"Dream and reality": composition, arguments and examples from life

If you need to write an essay on the topic “Dream and Reality”, then look for ready -made creations in this article.

Almost every person has the ability to dream. She originates from childhood and sometimes does not leave throughout her life. The exception is cases when the soul becomes so stale and prosaic that the person is no longer dreaming. But this is quite rare.

In fact, even the most true realist can sometimes turn to thoughts to the desired. If he wants to feel then a unique feeling when you want to receive good, will appear in real life. This is the very border between the dream and reality. Below you will find a few essay in this area. Read further.

"Dream and reality": entering the composition

Dream and reality
Dream and reality

In order for the composition to turn out beautiful and correctly written, you need to make an exciting introduction. It can be one, two or even three paragraphs. Below you will find several introductions to the essay on the topic "Dream and reality":

The first entry:

"All people are different. Therefore, there are different dreams. Some of them are global, and their person cherishes throughout life. It is difficult to achieve them enough, even if you make efforts. Such dreams include dreams of creating a family, happiness, realizing oneself and achieving fame, material security and successful, dizzying career.

And there are dreams smaller, domestic. For example, accumulate on a new, more powerful computer or buy a scooter of the last model. Of course, they are also pleasant - although they do not have such significance as, for example, dreams of becoming a famous musician. However, household dreams are much easier. ”

The second entry:

“There are dreams, but there is reality. Sometimes it differs from human ideas. Therefore, it often happens that human dreams remain in the subconscious and have no incarnation. There can be many reasons-from banal laziness and unwillingness to change something, and ending with difficult life circumstances that destroy everything in the bud. ”

Composition on the topic "Dream and Reality" based on Gogol's story "Overcoat": Arguments

Gogol "Overcoat"

The question of dreams and reality N.V. Gogol touched in his work with an example A. A. Bashmachkina. An essay about "Dream and reality" based on Gogol's story "Overcoat" With arguments:

The hero Gogol A mundane dream. Since he worn his overcoat so much that it is impossible to put on it more, Akaki Decides to buy a new one. But he is not so rich - therefore, in order to please himself with a new thing, he is forced to work hard.
And he gets down to business. Moreover, even in everyday life Akaki Refuses to himself everything. The idea to buy clothes becomes a dream and meaning of life. The hero confidently goes to the goal, does not see obstacles. However, the writer hints that the desire to buy a greatcoat should not be built to the rank of dreams. This is a necessity. Dreams should be more elevated and global.

Alas, the brutal reality is so soulless that the hero not only lives that he wants to buy a greatcoat, but also collides with the tragedy when she was taken away. Faced with this, the hero is disappointed in the whole society. Of course, Bashmachkin “Little Man”, he does not dream of high. But the fact is that in his case, the overcoat is already becoming an idea, a kind of mania. Yes, in winter, a person needs outerwear, but still this is not something that should be tirelessly defended, this is not a close person or even a living creature.

However, depression Akakia It is also connected with the fact that no one provides assistance. This is the essence of society. A person strives for something, spends time and effort. When his dream comes true, and after that someone encroaches on it, everyone does not care. It turns out that a dream is a person’s personal file that no one can protect if necessary.

The fact that a man stole a dream, and the inability to return their clothes led to the fact that Akaki He fell ill and died. Of course, this story Gogol It can be regarded in a figurative sense. In the place of such a dream as an overcoat, there may be different, more elevated. The main thing is the fact itself. Dreams - like a glass vase. Everyone can destroy them, thereby bringing a person pain, and nobody later wants to glue the shards.

“Clapping of Dreams and Reality in Oblomov’s life”: December final work-reasoning briefly according to the work, 11th grade

Collision of dreams and reality in Oblomov's life
Collision of dreams and reality in Oblomov's life

Imagine apathetic and lazy Ilya IlyichIt seems that he has no dreams at all. Unless to sleep and have dinner tightly. However, this is not the case. Here is the December final essay-reasoning, briefly on the work, Grade 11 on the topic "Collision of dreams and reality in Oblomov's life":

Dreams at Oblomova There are, and they are clearly displayed by the author. Suppose, the Oblomovka, which was the birthplace of the hero, fed in him a love of home comfort, peace and silence. This is what he dreams of lying on the couch.

