Male Ego: What is it in simple words? How to manage a man, male ego: psychology, tips

Male Ego: What is it in simple words? How to manage a man, male ego: psychology, tips

What is the "male ego", many women do not understand. Read about this in the article.

A healthy relationship between a man and a woman requires constant work, both on himself and on mutual understanding with a partner. Sometimes on the way to the establishment of “healthy relationships” there are difficulties. One of these difficulties is the existence "Male Ego".

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to answer a man to answer household women's questions?". You will find out what a woman implies by her own question.

Most men do not recognize the term "Male Ego", and do not see such manifestations in themselves. However, women over time learned not only to cope with all male shortcomings, but also to adjust them for themselves. This article describes what a male ego is, how to manage a man and how to hurt male ego, if needed. Read further.

What does "relations between personality and society" mean?

Relations between personality and society
Relations between personality and society

Society perceives us with regarding already established stereotypes and norms, adjusting each person for them and giving a certain assessment. When "Male ego", There are also some principles that guide society in relations with an individual. What does it mean? What should a woman know? Read more:

It is important to indicate for yourself what the "male ego" is:

  • Of course, you can refer to the opinions of psychologists and philosophers, such as, for example, Sigmund Freud. He distinguishes two components of the ego - "Super-ego"(Super-I) and "ID"(It is used to refer to part of the mind, which contains primitive attraction, impulses, and dormant aspirations).
  • Concept "Super-ego" It consists in how a person sees and perceives himself and how directly he is exposed to society.
  • In its turn "ID" It is all human needs and in this case the emphasis is more on the physical shell.

The gender roles have already been formed in society, and it will not work to change them:

  • The gender roles in themselves are a set of stereotypes about what a man should do and how he should behave and what a woman should do directly.
  • For the same considerations, a certain set of qualities inherent in the man, and, consequently, his “ego”, is loomed.
  • Almost all men strive to meet these established standards and, accordingly, mechanically become “happy” owners "Male Ego".

The main qualities of the owners of the "male ego":

  • Undoubtedly, a man is affected by society and, because of this, is trying to match the imposed ideals.
  • From a man, they expect reliability, viability and stability and no one cares about his emotional state.
  • Especially the tendency to depreciate male problems has been seen in Russia.

The fact that a man does not want to adjust himself to some standards is quite normal:

  • It is quite comfortable for many men to be somewhere in the middle and not chase ideals.
  • For him, the ideals can be completely different, and a man prefers to follow his own than chasing unattainable goals.

What "Male Ego"? Read further.

Male Ego: What is it in simple words?

Male ego
Male ego

For designation "Male Ego", you must first deal with the very concept "ego". What is it in simple words?

  • The ego is an understanding by a person of his present "I".
  • In other words, this is how a person perceives himself in comparison with the rest of society.
  • Women should remember how important it is "ego" In the life of a man and how easy it is to get him out of a state of balance.

In its essence, it is it that determines his social role, therefore what the man actually is, and what role he plays in the relationship also depends directly on the woman.

Alter Ego in men: what is it?

Alter ego - perception of himself as a person with two types of personalities. They can be completely opposite, but, nevertheless, get along in one person. There are several types "alter ego", the most common of which:

  • Male
  • Dark
  • Female

We will analyze each of them separately.

Some men have the so -called "Women's Alter Ego". The state when men try on the role of a woman and feels quite comfortable in this role. For example, they are happy to perform homemade chores, such as cleaning, cooking, and so on. They like to follow their appearance and the latest fashion trends and generally be interested in many things that society is used to belonging to the "female". Some can not even resist their "alter ego" And they become transgender people (a person who determines himself with a floor opposite to him from birth).

The dark alter ego - a set of negative qualities inherent in a person and, as a rule, not distinguished in real, everyday life. It is very important to keep the balance inside yourself and not give the “second self” to the negative to prevail over you. We all have skeletons in the closet and a secret (personal) life. However, if it can somehow (emotionally or physically) harm you or others, then it is worth attentive to your internal state. In this case, many psychologists advise using all the negative from the second personality for a kind of discharge, and in everyday life do not let emotions prevail.

Men's alter ego in women: what does this mean?

