The best maternity hospital in Moscow - how to choose the right: rating, reviews

The best maternity hospital in Moscow - how to choose the right: rating, reviews

We compiled a rating that included only the best maternity hospitals in Moscow. The listed list includes maternity clinics, which were advised by other women in labor, their close people, the rating is objectively compiled, we did not add anything superfluous.

Such a thing as a “good maternity hospital” every woman has different things. Therefore, choosing a clinic, given only reviews, is simply inappropriate. If you plan a pregnancy, you want to choose a clinic in advance, analyze the real comments of patients who objectively evaluated the conditions, as well as the professionalism of doctors.

The best free maternity hospital in Moscow: how to choose the right?

  • The birth in the life of every woman is considered one of the most important points. All relatives with great impatience await when the baby is born. On the conditions in which the young mommy will stay on the health of the peanut and the woman herself and the woman herself will stay.
  • And it is not strange that many pregnant women choose a clinic in advance where they will give birth. Some women are determined from maternity hospitals even before the conception of a child.
  • Choosing the hospital of Moscow, Where you plan to give birth, you may face many difficulties. You probably can’t even imagine what important points you need to pay your own attention to.
Maternity hospital
Maternity hospital

We recommend highlighting the most important factors, namely:

  • Of particular importance is the location of the clinic. This is quite important if you have childbirth before and they will be swift. In such a situation, the ambulance can take you to the nearest maternity hospital, even if a completely different clinic is recorded in your certificate.
  • The conditions that the maternity hospital provides. You can evaluate a medical institution on this factor if you visit the institution in advance in advance. If desired, you can be held throughout the territory of the entire center. They will show you what the maternity ward looks, what chambers are, what a woman in labor is fed in the hospital, in what condition the bathrooms are and so on are.
  • The main determining moment in order to quickly decide on the maternity hospital is considered the professionalism of medical staff. If the clinic is constantly changing staff, think about studying the data on the specialists of the hospital.
  • To obtain more reliable information, we advise you not to take into account official sources. Ask all the details of you are interested in women who have already been in a particular clinic.
  • Given the state of your health, as well as how the fetus is developing, make sure that in the maternity center there is all the necessary technique for an emergency.

At the moment, partnerships are considered very popular. If you also want to give birth to a child so that your loved one is nearby, this service is better to discuss in advance with him.

What should you pay attention to while choosing a maternity hospital?

If you do not want to worry during childbirth, after their end, you must think in advance about the following nuances:

  • What conditions does the clinic provide.
  • How many women in labor will be in the same ward.
  • Is it possible to stay in a separate room itself.
  • What methods of pain relief will use.
  • Whether you have to pay an additional fee for medications.
  • Is it possible to give birth with a spouse or another relative.
  • Also, as mentioned above, it is important to consider the qualifications of medical staff, a doctor, and a benevolent attitude.
The birth of the baby
The birth of the baby

If possible, meet in advance in the doctor who will take birth, show him your medical card, talk to the doctor. Also ask if you can be in the ward next to the child after childbirth.

  • Do not forget to find out everything about this long before giving birth. So you will be sure that your stay In the hospital in Moscow will be the best.

Maternity Hospital of Moscow: Rating 2020

  • Some time ago, every pregnant woman during childbirth entered the closest to the location of the maternity hospital. Women have not even imagined that a contract could be concluded with a certain medical center.
  • Today the situation has changed dramatically. Every woman has the right to choose on her own maternity Hospital of Moscow. Pregnant women themselves decide which medical institution is more suitable for them.
  • If an ambulance takes the woman in labor, she only must indicate the address where the maternity hospital is located, or the name of the medical clinic.
Which maternity hospital to choose
Which maternity hospital to choose

Before you decide in which maternity hospital to contact, get acquainted with the rating of free maternity hospitals and paid clinics that other women noted:

  1. The perinatal center "Mother and Child". According to many young parents, this clinic is considered the best. Therefore, it takes the first position.
  2. CPSIR. In the second position of our rating of the best maternity hospital, this medical institution is located.
  3. Maternity hospital 17. The clinic can take different patients, but the main specialization of the institution is the adoption of premature birth.
  4. Maternity Hospital at GKB 29. On the territory of the clinic are the best chambers equipped with various modern equipment. Thanks to this technique, you can monitor the health of mom, baby.
  5. Maternity Hospital named after Yudin. There are no crowds, large lines.
  6. Maternity hospital 3. It has the last modern equipment that allows you to identify pregnancy pathologies, various complications.
  7. Maternity Hospital at GKB 70. Many pregnant women praise this maternity hospital. It is comfortable here in any ward, after birth the baby is next to the mother.
  8. Maternity Hospital 15. Takes both patients who have a complex pregnancy and absolutely healthy pregnant women.
  9. Maternity Hospital 1. The clinic where pregnant women are observed, which have heart disease, blood vessels.
  10. Maternity Hospital 4. Approximately 600 doctors operate on the territory of the medical institution, there are 400 cozy chambers for young mothers.

