Nikolai Wonderworker: The story of life, prayer, miracles - what helps when the holiday is celebrated, how to celebrate this day, where the relics of the saint are stored? Nicholas the Wonderworker and the saint is this one and the same person?

Nikolai Wonderworker: The story of life, prayer, miracles - what helps when the holiday is celebrated, how to celebrate this day, where the relics of the saint are stored? Nicholas the Wonderworker and the saint is this one and the same person?

Find out in an article about St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and his miracles, about his help to people during life and after death.

Nikolai Wonderworker: Who is this - the story of life

Christians honor the memory of many saints. Great respect is given to Nikolai the Wonderworker. It is revered in different countries of the world, many appeal to him with their prayers for help in various life issues.

The story of the life and actions of Nicholas the Wonderworker is very interesting, because he began to work miracles during his life. Nikolai was born in a family of rich parents. This happened in 270 in the ancient Lycian city of Patara, in the territory of modern Turkey.

The parents of the saint were Christians believers, the uncle was a clergyman. Parents could give Nikolai a good education, provide an income, but God was in the soul of Nikolai. From childhood, he prayed diligently, spent during the day in the temple, and at night he read prayers and scripture.

Bishop of Patar, who was Uncle Nikolai Wonderworker, noted that his nephew was very religious, that his thoughts are pure and faith is strong. He set him a reader at the service. After that, Nikolai became an assistant, and then - a priest.

Important: being a young priest, he was very wise to people. Always helped those who need money. When the parents of St. Nicholas died, he handed out the whole inheritance to the poor.

Nikolai did not show his good deeds, many people did not know for a long time who helped them with money. But then they learned that it was St. Nicholas to throw them bags of coins. For good deeds and love for the common people, people very respected and loved Nicholas.

Nikolai the Wonderworker died in old age, calmly moved into another world. This man was a benefactor for people. After death, he also remained for them.

In every Christian temple you can see the icon of Nikolai the Wonderworker. It is depicted as an old man with gray hair. He has a gospel in his hands, he calls everyone to faith and peace.

The icon of Nicholas the Wonderworker

Nikolai the Wonderworker and Nikolai Ugodnik: is this one and the same person?

Important: you can hear different names of this saint. Nikolai the Wonderworker, Nikolai Sin, St. Nicholas, St. Nicholas, Nikolai Mirliki. This is one and the same person.

What does Nikolai Wonderworker help?

Nicholas the Ugodnik comes to the aid of everyone who appeals to him sincerely, with good intentions, with faith. Every day, millions of people around the world ask the saint to help in various everyday issues.

St. Nicholas is able to commit a miracle for us, ordinary people. The main thing is to contact him sincerely, with faith. If a person is greedy and asks for himself profit, requests to the saint will not bring him what they want. No need to ask for material goods, ask God and saints to fix your life. Sometimes we fall into complex life situations, it seems that only a miracle can save us. In such situations, you can turn to Nikolai the saint.

There is no clear list of cases in which the saint would help. He, like the rest of the saint, can always pray when necessary.

Important: the saints are considered “pettic” for us before God. That is, asking them for help, we ask them to intercede for us before God, ask the Lord for us. If the request is pleasing to God, if it does not harm you, the Lord will accept it. But if you want to deceive, deceive, you will harm yourself.

Nikolai Wonderworker is:

  • The patron saint of traveling
  • Defender of illegally convicted and all prisoners
  • Assistant to unmarried girls

In the earthly life of St. Nicholas there are stories when he helped these people. We will talk about such wonderful stories below.

When God wants to help us, He sends us the right people. This is proved by the stories of ordinary people. Once the family with a child flew abroad and stuck there because of the collapse of the travel agency. Of course, the family was scared. Passing near the temple, they put a candle to Nikolai the Wonderworker on their last euro. What was their surprise when, upon arrival at the hotel, they learned that their accommodation and tickets were paid. Isn't that a miracle? A modest request for help and sincere faith was fruit. Many will say that this is a coincidence. Everyone gets him by faith.

Who helps Nikolai the Wonderworker?

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker

You can pray to Nikolai the Wonderworker not only in the temple, but also at home. There are many prayers that you can contact the saint. You can turn to the holy in your own words, the main thing is that they come from the heart.

It is necessary to pray to Nikolai the Wonderworker not only on his memory day, but also every day. If you read and know prayers, do not forget to pray to St. Nicholas to enlist his help and support.

When you come to the temple, stop at the icon, you will find it in every temple. Light a candle, pray at the image of the saint. Believers have repeatedly claimed that it was worth asking Nicholas the Wonderworker, the troubles miraculously decide.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker

Miracles that St. Nicholas became famous

Wonderful stories about good deeds committed by Nikolai the sainty are transmitted from mouth to mouth.

The story of how Nikolai the Wonderworker helped unmarried girls

One poor man had three daughters. He could not provide them with dowry; no one took the girls to marry the girls. In despair, the man decided to send all his daughters to a brothel. Thus, he wanted to earn money for life.

Nikolai found out about such a decision and decided to help a person. At night, he threw three bags of money into the open window of his house. When the family found the find in the morning, they were happy and happy. But they did not know who their benefactor was. So St. Nicholas in a completely earthly way saved three girls from a terrible and bitter fate.

