Prayers, conspiracies and rituals in a successful career: words, detailed instructions

Prayers, conspiracies and rituals in a successful career: words, detailed instructions

What prayers, conspiracies and rituals for a successful career exist, you will learn from the article.

Work and career are the most important part of human life, after family and friends. Indeed, it is thanks to successful work that a person receives financial well -being, which allows him to be self -realized, to help and support his relatives, to feed, to wear and develop his children. All this makes a person happy.

Since today no one hides the magical properties of objects, words, conspiracies and prayers - it is very easy to choose a way that suits you. You just need to follow the rules described in the preface to the conspiracy or ritual. Remember that you can ask for any reason. If you want to find a new job, successfully undergo an interview, hold an important meeting with the client,

Prayers, conspiracies and rituals for a successful career: how to turn to higher forces correctly?

At the same time, the impossibility of providing a family makes us feel depressed, humiliated and unhappy, which subsequently affects people dear to our hearts not only in material terms.

  • That is why people who do not have financial well -being lose their successful and earning a lot of money.
  • Not many people know or believe that higher forces can help us in this area of \u200b\u200blife. However, this is so. It is enough to believe that everything will work out, and still learn to ask for prosperity and success correctly.

Of course, for each individual conspiracy for a successful career, the rules are different, but there are general requirements that must be observed:

  1. Faith. If you do not believe, do not take it.
  2. Remember that for the good you should repay good. When everything comes true, be sure to help the asking and do not leave the needy in trouble.
  3. Unless otherwise specified in the instructions for the ritual - choose timeWhen you are alone at home. The days of the new moon and full moon are considered ideal for white magical action.
  4. It is necessary that no one distracts you - turn off the phone. Psychics also recommend turning off devices such as computer, TV and Wi-Fi router.
  5. Do not tell anyone about what you have done or are going to do.
  6. Ask with all your heart, putting all the spiritual energy into the request. It’s just fleeting a prayer or a conspiracy to a successful career, without feeling it, it will not pass.
  7. When you spend ritual for a successful career Tune in to a serious way - you can’t joke and laugh. The appeal to the Higher Forces is not pampering.
  8. You can not read conspiracies during menstruation.
  9. Before conducting ritual in a successful career Carry out the housing with the help of a church candle - just light it and go around all the rooms while it burns. Then leave her to burn out on the window.
  10. A woman should wash off cosmetics, dissolve her hair and remove jewelry in front of the ritual.
  11. Take a shower, put on clean or new clothes in front ritual to a successful career.
  12. You can not drink alcohol three days before the magical ritual and three days after.
  13. The maximum concentration on the target is important.
  14. In order not to write on the Internet - even a white ritual cannot be proceeded on church holidays, even large. If the day of your interview is on a church holiday, it is better to pray to the saint to whom he is dedicated.

Let's start?

Conspiracy for a successful career at a new place of work

In order to successfully undergo an interview, get a new job that you have long wanted to and successfully join the new team during the trial period, print the text below or learn it and read it daily, starting in the morning before the interview. The last time they read the conspiracy after the end of the trial period.

For success
For success

A conspiracy for a successful career: how to speak a new thing?

This conspiracy will bring you success in your career, unless, of course, you do everything right. On your birthday, wear any new thing (but better if the thing is easy like a scarf or tie). It cannot be removed for three days, while reading the text below. After three days, rinse the summer temperature in water. Collect water in a jar or bottle. This water needs to sprinkle the workplace when no one sees this - so come to work early or stay until everyone leaves.


Conspiracy for a successful career: ritual with cream

Cream, perhaps because they are considered the best part of milk - are a symbol of wealth and prosperity at the energy level. Remember the expression "cream of society"?

Unfortunately, the ritual can be inaccessible to many due to the fact that not everyone has the opportunity to fulfill all the conditions of this conspiracy for a successful career.

Go to the village to relatives or friends who have a cow. Before the trip, stock up on a wooden spoon. Buy a bucket of just dangled milk. Wait for the moment when the milk cools down, its surface will calm down and a yellowish layer of cream will appear on it. Take a cup and start collecting them with a spoon. Collect, picking up everything to the maximum.

