Is it possible and how to meet at once with two girls: how to do it correctly, what to do, where the finale, what psychology says, advice of a specialist

Is it possible and how to meet at once with two girls: how to do it correctly, what to do, where the finale, what psychology says, advice of a specialist

Many guys want to meet two girls. Is it possible and how to do it correctly, read in the article.

Men are very loving by nature. They are very easy to relate to relationships, especially in certain age periods. But also, there are men who cannot decide on the choice and lead their relations with two, or even three women at the same time.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Why are Russian girls and women the best in the world?". You will find 6 advantages of Russian women, as well as information about which men of which countries think so. Also read how in China they relate to Russian girls.

It is worth noting that in some peoples, it is even customary to have several wives. The so -called harem. So why can't a man make a choice in the direction of one woman or girl? This is described in the article. Read further.

What do guys like in girls?

Such girls like guys
Such girls like guys

To answer this question, it is necessary to begin to figure out where sympathy for the opposite sex begins to form.

  • The formation of relations with the opposite sex in men, as well as in women, begins in childhood.
  • While still a child, the boy feels care and love from his mother. He is fed, put on, play and walk with him, communicate.
  • Often, there are times when the child is too attached to his mother and begins with age not only to listen to the advice, but also to adhere to them without their opinion.
  • Since childhood, the boy has an ideal that he wants to see his girlfriend, girlfriend and future spouse.

So what do guys like in girls?

  • Appearance. As they say, "they meet on clothes, escort - according to the mind." Clothing and shoes should always be clean and modern.
  • Personal care. Hygiene is the main aspect. A girl can be very beautiful from birth, but if she does not observe hygiene, no one will come to her and close.
  • Character. One of the most basic points. The girl should be with her highlight. Men do not like quick -tempered, scandalous and picky girls. The presence of such a nature can cross out all the advantages that it possesses. Neither appearance nor care will be able to keep the guy near a hysterical girl. It is worth noting that each person has their own ideals and there are cases where the guys in relationships are much more boring to live with a calm and phlegmatic woman.
  • Care. Many men are looking for a girl or woman who will not only cook deliciously, but also can support in a difficult situation. Listen to him and give the right advice.
  • Sexual relations. Are also one of the main points. Success in personal life is formed in good sexual relations, delicious food and mutual understanding.

Can Two Girls be at the same time? The answer to this question is described below. Read further.

Can I meet two girls at the same time?

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Male ego: What is it in simple words?". You will learn how to manage a man, male ego according to psychology, and you will also find advice.

Many will answer this question differently. Everything comes from how this phenomenon will be the norm, and for whom it is a taboo. Why can relations with two girls at the same time get at the same time? The most common option is love and difficulty in choosing. Often, it turns out that one passion is caring, calm, tender and home. The second is the exact opposite. She will be a cheerful, hot -tempered, loving party. If a man is comfortable with both, then there is time to make a choice.

As a rule, when choosing, a man thinks whether he is correct. If this did not work out, the game begins here. Moreover, a man in it is the main character who should not only make sure that all passions do not know each other, but also calculate his budget and time.

Consider the pros and cons of relationships simultaneously with two girls. Pros:

  • Communication. You will always have regular communication and you will feel necessary for both one and the other girl.
  • Sexual relations. Intimate life will be regular, the main thing is that there is enough time and effort.

The advantages are almost exhausted on this, let's pay attention to the disadvantages of this situation:

  • Money. You should have enough money to afford to take care of two girls at the same time.
  • Time. Your free time will be very reduced, since it will have to be distributed not one passion, but by two.
  • Anonymity. In this case, you need to do everything possible so that they do not learn about each other.
  • Conscience. Over time, conscience will make itself felt, and feelings will only push the right step towards the choice.
  • Result. If the girls find out about each other, it is not known whether you will be left alone or with any of them. Will one who forgive in this situation will remain with you to the end.

