Prayers to Sergius of Radonezh to successfully pass the exam: text, read

Prayers to Sergius of Radonezh to successfully pass the exam: text, read

The time when students pass the exam is considered stress for any organism, especially when the subject on which it is necessary to pass the check is quite difficult, with difficulties is given to the applicant. The Orthodox Church in such situations advises using prayers.

Most often, students read prayers that are dedicated to Sergius of Radonezh. They ask the saint to help them pass through the exam, get an excellent assessment, since it is he who is the patron saint of each student.

The miracle of prayer to Sergius of Radonezh

  • The lad Bartholomew could not learn literacy. He tried, but despite his own efforts, the efforts of mom, dad, teachers, he could not learn to read normally. The guy was very upset, prayed for a long time. He asked God to help him. While the traditions show, the boy appeared before the boy Angel. He resembled a monk.
  • Thanks to prayers and requests, the boy was heard. The monk gave the guy a prosphora, and then said that from that moment he would study much better than his brothers. So himself God gave The lad ability to learn well.
  • This made it possible over time to Bartholomew (aka Sergius of Radonezh) to study, understand the Holy Scriptures. The young man in the future decided to continue to achieve good luck in his studies.
  • The miraculous cases that occurred thanks to prayer for Sergius of Radonezh are evidenced by various scriptures. People who turn to the saint claim that their mind is enlightened, they become smart, their memory improves, new forces arise. That is why Sergius of Radonezh is the patron saint of people who seek to achieve good results in science. Even on the images of the saint has a scroll in the hand.
The prayer is complete
The prayer is complete

Prayer to Sergius of Radonezh before the exam

  • Reading a prayer about a successful passing exam is very easy. Use Prayer to Sergius of Radonezh There can be applicants, and schoolchildren, and parents of students.
  • In order to successfully pass the audit, before the exam, you need to go to church. Great if the father blesses you. In the temple, be sure to take a candle, put it around the image of Sergius of Radonezh. You need to ask the saint to help you in your studies.
  • It will also be great if you acquire an icon on the body, which depicts St. Sergius of Radonezh. Wear it constantly, especially when you have exams.
  • Immediately before entering the audience, say "Our Father". Thanks to this, you will calm down, tune in to the necessary mood. Next, say the following prayer.
Before the exam
Before the exam
  • When you get a ticket, say: "" Lord, bless! God help me!".
  • Do not hope for only one single prayer. You will not get a positive mark if you do not prepare for the exam, do not read carefully books, notes. Saints can only help those people who try to work carefully, achieve the intended goal. Sergius of Radonezh does not help lazy people who receive good marks with fraudulent methods.
  • The prayer about the successful passing of the exam will bring a positive result, will be heard by saints if it is uttered with all sincerity, with pure intentions. Remember also that saints must be thanked for their help, then they will support you constantly.
  • Do not forget that you can pass all the tests and exams well if you read a prayer without prompts, learn it. The path to a positive result should lie through excellent knowledge, strong perseverance. Prayer will only be an assistant to you during emotional experiences, it may even bring success in study.

Prayer to Sergius of Radonezh for students of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra

  • In this monastery, the founder of which is considered Rev. Sergius of Radonezh, today his relics are located. Every day, the monastery is visited by believers who want to ask Sergius for help. Starting in the morning and ending in the evening, prayers and akathists sound. They are performed by students of the spiritual seminary.
  • Students visit the monastery every day to pray to the saint. They ask him to help them pass successfully, write a control, enter the institute.
  • The first prayers begin early in the morning at 5.00. In all educational premises of the establishment, as well as on the desks of students there are images of saints. There is also Icon Sergius of Radonezh. Students consider him the first teacher, their teacher. The icon depicts a meek face of the saint. In his hand, the charter, where the following words are written:

Prayer to Sergius of Radonezh to study the child

  • In any situation, in problems, difficulties, people try to turn to prayer, which is dedicated to some patron. If your child does not want or is shy to read a prayer, you can do it yourself. Or read prayers together, this is not forbidden.
  • The main sincerity and belief that everything will be as you ask. Prayers to Sergius of Radonezh about the successes of children several. It is advisable to read them regularly until the result is obtained, and then do not forget about gratitude.
From the child
From the child
From parents
From parents

The strength of any prayer, faith helps each person achieve good luck in learning. Contact Sergius of Radonezh. He will protect you, he will help you learn, take exams, find confidence, the desire to gain knowledge.

Video: Prayer to Sergius of Radonezh

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