A kindergarten without tears: how to start leaving a child to kindergarten, teach a child to kindergarten?

A kindergarten without tears: how to start leaving a child to kindergarten, teach a child to kindergarten?

Often you can hear jokes on the topic that real life happens only in early childhood and after retirement. This statement, of course, does not quite correspond to reality, but in every joke, as you know, there is a share of truth, because even the first trips to kindergarten for many babies (and their parents!) Turn into serious stress.

How to facilitate the adaptive period for a child in kindergarten with the least emotional losses? Let's look at the advice of experts in this area.

How to teach a child to kindergarten: Basic tips

Teach the child to the kindergarten gradually

  • Every sane parent understands that no matter how balanced the child is, he needs a certain time to get used to a completely new environment with strangers - both small and adults (educators).
  • But how long should this period be to work as efficiently as possible? Children's psychologists advise to start leaving a child to kindergarten correctly: you will need an average of two weeks to send your child to a calm soul a kindergarten without tears.
Causes of kindergarten with tears
Causes of kindergarten with tears
  • Reducing or extending the adaptive period, you only complicate the life of your child, make him be nervous and even, perhaps, hurt. Indeed, due to stress with the cut period of adaptation, he can be very capricious, to fall into hysteria, not eat or not sleep during the day, and even inadvertently “put it into pants”, which certainly will not help the baby to love a kindergarten. The strongly protected adaptation is fraught with the fact that the baby does not want to recall with the need to hatch in a preschool institution all day, and also pretty much grinds his nerves to his parents.
  • Experisively developed the optimal scheme of getting used to kindergarten, in which, during the first 4 days, acquaintance with the future group and teacher - preferably during a day walk in the form of joint games in the fresh air.
  • For another 2 days, you will go to leave your child with children for a short while, for a short time, the next 2 - for a couple of hours, another 2 - from the very morning to the end of the lunch, then 2 days - until the end of the dinner, Then 2 days - until awakening after sleep. After the successful passage of all these stages, your baby is ready to stay in the kindergarten in full.

Attention! It should be remembered that all your plans regarding the child’s stay in the garden must be discussed with him without hiding anything. And you must be ready to stay with him as much time as it takes, so that he does not feel abandoned and unnecessary.

Prepare the child for independence

  • To be independent is, in fact, hard work, especially for a little man who was outside the comfort zone. Therefore, conscious parents must take care in advance to prepare your child for certain independence: The ability to communicate with other kids and adults, eat and send the natural needs of the body, dress and fit to sleep (within age -related features, of course).
  • After all, sometimes it happens that at home the smallest thoughts of the child were guessed from a semi -out -of -sight and were immediately satisfied with loving parents and grandparents, and in the kindergarten, this, of course, will not happen.
  • On this basis, many conflicts are flared up, leading to additional overloads of the baby’s nervous system and dislike to the preschool institution.
Coming to the garden
Coming to the garden

Do not embellish reality

  • On the eve of the first visit to the kindergarten, some adults begin to compose real fairy talesTo arouse an irresistible desire to go there in a child. This is one of the most common mistakes, the fruits of which you will already feel in the early days of visiting a preschool institution.
  • Having heard your stories, and feeling the gap between them and reality, your baby will be unpleasantly shocked, which he will not pretend to loudly declare to you and the whole group, coupled with the teacher.

Be the most frank with the baby, teach him to be part of the team, share toys with others, obey the disciplinary rules, not be capricious by trifles and be able to, no matter how pathetic it sounds, be a member of the team - this is the first stage of its socialization in society.

