How to make an arreet of marriage to your beloved girl, a woman for the New Year?

How to make an arreet of marriage to your beloved girl, a woman for the New Year?

Any hand and heart offer for a girl becomes pleasant, even if she was not going to connect her life with this guy at all. And, of course, a similar offer from a loved one is doubly pleasant!

And if it is still furnished with romance, a mystery, made on a magical New Year's Eve, when dreams and desires come true, then it is unlikely that a girl will be able to say even the traditional “I need to think”. No, most likely, she will happily exhale the cherished "yes!". In order to happen, the guy should find a way that his girlfriend will definitely appeal - because who, if not he, knows her preferences and will definitely be able to choose an option that coincides with her addictions and tastes. We bring to your attention several such options.

How to make an arreet of marriage to your beloved girl, a woman for the New Year: TOP-25 ideas

When chimes beat

  • The most logical and the most New Year's way, because the fighting of chimes is a symbol of a new life, hopes for happiness, counting a new time. At this moment, everyone makes a desire, and the guy can immediately fulfill the most cherished (it is unlikely that a girl, meeting with a young man, does not consider him as a potential spouse, otherwise the meetings would have stopped a long time ago, and she would have celebrated the New Year with another). This method is suitable for a guy with any character, even completely devoid of romance.
  • It is best to make an offer if the couple meets the holiday together. If this happens in a home environment, candles will be the best lighting of the room and a Christmas garland mysteriously flickering in the darkness. If a table is ordered in a cafe or restaurant, it is good, if it is away from noisy companies to create the illusion of solitude and intimate environment.
  • The treasured moment comes when the chimes begin to beat (then the girl plunges into dreams of the happy future) or repel the last blow - the New Year and the new happiness began. By the way, in the restaurant you can ask the waiter to take the ring for the girl at the right time on a beautiful tray.
  • What exactly to say at such a moment - the guy must decide for himself. He can pronounce traditional: "Be my wife!", add romance and tenderness to your words, to kneen in front of a girl, according to the old traditions, offer a hand and heart ... And you can say nothing, but simply present the girl in a box in which the engagement ring flaunts.

During a romantic walk

  • Now in the center of almost every settlement on New Year's holidays set christmas tree. Gathering from her after twelve hours has already become a good tradition. Therefore, your chosen one can be offered to go to the city Christmas tree - it will be completely natural, and she will not even suspect what kind of surprise she expects her there.
  • It does not matter at all how many people gathered there. After all, on the street you can always stay together, even if there are hundreds of people around. Just need hug your girlfriend and whisper her in her ear of the cherished words sentences of hand and heart. And if she thinks that in the surrounding noise she rustled or understood the wrong way, the ring presented to her confirms that she heard everything correctly.
During a walk
During a walk

Recognition from Santa Claus's bag

  • Let us recall the childhood and visits of Santa Claus on the eve of the New Year. The same situation can be created for your girlfriend. The guy should be involved in the aid of the most talented actor among his friends and ask him to play this role. Let him come to the girl when the couple will be together, and say that He brought her a gift. The girl, most likely, will be surprised, because her childhood is over, and Santa Claus is probably waiting in a neighboring apartment where there are kids.
  • Nevertheless, Santa Claus persistently assures that a gift for a given girl, and as confirmation pulls out a beautiful box from his huge bag, in which lies ring. The addition to her will be a note from the guy with the words of recognition and sentences of the arm and heart. The guy himself all this time should be nearby to ask the girl when she reads the letter, whether she agrees.
  • Santa Claus can be “organized” if the couple celebrates the New Year in the restaurant. Let him come to the girl and do her happiness in the event that she answers “yes” to the very first hand and heart proposal that she will hear. This is where the guy should make his recognition.

Unusual Christmas tree decorations

  • If the couple celebrates the New Year in the guy’s house, the task is simplified. If not, the guy will only need to invite the girl to him and bring her to an elegantly decorated Christmas tree. And all those cute little things that were at one time were presented to the girl: as jewelry: Valentines, lighters, chocolates, pens etc. You need to add a few more “jewelry” to them: a small house (you can gingerbread), figures of angels, small children - it can be both ready -made Christmas decorations, or just small toys.
  • The girl needs to be brought to the Christmas tree and ask if she is told about something such jewelry. And when she moves, because she will probably remember or find out something, it's time to offer her a hand and heart, adding that her own house and a friendly family with charming kids will be provided to her.