As well as men, women also have cases "Male Alter Ego" (and sometimes more such cases than men). Many women feel uncomfortable from imposed stereotypes about the behavior of a woman in society. They do not want to walk in heels, paint and be fragile and dependent on men, on the contrary, it is important for her to be decisive, courageous, calm. And she can only translate all these qualities, being in the guise of her "alter ego". Cases "Male Alter Ego" Women are quite common in women, even among famous personalities.

For example:

  • Lady Gaga in 2010 She appeared on the carpet in the image of a young man and called herself Joe.
  • The behavior of the artist and her "alter ego" attracted the attention of the public, since Joe, to put it mildly, behaved inappropriately the event (smoked right in the building, drank beer and attracted attention in every possible way).

"Alter ego" Maybe any person manifests itself very suddenly and unexpectedly even for the owner himself. Most often, people with creative professions (writers, artists, actors, and so on) suffer from a split personality. But it does not always promise something good. Sometimes a person’s condition can deteriorate physically (insomnia, weakness, loss of appetite), and psychologically (sharp and unreasonable mood change, memory failures, anxiety). In an extreme case, schizophrenia can even develop in a person - this is a severe form of personality disorder, accompanied by a split of thinking, which does not allow a person to function normally in everyday life.

How to manage a man, male ego: psychology, tips

Learning to manage male ego
Learning to manage male ego

There are some tips for psychologists who allow women to resort to small tricks to get what they want from a man. How to manage a man, male ego? What psychology says about this? Consider each advice more detailed:

  • For social prejudices, a man of a priori should not have emotions

The fact that women are more emotional for men is no secret. However, some believe that men should not show their emotions at all. Because of such prejudices, many men learned to hide their true emotions and wear a mask of indifference sometimes even in the most difficult situations for them, such as the loss of a loved one. However, there are contradictions here. For a man, an acceptable emotion is anger and irritation, and sometimes it is behind aggression that a man is hiding. It is important for a woman to understand and accept a man as he is, with all his emotions and weaknesses. Also, if a man does not show emotions at all, perceive it as a barrier that you need to go through to achieve mutual understanding.

  • Destroy myths and stereotypical thinking about the role of both sexes

Do not forget about the most important thing - we are all people, both men and women. Therefore, all these gender distributions imposed by society are only crazy ideas of people like us, and do not perceive them as a guide to action. It is important to perceive a man as a person, and not as a person related to the male sex. A man may not love sports, but to love pink and this is quite normal. It's all about preferences.

  • Try to understand and accept a man

Very often, in the midst of the quarrels of women, the quarrels of women are surprising and even outrages the behavior of a man that he is angry and upset them even more. At such moments, it is important not to succumb to emotions and try to look at it as another manifestation "Male Ego." For example, when it seems to you that a man belittles you and in general the entire female floor, remember that he is a man and a brain works in a completely different way, in some things, he simply does not understand you. Also, his previous experience and models of the behavior of men with whom he grew up and spent a lot of time can affect. All this is formed by our views and the fact that in the midst of quarrels, you can curb your pride and compromise. This speaks only of your wisdom, but in no way - weakness. Just someone must first make contact and start the conversation. During the conversation, all problems are solved.

  • Perceive his sense of humor correctly and serve when talking

Everyone knows that women and men have a different sense of humor. And this is not because women are stupid than men. The difference in humor proves only that the worldview in women and men is different. Do not rush to be offended by perhaps vulgar and inappropriate jokes from a man. He is only used to thinking so and if you want to get understanding from him, take the first step towards him and talk to them, explaining your position.

  • Find out a person from A to Z

The more we recognize a person, the more understanding and the ability to smooth out the corners come. Of course, this will take time and sometimes it takes months, or even years. But do not forget that the more difficulties you pass at the same time, the stronger the relationship becomes in the future.

The most fragile male ego on Earth: is it possible to laugh at the male ego, the most common mistakes of women

"Male Ego" - The reflection of the male "I". This is the most fragile that is on Earth. The woman, touching the male ego, not only lowers his self -esteem, but also undermines self -confidence in herself and even in your relationship. Can I laugh at the male ego? Of course not. It is necessary to very carefully convey to the man about his shortcomings and bypass sharp corners.

