Developing games for children from 5 years old for the development of attention, memory, logic, speech, auditory perception, the ability to perceive colors. Games for the development of mathematical skills and creative thinking. Games for children 5 years old to form a positive behavior model. Active games for a child 5 years old

Developing games for children from 5 years old for the development of attention, memory, logic, speech, auditory perception, the ability to perceive colors. Games for the development of mathematical skills and creative thinking. Games for children 5 years old to form a positive behavior model. Active games for a child 5 years old

The article will help parents choose useful development games to their 5-year-old kids.

Do you know that a fairly frequent misconception of parents of 5-year-old children is the opinion that their child is still too small? Yes, of course, the age is not solid, however, it is no longer possible to name such children. After all, the school is already waiting for the next year! We offer to use the year remaining before the “bite to gran” the year for the benefit, playing with the child in developing games.

Games for children 5 years old to develop attention

The future student is undoubtedly necessary. What games can you develop it?

  • "Cotton and Topot." The child needs to offer any action at the time of pronouncing words to adults. But not at random, but according to a certain specified plan in advance. For example, an adult pronounces a few words, among which there is the name of the plant. Hearing him, the baby should stamp. Another time, when naming the animal, he should clap. Then you can combine these requirements - Here the child will have to connect attentiveness as much as possible!

Important: the game is very useful - it not only develops stability and switching attention, but also helps to expand the horizons.

A 5 -year -old child during the game should carefully listen to words, stomping if necessary
A 5 -year -old child during the game should carefully listen to words, stomping if necessary
  • "The houses of animals." It is necessary to prepare small toys in the form of animals in advance or cut their images from cardboard. You also need to cut the houses for them. For example, a dog for a dog, a bird's nest, etc. Then the child needs to offer to find a suitable dwelling for each character.
  • "In search of the letter". A 5 -year -old child already knows letters perfectly and knows how to read. Therefore, it is quite possible to train his attentiveness, taking this skill as a basis. For example, having handed him a newspaper or a book, you need to ask a simple pencil to circle or cross out any specific letter. You can do this for a while - Then the game will turn out to be tense.
  • "True and incorrect." You can play this game anywhere - even during a walk. The task of the adult is to make any statement. The task of the baby is to say whether it is true or not. For example, the phrase that roses bloom in winter should lead to a negative answer. But the statement that some birds fly away to the south are clearly true.

Important: such a game trains both attention and memory. With its help, you can perfectly check how well the preschoolboy has learned the on the eve of the preschooler.

Using this game, you can check if the child has learned 5 years old on the eve
Using this game, you can check if the child has learned 5 years old on the eve

Games for children 5 years old for memory development

Memory, like muscles, is important to train all your life. Especially from childhood. So, games for this:

  • "A camera in the head." The game is very simple: the baby is shown a card with some image, and then removed. You can also demonstrate an illustration of a book from your beloved child. An important nuance: to look at the picture is allowed no more than 5 seconds. Let the Chado remember the image as clearly as possible, as if photographing mentally. Then you need to ask to describe this picture. The more details you remember, the better.
  • "Detectives and robber." This is a group game in which one child depicts a robber, the rest - respectively, detectives. As usual, the robber needs to be hidden from justice, and what will help better than disguise? But for starters, detectives remember well how the robber looks. Then he retires, in any way changes his appearance, enters the room-and the rest of the guys should tell about what has changed. Changes can be either clearly noticeable and insignificant.
A 5 -year -old child during the game can decorate his face or change his hairstyle
A 5 -year -old child during the game can decorate his face or change his hairstyle

Games for children 5 years old for the development of logic

What games will teach 5-year-old peanuts to think logically?

  • "Treasure chest." Such a chest is the dream of any crumbs, right? Given that children adore surprises, you need to put some object in a beautiful handbag or box. Any. The child’s task is to guess this subject. Guessing tools - suggestive questions.
  • "Researcher". Another passion for babies is to explore everything from the inside. You can also use this by asking them questions about what is inside something. For example, there are feathers inside the pillow, and a fish is found inside the river. You can also change roles - Now let the baby call several concepts, and the parent will demonstrate the ability to answer logically with his example.
  • "Logical fairy tale." For this game you need to stock up a fair number of cards-shots. More cards - more fairy tales. An adult invents a story, after which it gives the child cards in a chaotic order and asks to guess what a mysterious fairy tale looks like. That is, to lay out the pictures in a logical order. You can, by the way, use the plots of famous fairy tales.