The cherished box

  • Under the Christmas tree you need to decompose many multi -colored tinsel, rain, serpentine ribbons, in a word, create a fairly high rustling and iridescent layer. In the middle, hide the ring in the box, which can be laid in the Santa Claus boot or a bag of Santa Claus.
  • The girl should say that for her somewhere under all this "snow" is hidden giftwhich she must find herself. Having spent some time on his search, the girl will certainly find him and understand everything herself. The guy will only have to wait until she joyfully rushes to his neck.

Romantic trip

  • A good way to offer a girl will be a marriage new Year's romantic journey. Where exactly to go in love of a couple in love does not matter at all: at least abroad, at least at the native edges. Everywhere there are unknown places that are perfect for recognition in their feelings and intentions.
  • You can say the treasured words in a hotel room or restaurant during breakfast, while walking on unfamiliar streets or on excursions, examining the sights, wandering around the park in the evening. Any situation is suitable, because in any case it will be fulfilled with novelty.
On a trip
On a trip

Dog is a friend of lovers

  • This method is suitable for the guy whose girl loves to mess with dogs. There are two options. The first is to give a girl for the New Year puppy, tied a box with a wedding ring to his collar. Words in this case will no longer be important - everything is already very eloquent.
  • The second option is suitable if the girl already has a dog. If a guy often happens in a girl’s house, then he probably already made friends with the animal, and on New Year's Eve it will not be difficult for him tie a box with a ring to the collar. When the girl begins to fasten the leash, she will definitely notice this "jewelry". The young man himself will decide to supplement his gift with a verbal offer or not.
A faithful friend will always help
A faithful friend will always help

Offer with a view of the city

  • On New Year's Eve, a guy can offer his girlfriend rise to the roof of their house and admire the snowy city, its winter panorama. And already in such a romantic atmosphere, when the spirit is breathtaking from beauty and emotions, the young man needs to hug the girl tightly and tell her that now, when the whole city is at her feet, he asks her hands.
  • Here you should take into account two points. The first - is a girlfriend afraid of heights. If you are afraid, then this method is better not to use, since it will shake with fear, and not from joy. The second - the ring in this case is better not to give on the roof, because Because of the surging emotions, the girl can simply drop him.

Everyone has in sight

  • Young people often celebrate the New Year in noisy funny friendly companies. The proposal can be made in such an environment, having agreed in advance with friends. In the midst of fun, the guy needs to turn to his girlfriend with the words of recognition, offering to become his wife. And friends with champagne glasses in their hands can repeat in chorus: "Speak" yes "!".
  • It is unlikely that the girl will refuse and say no. And the glasses with champagne will be very useful - everyone will immediately drink for the future of the family's family happiness.

Over a cup of morning coffee

  • When the New Year's Eve will laugh, the guests will disperse (or the couple will return from the guests), there is nothing better than meeting the first morning of the coming year with a cup of aromatic coffee. The guy must take care of going to the kitchen to cook it. While coffee is cooked, you need to collect a small tray, on which, in addition to the coffee pot and cups, cookies and cream, a beautiful box should lie.
  • Perhaps at first the girl will not notice the boxes, but when she reaches out for a cup, this will certainly happen. This is the time to say the cherished words.
Beautifully decorated sweets can be brought to coffee
Beautifully decorated sweets can be brought to coffee

In a memorable place

  • Having celebrated the New Year, many go to the street-someone to tinker in the snow, someone on the main Christmas tree of the city. And you can invite the girl to go to signable for both places: dating or first kiss, for example. Or in a place whose legend is associated with a love story. Already one choice of destination will set her in a romantic way.
  • It is in this memorable place that you should pronounce your proposal, supplementing it with a box with a ring. And if the girl also sees that the guy made sure that she did not freeze, taking a backpack with a blanket and hot tea in a thermos, then she will immediately understand what a caring husband he will become in the future.

The inscription on the ceiling

  • On New Year's Eve, they rarely include light - usually prefer candles or sparkling garlands. The guy will need write your proposal on the wall or on the ceiling in advance, using phosphorescent paints.
  • When the time approaches midnight, it is worth inviting the girl to light the room with a flicker of Christmas garland and turn off the light. The effect is provided!