The best free and paid maternity hospitals in Moscow: a detailed description

  • Each pregnant woman thinks about where she will give birth at least once in 9 months. If there are no special choice in small settlements, then in Moscow it is sometimes difficult for future mummies to decide.
  • Some women, of course, go to the nearest maternity hospital, do not waste time searching for the clinic. The rating of medical institutions is not interested in them. However, some women want the best conditions to be given to them in the maternity hospital.
  • They want to be in a separate chamber so that relatives were visited, they were looked after by women qualified, friendly doctors.

We present you a detailed list of free and paid clinics where you can give birth to a healthy baby. You will choose the one that is closest to you will satisfy your wishes.

Perinatal center "Mother and Child"

  • This clinic differs from other hospitals cozy, homely atmosphere. Here the chambers resemble hotel rooms. There are qualified doctors on the territory of the center. They provide women with medical care and psychological.
  • At a high level there is food. In the dining room, women are provided with dietary food, as well as delicious restaurant dishes. A similar service is much more expensive when compared with ordinary state maternity hospitals.
  • On the territory of the clinic, they provide assistance to young mothers. Women can seek help at any time of the day. A friendly staff will support any woman. Moms can get recommendations on how to feed the child correctly, how to care for him. The address of the Moscow maternity hospital: st. Aviation designer Mikoyan, house 12.


  • This clinic is considered a modern, innovative medical center. The hospital was able to prove itself only from the good side. All because exclusively professional doctors work here.
  • There are modern equipment in the chambers, An individual approach is applied to each patient, employees try to take care of every woman carefully.
  • In this maternity Hospital of Moscow Take not only women in labor. Here you can cure infertility, preserve pregnancy.
  • Many women speak only good about the clinic. Patients claim that doctors in this hospital were able to to make a miracle “They saved the life of mom, her newborn baby.”
  • In addition, CPSIR is one of the first medical centers where it is allowed to give birth with the spouse.
Huge center
Huge center

Maternity Hospital No. 17

  • The maternity Hospital of Moscow Located in the 3rd position in the ranking of the best obstetric and gynecological institutions. The clinic has been working for a long time. It was opened in 1993. Throughout its entire time of existence, the maternity hospital specializes, as a rule, in early childbirth.
  • On the territory of the clinic work highly qualified doctors. They provide pregnant women and babies the best, reliable safety during childbirth.
  • The clinic has a resuscitation department. It has a modern high -tech technique, thanks to which everyone in need of a premature baby receives the necessary conditions for nursing.
  • If a pregnant woman wants, she has the right to conclude a maternity hospital with a maternity hospital on paid childbirth.
  • Many young mothers who care about future births, the health of their child, their safety, try to contact this clinic.

Maternity Hospital at GKB 29

  • This maternity Hospital of Moscow Located in the territory of the GKB 29. Here in each room there is modern equipment, Including the technique by which the health of women, newborns are monitored.
  • Doctors of this maternity hospital can cope with any unforeseen situations, they are ready support every woman in labor. The doctors of the hospital patented a large number of methods that facilitate childbirth, reduce the likelihood of complications.
  • Many pregnant women in the Moscow region are recorded in the maternity hospital in Moscow. All because here comfortable chambersthat are practically not inferior to the chambers in private medical centers.
  • As the reviews of many women who gave birth are shown, the clinic is famous for its delicious nutrition. In addition, numerous examinations are conducted in the hospital, due to which women in labor do not even have time to relax.

Maternity Hospital named after Yudin

  • The clinic appeared in the capital back in 78 of the last century. For the entire time of existence, the maternity hospital was able to win only good reviews of patients. The departments of the hospital consist of separate blocks. Therefore, young mothers do not interfere with each other at all.
  • There is a children's doctor for every childbirth. He monitors the health status of the baby due to modern technology. If complications occur, there is a resuscitation in the clinic.
  • Having paid for childbirth, the patient may be in VIP Palata with her husband. Many women claim that in This maternity hospital in Moscowonly friendly staff works.
  • I would like to note what is here after birth, the child is immediately transferred to the ward to his mother. The women in labor do not even have time to sleep well.

