Is it possible not to notice and miss the discharge of amniotic fluid in a woman before childbirth? Can water go unnoticed by a woman during pregnancy in the toilet, when taking a bath, a shower?

Is it possible not to notice and miss the discharge of amniotic fluid in a woman before childbirth? Can water go unnoticed by a woman during pregnancy in the toilet, when taking a bath, a shower?

From this article you will find out whether the discharge of amniotic fluid may occur imperceptibly for a woman.

The discharge of water in a woman during pregnancy is one of the key points on which the further course of pregnancy and childbirth depends. The early discharge of water is especially dangerous, which is fraught with the occurrence of infectious processes, as well as the death of the unborn child. Can water go without fights, imperceptibly for a woman? Look for an answer to this and other questions in this article.

The discharge of amniotic fluid in a woman: how to determine, the test, when they should occur, can happen without fights?

The discharge of amniotic fluid in a woman
The discharge of amniotic fluid in a woman

Women expecting the birth of a child sometimes can not always understand when the amniotic fluid should move away. How to determine when this should happen? Could there be the discharge of amniotic fluid in a woman without contractions? Are there any tests to determine this? Let's try to answer these many questions.

It's important to know: Do not lose precious time if the leakage of the waters has begun. This process warns of the quality of the future birth process, and the health of mom and baby.

Pouring amniotic fluid is the first symptom that the birth will begin soon. Water play an important role of development for the crumbs, because it is in them inside the mother. Before childbirth, a rupture of the fetal bladder begins, and the water begins to flow out. This, in fact, leads to the long -awaited process - childbirth.

Pouring water is different and is divided into several types:

  1. Premature leakage. It begins before childbirth. Fights in this option may not be present. This is not very good, but this happens often - in every tenth case.
  2. The second type is early water waste. This option is observed in the first half of the process of childbirth. At the same time, there are constant contractions, and the uterine neck is already open by more than 4 cm.
  3. Timely discharge of water - The third and best option. There are constant fights, and the cervix is \u200b\u200balready open by more than 4 cm.
  4. Later pouring - The fourth option. The uterine neck was already completely opened, and the waters only began to move away.

The first, second and fourth types of the course of the process - can be dangerous to infection, the development of infections. Danger can be for both crumbs and mom, so you urgently need to consult a doctor.

Signs of premature water waste:

  • Often abundant discharge-wards begin to leave at night when a woman is sleeping.
  • Significant symptoms may not be felt, just a woman can wake up with wet.
  • But often, when water departs, there is a feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen. Many women feel the rupture of the fetal bladder itself. Water goes through a small hole and flows for a long time. This is similar to urinary incontinence, but in fact - a pouring of amniotic fluid.
  • You need to be very attentive to your health and immediately contact a specialist.
  • In addition, the amniotic fluid sometimes has brown, green shades (since the substance of the meconium appears in it), and it has a sweet smell.
  • If blood appears in the waters, urgent hospitalization is needed.

Young future mothers often worry, as they do not know how to determine whether water has gone away or this is some other symptom, for example, urinary incontinence. It is worth noting that in most cases, it is still a surplus of waters. Now in the pharmacy network you can buy special tests that determine the leakage.

  • There is no such instant system at the usual technique.
  • You can do clinical research, but they require a lot of time and money. Therefore, a pregnant woman should have a special test system at home in the form of gaskets.
  • Thanks to this method, you can independently determine whether the surroundings of water occurred or not.
  • The main principle of action is the reaction to the alkaline environment that is in the structure of water.
A woman's amniotic fluid test in a woman
A woman's amniotic fluid test in a woman

Tests are sold in the pharmacy network. They are produced in the form of cushioning products that should be worn for a certain time and observe the reaction. Test systems are based on immunochromatography, they reveal not acidity, but the presence of special proteins and their concentration. This is a new development that is popular in pregnant women.

Remember: If you have doubts about certain symptoms during pregnancy, you should consult your doctor. Do not diagnose yourself. This can lead to undesirable consequences.

The early outfit of amniotic fluid in a woman before childbirth: when and how does it proceed?

Early discharge of amniotic fluid in a woman before childbirth
Early discharge of amniotic fluid in a woman before childbirth

There are two options for the development of events with early departure of amniotic fluid in a woman before childbirth:

  • Occurs in the period before the start of the fights
  • Occurs before the opening of the uterine neck 7-8 cm

The main and main reason is a decrease in the strength of the fetus due to the strength of the impact on it. It may be that blood pressure in the body rose, and the fetal bladder could not withstand. If we consider in more detail what factors lead to a change in the fetus, then the following main reasons can be distinguished:

  • A large number of amniotic fluid.
  • A woman suffers more than one child - multiple.
  • Pill presentation in the child in the child.
  • Double uterus.
  • Rozenitsa injuries.
  • Deviation from the norm of arterial pressure of a woman, either too low or too high.

