Slowing child-koposha: What is the reason? How to help a slow child to become quick: a psychologist's recommendations for parents, reviews

Slowing child-koposha: What is the reason? How to help a slow child to become quick: a psychologist's recommendations for parents, reviews

In this article you will find a lot of useful tips on how to educate and how to help a slow-minded child.

Despite the fact that children are mostly active and sometimes even too excitable, there are exceptions to the rules. Such "calm" children are often called "cops." In addition, such a feature can annoy others.

Often there are cases when the pavement brought to white, the parent can hardly restrain himself, seeing how the child is trying to tie the laces before leaving the house for the hundredth time. Often, the teacher can lose his temper due to the fact that the whole class has already completed the task, and one of the students only took out a ballpoint pen. Why the child does everything slowly, let's understand together. Read further.

Why the child does everything slowly: the psychological characteristics of phlegmatic people, inert children

Slow child - phlegmatic
Slow child - phlegmatic

It is worth remembering that the child is not to blame for his psychological feature as slowness. Therefore, in no case should you reproach him for this, and even more so, to tear his anger and nervousness on him. Otherwise, instead of improvements, a reverse reaction can be observed - mental trauma, which will lead to an even greater stupor. Why does the child do everything slowly? Here are a few important tips:

  • Slow down, inertia is a feature of the child. Kopushi is not stupid than other children, do not have a slow reaction and intellectual backwardness. This is nothing more than a natural feature. All adults should remember this.
  • Be tolerant. Psychologists believe that rushing slow children, parents, on the contrary, contribute to a decrease in their mental development.
  • Do not scold phlegmatics, do not heat up. You should also not heat the atmosphere, exclaiming: "" Surely you do it! You deliberately drag out with the way out of the house, because you don’t want to go to kindergarten/school! ”. After all, such manipulations will further brake the reaction.

Why do children dig? The main reason is the inability to quickly switch from one type of activity to another. This may be due to the following conditions:

  • A change in the structure of the brain.
  • Generic injury.
  • Disassembled atmosphere in the family.
  • Frequent scandals of parents.
  • Other circumstances that in one way or another can be detrimental to the psyche of the child.

The reason in each case is determined by doctors:

  • Psychologists
  • Neuropathologists
  • Pediatricians

However, slowness is not always a result of deviations or diseases. It often happens that at a certain stage of his growing up, Kopushi behavior changes for the better, he begins to think and act faster. Accordingly, sometimes a feature is “age”. The child can develop her. In such cases, this is nothing more than a phase of development.

Advice: Help your child develop communicative skills. How to do this, read in an article on this link.

The child is very slow in everything, at school: the recommendations of a psychologist for parents

The child is very slow in everything, at school
The child is very slow in everything, at school

Dads and Mom Kopush often make one common mistake - they pay more attention to the fact of slowness than the real successes of the child. So, a slow child in everything, at school. Here are the recommendations of a psychologist for parents:

Pay attention to the results of the child’s activity.

  • Perhaps the offspring draws, writes, writes or thinks more slowly, but maybe he solves examples best in his class (even though it takes twice as much time).
  • Or maybe the landscapes drawn by him surpass the work of "adult" artists.
  • Accordingly, we must not forget to praise the child for the fact that he is best for him, and not to focus on his slowness.

The elimination of slowness should also go through praise.

  • If Kopush copes with the task at least a little more agile than before, it must be praised.

No need to rush a child too actively and aggressively.

  • No need to scream at the child, if instead of accelerating the reaction, he is lost, timid and makes it even more slowly.
  • Such behavior may well provoke a neurosis.

Teach your child to handle hours.

  • When the child understands why it is necessary to appreciate its own time, he will learn the daily routine, the slowness will begin to involuntarily pass.

Encourage will for willpower.

  • Each small step towards progress and a change in the situation can already be called a kind of victory.

Keep calm.

