Why does the girl answer, but does not write first: is it worth writing to her?

Why does the girl answer, but does not write first: is it worth writing to her?

If the girl answers, but does not write first, there are reasons for this. Read more about them in this article.

Youth is a time of dating, love and the beginning of new relations with representatives of the opposite sex. However, the guys often come across a common problem of communication with girls, expressed in the impossibility and inability to determine and understand the intentions of the person they like.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Games in VK with a girl in correspondence, in messages, in chat". You will find entertainment for two, for several people, as well as the game “Smiley” VK with answers for the girl.

For what reasons, the girl does not write to the guy first? Why doesn’t she answer right away? Look for answers to these and other questions in this article. Read further.

Should a guy first write to a girl?

The guy writes the girl first
The guy writes the girl first

In our minds, the stereotype has strengthened that a man should be the initiator in everything. And communication was no exception to this rule. The guy is really better to write a couple of lines first, because his silence may be a sign of unwillingness to communicate.

Back in the last century, the initiative of communication emanating from the lady was considered incorrect. So, according to people of that time, only women with frivolous nature did. Representatives of the weaker sex are accustomed to expect the first step from their chosen one or the young man they like. Should a guy first write to a girl?

A couple of situations should be distinguished in which it is important for a man to show the initiative. These include:

  • Acquaintance itself. How not to write to the lady after you met? The man will not be able to withstand and will definitely take the first step.
  • The time after the past date. Girls are usually waiting for either a call, or message, or continuing communication. This will tell them that the meeting went well, and the expectations of the guy were justified. And, on the contrary, silence will illustrate brightly that he was not interested in a girl, and she does not carry his thoughts.

An important factor is the exchange of telephone numbers, and even better when the girl herself gave the gentleman her own number. This can be interpreted by a guy as a sign of her desire to continue communication.

Should a girl write first?

The initiative can also come from the girl. Nevertheless, do not forget that the fair sex in nature is very shy. It is easier for them to expect activity precisely from a man. And women are actively using this. However, one should only write to a woman, the guy will certainly regard this as a manifestation of courage, which will surely interest him. The further development of the situation will be lightweight for both participants in communication, and even the most modest young man will not hesitate to invite his passion to go on a date with him.

Why doesn't the girl write first, rarely writes?

For what reasons does the girl do not come from the girl? Why doesn't she call and write first? This happens often, in many pairs. A situation in which the girl does not write first or rarely writes is quite common. There can be many reasons for this - from the elementary lack of desire to communicate, to fear of her side to look in the eyes of the guy an obsessive person. The most common cases are when the girl stops communication:

  • The lack of time for communication on the vast network. Indeed, in addition to the Internet, there is a real life in which it may have duties and her affairs. This is a visit to the university, and work, and friends and a lot of something personal.
  • Thinking about the rules and manners of behavior within the framework of the stereotype. Perhaps she believes that the guy should become the initiator of communication, and he must offer topics for a conversation.
  • Fear of being unclaimed for a guy. Without writing to the young man first, the girl believes that she will show her demand for representatives of the opposite sex. Some of the ladies prefer that a man at the first stages of acquaintance and communication will experience some kind of competition.
  • To attract attention. Without responding to calls and SMS, a woman may consciously desire to cause concern in the guy, coupled with interest in her personality.
  • Lack of interest in the guy. This option is quite real. The guy can be tormented with embarrassment to write a couple of lines, and the lady does not even think and does not remember him. She does not want to both write and read messages from him.
  • The desire to finish communication, provided that the gentleman is strongly obsessed. The excessive persistence of the guy and his desire for frequent communication can scare away the girl.

The last reason may be with a relatively recent acquaintance. When young people are already communicating for some time, the dialogue is initiated by itself.

The girl always answers well, but does not write first: why, is it worth it to write?

The girl always answers well, but does not write first
The girl always answers well, but does not write first

For women, severe perseverance acts as a scaring factor. There can be many reasons for this. Perhaps the young lady does not want to start communication itself, but it will demonstrate active participation in the dialogue, since conversations with the guy are causing her genuine interest. So, the girl always answers well, but does not write first. Should she answer?

