What is SPPP? Types of sexual transmitted diseases

What is SPPP? Types of sexual transmitted diseases

This article will become a source about STDs of sexually transmitted. We will talk about what diseases belong to this group and when you can suspect them. We will also talk about what tests you need to pass if you suspected the presence of STDs.

At the very beginning, it is worthwhile to figure out what diseases are related to a group of diseases of sexually transmitted.

The main group, which is most often subjected to such diseases, is young people who often do not comply with the recommended rules of sexual activity. Well, women of the ancient profession. Let's briefly consider the reasons why infection may occur.

The reasons for the spread of STDs

The reasons for the spread of STDs
The reasons for the spread of STDs

We list the general statistical causes of the possible spread of the incidence of infections of the STSP group:

  • Expansion and growth of the urban population, which uses Internet services to meet
  • Tourism of an international scale, which is often used as a sex tour
  • The emerging public unrest, the development of wars and natural disasters often lead to epidemics
  • Tolerant attitude to same -sex relationships and "free" relations
  • High prices for treatment and personal protective equipment (contraceptives), especially in the poor countries of the world
  • Alcoholism, drug addiction and toxicomania
  • Prostitution based on violence or voluntarily
  • Due to taking antibacterial agents without the appointment of a doctor, stable strains of infections are formed that are not susceptible to standard treatment

It is also worth discussing the ways of transmitting these infections, since it will become infected with them not only in sexual contact. Although this is the most likely way of infection.

Ways of infection with SPP

Ways of infection with SPP
Ways of infection with SPP

One of the features of STD is that most pathogens are susceptible to environmental influence. Therefore, one of the necessary conditions for infection is direct contact with the infected.

  1. Not protected sex
  2. Using sex toys (vibrator)
  3. Kisses
  4. Oral sex
  5. Close contact in everyday life
  6. The use of common bath objects (for some types of infections)
  7. Blood transfusion
  8. The parenteral path of infection
  9. Infection of a newborn mother

Sexually transmitted diseases (table)

Sexually transmitted diseases (table)
Sexually transmitted diseases (table)

We will provide your attention with a table with listing and a brief description of diseases that are transmitted sexually.

This table gives brief information about each of the diseases

Infection: Syphilis Honor -row infusion Trichomonna infection Chlamydial infection Herpetic infection Candilomatosis
Infection: sexual, contact-household, during childbirth, with breastfeeding, intrauterine sexual, contact-household, daughter at the time of childbirth sexual, contact-household, daughter at the time of childbirth sexually, contact-household, daughter at the time of childbirth Sexual and intrauterine Sexual and intrauterine
4 weeks. 7 days 10 days 5 to 30 days Up to 10 days From 2 to 6 months
Symptoms: solid chacks, enlarged regional lymph nodes, various rash, tissue destruction, well -being deterioration itching, irritation, rubber and pain
at urethra
annia, purulent discharge
itching, irritation and secretion there is no characteristic sympathic bubbles, pain, general malaise neoplasms in the form of cauliflower
Diagnosis: the presence of the pathogen in the ulcer during the renewal of the study, blood test (RW, RIF). All 100%. smoes of foci, bacteriological sowing, PIF, PCR "Living" smear, bacteriological sowing, PIF, blood test smear 10%, bacteriological sowing, PIF, PCR - 98%, antibodies in the blood symptoms, smear, tissue infection
Antibodies in the blood
symptoms, antibodies in the blood
Complications: damage to internal organs, more often the central nervous system, the birth of a sick child transition to internal genitalia, peritonitis, infertility transition to internal genitalia, peritonitis, infertility the transition to the internal genital organs, infertility, affects the eyes, joints fetal infection, eye damage, central nervous system damage (encephalitis, meningitis) infection of the child in intrauterine, bleeding
Flow: periods, I - 7 weeks, II - from 2 to 6 years, III - from 10 years cyclic, sometimes hidden acute 2-4 weeks, then cyclic, sometimes hidden asymptomatic with rare non -clear exacerbations wave -like, sometimes hidden sometimes hidden, but without treatment - progresses
Therapy: Antibacterial therapy Antibacterial therapy Antibacterial therapy + local therapy Antibacterial therapy, drugs that stimulate immunity that prevents scarring, enzymes, local therapy antivir-
Conducted means stimulating immunity, analgesic, processing of foci
removing growths that stimulate immunity.
Recovery I-II- 100% recovery, III- 100% complication in the early stages 100% in the acute period up to 90%, in chronic up to 50% complete cure is a rarity long -term remission is possible

100% recovery




We will also try to analyze the signs of diseases for men and women in more detail.