St. Nicholas helps unmarried

The story of how Nikolai the Wonderworker helps unfairly convicted

This story about the salvation of prisoners, which also occurred during the life of the miracle worker. Three convicts were supposed to be executed on the city square. Suddenly, Nikolai Wonderworker appeared. He took the executioner's hand and prevented the death of a prisoner who was on a hair from her. The executioner with Nikolai and everyone who was there did not argue, because he was a respected clergyman.

Later it turned out that these prisoners were sentenced to death unfairly. Thus, the Lord through St. Nicholas sent salvation to these people.

All prisoners turn to Nikolai the Wonderworker for help, even if they got into prison. After all, each person, even if he stumbled, made a mistake in life, has the right to forgiveness.

This case is reflected in the picture of the artist Ivan Repin.

St. Nicholas saves those sentenced to death

The story of how Nikolai the Wonderworker helps unbelievers

This event occurred after the death of the saint. In one Chinese village, the fisherman began to sink unexpectedly. The wave covered him. He shouted and called for help, but understood that this was the end. Suddenly he remembered the icon, which he saw from Russian emigrants and began to ask: "Old man, save me!"

After that, he came into consciousness already on the shore. After salvation, this man accepted Orthodoxy, told everyone that the saint saved him.

History for the help of St. Nicholas to the Sailors

The wandering wandering is considered to be Nicolas the Wonderworker since the sailor saved. The saint was forced to swim on the ship. During this trip there was a terrible tragedy - the sailor fell from the mast and died. Nikolai began to pray diligently to the Lord, and he performed a miracle - the sailor was resurrected. No one expected such a miracle, everyone was amazed.

Not only sailors can turn to the saint for help, but all other travelers. When you go or go far, it will be useful to pray to the saint about returning home.

St. Nicholas helps travelers

Memorial Day of Nikolai Wonderworker: Date, Traditions, as celebrated by the holiday

Important: Memorial Day of Nikolai Wonderworker December 19 and May 22.

  • December 19 - The day of commemoration of Nicholas the Wonderworker.
  • May 22 - the day of transferring the relics of the saint to the city of Bari.
  • Every Thursday in the church, special chants are performed in honor of the saint.

The saint is revered twice a year, people say that Nicola winter and Nicola Vezhnoy. The most memorable holiday is December 19.

At night, before this holiday, under a pillow or bags, gifts and sweets for children are placed. St. Nicholas became the prototype of Santa Claus, who also makes his way into the house and puts gifts in socks.

This custom is likely to be due to the fact that Nikolai Sugor threw the poor bags with gold in his lifetime.

In the morning, families and children go to the temple with children. After that, they arrange a family dinner. At this time, there is a Christmas post, so there should be lean food on the table. There should not be loud amusements and festivities on this holiday.

St. Nicholas Day is considered a children's holiday. Many parents understand, unfortunately, this holiday is inadvertent. Nowadays, children's requests are growing and instead of chocolate under the pillow they are waiting for a game console or a new bicycle. And parents indulge their children's whims.

Raising children in this spirit, one can distort in their perception the image of St. Nicholas. Due to this approach, many children will begin to relate to the holy consumer, every year the overstated bar of the desired gifts. Instead of pampering children with expensive gifts on this holiday, it is better to pay attention to their spiritual education:

  1. Talk about the saint, tell about his good deeds.
  2. To offer yourself to do a good deed, for example, to help parents, to share with a friend.
  3. To introduce the child to the service in the church, take with you to the temple and put a candle to the saint.
  4. To teach the child to rejoice at the little things, and not to expect a gift from the saint.

It is important to read the saint, and not distort the memory of his good deeds. We must strive to earn the love of the saint, instead of predicting him with your mercantile views on life.

St. Nicholas Day - Children's holiday

What can not be done on the holiday of St. Nicholas?

As on other religious holidays, on this day it is unacceptable to engage in homework - to sew, wash, needle up.

The day before, get out in the house, do your home affairs in advance to spend the holiday in prayer and in the family circle. Communicate with your loved ones, on this day there is no place for quarrels in the house, as on any other day. Strive to spend this day with God in the soul.

Give alms on this day, show your children a good example.

Where are the relics of St. Nicholas stored?

After the death of St. Nicholas, his body rested in the worlds. Later, the relics were transported to the city of Bari in Italy. Since 1087, most of the relics to this day is in the city of Bari, but some particles of the relics are located around the world. Only in Russia there are 25 temples where there are particles of the relics of the saint.

The icon of the saint is in any Orthodox church. If you visit the temple, be sure to put the candle in front of the face of the saint, ask for intercession and help, he will certainly hear prayers.

Nikolai the Wonderworker is a real person who helped people not only his abilities given by God. He helped the common people with simple things that we can also do. Not everyone can lead a strict lifestyle, but each of us can become a little kinder and more responsive, stretch out a helping hand to our neighbor, help out with money of relatives or needy people. For good deeds and the reward is high. We hope that this article was useful for you.

Video: Nikolai Wonderworker

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