Oblomov An ideal wife seems that it does not require any additional efforts from him, loves and cares, educates children, leads the household and as if he exudes calmness and harmony. He sees himself with his family, sees among friends. He does not deny society as such. But the main thing for OblomovaSo that reality does not ruin his comfort zone.

Accordingly, a dream Ilya Ilyich - Fell happiness. But happiness is quiet, without passions and experiences. Dream Oblomova - This is a life where everyone loves each other, where there are no mutual claims, there is no struggle, but only silence and peace. Of course, this is utopia.

By the way, perhaps that is why he was disappointed in work (for there is no time to live). After all, even the service itself is a constant vanity and movement, a certain competition, where a person gradually goes to the top, encountering difficulties, as if floating against the current. BUT Oblomov He does not want to swim - he wants to enjoy a quiet life. It is noteworthy that the hero’s dream comes true. True, not with Olga, but with Agafya Pshenitsyna. This is just such a wife that he dreamed about. Agafia is quiet and meek, she lives with care of the family and no longer strives for anything.

However Ilya Ilyich I forgot about another one of my dreams. About youthful desire to realize. He is so used to the apathetic lifestyle that he forgot that he is a very educated person who would be happier if he had found his place in society.

By the way, perhaps the hero died because he had nothing more to do in this world. He dreamed of creating a family, and created. But what's next? In my opinion, a person lives while striving for a dream. And when it is achieved, everything seems empty and he does not know where to go further. That is why he must constantly dream so that new life goals that should be striving for in his way.

Essay on the topic "Dream that has become reality": examples from life and literature

Reality dream
Reality dream

Every dreaming person lives that he believes that what he seeks to achieve will once come true. Here's an essay on the topic "A dream that has become reality"with examples from life and literature:

Assol In the story "Scarlet Sails" She dreamed and sought to achieve the fact that one day she would come true. Society did not understand the girl, believed that she was not in herself. Nevertheless, the heroine believed in her dream and waited for the prince on a ship with scarlet sails. At first, the dream is shown as incomplete. But the author shows that in order for desire to become a reality, it must be believed in it. Otherwise, nothing will work out.

By the way, at Gray There was also a dream. And the path to her was even more difficult than that of Assol. Being a noble family, the young man went into conflict with his parents and became a sailor. After all, from childhood he dreamed of water depths and exploits. But if not for this desire, then he would not have met his beloved. The author shows a complex scheme. Fulfilling his dream, man himself became the embodiment of the dream of another person.

What feelings does the one whose dream come true feel? Often this is great happiness. However, there are situations when an euphoria follows spiritual devastation. It seems that now there is nothing to strive for. Nevertheless, practice shows that an ambitious person will never suffer from such an emptiness in the heart, because in his mind new goals regularly arise, and difficulties in the process of overcoming - this is only an occasion to become stronger.

So far, in my life there were only minor dreams that became a reality, but global was embodied in my cousin. He is engaged in music, and, although he did not talk about it openly, I knew that there was one group in the city (he liked it and was known at the regional level), in which his brother would like to play. Of course, when I started a conversation about this, my brother said that I was invented and that it was unrealistic. The group has extensive experience of the game, and he is a beginner, so you should not even meddle.

But not so long ago, he heeded my advice and tried to send them his demo recording, made, also at home, in not very good quality. It is difficult to say what was the reason - talent or great desire and self -hypnosis, but the track was selected among all that claimed to warm up at the concert.

However, a miracle happened later. A month after they noticed him and he spoke at their warm -up, the guitarist left in this group (as he married and moved to another city). It was urgent to take a new person, but there was no time to look. As a result, the brother was taken in his place. And how now to say that dreams are not coming true?

“Why does it run the abyss between a dream and reality”: an essay-reasoning in the direction, examples from literature, arguments about a dream

Why does the gap between the dream and reality run?
Why does the gap between the dream and reality run?