A few more reasons, which is why the strength of the fetal bladder may decrease, entailing a gap during pregnancy:

  • Sexual tract infections that were not treated for a long period of time.
  • Autoimmune disease.
  • The seams on the neck of the uterus.
  • Genetic pathologies.
  • Hormonal background violation.
  • The woman does not comply with the correct mode of the day, food.
  • The presence of bad habits.

If the water has departed, then the obstetrician assesses the condition of the woman and his further actions depend on what he sees:

  • During the inspection, it is found that the cervix is \u200b\u200bdense, closed, and there is no shortening. Then they use waiting tactics - about 4 hours.
  • If, after this period, the fight does not begin, then they are stimulated by labor.
  • If the doctor sees that after 4 hours Since the first inspection, minor changes have occurred: the cervix has become softer, its shortening is felt, that is, the prospects that the body will cope without medical intervention. In this case, they wait 2 hours more. Then, if necessary, they are also stimulated by childbirth.

Every pregnant woman should know about harbingers who say that amniotic fluid will move soon. What is it and how they look, read on.

The harbingers of amniotic fluid: what do they look like?

Harbinger of amniotic fluid
Harbinger of amniotic fluid

All future women in labor, be it a “original” (a woman who gives birth to the first time), or an experienced many children's amniotic motion, leave differently:

  • In some women, this is a sharp cotton that resembles cotton with their hands, and the abundant pouring of liquid is warm in temperature, usually transparent or slightly pinkish.
  • In other women in labor, amniotic fluids can slowly lend, pour partially, and sometimes they even leave during the fights.

The harbingers of amniotic fluid: what do they look like? Here are a few characteristic symptoms:

  • Before the departure of amniotic fluid in the lower abdomen, voltage increases.
  • There is a feeling, as if I want to go to the toilet, but still far away, since the cervix has not yet softened.
  • The tension does not let go, even between the fights. It seems as if a woman’s body wants to push something inside. There is usually no pain. A slightly sipping sensation in the lower back and below the abdomen.
  • Then there is a sharp cotton, and the woman in labor feels relief, at this moment a large amount of water spills. The amniotic fluid bursts, part of the amniotic fluid is poured.

Usually a woman feels that her water has left. But it also happens that you can not notice and even skip. Read further.

Is it possible not to notice and miss the discharge of amniotic fluid in a woman before childbirth?

You can not notice and miss the discharge of amniotic fluid in a woman before childbirth
You can not notice and miss the discharge of amniotic fluid in a woman before childbirth

It is believed that a woman cannot miss the waste of water, which indicate the beginning of the tribal process. This is true if everything happens on time and there are no pathologies. Is it possible not to notice and miss the discharge of amniotic fluid in a woman before childbirth? A woman can easily confuse this process:

  1. With urinary incontinence
  2. Ordinary discharge

Read more:

  • To determine this water or urine, it is not necessary to contact the gynecologist obstetric. The future woman in labor just needs to listen to yourself and understand, if the stream is controlled - this is urination. If not, you need to urgently gather in the maternity ward. In addition, the volume of fluid during the waste is much larger than when urinating.
  • The second option, when you can incorrectly understand, are secretion or discharge. The waters from them are distinguished by a shade, consistency, smell and period. Water, as a rule, leaks for a long time and have a transparent texture. The discharge is white, thick, dense, smell. When the woman in labor begins to move, humidity increases.

A woman usually feels the beginning of childbirth. Therefore, many do not confuse water with urination. Although women who should give birth to the first -born begin to panic and may think that the discharge of waters is urination.

Can water go unnoticed by a woman during pregnancy in the toilet, when taking a bath, a shower?

Water can go unnoticed by a woman during pregnancy in the toilet
Water can go unnoticed by a woman during pregnancy in the toilet

Water can go completely imperceptibly in a woman during pregnancy in the toilet, when taking a hot bath or shower. Every woman should know that during pregnancy a hot bath is better not to take. This can provoke a miscarriage or an infection may fall into the gender. It is also worth refraining from swimming in the summer at sea and from swimming in the pool.

It is important to know the following:

  • Often the discharge of amniotic fluid occurs in a dream, and then it is perceived by pregnant women, as if it was described as a small child.
  • Many people think this is an act of involuntary urination.
  • But this is not so and such a symptom should alert any pregnant woman. In this case, you need to urgently seek medical help.

The appearance of a muddy color with flakes, or painted in a greenish color is especially dangerous, which may indicate the death of the fetus, asphyxia (insufficient oxygen from mother to fruit) and premature birth. To prevent these negative moments, it is necessary to take only a warm, not a hot shower, to avoid excessive stress when visiting the toilet and heavy physical exertion.

Video: Premature discharge of amniotic fluid. Early rupture of the fetal bladder

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