Clouding for the winter: the best recipes for blanks, jam, compote, jelly. Clouding for the winter without cooking: recipe. Berry Bogoska: beneficial properties, vitamins. How to store cloudberries for the winter: Ways

Clouding for the winter: the best recipes for blanks, jam, compote, jelly. Clouding for the winter without cooking: recipe. Berry Bogoska: beneficial properties, vitamins. How to store cloudberries for the winter: Ways

The article will tell you about the benefits of the berry of the clogging and offer several recipes for its preservation.

Berry Berry: Useful properties, Vitamins

This northern berry is truly considered “royal” because it has a mass of nutrients that are extremely useful for humans. It has a lot of vitamins, in particular:

Vitamin C (Cloudberry is not rarely called "Northern Orange" for a large concentration of vitamin) It is necessary to strengthen blood vessels, the nervous system, the immune system, and the removal of toxins from the body


Vitamin A

Improves the work of the thyroid gland, slows down aging processes in the body, promotes skin rejuvenation, and favorably affects the health of pregnant women


Vitamin E

Fights oncology, synthesizes the production of hormones and helps to renew cells in the body
Vitamin B1 Favorably affects the brain and nervous system, improves memory, stimulates the development of muscle tissue
Vitamin B2 Improves vision, and also contributes to the production of special antibodies that improve the body's resistance
Vitamin RR It is an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis and diabetes mellitus, cleans the body from toxins
Potassium Useful for the nervous system, muscle mass
Magnesium It is necessary to normalize pressure and purification of blood vessels
Sodium Supports water-salt exchange and neuromuscular activity, as well as the work of the kidneys
Phosphorus Necessary for the muscles and the bone system of the body
Iron Improves blood quality, increasing its hemoglobin

Important: for the preparation of medicines and healing the body, you can use not only berries, but also leaves, roots, cups.

What is the useful clogging:

  • In the treatment of gastric diseases
  • In the treatment of inflammatory processes of the mucosa
  • In the treatment of diarrhea
  • Eliminates dehydration
  • In the treatment of colds and fever
  • In order to bring down the temperature
  • In order to remove toxins from the body
  • To relieve fatigue and consequences of stress
  • In the treatment of sore throats, inflammatory processes in the oral cavity
  • Eliminates vitamin deficiency
  • To improve metabolism
  • To clean the vessels of cholesterol plaques
  • Improve the condition of the liver and kidneys
  • Set the pressure
  • Lose weight
  • Improve the condition of the skin, hair, nails
The benefits of clogging for humans
The benefits of clogging for humans

Clouding with sugar for the winter without cooking: how to prepare?

Important: you will need clogging and sugar in equal proportions, for example, 1 kg.

How to roll up:

  • Rinse the berry by pouring it into a colander. Rinse carefully so as not to damage the berries (they very quickly let the juice).
  • Prepare 2 l. Lay the jar and layers in it in layers: a layer of berry, a layer of sugar (approximately 1.5-2 cm) and so on to the very top.
  • The jar should be put on the oven and at a temperature of 110-120 degrees, hold it for about 20-30 minutes.
  • The berry will let the juice, and in the meantime you add a little temperature, increasing it to 140-150 degrees.
  • Keep at such temperatures a jar of no more than 20 minutes, but you should carefully ensure that the berry juice does not flow out of the cans (if this happens, reduce the temperature).
  • Pull the jar out of the oven and roll it up.
Clouding jam
Clouding jam
Clouding with sugar
Clouding with sugar

Cloudberry jam for the winter: simple workpiece

What you need to have:

  • CLUSIC -1 kg. (fresh ripe berries)
  • Sugar -1 kg. (in equal proportions of the berry)
  • Water -300-350 ml. (purified)

How to prepare:

