Where and how to put a candle “for health” and “for the rest” in the church: what icons, sequence, what to say, how many candles are put for health?

Where and how to put a candle “for health” and “for the rest” in the church: what icons, sequence, what to say, how many candles are put for health?

If you do not know where to put a candle in the temple, read the article. Everything is explained in it in detail.

Orthodox Christians, coming to the temple, put candles in front of the icons Jesus Christ and many others Saints. The ritual has existed since the appearance of Christianity. The lit candle symbolizes the faith of the praying in God, and hope for divine help.

Read on our website an article on the topic: "How to choose an icon-reinforced worker, patroness by date of birth and name?".

Blissful Jerome Stridonsky also in IV century He wrote that the candles are lit in the temple during the service, not because it is dark, but because it is easier to feel the light that they read about in the psalms.

How to put candles in the church correctly: the history of the occurrence of a ritual

We put candles in the church correctly
We put candles in the church correctly

The ritual of lighting candles in the church appeared along with the emergence of Christianity. Early Christians brought lighted lamps to evening services. In the first built church, which is described in the Old Testament, worships went with lit lamps. So was predetermined by Jesus Christ himself. The book of the Acts of the Apostles also mentions lighted lamps during worship. Meetings for the celebration of the Eucharist on Sundays were held with lighted lamps and lamps. In the process of worship, the clergy are carried out by special candlesticks:

  • Dikiriy, with two candles, which are a symbol of the Divine and human beginning in Jesus Christ.
  • Trikiriy - symbolizes the Divine Trinity.

On Easter night, believers hold candles in their hands, as a sign of great joy and spiritual glee. Three candles are lit during baptism and wedding. During the liturgy, the clergyman blesses all those present in the temple, and proclaims that the light of Jesus illuminates all the prayers. Burial is accompanied by a requiem in which candles are also burning.

The custom is to put a candle in the temple: what does it mean?

A candle lit in the temple means sincere faith and love for God. The testimony that the prayer is directed to the Lord and should be perceived as a conversation with Him, the Virgin Mary by Virgin Mary and the Holy Sales. Burning candles scatter the darkness of restlessness. The light of a burning candle appears before God. A wax candle melting from fire is associated with the soul of a repentant sinner. And yet, the candle is a small victim of a believer.

Therefore, in the shop of the temple, they sell different in the cost of a candle. The size of the victim will depend on the capabilities of a praying person. Putting candles is just not worth it for formalities. If there are no sincere feelings and a sense of trust, even the largest candle will mean nothing. The main thing is real faith and love.

How is it right and for what reason you need to put candles in the temple?

Entering church, you should calm down. Then clearly decide with what request or thanksgiving you will turn to God. How is it right and for what reason should the candles be put in the church?

  • Approaching the candlesticks in front of the altar, prayer words should be pronounced. For example, to Saintwhich is revered on this day or you can read Our Father:
Prayer of our Father
Prayer of our Father

If you do not know the prayer appeal to the revered to the saint on this day, say the one you know. It may be the shortest prayer:

Short Jesus prayer
Short Jesus prayer

You need to handle sincere feelings, you can even the simplest words, to the image on the central icon or iconostasis. It is necessary to clearly formulate the appeal to The Lord or Saints.

You can put candles with a wish for health to any icon. Jesus Christ From immense love for people, he was helped. Therefore, it became possible to create faces Gentlemen ours and Savior In human form. He is usually addressed with a variety of requests and wishes. In addition to icons, you can install candles to a large crucifix - Calvary.

Golgof - candles are placed near him for health
Golgof - candles are placed near him for health

You can put candles to the icons Blessed Virgin Mary and Holy saints. They are asked about a petition with prayers to God about the slaves of God. In the days of veneration of certain saints, candles are put to their images.

How to put candles in the temple correctly: in what sequence?

A person who first went to the temple should pay attention to several points. How to put candles in the temple, in what sequence?

  • It is worth putting candles during the “clock” - before the start of worship.
  • Believers should listen to the prayer words of the priest, and not walk around the temple.
  • If you did not have time to put the candle before the start of service, it is better to do it after its end.
  • Before lighting a candle, it is necessary to say a prayer - an appeal to The Lord and others Saints, during which you glorify Saviorthank him for help Holy saintsor ask for mercy. Then you should cross yourself 2 times and only then light a candle and put it.
  • Prayer words end with another sign of the sign and a bow as low as possible.

To light a candle is required from the lamp installed on the candlestick. It is forbidden to use matches and a lighter in the temple. To make a candle burn well, you should wait until the wick flares up well. Then heat and melt the lower tip, then the candle will hold tightly in the candlestick. If there is a free space, it is better to put it closer to the lamp. Otherwise, other parishioners will have to burn their hands to put their candle.

