the removal massage, you can read the reviews of pregnant women about this procedure.

Oksana, 24 years old:

During the first half of pregnancy, she very often experienced stressful situations at work. To relax and feel harmony in her body, she came to the Rebozo-massage. What is Rebozo-massage, probably many know. This is a procedure for contactless effects on different parts of the body. In order not to touch the client, a special body scarf is used. With the help of him, a person is motionless. Only this happens in stages, first there is a head, then other areas of the body. They are lifted alternately, and they are made lulling movements. This is so nice. Complete relaxation occurs, psychological stress is removed, the quality of sleep improves, energy appears in the whole body. The massage time did not go much. I am used to quickly switching and relaxing. He who cannot immediately disconnect from the nervous tension reaches rest much later. A friend spent about an hour and a half on Rebozo-Massage. And I was enough for 45 minutes to completely reboot, and get rid of pain in the back.

Back massage

Tatyana, 38 years old:

They advised me to go to my friend’s Rebozo-Massage. After all, when a woman is in an interesting position, not all types of massage will suit her, but I had a feeling of tension and migraine. For the first time, she could not get used to the masseur, she was afraid to trust him. But Alena’s patience was just angelic, and she was able to prove her professionalism. I felt a feeling of weightlessness after my head massage, and my head stopped completely sick. It seems that I got enough sleep and gained strength after a 15 -minute head massage session. Then they massaged me with a pelvis with a Rebozo-Sharf. It was so good, the spine relaxed even for a while, pain in the lumbar zone disappeared. They often pursued me during pregnancy. After the first massage session, I promised a specialist that I would definitely come to the next session of Rebozo. And there is no doubt about that.

Marina Lvovna, obstetrician:

Rebozo massage is used in Mexico in order to:

  • It is especially functional to relieve voltage from muscle tissue, when the tension occurs unconsciously, and it is difficult to control this process to pregnant women.
  • Disconnect your head from negativity, learn to listen to your body, gain a positive charge, feel a sense of harmony in the soul and lightness in the body.
  • Remove the tone of the uterus, expand the pelvic and other muscle tissues. Thanks to this process, the baby himself occupies the right position in the stomach of the pregnant woman before childbirth.
  • To relax your back, all ligaments and those areas of the body where pain is present.
  • Start free to breathe on full lungs, get a feeling of lightness throughout the body. Without such a sensation, it is difficult, especially in the last periods of pregnancy.
  • Strengthen the blood flow, which normalizes the flow of hormonal changes, relieve stressful situations.
  • Learn to succumb to processes, less control. This will make it possible to relax during childbirth, which is very important in the process.
  • Take yourself and your appearance with love, and also accept the unborn child. After all, even when the baby is inside the womb, he already understands that his mother feels, feels her mood.
  • Improve sleep, stabilize the daily routine. Learn to receive love, care of others.

Alexandra, 33 years:

The feelings that occur during the massage of Rebozo can only be compared with the sensations when mom lulls her child in a cradle. Such a procedure will not harm either the baby or the expectant mother. It is precisely such feelings that I experience on a Rebozo-massage. Thanks to him, I completely disconnect from problems, forget about stress, quarrels, troubles, I remember the gentle mother’s hands and a pleasant voice when she sang lullabies. My body and soul become calm. There is a pleasant feeling of weightlessness, nirvana.
During pregnancy, sometimes there is a desire to feel the former ease, begin to breathe throughout the chest, get rid of the sensation of a certain severity that is constantly present in the body. When the master makes a massage just such an effect and it occurs, as if you are in zero gravity, everything relaxes, pain disappears, a feeling of heaviness, the stomach becomes easy.

As you can see, the removal massage causes only positive emotions in pregnant women and not only. Thanks to massage, you can relax your back, neck and get rid of pain. It is not difficult to master the Rebozo-massage, such a technique can be trained your family, albeit partially. Understanding the procedure comes during it. Maybe this will be a partial procedure. But with the help of a scarf or stoles you can improve your mood and save relatives from tension.

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  7. Dream Interpretation - pregnancy in a dream.

Video: Rebozo-massage for pregnant women

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