Prayers, conspiracies, rituals, so as not to be fired from work: instructions, words

Prayers, conspiracies, rituals, so as not to be fired from work: instructions, words

If you are threatened with dismissal, then consider the proposed options for maintaining your place.

People spend most of their lives at work. Everyone is experiencing a change of workplace in different ways. For some, this is just a pattern, while others try to stay in a permanent position by all means. At times, there are circumstances when employers need to reduce personnel, or the boss is anger at you because of their personal problems. In such cases, several conspiracies and prayers described in this article will be able to help you.

Conspiracy so that they do not dismiss from work: words

Each type of conspiracy has its own time frame. And it is desirable to carry it out as soon as possible, after you learned that they intend to dismiss you.

For conducting ritual need such items:

  • clean sheet of paper
  • simple pencil
  • a piece of plasticine
  • glass bottle
  • thread
  • pomade
  • large container with water or bath

Step -by -step instructions:

  1. Take a medium -sized sheet of paper of bright color (better than red or pink), so you will attract good luck. On it, write the following words with a beautiful and understandable handwriting:
  1. In red lipstick, paint your lips and put the print on paper, then wrap the sheet with a tube and bandage it with a thread. Tear off a piece of plasticine and form a flat circle from it, like a wax. Then stick it to the end of the thread.
  2. Close the message in a bottle. Climb into a bath or a large basin yourself, throw a bottle and shake the water a lot. Extend your hands and “catch” your dream.

After completing the ritual, go to work in red underwear, because this is the main rule.

Simple conspiracies so that they do not fire from work

Conspiracies are often made on objects that are directly related to the boss. This will also help if the boss is irritable and intends to dismiss you.

  • CONSPIRACY on the door.They read it on the door of the chef, in whose hands the duration of your work.
  • Choose a time when no one will disturb you and distract you. Such a condition is very important, since it can turn into the opposite action and you will be fired.
  • Go to the chief door, put your palm and quietly read a strong prayer:

Such words are able to call for help the power of white magic so that the boss is condescending and tolerate to you.

Conspiracy so that they would not be fired from work to the pencil of the boss

Take a pencil used by the boss. After the ritual, it must be returned to the owner. On a piece of paper write the following words:

On a pencil
On a pencil

Now this subject will write only positively about you. Always carry the sheet with words with you, and in case of bad events, take it out of your pocket and re -read it. Do this in the mind, imitating the voice of the leader.

Conspiracy so that they do not fired from work with a badge

It is necessary to conduct the ritual as with the pencil of the chef, but it will be more effective. Take your working badzhik and write on the back side: write the cherished words:

So as not to be fired
So as not to be fired

An important condition for the spell will be a photograph that should be joyful. In this case, magic will not be long in coming. If you don’t like your reflection, then think about it, really about such a job you dreamed all your life and whether to continue to torment yourself further.

Conspiracy so that they do not fire from work to a cup

A simple ritual will endow you with calmness and self -confidence.

  • Buy a very beautiful cup in the store: bright, picturesque and plausible. When you come home, talk it and then take it to work.
  • The words with which you contact the cup should be with positive reviews of work, bright. Be sure to emphasize that you want to stay in your position, to avoid reduction. Ask to help the cup in this.

Now the liquid that enters the cup is endowed with magical strength and protection.

Words to the cup can be the following:

On a cup
On a cup

The promises mentioned in the text must be fulfilled.

So that the boss does not find fault: the conspiracy, so that they do not dismiss from work

Take a spoonful of sugar and speak it at exactly midnight. Sugar must be scattered near the workshop of the boss. Your relationship will change in a positive direction.


Prayer so that they do not leave from work

This prayer will help not only save you a workplace, but also advance up the career ladder. She is able to protect against enemies at work, envious people and other enemies.

  • Come to God's temple, buy five candles.
  • Light all the candles in the church, except for two.
  • Leave them for later.
  • Stand near the icon of Nikolai Wonderworker. It is there that begin to read the words of prayer.

Come home and light one candle, praying again. Use the remaining candle the next day at work. Find a secluded place and read the prayer for the third time.

IMPORTANT: After the end of magical actions, take the candle and put it in your workplace.

The prayer is quite strong and always acts.

Ritual to save work with a nail

A versatile rite is suitable both in order not to be fired from work, and for the resolution of other production problems. If possible, carry a magic item with you and get it at any opportunity. It acts flawlessly and helps in any matters.

Spend the following actions on a nail or bolt:

  1. Point in the lotus position for about 5 minutes, at twelve in the morning on the third working day. Imagine that all problems and failures leave you, cleansing your thoughts and souls.
  2. Take a piece of paper and write a problem that excites you: "Dismissal from your favorite work". Mentally imagine it: when you come to work, the leader gives you an order to dismiss a handle for signature.
  3. Put the cleaned and radiant nail on the paper. And imagine that the pen is transformed into a huge bolt that cannot be signed. The boss breaks the order, and you continue to work.

Arriving at the service, remember the ritual and know, you are now strong, and also invulnerable!

  • If you are survived by enemies from your position, this spell will be the most effective.
  • Take 5 new nails of large size, 5 candles with a thickness of at least 2 cm, a hammer. Be confident in yourself and strongly wishing a positive result, then you will feel the action of the conspiracy quickly.
  • Put the candles around you and hammer the nails into them with the words:
For work
For work

The candles are not required to set fire, but after the ceremony is completed, bandage them all with a tape. Having come to work and sitting in your usual place, imagine that these nails attach you to the working chair, and none of the enemies will dare to move you.

Conspiracy so that they do not leave from work for money

When there is a growing moon, take a large -style money. Seven times read the spell on them and take it to work.


For money
For money

The money consistent can save your work and provide a promotion.

Prayer to the Archangel Michael, so that they would not be fired from work

Please make a request to support the Archangel Mikhail if you were threatened with dismissal. He is called the Archangage, one of the main angels of an unprecedented force. It will help you protect yourself from many problems and contributes to your career development.

To the saint
To the saint

Rewrite your prayer and when the troubles associated with work or superiors arise, say it three times. Archangel Michael will give you his protection and protect you.

The success of white magic depends on faith in it. Remember that using magic rituals, turn to them for help only with good intentions, otherwise they will turn against you in further fate.

Video: Work plot

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