Symptoms of SPPP in men

Consider each disease, respectively, its group.

  1. Bacterial infections in men:
  • Honorrhea is one of the most common diseases. In history, this disease received a funny nickname “snotty hussar” for the reason that the discharge is very characteristic. In men, this disease can manifest in the form of urethritis (inflammation of the urination channel with secretions), epididmit (inflammation of the ledges of the testicle) or orchitis (inflammation of the testicle itself). We wrote about these diseases in our previous articles
  • Chlamydia in men manifests itself in the form of characteristic discharge, which are noted from the urinary tract (urethritis), epididmit and orchitis can also develop. One of the manifestations of chlamydia can be inflammation of the rectum (pro -proctitis), damage to the throat in the form of pharyngitis, Reite's syndrome can be observed. Some trichomonas strains can cause the development of lymphogranulom, which is manifested by ulcerations, an increase in lymph nodes in the groin region
  • Syphilis is also often encountered in men as in women, it is manifested by the formation of a painless compacted ulcer -a confirmation of the shancr, an increase in the lymphotic ots located near the lymphotic ossals, the formation of a condy in the perineum and on the external genitalia, and rashes. This disease can be systematic and affects the bone, cardiovascular and nervous systems
  • Ureaplasmosis in men is manifested by the development of non -frying urethritis with discharge
  1. Viral diseases
  • Pappilomovirus infection (we already wrote about it) is characterized by the appearance of condils of the pointed on the penis and in the perineum, oncogenic strains can provoke the development of the oncological process
  • HIV (AIDS) damage to the infected immune system
  • Hepatitis C- This infection in the acute phase is manifested by acute hepatitis and leads subsequently to the cirrhosis of the liver or its cancer
  1. Fungal infections
  • Fungal or candidal infections in men more often affect the head of the penis and are visualized by a characteristic raid and smell
  1. Parasitic diseases
  • With close contact, it is possible to infect with scabies tick and the development of scabies, which is marked by itching during the night of night sleep and the development of eczema in the scope of combs

We are not considering not all infections of course, but only those that are most often found in venereological practice.

Signs of sexual transmitted diseases in women

We will try to describe the above infections for female and indicate what the differences in the symptoms of these diseases and their manifestation in men.

  1. Bacterial infections in women:
  • The gonorrhea in women has a more extensive manifestation and affects the cervix, causing cervicitis, the endometrium of the uterus and the phallopian pipes. It also causes inflammatory diseases of the pelvis, and during pregnancy the premature onset of labor
  • Chlamydia causes the same inflammatory lesions as gonorrhea, and can also provoke the development of perihepatitis. But there are often cases when the disease proceeds without the manifestation of symptoms
  • Syphilis in women has the same symptoms as in men, but in addition to this can cause early survival of water during pregnancy and premature birth. Also, a terrible complication is the infection of the child's syphilis
  • Ureaplasmosis for women is a provocateur of bacterial vaginosis, as well as possible damage to the pelvis of inflammatory genesis
  1. Viral infections
  • HPV (human papilloma virus) develops pointed condylomas, which hold the entire perineum, and oncogenic strains are able to cause cancer of female internal organs

The remaining viral infections described for men cause the same lesions when infecting women.

Where and how to take tests for STD anonymously?

Where and how to take tests for STD anonymously?
Where and how to take tests for STD anonymously?

Many believe that it is quite simple to take an analysis for a particular infection and it will immediately reveal the infection, if any.

However, no, in order to make a diagnosis and start the correct treatment, you need an examination and consultation of a venereologist. For the examination it will be necessary:

  • Take an inspection and consultation
  • Pass a smear from the genital tract
  • Take a blood test for the alleged infection

As for anonymity. According to the country's legislation regarding diseases and examinations, all the manipulations and your alleged diagnosis cannot be disclosed without your consent to even your relatives.

That is why you should not worry about where to do this. Although, if you wish, you can independently choose both the clinic and doctors from whom you would like to be examined and treated.

Prevention of SPPP

Prevention of SPPP
Prevention of SPPP

As the prevention of STDs, you need:

  • Conduct explanatory conversations and lectures with adolescents and young people, convincing and telling them about the rules and hygiene of sexual relations
  • Form a correct attitude in children and sexual life
  • Know and use in sexual contact the protective equipment, since they protect not only from an unacceptable pregnancy
  • Also, the sexually active population should be regularly consulted by a gynecologist or urologist and, with any suspicion of infection, undergo an examination and urgent therapy

Be attentive to your health and your sexual partners.

Video: SPPP (sexual infections)

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