  • It happens that after the homework is done on one item, the parent expresses the desire to check how the child knows another subject.
  • Dads with mothers forget that the schoolboy himself may not be ready to hit his results.
  • After all, his consciousness has not yet switched from physics to literature.
  • Therefore, it is necessary to give him the opportunity to “recover”, and not aggravate the situation with raising voice, threats and bodily punishments.

Remember that it is important with such a child to be calm and mom and dad, otherwise you can only make worse.

How to help a slow and sluggish child do not lag behind at school, in study - what to do?

A slow and sluggish child needs help to keep up with school, in study
A slow and sluggish child needs help to keep up with school, in study

Slowing children are most difficult at school. They are required by the speed of the reaction not only of the teacher, but also by the parents of the house - when performing homework. How to help a slow and sluggish child not to lag behind at school, study? Here's what you need to do - a few tips:

"Run" ahead.

  • In order for Kopusha to manage at school, you can try to master the material of the house "for the future."
  • When the whole class only begins to get acquainted with the paragraph, the child will already be one step ahead.
  • It is necessary to make it a rule that a slow child should always ahead of its classmates by a couple of chapters.

Details are the key to success.

  • It should be remembered that the “Kopush” needs to explain the material in much more detail than the “ordinary” child.
  • Of course, the teacher of a comprehensive school will not chew information to everyone - after all, there are 30 people in the class.
  • Therefore, it is advisable to regularly work out the information at home, of course, asking about whether everything is clear to the child.
  • If the baby has questions, do not be lazy - answer them.

Clarification -  suggestive questions.

  • Tleas an “Kopush” to a quick reaction using specific questions: “What are we going to do now?”, “Where will we go now?”, “After we did English, what will we do?”, “Do you want to learn a verse now or will you do it later?”.
  • This approach will help the offspring understand that in all actions there is a systematicity, one necessarily depends on the other. And, if there is one action, it means that there is what follows.
  • He will have a specific question: "Which one?". And he will look for the answer - at first slowly, later the periods of thoughts will be reduced.
  • You can also develop a sequence of actions by clarification: “You have already solved this problem. What should be done? Go to the next ".
  • First you should ask leading questions out loud, but because the question: "What's next?", will arise in the mind of the child on his own. The main thing is to “not frighten” him and not ask a question in increased colors.

A look in the eye.

  • Do not give the child instructions, screaming from another room.
  • So that the baby realizes as quickly as possible what they want from him, visual contact is also important.
  • Formulate thoughts as clearly as possible, without orlays and hints.

The game.

  • Work on the speed of reaction with simple games.
  • Running to walk, alternating drawing in a notebook in a cage dash and dots, knock on the table at different pace will help.

In more serious cases, it is better to turn to a psychologist - as well as in those when Kopush resists and does not want to improve.

Advice: Think about how it can give a child to some additional classes that will interest him and help to better develop.

Read below what sections help such children.  

What classes to give a slow child at 8-9 years old: tips

A slow child must be given to additional classes that he likes
A slow child must be given to additional classes that he likes

Usually at 8-9 years old Parents begin to notice that their baby is a “scrap”. When other children already bring their mom and dad the first results, their child is still standing still. What classes to give a slow child?

  • Of course, Kopushi leisure should not differ from the free time of other children.
  • Therefore, in addition to home games aimed at accelerating the reaction, you can try to write down the child in the sports section.
  • But what kind of sport to choose so that classes not only benefit the body, make the child physically stronger, but also increased the degree of its “agility?”.

There are many alternatives, read the tips below.

If the child is a boy, martial arts are most preferable. They can be cast or shock. In addition to the development of the speed of response in the physical sense, the coaches of these sports also cultivate the “philosophical side” of the young athlete, as a rule, this is:

  • Self -discipline
  • Ability to concentrate your strength
  • Distribute energy
  • Subordinate

It is worth knowing: Children attending such sections become patient, are able to maintain self -control. Consequently, the fingers of Kopushi will cease to be confused when he will try in vain to quickly tie the laces or fasten the coat on all the buttons.