Few thought that between a dream and reality, there may be a huge abyss. Why is this happening? Here is an essay-reasoning in the direction "Why does it run the abyss between the dream and reality" With examples from literature, arguments about the dream:

Many are wondering: "What is the difference between a dream from reality?" In fact, the first is the desires of a person. They may be embodied or not embodied. It all depends on efforts. If a person does nothing, but only visualizes his desires, then they will remain simply desires. However, a dream can inspire, make go to goals. And if a person does not stop his way, it is quite possible that after a certain amount of time it will become a reality.

The main example of how the desire remains only an illusion is Oblomovfrom the novel of the same name. He did nothing to make his life better. Also Pierre Bezukhov From the novel "War and Peace" - he thought more about happiness than made efforts to achieve it. However, fate rewarded both of Oblomova appeared Agafya, and at Pierre - Natasha Rostova.

Nevertheless, the abyss runs between the dream and reality. And the task of a person is not to fall into it, but to jump, overcome. Only then will he reach the desired. Many dreaming are destroyed by the fact that when faced with difficulties, they graze and give up halfway. Therefore, in order for the dream to become a reality, in addition to efforts, you still need a faith in itself and great patience. Indeed, sometimes life circumstances delay the achievement of the goal, prevent it from fulfilling it. You should not fall into despair and believe that sooner or later, then what a person dreams about, will come true.

Essay in the direction of "dream and reality" according to the work "Mtsyri": arguments

The work
The work "Mtsyri" also traces the dream

Quite often, to achieve a dream, you have to put a lot on the end. And sometimes even everything that a person has. A similar situation happened to the hero of the work "Mtsyri".

Essay in the direction "Dream and reality" for this work with arguments:

The young monk dreamed of returning to his homeland, to his family. Finally he makes an escape. Euphoria comes almost immediately. The young man is intoxicated by the thought that the embodiment of a dream is already close.

However, a harsh reality faces him in the appearance of a snow leopard. Few are able to tame this beast. But Mtsyri There is nothing to lose, he takes the battle for his dream and perfectly understands that he must deal with the predator and go out the winner. Otherwise, his efforts were in vain.

But the hero’s dream is not destined to come true. He overcomes the beast, but dies from wounds, without reaching his native land. This example can be perceived figuratively. Not all dreams come true, even if a person stubbornly goes to them and risks life. Sometimes, no matter what swimming, a ship of hope, like a chip, collapses about the rocks of brutal reality and his entire crew dies.

It is impossible to say well or bad. That's life. You sometimes have to fight for achieving a dream, but even having felt the sweet taste of victory, you can die.

“Can reality destroy the dream?”, “Reality destroys the dream?”: Themes, an example of an essay on the exam, arguments about reality

“Reality destroys the dream” on the example of Katerina from the work “Thunderstorm”
“Reality destroys the dream” on the example of Katerina from the work “Thunderstorm”

A person dreams throughout his life. Some of the dreams are embodied in reality, and some are forgotten. Here are the topics and examples of works on Exam  “Can reality destroy the dream?”, “Reality destroys the dream?” With arguments about reality:

Dream gives a person wings and inspires. Let's say it was with Katerina From the work "Thunderstorm". The woman believed that Boris He will pull her out of the "Dark Kingdom", will show her real life. But her dreams were not destined to come true. Not seeing more incentives to live, the girl ends with herself. Accordingly, brutal reality can sometimes destroy even the strongest, crystal clean dream.

This can be seen in the story Kuprina "Pomegranate Bracelet". Zheltkov dreams of a meeting with the princess, writes her letters, not hoping for reciprocity. But he lives a dream of mutual love. Alas, this dream is unrealistic. Realizing that reality has destroyed the dream, the telegraphist dies. However, later it turns out that the lover also had feelings for him, but was silent, fearing general condemnation and fearing for her reputation. This is how one absurdity can destroy the stimulus of a person’s life and carry this life itself.

But Onegin Trying to teach Tatyana Real life, show that not all dreams come true. He returns a letter to the girl and openly makes her understand that her feelings will not be divided. Of course, it seems by meanness. But, on the other hand, the young man was right that he did not dissolve and play love if she was not in his heart. Otherwise, it would already be a deception of man.