At the same time, say:

On cream
On cream

When you collect all the cream - eat them to the last drop.

Conspiracy for a successful career: how to find a good job?

On the day preceding the full moon, purchase a handkerchief on the market or in the store. Read it seven times the following:

On a handkerchief
On a handkerchief

Fold the conspiracy handkerchief and put with you when you are going to search for work or an interview. Do not use it for its intended purpose. Going into the office in which the interview will take place, quietly take it in the hand, and open the door with this hand. You can also wipe the door handle with this handkerchief, if no one sees.

A conspiracy for a successful career: how to get a long -awaited increase?

If you have earned an increase for a long time and wait for it, and you are not raised and do not increase you, unlike people around, you can open your way upstairs with this ritual. On the morning of Sunday, during the period when the Queen of the Night is in the growth phase, purchase two handkerchiefs. You need to try to pay with the seller without delivery. If it doesn’t work, leave the money to the seller.

Water the scarves at home, dry, pour with consecrated water and leave in that part of the room that goes east for three hours. Better - under the icons. The next step is in one of the scarves put seven coins and the same chip of millet. Tie it. Find Osin as far as possible from the house and bury it there, which is in it. Bearing repeat seven times the words below:


Put the second scarf with the onset of the evening on the cross -road - you can two, or more with the words: "Paid." Turn through your left hand and go home without looking back. You can’t talk to anyone within three hours after returning home.

Another magical way to get an increase will require a considerable agility from you (after all, it will have to be done right at the workplace). To do this, first make sure that in the near future no one will hinder you. Take a green thread, ordinary stationery clip and your hair. Having wound the hair on the clip say:

On the thread
On the thread

It is not particularly important if you pronounce the spell aloud or mentally. The main thing is to concentrate and put as much energy as possible into it. Within two weeks, in the event that the company is opened in the company to be raised, you will be raised. If not, wait, either this position will be released, or they will open a new branch, or you will be appointed to a higher -paid position.

Conspiracy for a successful career: a ritual before starting a job search

Four candles, which are the basis of this rite, must call you the energy of other worlds to help. You will need candles of black, green, white and brown and reliable candlesticks, in which candles can burn overnight. Other attributes of the rite are a dry leaf of patchouli or patchouli essential oil, a bag of cinnamon, a container with water and a towel.

Before starting the ritual, light incense that attract good luck and prosperity.

  • To get started, take a black candle. Tell her about all your problems and hardships - they must burn in her flame.
  • Grind the patchouli sheet in a mortar and rub it with a black candle. If you have oil, smear this candle with it from below-up.
  • Put it in the center of the table and wash your hands so that the patchouli does not touch with other candles.

Sprinkle the candles that you have left with cinnamon. Take a white candle in your hands - it symbolizes you. Think about how you feel perfectly and confidently at a new job. Place it on the table so that it is above black. You can take a high candlestick in advance or put something under the existing one.

  • The green candle is a wealth that awaits you. Visualize it and imagine, sprinkling it with cinnamon and holding it in your hands. Place it on the right hand.
  • Brown candle is your future job. Visualize the office you go to, your workplace, your responsibilities, how you successfully fulfill them and your authorities encourage you, friendly and kind colleagues - all that is from the work of your dreams. A brown candle should stand left of you.

Now is the time to set fire to the candles.

With candles
With candles

Leave them to burn out. The next morning, start searching for work.

A conspiracy for a successful career: how to successfully undergo an interview?

In order for the results of the interview to be pleased with you, and you receive a long -awaited position, try this simple ritual. In the morning before the interview, read “Our Father”, drink three sips of consecrated water and say three times the following:



Prayer for a successful career and good relations with the authorities

In a situation where, despite your efforts in work, you feel tension in relations with your bosses, reading will help you conspiracy for a successful career. If you do not have the opportunity to read the text out loud at the workplace - connect your palms on your chest and read them mentally.


For working relations
For working relations

In order to implement another way of magical influence on the boss you will need a photograph of yourself to your beloved, a sheet of paper, a small mirror, a simple pencil and matches. Arriving home, put the picture with the face up and cover with a sheet.