The first to light a candle near the central anal (table), then at the relics Saints, if any. Only after that they put "about health" and "On the rest". Usually, at least two candles are installed in the temple: one for health, and the other for the rest. But, no one will make claims if the parishioner puts only one candle about the repose, or several about health at once.

Where do you need to put a candle “For health” in the church: how to say correctly, how many candles are put “for health”?

The most common appeals to Savior - The petition of parishioners about the health of relatives and friends. There are requests for the creation of a family, petitions about children (their appearance, health and obedience), on resolving a difficult life situation. Only requests made with faith and humility will be heard. By their prayer, parishioners award the fate of a person in their hands Savior. They believe that Lord It will dispose of how it will be better for him. Where do you need to put a candle "for health" in the church? How to say right?

  • Before lighting a candle, they pronounce a prayer.
  • The parishioners constantly visiting the church are known to the akathists addressed to certain saints.
  • Newcomers can read at least "Our Father", "Mother of God Devil, Rejoice" and "Symbol of faith", then apply with a petition.
Prayer "Mother of God Virgin, Rejoice"
Prayer is a symbol of faith
Prayer is a symbol of faith
  • Candles "For health" can be installed on the candlesticks near the icons Jesus Christ, the Virgin Mary, at the icons of saints healing from diseases - Panteleimon, Matron of Moscow, Holy Cosmian and Damian, John of Kronstadsky, Ksenia of Petersburg, Nikolai - Archbishop of the World of Lyciansmore known as Wonderworker.
  • More correctly will turn to his patron with a petition Saint.
  • If you are in an unfamiliar temple, and you do not know where the icon with the image of the patron is located, you should put a candle to the icon "All Saints".
Icon of
Icon of "all saints"

You can pronounce prayer words and petitions for the health of an unbaptized person, you can put candles in the temple. But to submit notes, order a prayer service and make notes in the church book.

How to put a candle “for the rest” in the church: what to say?

Memorial canon in the church
Memorial eve in the church

They light candles “for the rest” in the church in only one place. This is a special rectangular table with crucifixion "eve". It is usually installed on the left side of the temple. How to put it correctly, what to say?

  • You need to read the memorial prayer before the crucifix, remembering all the deceased, or one that you pray for.
  • Twice to cross with a waist bow, install a candle in a cell, cross with a bow again.
Prayer when a candle is placed
Prayer when a candle is placed "for the rest" in the church

On Saturday and in memorial services, special memorial services are held. No need to remember suicide in the temple. The prayer for their forgiveness and repose is read in their home.

Which saint, in what cases to put candles in the temple?

Orthodox faith teaches that referring to any Saint, the parishioner mentally turns to The Lord. In his prayer, the believer asks for intercession and petitions Saint before Jesus Christ. Numerous facts of miraculous healing and help in life difficulties from saints are known. Therefore, people turn to different problems and different faces.

But you need to know:

  • People perceive saints in a way that the Gentiles prayed to their gods - on the principle of " what saint helps from what". It is not right.
  • Such people come to the church shop and ask: "" Which saint should a candle need to get an apartment? ”,“ Which saint to pray from toothache? ”

It must be remembered that Saints-not some kind of god, from which you can get something, and from each its own. Saints are not specialists in issuing apartments, to suspend toothache or other similar things. There are, of course, saints who were doctors during life, and we turn to them with a request for healing, for example, Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon. And indeed, many healings occur according to the prayers of such saints. But in no case you cannot perceive the saints as some kind of fetish.

Saints are our friends in the sky that helps to God I heard our prayers. There are prayers that help to ask for anything. You can on the website of Pravmir find prayers for different occasions. This is a site that should be in bookmarks on a laptop for every Orthodox Christian.

In general, put candles in the temple to any Saint. You can do this on the day of its veneration or on any other day or during Divine Liturgy - Service. You can also simply put the candles of the saint and ask him to help you in one case or another. Read further.

Who to put the candle for recovery?

First of all, for help in healing from deadly ailments and in recovery, they turn to The Lordand ask for prayer intercession before Jesus Christ u Blessed Virgin Mary. They light up and put candles with prayer requests at the icons:

  • Matronushki Moscow
  • Panteleimon healer
  • Saint Luke
  • St. Nicholas - Archbishop of the World of the Lycian - Wonderworker
  • All saints

Concluding the prayer, you need to contact all saints with words: "All the saints pray to God for us".

Who to put a candle in the temple for removing alcohol or drug addiction?

