What blood group will have a child from parents: a table. What blood groups are incompatible or compatible for conception: with which blood group cannot have children?

What blood group will have a child from parents: a table. What blood groups are incompatible or compatible for conception: with which blood group cannot have children?

If you want to know what blood type the child will have from the parents, then read the article. It has useful and interesting information.

In the everyday life of modern man, along with his passport data, information about the blood group also appears. This information becomes very important in the event of sudden blood loss, serious diseases that threaten human lives. Then urgent blood transfusion is required, and doctors may need this information. Therefore, every person should know their group affiliation. Analysis takes minimum 15-20 minuteswho may not be at the disposal of doctors.

  • Blood type - This is the presence of special cells that cover red blood cells.
  • The presence, absence or combination of different types of such cells determines a human blood group.
  • This is a hereditary sign that is laid at the beginning of the development of the future person during conception.
  • A blood type is unchanged throughout life.

There is also a concept rh factor. It depends on the presence or absence of blood cells on the surface antigen D. If there is a positive Rh factor, in the absence of a negative.

Read on our website article about Rh conflict at this link.

Many are interested in the question of what the child’s blood group depends on, what share of genetic information the baby receives from his parents. Read more about this below.

What blood type will the child have from parents: a table of blood groups of parents and what children are born?

Table of blood groups of parents and what children are born
Table of blood groups of parents and what children are born

At the time of conception, information from the parents is connected to one DNA. A gene that carries data on a blood type may have a recessive sign ( from 1 group) and dominant ( from 2 and 3 groups). A specific group is determined from the component of data obtained from both parents. What blood type will the child have from parents? Dad and mom with the first blood group are born children only with the first blood group. Everyone else has different options, all versions of which are indicated below.

Here is a table of blood groups of parents and what children are born:

Father blood group
1 2 3 4
Mother blood group 1 Only 1 1 or 2 1 or 3 2 or 3 Possible blood groups of children
2 1 or 2 1 or 2 Any 2, 3, 4
3 1 or 3 Any 1 or 3 2, 3, 4
4 2 or 3 2, 3, 4 2, 3, 4 2, 3, 4

The Rh factor is also transmitted by a recessive-dominant way, and a positive Rh factor is dominant.

If a child was born in whose blood group and Rh coincided with one of his parents, this does not mean at all that he completely took the blood of the blood of only one of the ancestors. The child’s genotype can be completely different. Just so coincided slices of mosaics DNA.

What blood groups are incompatible for conception, the birth of a child: with which blood group cannot have children?

Compatibility of blood groups for the conception of a child
Compatibility of blood groups for the conception of a child

When planning the birth of a child, it is worth taking tests for group affiliation and Rh factors to future parents. Group incompatibility is not critical of conception, since a natural barrier is a placenta between the bloodstream of the mother and the child. When the pregnancy proceeds normally, the risk of pathologies is small. It occurs in case of violation of blood vessels, detachment of the placenta. Then there is a risk of mixing tissues and fluids of two organisms. What blood groups are incompatible for conception and birth of a child? What blood group can not have children?

It is worth knowing: A greater risk bears a cutting incompatibility.

In women with a positive Rh factor, as a rule, there are fewer problems with the ability to get pregnant, the course of pregnancy caused by the conflict of blood indicators with a partner. Women with a negative Rhesus have more difficult. It is worth knowing:

  • Women with 1 blood group, a negative Rhesus.
  • It will be best if the partner is the same group and Rhesus. Otherwise, the result is a resulting group conflict.
  • The most dangerous combination for a woman with this blood group carries a man with the fourth group.
  • The likelihood of pathologies in a child sharply increases.
  • At 2 or 3 blood group and negative Rhesus Women are less at risk of group conflict, a possible role will play a possible conflict of the Rhesus indicator.
  • Women with group 4 (-) The conflict in the blood group does not threaten, only a resulting risk remains.