In general, dreams should be easier. Yes, they brighten life, inspire. They should strive for them, because some of them are achievable. But some, not all. You should never build a dream to the rank of the meaning of life. After all, you never know whether it will be fulfilled or not. If a person is too fixed on a dream, then what happened to him can happen to him Yellow From the work "Garnet bracelet".

But even the most powerful unfulfilled dream should not put on the end of human life. If it continues, then there will be other dreams, some of which may be realized. And in the life living by one dream, life ends from the moment he understands that it will not become a reality.

“Why don't dreams always become a reality?”: Composition, examples from literature

Mr. from San Francisco
Mr. from San Francisco

Why do some dreams remain dreams and do not always become reality? Here essay and examples from literature On this topic:

Human desires are almost always fictional. Enjoying them in their subconscious, no one can have a complete guarantee that this is realized in reality. Of course, if illusions concern self-development, for example, a person wants to become the best in some kind of sport or wants to enter a prestigious university, he may well achieve this if he makes efforts.

But there are completely unreal aspirations. For example, when a person represents himself as a Turkish sultan that he bathes in gold and pleases a thousand concubines. Of course, even if he tries, this will not happen. Just because it is not a life goal, but a beautiful picture, fantasy.

Even if the dream is real, it is not always possible to achieve it. Sometimes a person is knocked down from the way for life circumstances. Suppose in the story Bunina "Mr. from San Francisco", The hero wants to live happily with his family, go on a trip around the ship. He works hard to achieve this.

However, at the first stop on the trip, the hero dies, not having time to see the world. And then the wine is not at all laziness or unwillingness to work for the benefit of a dream. A person’s life is limited, and no one ever knows when it ends. Quite often, even if the personality is very active, it passes away, having thousands of ideas and plans that will forever remain unknown to the world.

The aspirations did not come true Raskolnikov. He kills the old woman to help the poor. However, this money was not good. Moreover, the young man himself understands that he ruined his life with an unrealizable way. Therefore, there are not only dreams that are not destined to become a reality, but also aspirations that do not make a person happy.

“Can a dream change reality?”: Composition, arguments, examples from literature

Stolz from the work
Stolz from the work "Oblomov"

It is believed that dreamers move the world. In fact, this is true. Any author of the great discovery that directly or indirectly influenced humanity began with the fact that a certain idea, concept arose in his head. He then tried to realize her in reality. Here's the essay on the topic "Can a dream change reality?" With arguments and examples from literature:

Those who know how to dream can change reality. Due to the fact that they do not have a framework, they see the world wider and are not afraid to take risk. These are brave, creative people who affect the consciousness and worldview of other people, on phenomena and processes.

In this case, the character and fantasy help not only visualize the goal, but also make it real. However, there were such dreamers that they were ahead of their time and their inventions were appreciated by humanity only after a century.

One way or another, the world is changed only by one who works on himself and makes the impossible possible. Such a hero is Stolz From the novel "Oblomov". The young man dreams of great things, but has no patronage and money. But this does not bother him at all. He organizes a trading company (almost from scratch), travels, learns the world and tries to develop as a person. It turns out that a person inspired by a dream can not only change himself for the better, but also change the surrounding reality.

But this is possible only if a person is not afraid of trials and difficulties. Let's say the same Oblomov He was afraid and fenced himself in every possible way. By the way, many scientists, pioneers, writers, researchers were just the same dreamers whose desires changed reality.

"Classing of dreams and reality": an essay briefly, examples from literature

Olga from the work
Olga from the work "Oblomov"

Collision of dreams and reality It occurs when a person not only cherishes his illusion, but also begins to do anything for its implementation. Here essay Briefly on this topic with examples from literature:

It was then that life circumstances show him that not everything is so simple that sometimes you have to fight for the implementation of aspirations. And not always a person comes out of this struggle the winner.