The most frequent mistakes of women regarding "Male Ego":

  • Make a remark to him publicly. The woman, expressing her discontent about a man in public, naively believes that he will be ashamed and he will immediately get better. However, the effect is likely to be the exact opposite. He can not only hide the grudge against you, but also stop perceiving you as an authoritative person. No need to "take the quarrels out of the hut." The golden rule of healthy relationships, with the help of which you can avoid the appearance of many new conflicts.
  • Memories of a former young man.The past and the past that you do not need to remember it every day, otherwise you risk losing many new opportunities that will give you a happy future. It also works with the mention of a former partner. Your man perfectly understands that he is not the first one you were in love with. However, recalling the former partner, and even in a positive manner, you risk significantly lowering the self-esteem of the partner, which may arise scandals on the basis of the jealousy and uncertainty of the partner in oneself.
  • Disputes with a man. Instead of a dispute, striving to always be right and defending your point of view to the last, it is better to give in to a man and not try to convince him of something. So, you will not only show that the man is the main one in a relationship, but you will also look wiser.

As you can see, everything is simple. But it happens that you need to hurt the male ego. How to do this correctly, read on.

How to hurt a male ego, if necessary: \u200b\u200btips

To hurt the male ego just
To hurt the male ego just

It is worth noting that all the “errors” described above can also be used to hurt a man and his ego. There are cases in life when it is necessary. For example, a man is inappropriate to you and you want to make it clear that this is unacceptable. So, if you need to do this, then here are the tips:

  • Try to take his place in a relationship

Sometimes a woman begins to show male qualities and displace his rightful place of the “head of the family”. The man has no choice but to put female responsibilities on his shoulders and leave his social zone of comfort.

  • Constant comparisons

Girls often discuss their men with each other, and everyone wants to show their man in the best light. However, when a man does not correspond to the status of the partners of friends, charges may begin in the direction of his young man. This causes guilt for the inability to change and belittles all the qualities of a man. The fact that the girl considers some man in something better, greatly affects trust and relationship as a whole.

  • Lack of intimate life

When a girl refuses a man in one of the most important components of a relationship, a man begins to doubt himself, suspect her, and his experiences are not in vain. Either the woman refuses the man on purpose, in order to just instill this uncertainty for his selfish purposes, or there were problems in relations that need to be solved together by discussing or contacting a specialist.

Coming to self -awareness like men

When a man understands his role and copes with her excellently, no problem arises. However, it does not always turn out the way we want, and a man cannot guarantee the fulfillment of all the tasks assigned to him. Hence the stress and displacement appears "Male Ego"What can be allowed categorically. The coming to self -awareness is important like men. Therefore, understanding and adoption of the concept of gender difference is necessary for a man.

There are 3 ways to develop relations of man and society:

  1. A man can succumb and fall under the influence of the "crowd". He will change his beliefs for the sake of strangers, even if he has to completely change his worldview and habits.
  2. A man refuses to follow the instructions of society and drives himself into the framework. He is quite pleased with his position and does not want to change his life due to stereotypical thinking of others. To choose this particular path, a man should have a tough character and the ability to defend his point of view. That is why few cope with the burden assigned to them.
  3. A man with his example changes the generally accepted concepts of society and shows an alternative to a “real man”. However, it is worth noting that this is a complex process that takes a huge amount of time and alone he can’t do it alone.

Remember: There is always something to strive for. A stable man, of course, is good, but even better a man who strives to become the best version of himself and develops over time.

You can self-develop differently (from reading books to attending trainings and various courses). It is only necessary to be a versatile and inquisitive person. Therefore, self -realization and self -development are important concepts for each representative of the strong half of humanity.

Advice: The help of a specialist may be needed at any time. Even men are suppressed and broken. If you feel that the pressure from society is too strong, and you can’t cope yourself, the best option will be to contact a psychologist.

The men themselves do not fully understand how to live in harmony with their inner "I", and the women lies in the super -task - to understand his boyfriend or husband. Try to direct him in the knowledge of himself. It is worth noting that a real woman is always in the shade and does not speak about her “exploits” to a man, giving him the right to be satisfied with herself.

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