How to teach a child to wrinkle: tips for children and parents. Video recommendation from Dr. Komarovsky

How to teach a child to wrinkle: tips for children and parents. Video recommendation from Dr. Komarovsky

For an adult, the ability to wrinkle is a simple automated action. But for a child at a certain stage of development, cleaning the nose causes some difficulties.

The task of the parents is to teach the child to wrinkle. Subject to simple rules, the process will pass easily and at ease. So that the runny nose does not find the child by surprise, it is better to teach him to wrinkle him in advance. A large accumulation of nasal mucus irritates the child and causes a depressed mood.

How to blow your nose correctly?

  • Timely smoking helps to get rid of excess mucus in the nose. The nose cleaning does not reduce the duration of the disease, but significantly improves the quality of life.
  • Children begin to cleanse the nose correctly after a year. Parents must direct children's movements in the right direction. Without the help of adults, a child may not learn how to maintain a nasal hygiene in nursery age.
It is important to teach this timely
It is important to teach this timely

To help the child bursts out, it is necessary to comply with several conditions:

  • Prepare a paper and rag scarf.
  • To wrinkle each nostril in turn, clamping a second move with a finger.
  • During the grinding, open the mouth for oxygen access.
  • You can not blow out the contents of the nose with maximum effort, so you can provoke complications.

At what age is it better to teach a child to wrinkle?

  • It is best to teach a child to blow his nose in 1.5-2 years. Age depends on the individual characteristics of the child. If the child does not manage to turn off at 2 years, parents should show patience and use other methods for cleaning the nose.
  • Training is best done in a playful way and in a good mood. The sick child is capricious and is unlikely to react to your requests.
  • Speak to the children that in case of unwillingness to learn the correct cleaning of the nose, you will have to use medicines and devices for cleaning the nose. Or visit a doctor in the hospital.
Better to start a year and a half
Better to start a year and a half

How to teach a child to wrinkle correctly?

It is more difficult for children to understand things that are obvious to adults. For better absorption, it is better to serve information in parts. Explain first step by step, and then put all the stages in a single process.

  • Before cleaning the nose, the child must wash your hands and cook napkins. Explain to him why it is important to maintain the cleanliness of the hands and not scatter the napkins.
  • Play games that will teach the baby to blow air out of the nostrils. Observe the sequence of emptying the nostrils, instilling a useful habit.
  • To teach your child to blow my nose - become a personal example for the crumbs, show how you clean your nose. Children love to imitate adults.
  • With unsuccessful attempts, give the child time to rest - long sharp exhalations can provoke head pain and pressure.
The main thing is that the child does not blow her nose very much
The main thing is that the child does not blow her nose very much

How to teach a child to wrinkle at 2 years?

The best approach to a small child is a game form of communication. We offer a series of games that will help the child learn to blow their nose.

  • The snort of the hedgehog.Tell the child how a hedgehog sniffs with his nose. Show what an adult snort looks like. Offer to repeat you. During the game, clamp the child one nostril. Focus on the nostrils, as on a prerequisite in this game.
  • Game with cotton wool.Tear off a few small pieces of cotton wool and put on a smooth surface in front of you. Try to move the pieces from place to place with breathing. Let your child participate. Offer to complicate the task, blow air through the nose. Fasten a section of the table for the child, which he must protect from cotton wool with breathing.
  • Games with soap bubbles.Arrange a soap party while bathing. Play with foam. Invite the child to blow on it first through the mouth, then through the nose. A simplified version of such a game is to blow a soap bubble for a walk.
  • We blow out dandelions.Children like to blow out dandelions. Show the child that the inflorescence can be blown away with his nose.
  • Repeat the teapot.Ask the child to show how the kettle boils. Compare the nose of a teapot with a baby nose.
  • Ships on the water.Take water into the basin. Make a boat out of paper or use dried foliage from trees. Hang on a boat through your nose. Invite the child to transport the ship to the other side.
  • Blizzard.Grind a piece of paper with scissors. Place the cuts on the child’s hand. Ask to make a snow blizzard, inflating artificial snow through a nose.
Game options
Game options

How to teach a child to wrinkle at 3 years?

At 3 years old, the child already performs the tasks.

If he categorically does not want to get out, try to find the approach in several ways:

  • Game form of training.
  • Compose a story to yourself - what a clogged nose leads to if you do not blow your nose.
  • Play the doctor. Start with the treatment of a runny nose in an adult, then the child will be able to entrust his nose.
  • Offer an alternative - Or you get your mind yourself and use cotton harnesses for cleaning your nose.
  • Tell us about the wash of the nose as a result clogged nasal passes.
At this age, the child needs to explain why he should blow
At this age, the child needs to explain why he should blow

A protracted runny nose can lead to inflammation of the auricle, so approach the process responsibly. After all, from childhood it is very important to teach a child to blow her hair.

What runny nose should you go to the doctor?

If the runny nose is delayed and unpleasant symptoms join it, a doctor’s consultation is required.

The adverse symptoms of the cold include:

  • The swelling of the plots around the nose.
  • Changing the color and smell of discharge from the nose.
  • The duration of the common cold for more than 2 weeks.
  • High temperature and difficulty breathing.

How to clean your child’s nose if you can’t teach him to wrinkle it?

If you cannot yet teach your child to wrinkle, do not despair. You can use several ways to clean the nose at home.

  • Bugs of cotton wool.Soften the nasal passages with saline or sea water - drops or soft spray. Form with your hands flagella out of cotton wool, the ends of which are moistened with vaseline oil. Scroll the device in the nasal passage and remove it with the discharge from the nose. For the second hole, use a new tourniquet.
  • Rubber pear.If the snot has become too thick and do not get out of the nasal passages, use sea water or saline for softening. Insert alternately into the nose the tip of the aspirator with clamped pears without air. Let go of the pear and hold it until it draws out the discharge from the nose. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times for each nasal passage.

How to facilitate the discharge of mucus from the nose?

Parents can not only teach the child to wrinkle, but also create conditions for a comfortable separation of mucus from the nose.

  • Moisten the air in the room, The nasal passages should not dry out.
  • During night sleep with a laid nose, it is necessary to put Under the mattress roller so that the upper body is raised.
  • With frequent use of a fabric scarf, the skin under the nose can turn red and inflamed. Paper napkins - A softer and hygienic method.
  • With thick mucus, use rock mitigation products.
Be sure to moisturize the air in the room
Be sure to moisturize the air in the room

With any failed attempt by the child to bury yourself, maintain self -control. Perhaps the child needs to grow up to master a new skill. If you have not succeeded up to 3 years, you can teach your child to blow their nose at 4 years old, 5 years old. But usually in a playful way, from 3 years old, a child can tighten his nose on his own.

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Video: We teach the child to blow his nose - advises Komarovsky

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Comments K. article

  1. I close one nostril, and ask my son to blow a lot in another. Be sure to use only paper disposable scarves. During illness, the most important thing, this is strong immunity, the child recovers faster. I give my vitamins Immuno plus, the composition is good. Here zinc, for example, in the composition, has an antiviral effect. There is an effect, verified.

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