Why grubs, a newborn child is bending and pushing and becomes very blushing

Why grubs, a newborn child is bending and pushing and becomes very blushing

A newborn baby, in addition to tenderness, joy and huge all -consuming love, causes a young inexperienced mother an alarm - why he grunts, why he bends like a small worm, why the cheeks and lobby were reddened, and many more different “why”.

There can be many reasons for grunting, because the baby still does not know how to talk, so he conveys all his emotions and desires precisely with sounds: grunts, crying, puffing. Let's figure them out.

Why is a newborn child groaning?

When the baby begins to scream or bend displeasedly, it is necessary to establish the reason why he experiences discomfort.

It can be:

  • Gases in the intestines
  • Bruthing in the stomach during air feeding
  • Calls to send natural needs
  • Overheating or hypothermia
  • An uncomfortable pose
  • Wet or rubbing diapers
Why the baby grunts
Why the baby grunts
  • Occasionally, grunts may be due to the causes of neuralgic in nature. The consultation of a neurologist will not be superfluous.
  • Also, the baby can be just It is inconvenient to lieSomething interferes, or the baby just wants attention.
  • And a newborn child often grunts during feeding - after all, this is a real work for them, responsible and intense.

Why does a newborn child bend or stretch?

  • Together with the grunt, a newborn child can also make various movements - sipping or bending Taurus. So the baby instinctively tries to relax the bladder when he wants to go to the toilet.
  • In the same way, infants are able to relax muscles to get rid of the gaziks gathering in the intestines. And since the formation of all life systems of the child’s body (including genitourinary and digestive) only in the process of formation, the baby has to make significant efforts. He accompanies them with both sounds and an apology of the body.
  • But the babies who are on artificial feeding sometimes bend and grunt because unsuitable nipples. If it is inconvenient for the baby, and the child in essence cannot eat normally, then he will make just such movements, trying to “adapt” and find a position convenient for him. In addition, the baby can bend the body if he was fed before bedtime.

Why does a newborn child blush when grunting?

  • The face of a newborn child blushing during grunts should not bother the mother very much - the cheeks are blushing from the strangle, because for any movement and even for the publication of sound, the baby needs a considerable tension of effort.
  • So redness with ordinary grunts is the most common phenomenon. Another thing is when the redness of the face occurs against the background of general lethargy and a protracted whimper or even crying. This combination may indicate constant intestinal colic, Therefore, it will be correct to consult a pediatrician for advice.
  • It also happens that a child rubs and pushes Directly at the time when it is saturated. This is explained by the possible muscle relaxation, which occurs as a reaction to the enjoyed pleasure, and the baby’s muscles are still very weak, so the processes of saturation and emptying in infants are often in parallel.
Why is the baby blushing
Why is the baby blushing

What to do when a newborn child grunts?

First of all, mom does not need to create a tragedy from this. The grunt of a newborn child is a common thing, so you just need to find out what exactly causes him.

Having determined how the baby’s concern is caused, the following must be done:

  1. If the baby begins to grunt before bowing bowel, help him, help him massaging the tummy clockwise. In this way, you will reduce the unpleasant pain that the baby experiences, contribute to the faster gas output, and behind them feces. The child can be disturbed colic, constipation, intestinal bloating - So his stomach and intestines adapt to the external environment and new conditions. In addition, such regular tummy massage helps in strengthening the abdominal muscles. Easy exercises will also help: flexion and extension of the legs, lifting the knees to the stomach.
  2. If the child begins to sprinkle - It is best to consult with a specialist and experienced mothers. Maybe the problem is that you are wrong to keep the baby during breastfeeding, and air fell into his stomach. Let the baby a few minutes before the meal lie on the tummy. And to complete the feeding correctly-hold the child for a moment or two vertical " column". So the possible remains of air will completely come out of the stomach. Consult with a pediatrician whether it is possible to give the baby dill water, and how much.
  3. When you found out that the baby will fail for not two reasons described above - check it diaper, Perhaps he became wet or rubbed. Change the diaper - and the baby will calm down. Changing the diaper, you will just help the baby change the position of the body - it is possible that he grunted simply because he became inconvenient to lie. Also try his pens and nose - whether the baby has frozen, pay attention to whether the evaporates from overheating.
Check the diaper
Check the diaper

What to do if a newborn child groanes and sniffs?

