Developing games for children from 2 years old to develop coordination of movements, memorization of flowers, proper pronunciation of sounds, development of memory and attention, development of thinking and logic, creative abilities

Developing games for children from 2 years old to develop coordination of movements, memorization of flowers, proper pronunciation of sounds, development of memory and attention, development of thinking and logic, creative abilities

In this article we will talk about the most useful games that will help to develop a 2-year-old baby.

Two years is an extremely important period in the life of a child. At this age, his creative and social skills begin to be laid. But, of course, without help from the outside, the baby can not figure it out, therefore it is worth paying close attention to developing developing games with him.

Games for a child from 2 years old to develop coordination of movements

At this age, children, as a rule, are ready for active games. Here's what you can offer:

  • "Jump by the rope." In order for the baby to jump with enthusiasm and without fear, you need to offer him to reach an interesting object. For example, a toy or a delicacy. You can tie this item on a rope.
  • "Frog". The child needs to imagine that he is a frog that catches mosquitoes. Soap bubbles will act as insects. You can also play in two frogs, which, holding onto the paws, jump. Let one of the adults be the second frog.
  • "Overcoming obstacles". The child is invited to jump over a small obstacle. For example, a pebble. In the future, you can complicate the task by choosing an obstacle more serious.

Important: jumping should be carried out only on a flat surface.

Jumping is that it must be an element of the game for a 2 -year -old child
Jumping is that it must be an element of the game for a 2-year-old child
  • "Repetition of movements". Kids at this age are very fond of repeating for adults. Such a feature can be adopted, offering the child to copy some movements. For example, raising hands, squatting, clapping in your hands. Recommended alternate speed, with which these elements are performed. As a result, the child is not only motorics will develop, but also will be coincided with attentive.
  • "Games with the ball." As practice shows, both boys and girls are delighted with them. The benefits are invaluable, since the child is not only actively moving, but also acquires accuracy, dexterity, develops attentiveness. The ball does not have to be big - the small one is also suitable. Games for a 2-year-old baby should not be difficult: You can ask him to just throw the ball, roll it from side to side. Often delight causes a leg roll. Later you can offer to leave the toy for each other.
It is extremely desirable to play the ball games for children in the fresh air
It is extremely desirable to play the ball games for children in the fresh air
  • "Matryoshka." The most ordinary nesting doll, familiar to everyone since childhood, helps to work out excellently fine motor skills of hands. And also formed visual perception.
  • "Animal Gymnastics." If the child is offered to portray this or that animal, he will move with great pleasure. For example, you can invite him to portray a sparrow by standing on his fingers and waving his hands. Or a sparrow washing in a puddle, shaking imaginary water from the hands. The image of the owl will be accompanied by turning the head in different directions. And gymnastics in the style of a snake - swaying in different directions and stretching the neck.

Important: it is especially useful to portray a crawling snake. That is, lie on the stomach and move in plastun. In this case, the arms and legs of the baby are actively and at the same time.

Clapping in Plastun - an excellent element of the game for a child 2 years old
Clapping in Plastun-an excellent element of the game for a child 2 years old

Developing games for a child from 2 years to remember flowers

In order for the baby to better understand what colors exist, it is worth playing with him in the following games:

  • "Color cards." The simplest thing is to cut out the codes from colored paper. Demonstrating each card, you need to explain how color it is. It will be especially interesting for the baby to build a variety of pictures from various pieces of paper together with an adult.
  • "What color do I see?" You need to accustom the child, leafing through a book or even just walking on the street, to distinguish colors. Of course, before that it is worth explaining what this or that shade is called. Then you need to ask from time to time What color is that house or a jacket of this aunt.
  • "Pyramids." We all know pyramids consisting of colored rings. The child needs to show these rings and, calling the color of each of them, ask them to string them on a wand.
Pyramid from colored rings is a good subject for a 2 -year -old child
Pyramid from colored rings is a good subject for a 2-year-old child
  • "Colored beads." Why not make bright pretty beads with the baby? The principle is exactly the same as in the previous game: by stringing the beads, you need to tell which palette they belong to. And then you can ask you to repeat this child by mixing all the beads. The advantage is that, in contrast to the analysis of pyramid rings of various sizes, analyzing beads, the child will rely in his answers only on knowledge of flowers.

Important: over time, you can experiment with the size of beads, which will develop fine motor skills of the child’s hands.

  • "Cups and cubes." The game lies in the fact that a cube of a certain color must be placed in a glass or a bucket of a similar color. Such a game will serve as a kind of test of already passed lessons on color.
  • "Coloring". Painting coloring is well acquainted with flowers. It will serve at the same time a good test of how the child remembered the parental lesson. You can use ready -made coloring, or you can draw silhouettes yourself and ask the baby to paint them.
Even if the child simply draws stains, such a game with paints will help him remember the colors
Even if the child simply draws stains, such a game with paints will help him remember the colors

Developing games for a child from 2 years old for proper pronunciation of sounds

In order to teach a child to pronounce sounds correctly, you should pay attention to the following games:

  • "Sounding." Passing by some animal, you need to ask him to voice what this animal pronounces. For example, the donkey says “III”, a cow - “Muuu”. However, living creatures should be completely not necessarily the object of voicing. In this way, inanimate objects can be included in the game.
  • "Talking pictures." Flying with a child a book with pictures, you should not forget to explain what sounds make, for example, a cat depicted on them.

Important: this game is very well implemented in combination with the previous one.