Even small athletes always perfectly formed respect for themselves and others. They know how to listen and hear, resolve conflicts with people and work in a team.

It is worth remembering: Parents should not forget about the increased traumatic hazard of any sport. Therefore, adequately evaluate the risks and effect of classes, before giving the baby to one or another section.

Eastern martial arts positively affect the reaction. Studying them, the child will not become slow, but thoughtful - but, at the same time, ready to “accelerate” significantly if necessary.

Correctional work of a psychologist with slow and inattentive children of preschool age: What is the conclusion?

Correctional work of a psychologist with slow and inattentive children of preschool age
Correctional work of a psychologist with slow and inattentive children of preschool age

Period from 4 to 6 years old It is considered a time of active development of the biochemical processes of the nervous system. Correction of the behavior of preschoolers, as a rule, takes place in the form of games - thus, it is much easier to achieve positive results.

The tasks of the correctional work of a psychologist with slow and inattentive children of preschool age are as follows:

  1. Changing the velocity and mobility of nervous processes
  2. Teaching a child to accept his own characteristics
  3. Struggle with stress due to misunderstanding of others
  4. Correction of communicative skills

As for games, most of them are aimed at changing the pace of movements, their maximum speed, the development of internal inhibition.

Games for slow children of preschool and primary school age: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 years old

One of the key positions in this category is occupied by games for slow children of preschool and primary school age aimed at changing the pace of movements. As a rule, this is a transition from walking to fast running, and then to slow. Naturally, at the signal of an adult.

For example, any exercise can be modified - for children 3, 4, 5 years:

  • At the signal of an adult, clap their hands, changing speed, pace and musical accompaniment.
  • You can also bend and unbend fingers after adults. Naturally, the speed should alternate.

As for activities with quick movements, the principle of relayer is suitable - for children 6-7 years:

  • Children run to the chairs located in the middle of the room, take toys or flags from them and try to get ahead of rivals at the finish.
  • Each distance has been transmitted by the “trophy” to the next participant in the race.

You can also use a different method:

  • Give children paper leaves.
  • Anyone who in a short time puts more points receives a prize.

Another useful developing game "Hot Ball" is for children 8-9 years:

  • Participants transfer the shell to each other, stop by command.
  • Anyone who did not have time to get rid of the ball is tracked down.

For the development of internal braking, it is suitable the game "Forbidden movement":

Lower children's game
Lower children's game

The game "The opposite":

Lower children's game
Lower children's game

By the joint efforts of parents and teachers, you will definitely be able to achieve positive results in the development of your child. Read below the article on the psychology of education "Kopush". There are still important tips for you.

Article for parents on psychology "Slowing children - phlegmaticians": important tips  

Slow children - phlegmatic
Slow children - phlegmatic                   

First of all, it is worth remembering that a slow child is very vulnerable when they admit to a new school or a change of kindergarten. Therefore, it is important to pay increased attention to the adaptation period. Moreover, it is necessary to make it as comfortable as possible. Here are a few more important tips for parents about slow children phlegmas:

  • Teach the child to be less emotional in relation to your own failures and the opinion of other children, do not be upset about the misses, but try to become better.
  • No matter how slow the offspring is, impatient parents - No less problem. Therefore, the behavior of the child should be adjusted with understanding, as calmly as possible.
  • Some children are slow not because they have problems with the reaction, but because they are afraid to do something wrong. Therefore, it is important to give the child an understanding that even if he is mistaken, he will not do what he is asked, nothing to worry about. If the result of his works is bad, no one will scream, be angry and scold him.
  • The faster a special child is accustomed to the fact that time needs to plan, divide into training, meals, personal hygiene, leisure, developing activities - the slowness will decrease faster. Of course, we are not talking about the likeness of a concentration camp. Therefore, it is important not to overdo it.
  • The child must learn to "be friends" with the clockTo develop a simple reflex: “Now is an hour of the day. I have to have lunch quickly, because at 14:00 to me to a music school, ”“ I have to have time to do all the lessons up to half of the fifth - because today is the birthday of Vovka from the next entrance, and I do not want to miss this event ” and so on.
  • Motivation is both positive and negative. But even the latter is useful. Suppose, if a hog, as was said in the example above, is in a hurry to go home to have time to play a PC, until my mother came and ordered lessons. This is also a way to develop the speed of reaction, even if it is directed not towards discipline, but towards ignoring responsibilities.

