Why Russian girls and women are the best in the world: 6 advantages of Russian women. What countries do men think so? How do Russian girls relate to China?

Why Russian girls and women are the best in the world: 6 advantages of Russian women. What countries do men think so? How do Russian girls relate to China?

Russian women and girls are the best in the world. So men think of around the world.

Responsible, economic and not accustomed to luxury - Russian women have been attracting foreign gentlemen for more than one decade. In addition to natural beauty, one of the main advantages that Europeans distinguish in our girls is their orientation to the family.

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If the same Americans strive to be independent and self -sufficient, then a decent part of Russian women, nevertheless, implies the presence of the head of the family. Of course, today domestic beauties may well provide themselves. But the role of a man as a “miner” and a person who makes important decisions remains. It is not in vain that the word “married” can be interpreted as “behind the husband” itself. Why else do Russian ladies like foreign gentlemen? Look for the answer to this and other questions in the article below. Read further.

Why are Russian women - Russian Woman, love foreigners?

Russian woman - Russian Woman
Russian woman - Russian Woman

A Russian woman can stop the horse at a horse, and enter the burning hut - but, at the same time, it is very important for her to be a strong male shoulder nearby. Also, our ladies, unlike foreigners, are more likely to have natural beauty.

However, there is one negative reason. Many foreign Romeo consider domestic beauties easily accessible. In other words, it is much easier to win a Russian woman than a spoiled European, courtesy for which even a rather wealthy person affects the wallet.

Why do Russian women love foreigners?

  • The Russian woman is more important, not the price of a gift.
  • In addition, we will not deny that domestic husbands after a few years of marriage forget that the lady needs to be pleased, she needs to give flowers. And foreigners use this.
  • They surround the woman with love, care and affection - as a result of which, quickly conquer her heart.

Russian Woman Good, responsive and romantic. And even today, in the 21st century, the level of emancipation of Russian beauties is lower than that of Europeans-therefore, many men can be sure of their marital fidelity.

Russian women are the best in the world: what countries do men think so?

The best girls from Russia are considered by many men from around the world, starting from turksand finishing norwegians and Finns. Quite often, Americans want to get to know the Russian woman. The prospect of getting female affection every day and delicious home food attracts them very much. After all, the "state" wives are almost never at home. They come late in the evening, order pizza and that all ends. While the Russian girl will bake pies, sculpt dumplings or dumplings, cook soup.

However, Asians often get married on Russian women: koreans, Chinese, Japanese. Many of them are attracted by the fact that the Russians are economic and obedient. Of course, such a lady will not endure injustice. But she is always interested in being a man nearby. Therefore, they are sure that Russian women are the best in the world.

Attracts Russians and representatives East - Turks, Arabs, Georgians, Armenians, etc. Despite the fact that these countries have Patriarchate and their women are even more submissive, in the Russians they like natural beauty and total dissimilarity on oriental brides. Seeing instead of a burning brunette, a blonde with blue eyes, a Caucasian man simply cannot resist such beauty.

The whole worships Russian women Europe. They are considered the best wives and a model of decency. Although, of course, everything is individual. Not every Russian woman will be true - just like not every American - a selfish feminist.

Why are Russian girls and women the best in the world - Beautiful Russian Girls: 6 advantages of Russian women     

Russian girls and women are the best in the world
Russian girls and women are the best in the world     

Foreigners are delighted for a reason at the sight of Russian girls and women. Why do they believe that there are no better Russians in the world? Why Beautiful Russian Girls the best in the world? Here are 6 advantages of Russian women:

  • Natural beauty

Domestic young ladies were lucky with genes. The Russian woman will look charming both in an evening dress and in a home dressing gown. Of course, some domestic beauties simply do not have a lot of funds, so they cannot afford to visit manicure or solarium daily. And that is why they have to do with natural means. But the fact remains: the Russians are quite modestly dressed and paint. And without makeup, they look nice.

  • They know that through the stomach the way to the heart of a man lies - Russian girls cook well

Moreover, these are generous souls. If a Russian woman sets the table, then he will break from treats. And it bribes. After all, the path to the heart of a man lies through the stomach. Many Europeans are accustomed to eat "in haste." Their wives will not spend half a day at the stove. They simply invite their husband to go to a restaurant or order something. And for a Russian woman, cooking is not just a necessity. This is a hobby and the desire to show attention, to please your beloved.

  • Russian girls are not so high demands

Although some of our compatriots are looking for a millionaire. But, mostly, Russian girls are important "So that a person is good". Moreover, Russian husbands very rarely pamper their ladies with attention. Therefore, it is worth a foreigner to show sensitivity and romance, his chances of getting closer to the Russian beauty increase significantly.