With all this, it must be borne in mind that sooner or later it will be necessary to make a choice towards one of the girls and meet only her. The right choice will depend only on what qualities are more important than a man in a woman. It is worth remembering that a man is always looking for a woman similar to her mother. It should be similar in character, be caring, sociable. Support in difficult times and love a man. The passion should also replace a friend, be a person who can tell all the secrets and solve any problem.

A guy, a man wants to meet two girls at the same time - how to do it correctly: advice, what to say, write to a girl when meeting?

The guy wants to meet two girls at the same time
The guy wants to meet two girls at the same time

If you decide to start a relationship with two girls at once, this must be done at the same time. Otherwise, the first will feel that something is wrong, and will suspect you immediately in treason. Girls feel everything subtly, and it will definitely be obvious to her that someone else has appeared. Therefore, start two girls at the same time.

So, a guy, a man wants to meet two girls at the same time. How to do this right? What to say, write to the girl when meeting? In order to get acquainted with the girl, to start communicating with her and establish relationships, it is necessary to adhere to a certain strategy. Here are the tips:

  • Distance. If you hooked a girl, and she wants further communication with you, observe a certain distance. You should not often call her and write, be a little cold. Then the girls themselves reach you. They will look for frequent meetings, more often call and write.
  • Calm. If suddenly, when walking with one girl, you accidentally met another - keep calm. Say hello to the first passion and continue the walk with the other. Later you can explain to everyone that she is a colleague for work or a classmate.
  • Gap. After some time, it is necessary to part with one of the girls. It is important to think about everything correctly in order not to be the next and try to remain on friendly terms.

And so, you are no longer so joyful to have two girls. I want to stop, but how to do it? Read further.

I meet at once with two girls at the same time - what to do: where is the final, what psychology says, specialist advice

Experts say that relations at the same time with two girls are very common. This is due to the fact that in each of them, a man sees the qualities that he would like to observe in the same passion. In such a relationship, a man is very afraid to lose both girls, as they complement each other. The stronger floor at that moment considers itself happy.

But many guys are getting tired of it quickly and he can say: "I meet at once with two girls at the same time - what to do, where is the final?". What does psychology say on this? Below you will find the advice of a specialist.

  • Psychologists say if a man says that he loves several women at the same time, he is cunning.
  • There are several options for why the strongest floor may like this situation.
  • A man can flatter it.
  • The thing is that in such a relationship he considers himself an alpha male who is not only capable of satisfying and maintaining as many as two passions, but for them he is beautiful.
  • But do not forget that love, passion and love are completely different things.

The final of this situation, as a rule, is not always positive. Either the man is left alone, losing everything, or, if lucky, remains with one of the passions. At the same time, if one found out about the other and forgave it, then in any situation, the girl can recall this act. And if the ladies did not learn about each other, then most likely you will begin to torment your conscience, because of which you will either part with the second girl, or tell her the whole truth and let the outcome on a groove.

I meet a girl with two children: is there a future?

I meet a girl with two children
I meet a girl with two children

In the modern world, you can often meet girls with children. Some even have a few of them. If you are a self -sufficient man who has work, education and want a family, of course there is a future. Having met such a girl, you can immediately see how she leads to life, relations with children.

As a rule, such girls do not mind and have one more, only a joint child. But is a man ready for this? So, the guy says: "I meet a girl with two children." Is there a future?

  • The strong floor should understand that the list of responsibility only increases.
  • It will be necessary to worry and provide not only yourself and your passion, but also children.
  • You must give all the heat that you can, children.
  • To perceive them as their relatives, but at the same time keep the distance in education. Children will begin to perceive your comments after some time, after they get used to you and will be considered a dad.

It must be remembered that children are not an obstacle in a relationship if adults love each other. But it is worth considering that a man should be ready for such a serious family relationship.

Video: Can a man meet several women?

Video: What to do if you fall in love with two?

Video: Love of two is possible?! Polygamy. Monogamy. Psychology. Psychotherapy

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