  • The balloon has become one of the attributes of love. This cute gift can also be used on New Year's Eve, making it an element of your proposal of the hand and heart. Decorating the apartment for the New Year holiday, the guy needs to make sure to purchase more balloons, you can in the form of a heart.
  • To each ball, inflating it, it will not hurt to attach a love note, and one, the largest, place in the center of the ligament. A box should be tied to it, inside of which there is a treasured ring. In a conjunction, such a gift can be hidden, and after midnight, just present this “bunch” of the girl. Then she will see the ring and read the notes. And, of course, it is unlikely that such a manifestation of love and imagination will resist.

New Year's quest

  • The guy can tell the girl that her New Year's gift hidden And the girl must find him herself. To find her present, she will need to go along a certain route laid in notes with tasks. Among the obligatory points of stops and tips - a Christmas tree, a table with champagne, a Christmas wreath on the door and other things and objects related to the New Year. The final point - hidden box with a wedding ring.
  • Tasks They must be simple and understandable so that the passage of the quest does not make you think, but deliver joy. Their number should not exceed 4-5 so that the event does not drag out.

Flashmob with friends

  • You need to agree in advance with friends with whom you will all celebrate the New Year together, arrange a real show for a girl in order to make a marriage proposal in an original way. For example, to plan after the chimes are pierced 12 times, a joint exit to the city Christmas tree, having prepared in advance posters on which to write "Marry me!".
  • These posters need to be hidden somewhere in the house and imperceptibly grabbed, going out into the street. Or leave them in the nearest round -the -clock supermarket, having agreed with sellers or security that you will pick them up after midnight.
  • In a certain place, all friends simultaneously take out and unfold posters, and the guy gives the girl flowers and offers to marry him. Instead of posters, by the way, you can use roses that the girl then give - you will get a huge bouquet. If you organize such an event well, then the girl will certainly agree.
Ask your friends
Ask your friends

When you are separated

  • It happens that a couple in love in the New Year is forced to be far from each other. But this does not mean that you cannot make a marriage proposal at a distance! Indeed, for something, phones, social networks, messengers, etc. were invented.
  • If feelings are torn out and do not want to wait for a personal meeting with your beloved, you can send her electronic sentence. A beautiful postcard with recognition, a video composed of frames where you are together, the appeal “live” - modern means of communication provide many opportunities.
  • It remains only to send her this message at 12 a.m. on December 31. And if the circumstances successfully develop and the guy manages to get to his beloved by midnight, then you can send a message, give her the necessary time to read him, and then call her door, holding a huge bouquet in front of her. Instead of "Hello!" In this case, it is quite permissible to ask: "Do you agree?"

A proposal in the glass

  • A glass of champagne on New Year's Eve is one of the inalienable symbols of the holiday. It is it that you can use, about to offer the hand and heart of your chosen one.
  • There is a long -standing Christmas tradition: During the time that chimes count 12 beats, you need to have time to make a desire, write it on a piece of paper, burn it, dissolve the ashes in champagne and drink. Just during the time that the girl will need in order to do all this, and you can quietly throw the ring into her glass. Who knows, maybe the guy will fulfill her desire before the clock breaks the last blow?

Snow proposal

  • If the street is an established loose snow cover, you can Turn your proposal on it. To do this, you can use it as an excuse for a trip to a store for any trifle, which is being caught on, as a rule, at the last moment: either there is not enough bread, then the napkins have forgotten to buy.
  • “Pulling” the cherished words in the snow, the guy should return to nothing (the main thing, do not forget to bring what, in fact, went out), and at midnight bring the girl to the window, let her read the inscription and stretch the box with the box with A ring, asking: "Do you agree?" A prerequisite: the night should be snowless. If it is snowing outside, then this method is unlikely to fit: falling snowflakes will hide your proposal quickly enough.


  • As a New Year's gift, a girl can be presented cake, executed on an individual order. On it you can write words of a sentence about marriage, decorate it with decorative elements in the form of wedding rings, wedding ribbons, etc. Or perform the cake itself in the form of a box with a ring.
  • When she puts this work of art on the table and unpacks it, the words are unlikely to be needed. By the way, a guy can use a similar option for a hand and heart proposal if he is forced to be far from his beloved on New Year's Eve. The delivery service will help this, which will deliver a gift at exactly 12 in the morning.