  • "We sing a song". Especially this game will appeal to those who love to sing parents. If they pleased the child with a sufficient number of songs, you can create a game from this. That is, invite the baby to guess the melody and sing it.
  • "Accompanying sounds." The parent needs to accustom himself To voice everything that the child does. For example, if it claps your hands, you need to accompany this action with the phrase “clap-clap”. If the baby drops the toy, you should not rush to raise it, but say “boom!”. Such a constant game will allow the baby to better navigate the world of sounds.
Developing games to study sounds are extremely useful for children 2 years old
Developing games to study sounds are extremely useful for children 2 years old

Games for a child from 2 years old to develop memory and attention

To develop the attentiveness and memory of the baby, it is preferable to turn to the following games:

  • "In which hand?" For such a game, you should stock up on a small toy, which can be hidden in the palm of your hand. And to hide completely -So that she does not see from under her fingers. The child is invited to guess in which hand the necessary item is located. Gradually, the baby will learn to learn this, for example, by the size of the fist.
  • "Such different pictures." This game involves the presence of pictures that are very similar, but have small distinctive features. The baby is invited to name them.
  • "Find a toy." In this game, you can hide the toy anywhere. The main thing is that it should be well known to the child. During the search, you can even you need to give tips. A toy that makes sounds is an ideal solution for such a game.

Important: it should be remembered that at the age of 2, children are at the very initial stage. This means that 10 minutes a day is enough to devote it to its development - you should not overload the child.

Musical toy is what you can hide from the child during the game
Musical toy - what can be hidden from the child during the game
  • "Find half." The game lies in the fact that part of the image must be covered with a sheet of paper, and then ask the child to guess what is depicted under it. Of course, the picture should be familiar to the baby earlier.
  • "Beanbag". A subject already familiar to the baby is placed in the box. The essence of the game is that he must guess what the subject is hidden. You need to focus on the sound made by the thing when shaking the box.
  • "Bells." The game will not only develop attentiveness, but also he will teach the baby such concepts as “left” and “right”. It is only necessary to attach bells to his handles and demand to raise one or the second hand in any order. Or both at the same time. You definitely can’t do without attentiveness!
  • "Mysterious rearrangement." Favorite toys can be replaced with each other, and then ask the baby that has changed.

Important: of course, in the case of a 2-year-old child, you should not be zealous in the number of toys-literally 2-3.

Remember where which item is located is an important component of the game for a 2 -year -old child
Remember where which item is located is an important component of the game for a 2-year-old child

Games for a child from 2 years old for the development of thinking and logic

After the kids are 2 years old, they may well analyze the simple actions of older people. But to develop this ability, of course, will not be superfluous. The following games will come in handy:

  • "Feed the animals." Before starting this game, it is necessary to cut out animals from cardboard - for example, a hedgehog, a sheep. Then you need to cut food for them - for example, mushrooms and cabbage. The stock of "products" should be goodso that the child develops logic properly. First you need to explain the baby who eats with what. Then you can already give "products" to him for responsible feeding.
A game with paper animals will teach a child logic
A game with paper animals will teach a child logic
  • "In the footsteps." It is necessary to tie some thing to the rope and hide it. The rope should remain in sight - according to it, the child must find an object. To begin with, you can lay a straight rope line. And then you can and complicate the task, Wrapping it around objects, drawing intricate zigzags.
  • "Who is flying?" For this game you do not need to prepare anything. You just need to list different terms, and the child must logically compare that from the above can fly. For example, if in his understanding the plane or owl fly, you need to wave your hands, imitating the flight. If the table and the house do not fly, swings do not need to be done.

Important: you do not need to rush when listing - a small child cannot react with lightning speed.

  • "Edible-Sreedy." An old-good game familiar to many generations. The baby needs to be determined by logical conclusions that from the above can be eaten for food, and what is not.
You can attach pictures to a 2-year-old child for playing an edible and inedible child
You can attach pictures to a 2-year-old child for playing an edible and inedible child

Games for a child from 2 years old to develop creative abilities

In order to help the baby to develop creatively, you can conduct the following games with it:

  • "The child is on a walk." In advance, you can draw or cut and stick on a sheet of paper of children. For each child - a separate sheet. Then it is necessary on this sheet to draw a figure in the hand of the depicted person. For example, a wand or zigzag. Next, you should offer the baby to finish what holds drawn boys and girls who went out for a walk.
  • "Magic pebbles." The parent should draw a sea shore with stones. Next, it is necessary to explain the future creative personality that the wizard passed along the shore, clinging everything that came across the path. He turned everything into stones that can be returned to the previous look, finishing the enchanted objects.
  • "Who am I?". This game is very convenient - it does not need to be prepared in advance for it, it can be carried out anywhere. The child needs to be asked: "Guess who am I". And then portray something or someone.

Important: In order for the game not to bother, you can complicate it. The advantage is that it can be complicated to infinity.

  • "Birthday toys." Previously, it is worth cutting out various figures from colored paper. Then the baby must say that his favorite toy has a birthday, which means that it is necessary to give gifts. Getting one after another figures, the baby should tell what he represents instead of them.
Playing the game on the toy congratulations, a 2 -year -old child develops his creative skills
Playing the game on the toy congratulations, a 2 -year -old child develops his creative skills

Parents should definitely remember that it is necessary to select not only such games that will take the attention of their favorite child. Developing games are the very “golden mean”, which absorbs pleasant and useful.

A small selection of games for children:

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