  • Clouding before canning should be washed with running water (carefully not to damage the berry).
  • Leave for a short time the clogging so that the glass is water
  • You can cook the berry in the usual form or leave the stalks in place (this method will give your jam a very thin aroma).
  • While the washed berries flow, it is necessary to cook sugar syrup, for this, boil water and gradually add sugar to it in portions.
  • Pour the washed berries into the boiling syrup and boil them for 5 minutes on low heat (try not to keep the berries with a spoon and carefully remove the foam).
  • After that, hold the jam to cooling in the dishes (pots, bowl) and only then, again bringing to a boil, pour into sterile jars and roll up in the usual way.
Solp with whole berries of cloudberries
Solp with whole berries of cloudberries

Five -minute jam from clogging for the winter: recipe

The easiest way to cook berry jam, including free, is a “five -minute”. The method allows you to quickly cook jam and at the same time not lose most of the beneficial substances from the berry.

What you need to have:

  • CLUSIC -1 kg. (fresh ripe berry)
  • Sugar -1 kg. (in equal proportions of the berry)

How to cook:

  • Wash the berries with a small amount of clean water (try to maintain the integrity of the berries).
  • Pierce the glasses of berries in a bowl or a pan, pour the clogging with sugar for several hours (and best for the whole night).
  • During this time, the berry will let the juice and dissolve sugar
  • Put the dishes on the fire (it should not be large, moderate enough).
  • Bring the berry mass to a boil and keep on fire for exactly 5 minutes, all this time the mass should be thoroughly mixed with a wooden spatula and not allow it to burn it (it is also necessary to remove the foam that appears).
  • After that, the jam should be rolled into pre -prepared jars (sterile and cleaned). Handering should be done in the usual way.

Important: if desired, the recipe can be improved by adding several cherry, cups, cups or pouring the berries with the stalks. Also, good taste can give a stick of cinnamon or a couple of a pinch of vanilla.

Five -minute coughing berries: a simple and quick way
Five -minute coughing berries: a simple and quick way

Clouding for the winter in its own juice without sugar: how to prepare? How to keep a fresh cold?

Such a recipe offers to save your berry for the winter without losing all its useful properties and without using sugar.

How to prepare:

  • The collected fresh berries should be sorted out and washed with running water.
  • Give the berries to drain, getting rid of excess water
  • After that, pour the berries into a glass jar (approximately 2/3 of the part).
  • Pour the berries with purified water (cold boiled or bottled).
  • The secret of such storage of the berry is that the container should not be covered with a lid.
  • Tighten the neck with gauze and, in this form, send for storage in a chilled room (basement, cellar, refrigerator: there should be no more than +10 degrees).
  • During the storage (and in this state, the berry can be stored up to 2 years), its juice is mixed with water (thus the clogging will be in its juice) and the berry will not lose useful properties.

Clouding for the winter in syrup: simple cooking recipe

Correctly preparing the clogging in sugar syrup, you will get useful conservation with a long validity period.

What you need to have:

  • CLUSIC -1 kg. (fresh berry)
  • Sugar -1 kg. (in equal proportions of the berry)
  • Slice of lemon -1-2 pcs. (small, you can not add)
  • Cinnamon stick -0.5-1 pcs. (not thick, replaced by cinnamon powder if desired).
  • A few mint leaves (fresh) -for the subtlety of taste (you can not add).

How to cook:

  • Grind the whole berry with running water, trying to maintain the integrity of the clogging.
  • Pierce the clogging in a saucepan or bowl, pour sugar. Let the berry stand until the clogging lets the juice.
  • After 6-8 hours, you will notice a large amount of syrup in the dishes (the berry is very juicy).
  • Put the dishes on the fire, adding lemon and cinnamon, mint leaves. Bring the jam to a boil and remove from heat, sugar will become syrup, cool the mass (completely).
  • After a while, again bring the mass to a boil, regularly interfering with a spoon.
  • After that, remove lemon, cinnamon and mint from the mass, and roll the mass in the usual way into jars.
Cloudberry jam in sugar syrup
Cloudberry jam in sugar syrup

Clouding for the winter rolled with sugar: how to prepare?

Another simple way to prepare any berry is to rub it with sugar. Thus, sugar acts as a preservative and does not allow clogging freezing during a period of long storage.