Decorating the New Year tree

  • A guy can ask the girl to help him decorate the Christmas tree. A completely natural request that hides a surprise in itself. And in order for him to be a success at the very bottom of the box with Christmas decorations, you need to put a box with a ring. When the girl will hang all the toys, she will definitely see her and, most likely, guess everything even before she opens the coveted box.
  • As an option, you can beat the form of the box itself: now the packaging for jewelry is performed, including in the form of Christmas balls. Let the girl take her in her hands and understand that it is, as in the song, "not a simple decoration."

New Year's photo shoot

  • Trick with ring inside the box with jewelry or gift can also be used during your joint New Year's photo shoot. Girls love to be photographed and it is quite possible that she herself will offer to withdraw in a studio New Year's interior. In extreme cases, you can offer yourself as a gift.
  • You should put the ring in one of the gift boxes in the studio in advance and agree with the photographer to ask the girl to open this box allegedly in order to capture the next frame. The frame will actually turn out successful, because the emotions on the face of the girl will be sincere, surprised and, I want to believe, happy.
Make a room for a photo shoot thematically
Make a room for a photo shoot thematically

New Year's purchase

  • On the eve of the new year, many holiday fairs are usually working. On December 31, the guy needs to invite the girl to one of them and offer to choose, for example, gloves as a gift. In one of the couples, having agreed with the seller in advance, you need to hide the engagement ring.
  • When the girl begins to try on a couple by a couple, she will sooner or later find an “investment”, and then the time will come to make her proposal. And under the battlefield, after the girl gives her consent, solemnly put on her finger a ring. This must be done regardless of how the couple celebrates the New Year - together or in a large company.

Just a gift

  • For those guys who do not like to complicate, invent, but prefer to act directly, in the most suitable way to make a marriage proposal to their beloved girl on New Year's Eve. exchange of gifts. Usually they are awarded to each other after the twelfth struggle of chimes sounded.
  • Having accepted the girl’s gift and thanking her, the guy can stretch her a box with a ring and sincerely admit love, offering to marry him. Despite all the simplicity and uncomplicated actions, such a gift will be a real surprise for the girl. And for all members of the company celebrating the New Year, the reason to raise the next glass.

Romantic calendar

  • A guy can make a calendar for a girl for December, in which plan tasks for two for every day: buy gifts, put a Christmas tree, decorate it, remove an apartment, purchase products for a festive table, etc. These tasks must be written on paper leaflets and put in pockets on the calendars with a warning to open one at one.
  • Performing the planned tasks together, the couple is quietly suitable for the last pocket on which the date will be on December 31. It’s from him that the girl will pull out a note with the words of the sentence of her hand and heart. If the pockets are made voluminous, then it will be possible to put a box with a ringlet there.


  • If the guy lives in his own house, he can, inviting the girl to celebrate the New Year with him, decorate the walls in advance with a garland, laying her out in such a way that the burning lights make up the phrase: "Marry me".
  • So the proposal will be made at the moment when the girl only approaches the destination. Perhaps the inscription will need more than one garland, but such an offer is worth it!

And how did your young man make an offer to you? Write in the comments, so we will replenish the piggy bank of ideas, and perhaps your method will bring another pair of happiness.

What words to pronounce in order to make a marriage proposal in the New Year to your beloved girl?

A few phrases that can be used to make a marriage proposal to your beloved girl, woman on New Year's Eve:

  • I want to spend with you not only today's holiday night, but all the next life.
  • I love you for your tender heart and understanding.
  • Your smile illuminates today's holiday brighter than garlands on the Christmas tree.
  • My happiness depends on whether you love me so much as to enter the New Year as my bride.
  • I will try that our every day be as bright and festive as today.
  • Today is a holiday, and tomorrow will begin weekdays. I promise to be with you on holidays, on weekdays, and in joy, and in grief.
  • I will always support you, no matter what happens.
  • I want us to be together and that every day is happier than the previous one.
  • Every day I love you more and more.
  • Only next to you I feel like those who I really are.
  • I can’t imagine that there is no you in my life.

Of course, in each case you need to select special words, just like a way to make a sentence. After all, the girls are very different, and it is always necessary to take into account the nature of their second half. The main thing in the sentence is sincerity and seriousness of intentions, and then happiness that began on New Year's Eve will last all his life.

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