The main factors why this is happening are:

  • Lack of desire to be intrusive. Such a factor is the most common. Finding the strongest feelings for her chosen one, she is simply shy about their manifestations and confessions to the gentleman on this subject. For a guy, it is best to send a message to the first one in such a situation and start a conversation.
  • The desire to demonstrate its popularity and businessiness. The girl is simply afraid that she will be revealed to her desire for communication. It is for this reason that she, subject to being online, does not write, trying to show that she is busy communicating with another interlocutor.
  • Lack of common topics for communication. The fair sex simply cannot decide where to start communication. Sometimes it can be seen that the young lady seems to be gaining a message, but its sending does not happen.
  • Hidden sense of jealousy. Often this thought is completely invented. Nevertheless, this factor should not be excluded. It is enough for the guy to start communication himself and ask about something with the interlocutor-her deeds, mood and so on. This will be a great demonstration of a man’s attachment to the girl.

What to do if a girl is often online, but does not write? Why is this happening? Read further.

The girl often online, writes first, and then does not answer: why?

Girls are very mysterious. They can be online on social networks, write first, and then do not answer. Why is this happening? There are several reasons for such behavior:

  • A young person uses another account.. It happens that a girl prefers to communicate through a variety of instant messengers or loves to chat more on the phone.
  • Notifications of new incoming messages have not been activated. While the cavalier writes the message, the addressee may be busy listening to musical compositions, watching various videos or reading news tape.
  • The girl's attention is communicated with other interlocutors. Perhaps this is a personal correspondence or communication in a group. In such situations, the young lady is simply not able to answer everything right away.

The guy can only wait or try to write again.

Advice: Try it draw her graffiti in VK. Your lady will like it, and such a message will not be left without attention.

The girl does not write first and does not answer: why did she stop communication?

The girl does not write to the guy first and does not answer
The girl does not write to the guy first and does not answer

Does your correspondence last a long time? And suddenly the girl simply disappeared the desire to maintain communication. She does not write first and does not answer. Why did she stop communication? As soon as a friend abruptly cut off contact and avoids communication, the guy should definitely be worried.

How to interest a woman? How to give a hint of a desire to continue communication and relationships? The output at first glance is quite simple - the search for contact by all available ways and means:

  • Call the phone number
  • Send a message to SMS
  • Find out from common acquaintances where she is and why she is silent

If the guy sees that the messages were read by the girl, but there is no answer to any of them, all attempts to get in touch temporarily must be stopped. When the lady does not want to answer the boyfriend, no one excludes the fact that she is just tired and wants to relax a bit. No need to crush. It is better to wait with communication and give the girl a break. Let her establish contacts and weighs every word said addressed to her.

But there is a more sensitive and unpleasant situation for the guy. It may happen that she met another and he is not just not indifferent to her, but is very interesting and she is drawn to him. In this case, communication with you was simply out of boredom and desire to occupy yourself with something. If this turns out to be like this, then writing to her is not just an ungrateful thing, but hopeless.

The girl writes first: what does this mean?

When a fair sex shows activity, this is a good sign. This is a vivid illustration of interest from a girl towards communicating with a guy. This happens, as a rule, when the young lady comes in love, from boredom, with her desire to be “leading” in a couple or the absence of good interlocutors. Or maybe she is already starting to be jealous and tries to concentrate the guy's attention exclusively on her own person.

The reaction from a man to such behavior can be completely different. Some guys are afraid of this fact, followed by the cessation of communication. For some, such an initiative seems suspicious, while others, on the contrary, are only happy. This manifestation of friendliness and sympathy on the part of the girl should be treated with all respect.

In reality, the reasons why the girl does not write to the guy first may turn out to be a great many. The behavior of any individual lady depends on her stereotypes and attitudes from the sphere of psychology. Its activity during dialogue will be able to tell a lot to the interlocutor. And not only to suggest, but also to contribute to the search for true words for a particular situation, establishing communication and rapprochement with the passion that interests him.

Video: Why doesn't the girl write first, but always answers?

Video: The girl does not call and write the first? 5 reasons. Question from the viewer

Video: 7 reasons why a girl does not answer and ignores you. Vastikova method

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