  • Slavic facial features are considered pretty and feminine

While German or American are peculiar. Yes, and a purebred Georgian or Armenian has a fairly harsh beauty. Slavs seem to foreigners "cute dolls."

  • Russian girls are oriented to the family

Of course, they have ambitions. But many in the 21st century obey their husband and consider him the main one. And this is another advantage for foreign men. Foreigners also really like that Russian women love children and can give birth several times. While Europeans rarely agree to at least 1 child.

  • Kindness and responsiveness

Lady from Russia always knows how to support and inspire a man. She will always listen and understand. While the American can brush up and say: "" It is not my problem " -" This is not my problem ". This is another plus. The Russian beauty is not just an excellent mistress and mistress. This is a faithful adviser and friend for his husband. Moreover, such ladies always know when to argue, when - remain silent, and when - to say what the representative of the stronger wants to hear.

As you can see, foreigners like Russian girls due to their natural beauty, household, kindness and responsiveness. For foreign gentlemen, this is an example of a faithful and honest wife who can lead the house and raise children.

Where the most beautiful girls live in Russia: beauties in Russian

Russian girls and women are the best in the world
Russian girls and women are the best in the world

All girls are beautiful. However, surveys showed that in some regions and cities the most beauties are most. Where do the most beautiful girls live in Russia? Beauties in Russian live in such cities and regions:

  • Most of the beauties in Volgograd, Saratov and Samara.
  • The “city of brides” also appears - Ivanovo and Rostov-on-Don.
  • Among large cities are quoted Moscow and St. Petersburg.
  • Many foreigners like residents of the Volga region. All because it is they who win the contests of beauty and are known to the whole world.

Some experts agree that Russians are ideal due to the “correct” mixing of blood. The climate of regions and genes created a harmonious and beautiful combination. Without a doubt, the charm of a Russian woman is not only in appearance, but also in her wide and kind soul. Of course, every city in our vast Motherland has its own beauties. Therefore, this survey should not be considered absolute truth.

How do Russian girls relate to China?

Beautiful Russian girl
Beautiful Russian girl

They especially love Russian beauties in China. Many people think that they have a large population, and more men. So it is, girls in this country do not invite young guys on the date first, they are waiting for beautiful princes, always rich and beautiful. The guys have to try to at least go on a date with him or just meet him.

How in China Relate to Russian girls? The Chinese simply adore Russian women. In addition to external differences with their local beauties, Asians explain their love for Slavs with the following factors:

AT China it is believed that the family should have 1 child:

  • And no more.
  • If this child is a girl, then she grows a princess. The only daughter is protected from homework. As a result, she does not know how.
  • But Russian girls are able to clean and cook since childhood. Moreover, they understand the need of all this.
  • While the Chinese woman will be indignant and stomped with a leg, the Russian girl will go and fulfill her husband’s request.


  • The Chinese consider their girls to be unsuitable for life.
  • But the Russian girl and products from the store will bring, and cook, and it will take the dog to take a walk, and will go to the construction store to choose cornices.
  • It does not need to be configured, motivated.
  • If a Russian woman understands that besides her no one will do important things, she will do everything herself. Quite often it is believed that Europeans are engaged in career, oriental girls family, and Russians successfully combine work and household chores.
  • As for the Chinese women, it is believed that they do not do anything. And Chinese men confirm this.

"Excellence syndrome":

  • The Chinese are used to working hard and bring everything to the ideal.
  • Therefore, they like that Russian women have maximalism and if they do something, then for conscience.
  • The Chinese woman will do everything “on the dump”, simply so that the husband is not angry.

Love for children - Russians believe that giving birth to this is commendable:

  • If the Chinese can hardly be aged on one child, then the Russian woman can give birth to three or four.
  • By the way, Europeans have much more often have postpartum depression.
  • The domestic woman does not bother that pregnancy and childbirth spoil her figure and attractiveness.

Attachment to traditions:

  • Russian woman remembers birthdays and memorable dates. She is attentive to the chosen one.

Russians are focused on please her husband:

  • The Chinese woman will do as she herself needs.
  • Accordingly, if the Chinese woman is tired, she will not make an effort on herself to cook her favorite dish, she will not be affectionate.
  • She just says: “No, today I can't. I'm tired at work ". And he will go to bed.

Russian girls combine the house and work:

  • While the Chinese women believe that if they are married, then nothing else needs to be done.
  • The domestic beauty will rush between the stove, office and kindergarten.
  • Moreover, he will manage to do everything everywhere “excellent”.

That is why the Chinese, Americans and other foreigners believe that girls from Russia are the best in the world. Of course, each lady differs from another. Therefore, in the Rostov outback you can meet Natalia or Olga, who can not stand children and men, but wants to devote all of himself to his career.

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