Important: this game can be an excellent group, given the speed of the reaction. The first guessing child receives a prize.

More cards for playing for a child 5 years old - more fairy tales can be invented
More cards for playing for a child 5 years old - more fairy tales can be invented

Games for children 5 years old for speech development

In order to help develop the speech of your favorite child, you can offer him the following games:

  • "We describe the subject." The bottom line is that the participant must describe all the objects in the room corresponding to a certain feature. For example, only square items. But at the same time, he should still name other features of each thing, In addition to its shape.
  • "Mysterious pictures." This game can be played both together with a child and with a large number of children. You just need to prepare more cards depicting one thing. One person takes out at random a card and is trying to describe what is depicted on it as accurately as possible. The rest are guessing. The one who guesses first will win.
  • "Roulette with pretexts." It is necessary to stock up on an unnecessary plate and a felt -tip pen. The plate by the felt -tip pen is divided by the type of roulette into the sections, in each of which words are written. Next, the child throws a game cube or some other object instead of him. Then he should see which section the cube fell to - what is written there? With this word, you need to make a proposal.

Important: let the proposal be small for starters, and in the future you can complicate the task.

A 5 -year -old child should be able to play with words
A 5 -year -old child should be able to play with words

Games for children 5 years old for the development of auditory perception

A good auditory perception will greatly help the future student to qualitatively assimilate the material. And for this you need to introduce him to the following games:

  • "Clap and stomp." Good game to switch attention and development of rhythm. The adult is arming his tambourine and agrees that a quiet blow to the tool should be accompanied by cotton, loud - with a clatter.
  • "The elusive bell." The game requires two people. The child is blindfolded, and the adult picks up the bell. The baby should be understood by sound where the entertainment partner is - and catch it. You need to call constantly, since the baby should learn to determine the range of reproduced sounds.
  • "Telephone". Many of us remember this game since our childhood. The principle is as follows: the participants are in a row, and one of the extremely makes a word. The word should be as quickly as possible Reported in the ear neighbor. He, in turn, conveys what he heard to another neighbor - and so on until the end of the row. The last participant says what he heard, aloud, and checks with the original word.

Important: the more children plays, the better. Ideal for a group children's game.

Children 5 years old really like the game of the phone
Children 5 years old really like the game of the phone

Games for children 5 years old to develop the ability to perceive colors

In order for the baby to learn how to distinguish shades, you can offer him the following games:

  • "We touch flowers." The task is simple: you need to touch as many objects of a certain shade as possible for a certain time. In order to make it more fun, you can offer to move with jumps.
  • "Burnts and threads." If a mother or grandmother love to needle up, you can take advantage of a hobby to embroider a child to teach flowers. It is only required to lay out the threads and buttons of various palettes in front of the baby. And ask to choose, for example, a green button green thread. At the same time Fine motor skills are perfectly developed.
  • "Bright application." Children love to mess with colored paper. You can offer the baby to make some kind of applique in certain tones.

Important: In order to test the child’s knowledge, it is better not to show clearly how the application should look in the end, but to tell about it. For example, to indicate verbally that the fence should be brown and the clouds should be white.

5 years old children will be happy to play applications
5 years old children will be happy to play applications

Games for children 5 years old for the development of mathematical skills

A preschool child certainly needs to be gradually accustomed to mathematics. The following games will help:

  • "Collect peas." The child needs to give a certain amount of peas - for example, 10. However, you can use pumpkin seeds, beans. Also in front of him you need to put a container with a wide neck. The baby is invited to stretch out his hand to the chest level and drop one pea into a container. At the end of the game, you need to calculate how many grains hit where you need, and how many fell by.
  • « Calculate in order! ” Game for a large number of children. They stand in a circle from which every third is tracked. The game ends when a couple of people remains.
  • "Mysterious calendar". Only a calendar and a piece of thick paper or cardboard will be needed. An adult should close any number and ask the child the question of which figure is hidden.

Important: it is recommended to complicate the game over time, closing several numbers at the same time.

