Why are Muslims not to celebrate the New Year: strictly prohibited rules in Islam

Why are Muslims not to celebrate the New Year: strictly prohibited rules in Islam

Many Christians do not know that Muslims should not celebrate the New Year. Why - described in the article.

Noting the holidays, different nationalities are not wondering how other religions and cultures relate to one or another celebrations. It can be difficult to assume that the most homely and family for many cultures is the New Year, not everyone notes. Surprisingly, this is so.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Who is more in the Russian Federation and in the world of Muslims or Christians?". You will find out what peoples in the Russian Federation and in the world are Christians, and which Muslims.

From this article you will learn why Muslims should not celebrate the New Year. Read further.

Banits in Islam: strictly prohibited rules in Islam

Bans in Islam
Bans in Islam

Islam is not only a religion, but also a teaching that strictly and in detail regulates the life of a person who has accepted it. There are many prohibitions in this religion. Every Muslim must adhere to this. Here are strictly prohibited rules in Islam:

  • Alcohol in Muslim countries prohibit. Although, according to Muhammad, wine can benefit, but it causes a person more harm. You should refuse to receive it. It is forbidden to eat pork, predators, animals who died by their death or clogged without mentioning God.
  • In the early times, it was impossible to draw portraits of people. Therefore, the appearance of historical personalities remained unknown to us. Until now, the prohibition has survived to portray Allah.
  • The concept of Riba Riba, a loan of money on interest, receiving a profit from a transaction without labor costs Absolutely forbidden.
  • Not only the female, but also the male body is hidden for strangers, except for blood relatives. Therefore, there are rules in clothes. Men should not wear shorts. Shirts and silk costumes are banned. Women's clothing should hide the whole body, leaving only hands with open hands and oval of the face. The robe can be beautiful, but not bright colors. It is believed that the worn clothing is the submission of Allah by the command of Allah, and not the desire to boast. As for jewelry made of gold and silver, they are allowed only to women, but strangers should not see it.
  • Europeans relate to a dog, as a person’s friend, contain in the house. And Muslims do not do this, believing that wool, saliva and imprints of animal paws are unclean, therefore, desecrates clothes.
  • Gambling is a great sin, moreover, not only for money. They all insult Islam.
  • Marriage not in a Muslim woman. If this fact is desirable for a man, then a Muslim woman is forbidden to marry a Gentle.

As in any religion, in Islam there are rules of conduct, its adherent must adhere to them. The greatest ban on Allah is polytheism.

New Year is a secular holiday

In Russia, New Year - This is one of the calendar holidays, but celebrate it in many countries of the world. By December 31, the results of the past year, successes and achievements are summed up. And on New Year's Eve, they solemnly meet the coming year. This is a secular holiday - people give gifts, prepare surprises, go to visit, invite you to their house, have fun and rest.

New Year's holidays and festive weekends make it possible to go on a short trip or on vacation with the whole family. Take winter sports. Meet friends, visit relatives. This is an opportunity for parents to devote more time to children than on ordinary days. Go to the festive Christmas tree, attend concerts and New Year's performances, give gifts. To spend a pleasant weekend, filled with warmth, care and attention, fun.

Introduced the celebration of the New Year - Peter ILike a secular triumph, and it lasted 7 days. Coniferous trees were placed and decorated on the streets, fireworks were launched, guns at the Kremlin were fired.

Hadiths on the topic of the holidays among Muslims

Celebration of Uraza-Bayram among Muslims
Celebration of Uraza-Bayram among Muslims

Translated from Arabic "Hadis" means "conversation, story." This is a legend telling about the words, actions, actions of the prophet Muhammad and regarding various religious, legal sides of life in Muslim society.

Traditionally, the main holidays of Muslims are two:

  1. Uraza-Bayram-"Feast of Disagreement"
  2. Kurban Bayram - "Feast of sacrifice"

And, wondering: “Is it possible to celebrate the holidays belonging to another faith and take part in them?” The answer will often sound: "Not". The religion of Islam advises to be not involved in the fact that it undermines the foundations and has nothing to do with it. For example: help and participation in the holidays of the incorrect "atheists and representatives of other religions." Read more:

  • "Who is likened to some people, he himself is one of them".
  • The basis of religion is monotheism. It is believed that the celebration of the New Year to dissenters is connected with the worship of a kind of idols - “Santa Claus, the Snow Maiden, the Christmas tree”, which is unacceptable for Muslims.
  • "Worship Allah, for you have no other true deity worthy of worship".

At the same time, there are such hadiths:

  • "Give each other gifts in order to strengthen a sense of respect between you."

There is nothing wrong if on the eve of the coming year, the Muslim will make loved ones pleasant. People of this faith gather in the circle of relatives, prepare for everyone a small gift, and spend time happily.

  • "Truly, things are evaluated only by intentions".

Is it not a good plan to congratulate friends and acquaintances, work colleagues? Placing attention on the eve of the New Year, you show respect for loved ones with the wish of good and happiness. The ability to please family members is encouraged in Islam, and not condemned.

Why should Muslims celebrate, celebrate the New Year?

Muslims cannot celebrate the New Year
Muslims cannot celebrate the New Year

In the information field for Muslims you can encounter a ban on meeting the New Year's celebration. This is argued by the fact that in ancient times it belonged to pagan ones, and in Islam they do not celebrate such holidays. But it should be borne in mind that this night is not celebrated as pagan, there is no worship of the Christmas tree and other characters in the celebration. This is just an integral New Year's symbolism.

Motivation not to hold a holiday is an indication of unreasonable waste of money, time. View prohibited programs with dancing and music, unworthy behavior. Gluttony and intake of alcohol is unworthy for Muslims.

It is worth knowing: Living in secular states, modern Muslims still celebrate the New Year, visit corporate parties and go to visit.

But, if the family, especially the older generation, does not celebrate, you should refrain young, so as not to insult religious feelings. There is no mention and prohibition in the Qur'an regarding this holiday. Therefore, there is no canonical ban on the celebration of the New Year. But Christmas is a religious holiday, and it is impossible to celebrate it for Muslims.

It is better to turn to common sense. The calendar year simply ends, this is no religious values.

Video: How to relate to Muslims for the New Year? Is it possible to celebrate it to us?

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