Prayer for the preservation of pregnancy to Matron of Moscow. Prayer during pregnancy to the Almighty. Prayer for pregnant women for bearing

Prayer for the preservation of pregnancy to Matron of Moscow. Prayer during pregnancy to the Almighty. Prayer for pregnant women for bearing

List of prayers to preserve pregnancy.

Prayers have always helped people cope with various difficulties, you can ask for saints about health, luck, success, as well as a child. In this article we will talk about prayers during pregnancy. 

Why read a prayer for preserving pregnancy and birth?

Many young women who do not visit the Church so often have no idea who needs to pray to maintain the health, life of the child. At all, do not worry about this, since almost any saint will help in this. However, most often they pray for the preservation of pregnancy and the health of the fetus of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Nikolai Wonderworker, Simeon of the Myrrhnitic, Ksenia of St. Petersburg,Paraskev Friday, as well as the Blessed Virgin Mary and Matron of Moscow. As you can see, the list is quite wide, but each saint must be approached with a certain prayer. 

Why read a prayer for preserving pregnancy and birth:

  • Children are the most important in a woman’s life, only they give a desire to live, are a kind of ray of light in the darkness of life. However, children are not always given by the first petition, many women are not able to get pregnant for a long period of time.
  • Often pregnancy is accompanied by toxicosis, serious ailments, which can cause a miscarriage, or a deterioration in a pregnant woman. Of course, prayer is by no means used instead of treatment in a hospital, but can complement treatment, and give hope for recovery.
  • The whole main task of prayer is to instill the hope and faith in the heart of every pregnant woman. Thus, this enhances the effect of medicines, and helps to give birth to a healthy child. 

Prayer during pregnancy to the Almighty

Prayer helps and gives confidence in the bright future, and obtaining healthy offspring. Of course, expectant mothers need to visit temples, take communion and confess. But if health does not allow, it is not necessary to visit the church, because you can ask for help from the saints at home. Usually, the Lord God is addressed with prayers if there were several miscarriages, and there are doubts that the pregnancy will end safely. This not only helps to give birth to a healthy child, but also allows the woman to believe more, which improves conservative treatment in the hospital. Prayer during pregnancy to the Almighty presented below.


Prayer for the preservation of pregnancy in the threat of Matron of Moscow

Quite often they pray to Matron of Moscow, which was born in 1881. This is a holy Russian Orthodox Church, which began to possess the gift of clairvoyance at the age of 7 years. She was born blind, so middle -aged parents wanted to give her to the shelter. However, Matron's mother had a dream in which a white beautiful bird sat on her chest. The bird was also blind. The woman considered this dream as a prophetic one, so they decided to leave the child in the family. Matron at the age of 17 began to accept people and treat them.

During his life, a woman was revered in some cathedrals. It is this saint that helps all women who want to get pregnant, and also allows children to save. The relics of the Holy Matrona are in the Pokrovsky Monastery, where a huge number of people who ask for the health of children of pregnancy, healing come. They say that the miraculous power of Matrona is explained by her suffering andflour. The prayer for preserving pregnancy in the threat of Matron of Moscow will help prevent a miscarriage.


The Mother of God prayer for the preservation of pregnancy and birth

Unfortunately, bearing the fetus is not a feasible task for everyone, and is often associated with the threat of miscarriage and spontaneous abortion. For many, pregnancy becomes a exhausting, complex process, stretching all his strength. Many are waiting for pregnancy as a miracle, but taking a child becomes very difficult and dangerous for the health of a woman. If the fair sex is tormented by severe toxicosis, female problems, the tone of the uterus, you can ask for the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary.The Mother of God prayer for the preservation of pregnancy and birth helps them in the treatment of female diseases, allows children to take out. 

The Virgin
The Virgin

Prayer for the preservation of pregnancy at an early period of Ksenia of St. Petersburg

Very often, women to preserve pregnancy pray to Ksenia of St. Petersburg. This is Orthodoxyuriwhose noble origin. At 26, after the sudden death of her husband, Ksenia Petersburg chose the path of foolishness, and wandered around St. Petersburg. During this period, she helped people, but did not ask for alms. She handed out all the pennies that she gave her back to people.

In the daytime, she often helped drag bricks for the construction of temples, and at night she prayed in the field. It is believed, molive to preserve pregnancy at an early period of Ksenia of St. Petersburg allows ask healing, gestation. It is believed that the saint helps women to acquire offspring, and also eliminates various female diseases that provoke miscarriages andnot bearing. 


Mother's prayer for the preservation of pregnancy to St. Nicholas

Nikolai the Wonderworker is St. Nicholas, who is the patron saint of prisoners and orphans. The most interesting thing is that in the West he is considered the patron of almost all members of society, but mainly prayers are read to him by those who ask for the recovery of children. Pregnant women often turn to preserve children. There are a lot of interesting legends, miracles, deeds about this saint.

There is a legend that an adult man could not marry their daughters, since they did not have a dowry. Therefore, instead of the dowry, he was going to give out their beauty. Nikolai the Wonderworker found out about this, and brought everyone a bag of gold, for the dowry. One of the bags fell into a stocking that dried over the fireplace. It was from that moment that the tradition came when gifts are put in boots or stockings that are hung over the fireplace. Mother’s prayer for the preservation of pregnancy to St. Nicholas will allow you to ask for health for my daughter.

Nikolai Wonderworker
Nikolai Wonderworker

Prayer for pregnant women to bear Paraskev Friday

Paraskeva Friday was born in the third century, in a family where father and mother were deeply believers. They listened to the commandments of Jesus. However, the woman lost her parents early, and vowed chastity. She distributed the whole inheritance that remains of her parents, as well as to believers. The saint turned a large number of people into faith. Her images were used to pray for households, often asked for success in women's matters. Many girls asked for successful marriage, as well as a child.

Prayer for pregnant women to bear Paraskev Friday helps married women who fail to have a child to take him out. It's believed thatPraskeva Friday is a female defender and patroness. Very often it is associated with a certain mystical creature that came from paganism. This saint can be asked for protection during pregnancy, as well as repent of their deeds and achievements, pray for the health of the unborn child. 


Prayer to God for preserving pregnancy

The level of medicine used to be not at all the same as now, so women had to hope exclusively for the Higher Forces, the Lord of God, as well as for their own health. However, not everyone suffered pregnancy well, often it was accompanied by nausea, vomiting, toxicosis and ailments. That is why they relied on saints. The prayer to God for the preservation of pregnancy must be read in the morning and evening. And it is advisable to pronounce sincerely, ask for saints for help. It is not necessary for these purposes to go to the monastery, to the church. It is enough to purchase the images of the saints, put them in a corner with icons, pronounce prayers to preserve pregnancy. 


Prayer for preserving the pregnancy of the daughter

Not necessarily a woman should ask for saints for help. It can do her friends, relatives. It can be a mother, a husband, as well as relatives. There is nothing wrong with the fact that her relatives are asking for women's health. The prayer for preserving the pregnancy of the daughter is intended for a pregnant woman.

For daughter
For daughter

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