Maternity Hospital No. 3

  • 3 maternity hospital in Moscow has the most modern equipment, because the clinic specializes mainly in pregnancy pathologies, complications. Women here are located in separate boxes, doctors adhere to advanced methods. They offer patients, for example, vertical birth.
  • For young mothers, if they have a difficult financial situation, are provided for free consultations. Also, such women can pass for free necessary tests. Excellent nutrition complements high reputation.
  • We also note that up to 4 people can accommodate in free chambers. Therefore, they are not too much in them.
  • Visit to women in labor is limited. Each program is quite demanding.

Maternity Hospital at GKB 70

  • 70 maternity hospital in Moscow It is considered one of those where childbirth is taken completely free. Many women praise this maternity hospital. Partnerships are practiced here, However, if there are some complications, the relative must leave the premises.
  • Doctors here are allowed to put on household items on a newborn. Such liberties are not allowed in other free maternity hospitals.
  • Many doctors care about the comfort of patients, they politely turn to every woman in labor. After birth, the child remains next to his mother for a certain timeBut after that, a woman is given time to rest.
  • Many patients claim that there are quite modest chambers. Each contains up to 4 women in labor. Before entering women, they warn about this. The fact is that the institution does not have enough space due to a large flow of those who wish.
  • The main plus - The clinic staff explains to women how Correctly care for the baby.
Free maternity hospital for pregnant women
Free maternity hospital for pregnant women

Maternity Hospital No. 15

  • Founded 15  maternity Hospital of Moscow In the year 37 of the last century. But despite this, a medical institution is no different from many modern centers. The clinic specializes On heavy pregnanciesas well as on children's pathologies. Healthy women are also accepted here.
  • Free free place here is difficult to find, but women can use paid services by concluding a contract with the clinic. Doctors of the hospital always act quickly if an emergency situation occurs. In such cases, they use modern equipment. Although the hospital is considered state, it is in no way inferior to private medical centers.
  • If a woman concludes a contract with the clinic, she receives a separate ward. It is always quiet, free.
  • As for free chambers, they have not made repairs for a long time.
  • A huge plus of a maternity hospital - the presence of personal showers.
Specialize in a complex pregnancy
Specialize in a complex pregnancy

Maternity Hospital No. 1

  • The clinic specializes on pregnant women who have problems with a heart and vascular system. A few years ago, the hospital made a major overhaul. After that, pregnant women try to sign up here from almost every region of the capital.
  • In the wards of the hospital, 2 patients are placed. But, if a woman concludes a contract with the institution in advance, she is transferred to a separate block. There are much more places there.
  • Maternity Hospital No. 1 - This is the best medical institution for paid birth. Each patient who signs the contract with the clinic receives a special relationship, increased comfort.

Maternity Hospital No. 4

  • The last place in the ranking of the best maternity hospitals in Moscow went to this particular clinic. The center has 400 chambers for women in labor. They can accommodate up to 1000 pregnant women. Sometimes, due to a strong flow of people, queues may occur.
  • During complications, patients enter the stationary department. In a severe case, a woman is transferred to intensive care.
  • AT 4 maternity hospital in Moscow There are all the necessary procedures. Only on paperwork, waiting for the queue and inspection should you spend a lot of time.
  • Minus of the maternity hospital - a huge number of pregnant women want to do here. From here the queues appear. To get into the maternity hospital you need to sign up in advance.
You need to sign up in advance
You need to sign up in advance

In which hospital is it better to give birth in Moscow: reviews

Reviews about the maternity hospitals of Moscow:

  • Elena: “An excellent maternity hospital of the Central Bank. The doctor who took me birth was wonderful. He talked to me kindly, instilled confidence at me. After giving birth, I entered a comfortable ward. The employees are wonderful, attentive. I am grateful to them for their professionalism. ”
  • Svetlana: “I gave birth a few years ago in the maternity hospital No. 4. We initially chose partnerships with my spouse. Separately, I want to say many thanks to the doctor who took birth. He was friendly, treated me well. ”
  • Valeria: “For childbirth, I chose the maternity hospital No. 17. They brought me to the clinic when the fights began. Since my child is second, there were no complications. The birth was swift, ended quickly. I would like to note that the staff of the hospital here is good, responsive. All the women in labor I met in the hospital spoke only positively about the hospital. ”

Video: Best Maternity Master of Moscow

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Comments K. article

  1. How can I choose a hospital? Which maternity hospital will suit me? Where are the good doctors? The information project “Giving birth in Moscow” helps to choose a maternity hospital for free, corresponding to the wishes and testimonies of the pregnant woman. The project curators will advise on the issues of receiving a gift from our treasure or cash payment in the amount of 20,000 rubles, a newborn screening for 11 indicators and a certificate for passing 5 specialists in one of the best children's hospitals in Moscow.

  2. Hello, where only women obstetricians accept women where there are no men

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