  • "Sweet scores." In one plate you need to pour nuts, grapes, sweets. The baby is asked about how many candies are in front of him, how many grapes, etc.
A 5 -year -old child will enthralled with a game in which tasty things should be considered
A 5 -year -old child will enthralled with a game in which tasty things should be considered

Games for children 5 years old that form behavioral models

The child should develop not only the mind, but also get used to being in society. Children's psychologists argue that you can’t do without the formation of positive behavioral models! We will offer some games for this:

  • "The most neat." The accuracy of the future student will certainly come in handy, and therefore you need to invite him to do anything that requires this quality. For example, build a pyramid without dropping cubes, or take sand in the back of a toy machine without scattering it. It is also very difficult to do not go beyond the boundaries of borders perfectly well.
  • "We carry an egg." The details are a tablespoon and a pre -welded egg. The baby needs to offer to convey the egg from one point to the other so that it does not fall out of the spoon. Thanks to this entertainment, excellent dexterity develops!
  • "School of etiquette." A very interesting and extremely useful game. The kid teaches his favorite toy with adults. For example, the rules of conduct at the table are told in public places.

Important: be sure to offer the baby to demonstrate to the toy fulfilling the rules of etiquette by your example. That is, sitting down at the table, the child sits next to the doll and carefully shows her how to gently eat.

A 5 -year -old child can learn etiquette playing with a doll
A 5 -year -old child can learn etiquette playing with a doll

Games for children 5 years old forming creative thinking

How to grow a creative person? You need to play the appropriate games with the baby:

  • "Young architect." The child is given out matches and plasticine. In this case, matches are an excellent toy, since the most intricate houses can be built from them! As a fastening material, as you might guess, plasticine will act.
  • "Unusual artist." A child of 5 years old already knows how to draw and loves. But with a hand. What about the leg? This funny occupation will probably like a crumb, which, holding the pencil with the fingers, will intensively try to portray the planned paper on paper.
  • "Miracle-Goltariya." Walking with a child, you can invite him to pick up the most beautiful leaves, flowers. Of these, herbaria will then be compiled, which will be decorated with small pretty pebbles, pieces of colored cardboard, old buttons, etc. In general, to the baby you need to give complete freedom of action -Let him make his unique miracle hollow in memory of a cheerful walk.

Important: also a baby should offer to find the use of such a herbarium - for example, as a book bookmark or a congratulatory postcard.

The abundance of leaves in the park is an occasion to offer the baby 5 years a game in creating a herbarium
The abundance of leaves in the park is an occasion to offer the baby 5 years a game in creating a herbarium

Active developmental games for children 5 years old

This type of game for children 5 years old is also extremely necessary. Parents can pay attention to the following:

  • "Illustrate poems." Children often tell poetry - Santa Claus, in the lessons this will also be useful. But what if the verse is visualized? Let the child portray every word as the work reads by heart. A similar game and creative skills will develop, and memory, and will serve as a wonderful cheerful exercise.
  • "Baba Yaga." A group game in which one person is selected for the image of Baba Yaga. He leaves the room and, while absent in it, the rest of the children jump, run. Then Baba Yaga should go in, saying: "Baba Yaga is coming - everyone who dances will lead." This means that children should freeze in place. Anyone who moves is out of the game.
  • "Broke" - A fairly ancient group game that is suitable for any age. Including for 5-year-old babies. Children break in pairs, take hands and raise them up. The couples become one after another - a kind of arch is formed. One person passes under it and randomly grabs someone by the hand, moving towards the end of the stream. The same one from whom they took a couple takes the place of one in a brook.

Important: an odd number of children must participate in the game.

The game in the stream is quite old and will surely appeal to modern 5-year-old children
The game in the stream is quite old and will surely appeal to modern 5-year-old children

Children's psychologists say that crumbs at the age of 5 feel already adult, independent, smart. They, as a rule, already have their own point of view, are ready to know the world around them and absorb new information like sponges. It's time for developing games!

We offer to familiarize yourself with the following developmental games for children 5 years old:

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Comments K. article

  1. Thank you for the useful selection)) We are playing a children's domino to improve memory and attention every day, we try to walk more and give vitamins .... now the son remembers perfectly !! although there used to be terrible problems

  2. Yes, the article is just wonderful. It is necessary to deal with the child to grow educated and inquisitive. I agree regarding vitamins, sometimes one nutrition is not enough and the brain is necessary for additional resources. We give a beaby formula of the bear multivitamins, I really like the good composition and shape of the bears.

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