Green handle method: how to correctly correct and motivate a child?

Green handle method: how to correctly correct and motivate a child?

The Ministry of Education believes that it is important to teach the child not to focus on their mistakes. It will be better if you help them follow positive changes in learning.

It is to establish the normal psychological state of the child that preference is given to the “Green Hand method”. Read more about this in this article.

Origin of the green handle method

  • For the first time, the teacher took advantage of Shalva Amonashvili. After an unpleasant incident occurred with him, the man decided to change the approach to the children.
  • Shalva told how he once saw a crying girl. To his question, what happened, she replied: “I do not like mathematics, and I don’t understand anything in it. That is why the teacher emphasized all errors in red, because of which I have the whole notebook of red. ” The teacher said that he could not stand it when the children cry, so he would look for a way to help them in learning without stress.
  • The next day, Shalva began to use a green handle while checking student notebooks. If the student correctly decided an example or perfectly wrote a proposal, he emphasized it with green. Thus, the method of the green handle of Amonashvili made it clear to the students that they are capable, and they have not only mistakes.
  • A similar method was used by Tatyana Ivanova, who, while preparing her daughter for school, helped her not in a red, but a green pen. If the crumbs turned out to be beautiful zakarluki beautifully, then my mother circled them in green, and did not correct erroneous symbols with a traditional red color.
  • According to the woman, the girl did not be upset because of mistakes and studied much faster.

What and how to "circle green"?

  • According to the principles of learning, while checking the teachers’s notebooks, red handles are used. So they emphasize errors, and help the child carry out work on them.
  • Unfortunately, not all children calmly perceive criticism. Therefore, you need to be able to find a common language with a child so that he does not lose the desire to study.
  • Green color needs to circle the proper work of the student. That is, if he correctly solved the problem or wrote an essay, then you can circle it with a green pen. The method of the green handle gives the child an understanding that there is something to strive for.
Why is the green handle method effective?
Why is the green handle method effective?

Do you need work on errors?

  • Most teachers think about whether work on the mistakes of students is needed. After all, the method of the "green handle" implies the praise of the child.
  • It doesn't matter what mistake the student made: spelling, grammatical or computing. It is necessary to help him work on mistakes so that he does not make them from now on. The teacher’s task is not to punish the child, but to show him that incorrect actions lead to unpleasant consequences.
Green handle method
Why is it important to concentrate on good?

Can parents use the green handle method?

  • Psychologists are convinced that aggression and anger to teach a child cannot be made not to make mistakes. It is necessary to show him that rash actions can cause a lot of inconvenience to others.
  • If the child decided to follow the example of his mother in cooking, and scattered flour, then he should not be accused. You can calmly talk to him: “You are a big well done, a real assistant. But, raw flour is not tasty. Let's prepare the pie together now? ".
  • You can also show the child that his error has an unpleasant consequence. If he cut the upholstery of the sofa, it is enough to put it on the damaged area. Let him feel that it gives him discomfort. Do not blame him for misconduct. You can just ask: "Are you comfortable?" After that, the baby will understand that this cannot be done. Anger from parents for misconduct can turn into a psychological trauma for the child.
  • Talk calmly with your child about reasons for his behavior. And you will see how really good his intentions are. Suppose a felt -tip pen on the wallpaper, he wanted to draw a picture for his mother. And having broken the egg, he tried to please his parents with breakfast. Support the baby, because the support of parents is the basis for the formation of a healthy self -esteem of the child. Do not concentrate on the negative, but try to highlight and focus on the positive.
Parents can also use this method even in education
Parents can also use this method even in education

The green handle method is a unique method that helps to establish communication with the child. Not only teachers, but also parents can use it. If everything is done correctly, then the child will no longer make such mistakes, and will master the skills of analyzing his own actions.

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Video: Psychology and Green Handic method

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