What is required:

  • CLUSIC -1 kg. (fresh and ripe berry)
  • Sugar -1 kg. (The proportion of the berry is clearly equal)

How to prepare:

  • Rinse the berry with running water. All petioles and stalks should be removed in advance (they are not needed in a dolling jam).
  • The berry should be chopped in one of the most popular ways: wiped through a sieve or meat grinder, but the easiest way to do this is using a blender (consistency will turn out to be uniform).
  • In the process of grinding, the berries should be added to sugar in small portions.
  • You should know that a smaller amount of sugar is not recommended, since this will not contribute to prolonged storage of jam.
  • The dull mass should be rolled in the usual way in clean and sterile jars.
Grunted with sugar jam
Grunted with sugar jam

Clouding for the winter with honey: a recipe for a useful workpiece

You can also make a useful workpiece not using sugar, but honey. Together with honey, such jam will have a maximum supply of useful substances, especially necessary for a person in the winter season. This method is considered more expensive, since honey is several times more expensive than sugar.

Important: the proportions of honey and sugar in this recipe 1 K 2. Using any liquid or May honey.

How to prepare such jam:

  • The berry should be sorted out and washed with running water, in addition, be sure to remove all the petioles and fruitwhelm with cloudberries.
  • Lay the berries in jars in layers (according to a handful) and each time pour several st. honey.
  • Pour the berries to the top (honey is the last “generous” layer).
  • Close the jar tightly with a lid without rolling up.
  • Store such conservation in a room where the temperature will not exceed 4 degrees.
Clouding in honey
Clouding in honey

Jelly made of free bones for the winter: how to cook?

Blood jelly is especially thick and pleasant to taste. It is useful to use it to make pastries and desserts.

What you need to have:

  • CLUSIC -1 kg. (fresh berry)
  • Sugar -1 kg. (no less, proportions equal to the berry)
  • Gelatin -30 g (one bag)

How to cook:

  • Before cooking, the gelatin should be prepared in advance by filling it with cold water and giving it the opportunity to swell (it takes about 30 minutes).
  • After the gelatin, he drowned with the help of a steam bath and a rather homogeneous mass without lumps is obtained.
  • The chosen clogging should be washed with cold water and give it the opportunity to drain.
  • Cloudberry without cherries and stalks is crushed or ground. Then it should be filled with sugar and put on fire.
  • After the mass boils, the gelatin should be poured into it with a stream, stirring it regularly.
  • After the next boil, turn off the fire and begin to jam the jam in the usual way.
Jelly from freezing
Jelly from freezing

Cloudberry compote for the winter: recipe

Cloudberry compote is not only tasty, but also useful. It is not difficult to cook it, since the berry lets a lot of juice and the taste of the drink is rich.

What is required for a 3-liter jar:

  • CLUSIC -1 glass with a slide (ripe berry)
  • Sugar -1 cup (it is possible and less, according to your preferences).
  • Slice of lemon -1 PC.
  • A couple of mint leaves -if desired (to fresh taste).

How to roll up:

  • Pour the washed colds in the jar
  • Pour the clogging with sugar, put the mint leaves and a slice of lemon.
  • Boil water (you need 2.5 liters of boiling water) and fill it with the contents of the can.
  • In this state (just put the lid on the neck), the bank should stand for 10-15 minutes (during this time the cloudberries will let the juice and saturate the compote).
  • After all the time, drain the water (without berry mass) and boil it again.
  • Pour into banks again and already roll up.
Cloudberry compote
Cloudberry compote

How to freeze the clogging for the winter?

You can prepare the berry and save all its beneficial, nutritious qualities with freezing. It is best to use the dry freezing method (it is in modern refrigerators), as it spares the berry more. Before freezing, the berry is washed with running water, it is best to remove all the stalks. Be sure to dry the clogging so that in the process of freezing you do not have ice cubes. Then pour it into containers (food) or plastic wires in small portions (0.5 kg each). You can store such a berry in a freezer without repeated freezing for several years.

How to freeze the clogging?
How to freeze the clogging?

Video: "Clouding: Useful properties"

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