With a pronounced conflict in all parameters, there are usually problems with pregnancy. People live an active sex life, they are completely healthy, and pregnancy does not arise. Reason 15% Such cases are the incompatibility of the couple in terms of blood. More details why this happens:

  • The mother’s body rejects the embryo, the pregnancy does not occur or is interrupted at the minimum time.
  • If the conception has nevertheless occurred, you need to undergo an examination to determine the group and cutting indicator of the embryo.
  • In case of conflict with the Rhesus of the mother, it is necessary to carefully follow all the recommendations of doctors.
  • In such a pregnancy, the fetus can withstand antibodies that the mother's body develops, perceiving pregnancy as a threat.

Non -compliance with the rules can lead to the following problems:

  • Unauthorized termination of pregnancy at various periods.
  • Liver and spleen diseases, the load on which increases significantly in connection with pregnancy and in connection with the conflict.
  • Anemia associated with a decrease in hemoglobin, red blood cells.
  • Problems with the development of the fetus may develop: hypoxia, hydrocephalus, hearing disease and the speech apparatus.

In case of problems, a woman is prescribed injections of drugs with immunoglobulin, which bind and prevent attacks by the mother’s immune cells.

Children 1, 2, 3, 4 of blood groups: what are they?

Children 1, 2, 3, 4 of blood groups
Children 1, 2, 3, 4 of blood groups

The first studies of the main features of character, the psychotype of a person, depending on the blood type, were conducted in Japan. In this country, a working system has long been established depending on this indicator. Even a husband or wife is chosen, given the blood indicators. Although this is probably justified, judging by the above information. Children 1, 2, 3, 4 of blood groups - What are they?

What features will manifest in children based on their blood group:

Children of the first blood group:

  • They have leadership qualities, perseverance, resistance to stress.
  • They are easily trained, love changes, easy to rise.
  • Of the negative qualities, they are characterized by a painful reaction to criticism, excessive categorical of judgments and statements, jealousy.
  • Such children need all the attention of the mother.

Children with the second blood group:

  • More calm, reasonable.
  • They have internal dignity, they are able to occupy themselves for a rather long time.
  • Children are friendly, devoid of aggression.
  • But at the same time, they are prone to whims.
  • Easily distracted and switching attention.

A child with a third blood group:

  • The mood is changeable, like a spring day.
  • They do not like routines, adore walks, change of places and people.
  • They can sleep in any environment, with any noise.
  • Independent and independent.
  • It can be aggressive if something happens unplannedly.

People of the fourth blood group:

  • They are rarely born.
  • There are all 5-7% on the ground.
  • Children with this blood group are sociable, non -conflict.
  • Very attached to parents.
  • Negative features are low self -esteem and inability to defend their point of view.

A blood type is not a sentence in character traits, it is only a tendency. Family and upbringing is of a large role in the formation of personality. Knowing the predisposition of your child is easier to direct excessive energy into a peaceful direction and adjust the negative inclinations with the right education.

What blood groups are compatible for conception of a child?

As well as incompatibility, there is also the opposite concept - compatibility. What groups are compatible for conception of a child? Below is a table of group affiliation of parents, which does not cause conflicts.

Father blood group Mother blood group
1 1
1 2
1 3
1 4
2 2
2 4
3 3
3 4
4 4

Parents related to the indicators of this table should not worry. This does not mean at all that the verdict is unambiguous for other pairs - not to have children. This only means that they need to be responsible for this issue.

Blood group of parents: What will be the gender of the child?

The gender of the child does not depend on the blood group of the parents
The gender of the child does not depend on the blood group of the parents

For many couples, the sex of the unborn child is of great importance. There are cases when with five girls, parents plan a sixth pregnancy, wanting a son. Or in cases where the family has hereditary diseases transmitted along the line of a certain gender. In all such cases, parents want to be safe and plan to plan the gender of the future baby.

  • The network has a lot of data that supposedly helps to determine the gender of the child based on the group affiliation of dad and mother.
  • But, unfortunately, such information does not have much reliability.
  • If such a dependence existed, then a couple of parents were born children of only one sex. Practice shows that this is not so.
  • There are many other methods: by the age of the mother and the month of conception, by the term of blood renewal, etc.

Scientifically substantiated studies do not confirm the method of determining the sex of the child by a blood group of parents, referring him to the field of fortune telling.

Video: Inheritance of blood groups and Rh factor

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