In some cases, in addition to encouraging Kopushi with a kind word, you can try material encouragement: “If you and I have time to do the lessons on time, we will go to the movie/park/ride in the picture/shoot in the dash.” It is important to give a child the realization that an improvement in the reaction is necessary, first of all, for its own good.

It is important to understand: Of course, the child is not to blame for his slowness. But if he has a good incentive to minimize it, then positive shifts will occur much faster.

The child in hockey is a little slow, there is no enthusiasm: throw?

The child in hockey is a little slow, there is no enthusiasm
The child in hockey is a little slow, there is no enthusiasm

So, you gave the baby to the sports section - hockey. That's it now to start rejoicing on his first successes, but the coach is unhappy, and says that this sport is not for your child. So what to do - throw if the child in hockey is a little slow and there is no enthusiasm? Here are the tips:

  • First, determine the reason for the lack of enthusiasm: fatigue, lack of interest in the sport, fear of falling and injuries, lack of progress or something else.
  • If the child repeatedly speaks that he is not against sports, but he does not like hockey at all - It is better to quit and consider other types of physical activity. The same football or eastern martial arts.
  • But, if the child does not want to go to training only because he wants to win, but so far does not work (Due to the lack of experience and natural slowness), it is worth it to wait for the departure from ice.
  • It is worth noting that often hockey classes act on a copush.. Many parents notice that being on skates, the child seems to be “accelerated”, and improving the reaction can be seen with the naked eye.

The disadvantage in this sport for your baby is that clumsy braid can be injured. But, on the other hand, there is no completely harmless sport. It is possible to protect yourself from bruises, abrasions, knee -deep knees, fractures and dislocations except in checkers or chess.

How to help an inert, sluggish child to become quick: reviews

An inert, sluggish child needs to help become quick
An inert, sluggish child needs to help become quick

Adults try to give their children to dozens of sections, if only he was in business. It is difficult for the child, he does not have time to study and study well, especially if he is a hog. Therefore, the best way out will be interested in the very child than he would like to do. Indeed, regardless of whether a child is a child or not, enthusiasm and efforts are the most important thing in sports. Accordingly, tormenting yourself and going to the "unloved" section is not the best option. Read the reviews below how other parents helped their inert and sluggish children become quick:

Andrey, 33 years old

My Katyushka from early childhood was very slow. Each brushing of teeth was tightened for half an hour, and we usually did the lessons for half a day. But since the whole family we began to practice corrective games, which we learned from the network, significant improvements began. My daughter began to gather at school much faster, she no longer had to rush. Of course, the reaction is still a little slow, but the main thing is patience.

Victoria, 25 years old

When the husband suggested giving our slow Vanya to a section of martial arts, I was very scared. But she did not argue. Now you can’t recognize him. After a month later, changes began to be observed in the speed of the reaction. Moreover, he became more responsible. He already understands that it is impossible to delve and tries to restore the “procedure for action” as quickly as possible.

Antonina Vasilievna, 60 years old

More recently, my granddaughter, Helen was a terrible scrap. Our psychologist advised us correctional games. Frankly, we did not expect such radical changes. Six months later, she began to gather for a walk the fastest, performance at school improved significantly. I will advise this method to all friends who believe that a “slow child” is a sentence.

A very slow child in a kindergarten and school - recommendations for parents: Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky is a famous children's pediatrician who knows absolutely everything about babies and their diseases and development. Here are his recommendations for parents related to very slow children in kindergarten, school, and with early development.

Video: Early development. School of Dr. Komarovsky

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  1. Very good information. Thank you. I just need it now in my work.

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