  • Simultaneously with the groaning, a newborn child can also publish sniffling. Most often this means that for some reason he it is difficult to breathe. The most common cause of this is nasal passage. If this is not done regularly, then a lump of mucus can be scheduled and dry in it, which will prevent the child from breathing freely.
  • To help the baby, you need peel him a nose. The moisturizing of the nasal passage with the drug corresponding to the age, which contains sea salt, will not hurt. In addition, it is imperative to carry out daily wet cleaning in the room where the baby is sleeping, and do not forget about the need for walks on the street.
Clean the baby's nose
Clean the baby's nose
  • The causes of sniffing or “grunting”, which, fortunately, are much less common, these are innate anomalies, a possible the curvature of the nasal septum, the initial stages of rhinitis. In such cases, constant observation of the pediatrician is necessary.

What to do if a newborn child grunts from stomach disorders?

  • Diarya is a state that is very dangerous for crumbs, accompanied by grunts and bending of the body. It can be caused by various reasons, starting from the most serious - infections (intestinal or rotavirus). With the infectious nature of the problem, even dehydration of the child's body is likely, so, expecting a doctor, it is better to drink a child abundantly.
  • If the doctor excludes the pathology, the disorder may be associated with nutrition. Perhaps if the baby is an artificial, parents the mixture was incorrectly selected. No need to save on your own children, the mixtures should be of high quality, with a normal shelf life, from reliable and well -established manufacturers.

If the liquid chair is accompanied by a “sour” smell, it is quite possible that in the body of a newborn baby, lactase and milk (lactose) are not fully absorbed to the end. The doctor will prescribe the child to the child that does not contain lactose.

  • And finally, if a child has diarrhea, a liquid consistency chair may simply perform an irritant for delicate skin. Therefore, the baby will groan and bend, trying to find the most convenient position for him. Therefore, do not forget to thoroughly rinse the baby’s ass and wash it.

What to do if a newborn child grunts from constipation?

  • If the groaning is accompanied by the absence of a stool (for infants, a maximum of 3 days, for artifications - a day), the feces are solid and unformed, and the newborn child behaves uneasily, suddenly tensing or pushing, his face also blushes - all these symptoms indicate that , what The newborn constipation.
The baby may have constipation
The baby may have constipation
  • In such cases, you need to start with a change in the diet of the mother, which should use more fermented milk products. The child himself needs to give more and not forget about the need to massage the abdomen. If this set of measures does not give an effect, a doctor must take a further solution to the problem, who will select the necessary laxative if necessary. He will tell you, for what time you can take the drug so that it does not cause addiction.

Do I need to consult a doctor if a newborn child is groaning?

  • It is best to be constantly in touch with your family pediatrician, especially in the first 3 months, which are the most important and responsible. The doctor should inform about the grunts, and the attempts, and other reactions of the child and changes in his behavior.
  • It is easier for the doctor to determine what causes this or that reaction of the baby, in addition, he can always advise not only funds or exercises to facilitate the condition of the child, but also suggest how to eat to mom properly in order to overcome the difficult period of development and formation of the child's body complex. The doctor will say if necessary dietThe necessary and prohibited products for the nursing mother.
  • Usually children's themselves Doctors urge young parents not to panic, if up to 3 months, the child is periodically groaning, pushing, bending. As a rule, by the fourth month of the baby’s life, the work of all systems of his body begins to stabilize and becomes coordinated. There are enough periodic telephone consultations with a local pediatrician. But if the child begins not only to groan, but also often comes in crying, then contacting a specialist is necessary.
Contact the doctor only in certain cases
Contact the doctor only in certain cases

Grunt, pushing, sniffing, blushing - all this is absolutely normal for a healthy child. You need to sound the alarm in the following cases:

  • The baby does not begin to spit immediately after eating, but after an hour or more, the rolled mass is significant (order of the tablespoon);
  • The baby often and liquid defeats;
  • In the feces of a newborn child, blood is noticeable;
  • The child begins turn away from food, Although it has already passed enough time after the last meal;
  • Poorly gains weight;
  • The child has constipation often occurs for several days;
  • The child becomes sluggish or vice versa, overexcited;
  • On the body of the baby appears rash.

Fortunately, the kids groan and bend much more often because they still do not know how to make other sounds and perform other movements. Let it be with your baby!

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Video: grunting a newborn - what caused?

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Comments K. article

  1. Interesting article. I have a small month, anything happens. But most often the tummy worries. I massage of course, after eating I wear a column. The pediatrician always advises us multiproobiotics of the Bak-Set Baby to give if problems with the intestines begin. After the course, it becomes much easier for a small course.

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