This happened with Katerina in "Thunderstorm". She dreams of a family and a happy marriage. The first meeting with brutal reality is the husband Tikhon. He is not what the heroine imagined the perfect man. The spouse is so dangling and notless that he is even afraid of his own mother, who constantly offends her daughter -in -law, and cannot say his weighty word.

However, the woman still believes in a dream. In her fate appears Boris. The girl is sure that now everything will be different and this man will decorate her life, lead to happiness. But the situation is repeated - it turns out to be a coward. Loser in his illusions KaterinaCums the life of suicide. It turns out that after two clashes of dreams with reality and the victory of the latter, the heroine cannot stand it morally and no longer wants to fight. Thus, she "leaves the game."

The second example is Olga from Oblomova. She fell in love Ilya Ilyich Not the present, but the future. The girl dreams of changing him. But this is an adult, formed person. Her illusions are collapsing. The hero is not going to change. He does not need it.

It turns out that human aspirations are idealized life goals. That is why some of them do not come true. A person sees the realities of life in pink color, he wants too much from life. And it is quite difficult to bend under itself a changeable world. Not everyone succeeds.

"Dreams and reality": an essay on the work "at the bottom"

Work "at the bottom"

Another work on which they can give a topic to write an essay on Exam Or just in the literature lesson. Below you will find a brief description of this topic. Here is an essay in the direction "Dreams and reality" according to the work "At the bottom":

"Man is nothing without a dream" - That's what the hero of the work thinks, Luke. And he gives hope to people. But false. We can say that the character resorts to deception so that people believe in a better life. But is this a noble act? After all, the ideals that he speaks about are unrealistic and sooner or later the harsh reality will still absorb the souls of these people and break their hearts.

Luke even says Pepla "And what do you really need ... what to kill yourself for?". We can say that Bitter Raises the question with an edge. He himself becomes interested in what is more important for a person - bitter truth or compassion and life in illusions.
It seems that life itself is experiencing philosophy Luke. He appears in the night with sympathy. He believes that people are weak, insignificant before life circumstances, and therefore, they must always be supported.

However, the consequences of such consolation are tragic. The Golden Dream does not come true. Nightsmen in despair. This leads to destruction. Hence morality - aspirations motivate a person to actions, to change the world. But there are far -fetched dreams, that is, illusions. If a person lives with them, then this does not lead to anything good.

"Dreams and reality": an essay on the work "Scarlet Sails"

Dreams and reality on the work
Dreams and reality on the work "Scarlet Sails"

Another creation is a reasoning on a well-known school work. Here's the essay on the topic "Dreams and reality" according to the work "Scarlet Sails":

Assol She lived a dream that seemed for many unrealizable. She was waiting for a non -existent ship, which surprised many. But, nevertheless, the girl’s desire was in reality. Of course, such a case, both in literature and in reality, is one for a million.

It seems to me that luck smiled at the heroine because she believed in herself, knew how to endure and overcome difficulties, did not embitter on people, although they were unfair to her, and experienced the flight of the soul, lived with her desire.

We can say that she deserved happiness. In fact, Assol It was an example for the rest of the people how to behave so that the dreams are fulfilled. But it’s a shame that her environment did not understand anything. They experienced only misunderstanding and envy. Why didn't their illusions come true? If only because evil and vile people do not know how to really dream. The desire should be kind, clean and sincere.

Accordingly, the dream ennobles a person. Only one who strives for pure ideals is worthy of fate to fulfill his desire.

"Dream and reality": conclusion for essay

Dream and reality
Dream and reality

Each essay should have the correct conclusion. This is the ending, which is a certain result. Here is a conclusion for essay on the topic "Dream and reality":

A person cannot help but dream. After all, it is the dreams that give him an incentive to live. However, it is important to understand that aspirations are only fantasies, not all of which can become life goals and come true into reality.

In order for the dream to be fulfilled, a person must make efforts. But even this does not guarantee that life circumstances do not deprive him of his aspirations. This should always be prepared. But at the same time, you need to work and believe in yourself. The dream makes a person cleaner, fills his existence with meaning. However, it is important to observe the line. After all, living dreams is normal, but to nourish illusions is destructive.

Video: Final composition: Dream and reality

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