Is it possible to eat and drink before the screening of the first trimester during pregnancy? How to prepare for a pregnant woman's screening: recommendations for preparation, diet

Is it possible to eat and drink before the screening of the first trimester during pregnancy? How to prepare for a pregnant woman's screening: recommendations for preparation, diet

Pregnancy is the most important period in a woman’s life, when it is important to undergo examinations in time.

In the first weeks of pregnancy screening Allows you to identify Downing, Edwards and other pathologies. The results are preliminary and do not always give out a hundred percent accurate result. A final assessment of the course of pregnancy is given by a gynecologist in which you are observed.

Training Pregnant to screening 1 trimester

  • The reliability of any diagnostic procedure depends not only on the qualifications of a medical worker and a quality apparatus.
  • Compliance with all the recommendations of the doctor and timely preparation are the key to the most accurate result.
  • Pregnancy is a very exciting period in the life of every woman. Each analysis carries important information about the health of small crumbs.
  • To endure a healthy baby, the expectant mother needs to make certain efforts. Responsible attitude and proper preparation for screening 1 trimester They will help get accurate results.
It is important to observe all terms
It is important to observe all terms
  • The first screening It includes two examinations - ultrasound and biochemical blood test. Using computer diagnostics, the first indicators of the development of the baby are fixed. Blood fence is made from a vein in a volume of 10 ml. With its help, the level of hormones is checked, which allows confirming the gestational age.
  • For the first ultrasound study, the number of weeks of pregnancy is of great importance. Therefore, the preparation should begin with a preliminary record for examination.
  • The first ultrasound should take place between 11 and 14 weeks. With the help of this diagnosis, the first acquaintance with the baby takes place. You can find out about the detailed timing of screening and decoding here.
  • For a complete picture of the examination, you need blood chemistrywhich is prescribed in the morning. Pass the ultrasound and pass the analysis in one day. It is best that there is no large temporary interval between examinations.
  • Blood is donated on an empty stomach And sitting before lunch with a hungry stomach will be hard. If there is too much time interval between the blood test and ultrasound, then it is allowed to have a bite to eat with light food.

What can and cannot be eaten before the first screening during pregnancy: diet rules, recommended products.

  • The traditional question from a woman before the first study - is it possible to eat and drink before screening 1 trimester? Restrictions primarily depend on the gestational age and the doctor's recommendations.
  • A blood test requires a certain preparation of the body. Three days before undergoing analysis, it is necessary to review the usual diet of products and begin to adhere to a small diet.
  • So what can and cannot be eaten before the first screening during pregnancy? From the menu it is necessary exclude high -allergenic foods and fatty foods. Dinner on the eve of the screening should consist of a small portion of dietary products.
It is important to exclude allergens
It is important to exclude allergens

Highly allergenic products include:

  • Homemade milk
  • Chicken eggs
  • Nuts, honey, jam
  • Red berries
  • Citrus fruit
  • Smoked products
  • Chocolate and sweets
  • Seafood
  • Herbal infusions

If the pregnant woman of the slope is allergic, then the use of these products should be minimized for 9 months and use only low allergenic products.

Low allergenic nutrients include:

  • Dairy products - yogurt, kefir
  • Low -fat varieties of meat - chicken, beef
  • Olive oil, dried fruits
  • Pearl barley and oatmeal
  • Boiled vegetables
  • Fruit desserts
  • You can not eat fried and spicy dishes, give preference to boiled and stewed food. After screening, you can return to the usual menu. If it is difficult for you to abandon certain products, then at least limit their number.
  • Regardless of whether you adhered to a diet or not, the most important thing is nothing 4 hours before the start of the procedure. If the analysis for various reasons shifts from the morning time to the dining, then it is very important to comply with this condition.
  • On the the result of a blood test Medicines may affect. If you take medications, then you need to consult a doctor. Perhaps it is advisable to refrain from tablets for a couple of days.

Ultrasound screening 1 trimester: Preparation for the procedure

  • Before the ultrasound procedure, it is undesirable to consume products that cause increased gas formation - asso pastries, legumes, cabbage, grapes, soda etc. Try to clean the intestines in a timely manner.
  • On the eve of the ultrasound, you need to refrain from sexual contact. Thus, you exclude excess physical activity. Before the examination, there is no need to worry, tune in to positive emotions.
  • Nervous overvoltage contributes to the additional production of adrenaline and cortisol, which leads to a distortion of analysis results.
  • Come for examination in advance. You should feel comfortable. Check the availability of an exchange card and the necessary documents.
  • Take care of objects for your own hygiene. Take with you diaper, paper towels. Choose your clothes so that it is convenient for you to expose the lower abdomen.
  • Just in case, take a bottle of drinking water. If it is necessary to examine the genitourinary system, the doctor will ask you to get drunk water.
It may be necessary to drink water
It may be necessary to drink water

The ultrasound procedure may include a transvaginal examination. In this case, you need to purchase a condom for a scanning sensor. This can be specified in advance with your gynecologist.

  • When passing screening 1 trimester It is important to remember that any deviations identified are not a sentence.
  • The main task of the future mother- adhere to all the doctor's recommendations. If it is difficult for you to control your own emotions, then you will enlist the support of your husband or relatives.

Screening 1 trimester: the importance of examination

  • Some mothers underestimate the importance of the first screening and do not consider this examination mandatory.

The first screening is a highly informative study and allows you to identify a number of deviations from the norm:

  • Deviations in the development of the nervous tube
  • Improper location of internal organs
  • Control of the chromosome set
  • Genetic syndromes
Very important
Very important

Doubtful results of the examination are repeated in the near future in another medical institution. Screening 1 trimester of pregnancy Allows minimizing the risks for the mother and her baby.

Video: About the first screening

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