  • To accustom the child to the kindergarten, focus the baby's attention on the fact that he will have new friends, hobbies in the kindergarten, he will learn a lot and interesting, will grow faster and the like - and then he will definitely not be disappointed in the very children's team, Not in your promises.
Important tips for parents
Important tips for parents

Do not buy the child

  • Correct motivation -This is the key to success in any business, therefore, in no case do not replace it with a banal bribery, promising to buy sweets, some kind of “harmfulness” or toys beloved by the child or to meal meekly go to kindergarten.
  • Dear and buying your own child, you will provide both him and yourself with a bear’s service - over time, not having time to look around, You will be forced to pay him for the implementation of any assignment or assignment.
  • It will be correct if the reward will be issued after the correct completion of the task and without its direct binding to it.
  • For example, you can invite the baby to choose a route of Sunday walk, because "He is already so adult that he visits a kindergarten, the teacher is pleased with his behavior" etc.
Do not buy the child
Do not buy the child

Long wires - extra tears

  • This postulate works during the period of teaching the child to the kindergarten like no other. That is, in the morning of the baby to the garden after the successful passage of the adaptation period, Say goodbye to him at a normal pace and with a positive attitude.
  • There is no need to take a strip away away, throwing the baby into the group, but also hide on the bushes around the fence or we should not sob with him for hours either.
  • Vice versa, tell the child how you love him and be boredKiss, calm down if he is capricious and calmly leave, endowing him with confidence that everything will be fine.
Do not say goodbye to your child for too long
Do not say goodbye to your child for too long

Follow the mode of kindergarten and at home

  • Based on the physiological characteristics of the growing organism, your baby needs a daytime sleep, without the absence of which begins neurosesarises absent -mindedness In behavior.
  • If for any reason you neglect the dinner sleep at home, then in kindergarten for a child it will become additional source of stress.
  • If you plan to send a child to kindergarten, then start preparation for life according to the regime in advance - At least a month before the indicated deadline. At first, the baby may react to this innovation negatively, but do not scold it.
  • On the contrary, turn the laying into a pleasant ritual - read fairy tales, turn on the quiet soothing music, and believe me, over time, the child will be happy to fall asleep during the day.

Day of the day in kindergarten

  • The adaptive period in the kindergarten, as we have already found out, is not an easy period - both for adults and for the child. That's why, if you have already begun to visit the kindergarten, then you should not do this from time to time - Indeed, in such an occasion, every new parish even after a small break again turns into a tragedy for a little man.
  • Of course, no one says that the baby needs to be dragged into a preschool even during an illness, but on all other days when parents are on vacation or, for example, when his beloved grandmother comes, he should not let the kindergarten, otherwise the baby will understand that the baby will understand that In fact, it is not necessary to go there at all.
Teach the child to the garden regime
Teach the child to the garden regime

When is it better to give a child to a kindergarten?

  • This question worries many parents and there is an answer to it. It turns out that the most successful age in order to take the baby to a preschool institution is 3 years.
  • It is after the third birthday, according to psychological research, the kids experience the first transitional age and are ready for the positive perception of the new. Moreover, they have a need for new knowledge, impressions, dating - That is, the exit from the home comfort zone will have to be in handy.
  • The task of parents is to prepare for this time and teach the child everything that will be required of him in kindergarten - basics of hygiene, independence, discipline.
Completion of adaptation
Completion of adaptation

Dear parents! If you follow the recommendations described above, then, believe me, you can accustom your child to visit a preschool institution with minimal losses. This will ensure the normal development of the baby, preserve his psychological health and will help him successfully socialize without stress. Be patient and set your child to positive - and you will definitely succeed!

Useful articles about kindergarten for mothers and children:

Video: Do \u200b\u200bI need to give the child to the garden - Komarovsky

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Comments K. article

  1. Oh, we, too, started going to the kindergarten, although we gave it to 3 years (many from 1.5 years are sent children). The child is used to being with my mother/grandmother, and there are so many new faces, it’s hard for the nervous system. I bought him Evalarov bears with vitamin D3, they improve the mood + protect from seasonal colds. In the fall, this will be especially relevant.

  2. The most important thing is that it does not hurt often, as is the case at first. Many doctors recommend the immunity to strengthen in the first months. And I support them, in the garden the child is faced with a new team, new microbes and viruses. So I gave vitamins of immunity plus and now I give, a good vitamin complex with natural sea buckthorn juice. In principle, the adaptation process was excellent.

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