Is it possible to eat locusts in Islam: which insects are forbidden to eat?

Is it possible to eat locusts in Islam: which insects are forbidden to eat?

You can eat insects in Islam, but only clean.

The locust is known all over the world. But this glory is mostly negative. The insect is a famous pest that destroys agricultural crops.

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In many countries of the world, locusts are used for good - it is eaten. By the number of carpet proteins contained, a piece of meat for a steak can be compared. And to grow this insect, there are no large costs and areas. But not all religions allow insects to eat. Let's figure out whether it is possible to eat insects, locusts in Islam and which insects are forbidden to eat to Muslims. Read further.

Who eats locusts?

Saranchu food in many countries
Saranchu food in many countries

Shecch is consumed by people living on different continents. This insect is suitable for food:

  • In 36 countries of the African continent
  • In 23 countries of both Americas
  • In 29 Asian countries

In some countries, locusts are a delicacy and is served only in special cases. In other states, insect dishes are included in the daily diet. Dishes from insects are also spread in European countries. They are served in various specialized restaurants. In the menu of such institutions, you can also find dishes from locusts. Many of these insects are consumed in China. It is fried and served on wooden sticks.

Fried locusts are one of the favorite dishes of Mexicans. The prepared insect is wrapped in a fresh cake. The dish can be bought in any street shop. For residents of Europe, locust dishes are still an expensive delicacy. They can be tried in elite restaurants, at social receptions or while traveling to the countries of Asia, Africa and America.

Is it possible to eat insects, locusts in Islam?

There are a lot of prohibitions and restrictions in Islam. Including relative to food. In order to find out whether this or that product can be consumed, the Muslim must turn to the Qur'an. But even this religious dogma may not contain clear clarifications regarding the permissiveness of the use of any product. In particular, such contradictions arise in relation to insects. So, is it possible to eat locusts in Islam?

  • According to the Muslim faith, insects are considered "unclean" creatures.
  • So, you can’t eat them.
  • However, the sacred texts describe situations when the use of insects, including locusts, was possible. Therefore, some confusion occurs.

The opinions of Islamic scientists and religious figures were divided in this regard. As a result, several theories have developed regarding the possibility of tasting insects:

  • Insects are unclean, so their use is strictly prohibited.
  • Insects can be consumed if they do not harm human health. But before cooking, it is forbidden to expose flour.
  • Some insects can be eaten, but others cannot be eaten. It all depends on what the insect eats and how it died.
  • You can use only those "bugs" who were not killed by man.

Different opinions were due to the reason that there is no written evidence of the ban or permission to eat insects. The most common is the point of view according to which you can eat insects and locusts if they have not eaten mud and are not dangerous to human health.

What insects are forbidden to eat in Islam?

In Islam, it is forbidden to eat many insects
In Islam, it is forbidden to eat many insects

Religious dogmas of Islam establish a list of animals that can and cannot be killed. You can only kill those animals that can harm a person or can be dangerous for him (for example, scorpions). It is forbidden to kill harmless animals. And those who cannot be killed should not be eaten.

The same rules apply to insects. Therefore, not every "bug" can be eaten. However, if the insect is not harmful to a person, then it can be eaten.

Islam prohibits using:

  • Flies
  • OS
  • Komarov
  • Spiders
  • Bees
  • Forest ants
  • Blopes
  • Ticks
  • Flea
  • Tarakanov

Regarding locusts, most scientists speak out that you can eat it. As evidence, they refer to the sayings of Abdullah ibn Abi Afa, who said the following:

  • « We took part in seven (or: six) military campaigns along with the prophet(c) And they ate the locust with him. ”

The locust, although it has small sizes, is a very nutritious product. Therefore, it is used in many countries of the world. Especially in those where there is a lack of food. Some of these countries are Muslim. Muslims honor the sacred covenants of the Qur'an, including food issues.

Therefore, very often questions arise about whether you can eat insects or not. Most are inclined to the fact that some insects can be eaten, but conditions should be met regarding their cleanliness and production method.

Video: Halal and Haram 4 Mazhaba!

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