  • On the sheet, write the qualities that in your opinion are important for the bosses. You need to write from a third person - it works a lot, respects the team, exceeds the given, laconic, etc. The number of qualities can be any.
  • Put the mirror with the front side on the sheet and leave for three days. After that, burn a piece of paper, and bring the ashes to the office and imperceptibly sprinkle where the boss likes to be - under the carpet at his workplace, in a flower pot next to him and so on.
  • Be sure to make sure that no one sees you.
  • Within a month, relationships will warm and remain like that. Of course, this does not cancel the fact that it is necessary to work a lot and good.

To grow wages: a conspiracy for a successful career

Most chiefs do not consider it necessary to increase the salary even if employees more than successfully cope with their duties. Do not wait from such a prize chief or any other gratitude for successful work. At the same time, this is not a reason to look for a new job. Indeed, most often, even if the new boss at the interview promises the Golden Mountains - in the end, everything is not so rosy.

In such a situation, you can resort to the help of higher powers. To do this, you need three bills with different denominations, a needle and a pencil. Put the bills in front of you and for five to ten minutes imagine how their number is growing from month to month, how you are satisfied with the prosperity and happy with it, how you spend honestly earned money and even delay for the future. Feel the calmness and confidence that an increased salary will give you. Designate the desired amount on the bills, then pierce them with a needle.

Speak at the end:

On bills
On bills

Close your eyes and rest in complete silence. Then divide the enchanted bills - hide one on the desktop, the second in your wallet, and the third - under the rug in front of the doors of the house. The first sign that everything turned out is that you will entrust you to more and more duties. Do not be afraid of this, after three months your desire will come true, and the number of responsibilities will decrease.

Conspiracy for a successful career: a ritual for good relations with colleagues

The team in which we work is a very important component of not only any successful careerbut also our lives. Often, the success of the project or your good health and mood depends on them. In addition, a good workman will always cover, if you are late, helps with a program that you have not mastered very well, will tell you the desired contact or the path to the heart of another colleague.

Therefore, friends with colleagues is very useful. If you do not work out relations in the team in the usual way for any reason, you can turn to magical influence. Seven completely any feathers, a knife and a white candle will help you with this. Close in the room at home, open the window and light a candle. Cut it horizontally with a knife:

For colleagues
For colleagues

The feathers alternately bring to the fire so that they do not light up. Early in the morning, when there is no one, take the feathers to the office. Put in the kitchen, in the negotiation room and on workplaces to employees with whom you do not have a relationship. If you first find out when they will not be at work, you can imperceptibly put it at this time. The main thing is to do this within a day after the ritual and so that no one sees. After a few weeks, everything will work out and the relationship will become much better.

Prayer for a successful career

There is a legend by which the Pachomius the Great prayed to the Lord to teach him how to spend life. And the Lord showed him an angel who prayed at first, then worked, then prayed again and worked again. After that, the Pachomius did the same. After all, prayer will not feed without difficulty, and labor without prayer will not be for the good. Prayer will not spoil any case and will be helped on any path. That is why a believer asks the Lord and his saints of his saints of help in any business and undertaking. Even already working better to pray to yourself than to think about stupid things or scroll unpleasant situations in your head.


Remember that prayer must be approached with all seriousness and respect. You cannot ask saints and the Lord Himself to help you in dark or non -rich affairs. Well, it is important to remember the words of Christ - "By your faith, you will be given to you." Without faith, your prayer will not have the strength. And faith should be unconditional and unreasonable, childish.

In prayers for work, contact God and Jesus Christ. Also effective prayers for the holy martyr Trifon, St. Nicholas. Effective are prayers to the holy miracle worker Serafima Vyritsky. Prior to the adoption of the dignity, he possessed the inconspicuous wealth earned by merchant business from scratch thanks to zealous work and God's help. There are special prayers - “On the goal”, “On fruits”, “On material well -being”, “On work”, “On success in deeds”, “On success in entrepreneurial activity”, “Prayer for the success of the work that has begun (Psalm 126 ) ”,“ Before starting work ”and“ at the end of work ”.

Video: Mantra for career success

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