The big problem of the current society is a drunkard and drug addicts. Very often they themselves do not realize the whole depth of their illness. Farm, friends, close circle suffer. Who to put a candle in the temple for the removal of alcohol or drug addiction?

  • The healing of these heavy ailments put candles at the images of the Virgin "Uncepposed bowl" and "Three -handed".
  • It will also help Matrona of Moscow, John of Kronstadt, Nikolai Miracle Worker.

It can put a candle both in need of help, who consciously came to the temple, and his close person, who wants a painful recovery.

Interesting: Thomas Aquinas He said that you can reach the heart of the patient only through a prayer: "It is necessary to pray as if everything depends on God, and act as if everything depends on us".

What icon in the temple to put a candle for yourself?

The Blessed Virgin Mary can be placed in the temple for yourself
The Blessed Virgin Mary can be placed in the temple for yourself

The appeal with a petition for their own problems begin with prayer to The Lord and The Blessed Virgin Mary. Then you can put candles for the health of relatives and friends. Then you can ask for help for yourself from the saint whose help in solving the existing problem is considered the strongest. You can put a candle in the temple and turn to your patron or Angel Keeper.

Who to put the candle in the church on the remission of sins?

Sins committed by man can only let go of Lord. This is done in confession, in the presence of the priest and when reading permissive prayer. Therefore, the petition for forgiveness must be addressed to Jesus Christ and The Virgin, praying for all of us. You can ask for a request and prayer assistance in Angel of the Guardian Or his patron. You can put a candle in the church on the remission of sins to St. Luke. He was a surgeon, a religious figure, evangelist and preacher during his life.

What icon in the church to put a candle on the conception of a child?

The prayers for the granting of a child are addressed primarily to the Blessed Virgin Mary - the Mother of the Lord. What icon in the church to put a candle on the conception of a child?

  • Put candles with prayer at the icons Theotokos "Feodorovskaya", Ksenia of St. Petersburg, Seraphim of Sarovsky.

Ask for a child to give Saint Anna and Joachim, mother of the Virginwho could not get pregnant for a long time.

Is it possible to put a candle in the temple about an unbaptized newborn child who fell ill?

A candle in the temple with a request for the health of a newborn unbaptized child is possible. If the baby is ill, one should pray for giving him a recovery, for granting wisdom to doctors involved in his treatment. Do not submit notes about the health of an unbaptized baby, and order prayers. It is advisable to make a rite of baptism rather, in which the child will receive special grace and protection Guardian angel.

What icon in the church put a candle on the recovery of a child?

The request for giving health to children is primarily addressed to Savior and mother of the Lord - the Blessed Virgin Mary. Virgin Mary prays her son about the good health of all children. Parents patronize sick children Virgin Mary - Anna and Joachim, righteous Zakhary and Elizabeth - Parents John the Baptist, as well as Kirill and Maria Radonezh. What other icon in the church to put a candle on the recovery of a child?

  • You can turn to the Monk Stylian Paflagonsky - Healing children during his lifetime.

They also turn to the patron saint of children St. Nicholas, Panteleimon Healer and Saint Luke.

What icon to put a candle in the temple before surgery?

Before the operation, put the candles healer Panteleimon
Before the operation, put the candles healer Panteleimon

Intervention in the nature of the human body is always accompanied by special experiences. What icon to put a candle in the temple before surgery?

  • Relatives and friends of the patient requiring operations can ask for help and patronage from Savior.
  • Ask for help and prayer intercession from Blessed Virgin Maryas well as Panteleimon healer, Matron of Moscow and St. Luke - Archbishop of Crimean.

Put candles and Saint - The patron saint of the sick, as well as the patron of the doctor who will do this operation. So that during the procedure he guides his hand himself Lord.

Is it possible to put candles purchased in another temple?

Candles sold in a church shop are properly consecrated. By selling them, the temple earns money for the maintenance of its parish. There are no prohibitions on a candle from another church. Therefore, you can put candles purchased in another temple.

It is important that it is a candle acquired in the temple. They are made according to a special canonical model.

How to handle a candle in the temple: special instructions

All parishioners must behave in the temple according to the rules of good tone. It is forbidden to make noise and move around the temple on time of worship, you should listen to a prayer and sincerely turn your thoughts to God. How to handle a candle in the church? It is necessary to pay attention to the following points - special instructions:

  • It is desirable to put candles before the start of worship in the temple.
  • Light a candle from the candlestick installed on the candlestick, and not with matches or a lighter.
  • If the parishioners hold candles in their hands, they must ensure that the wax does not drip to the floor and the clothes do not light up in front of the standing person.
  • Those who wish to receive God's blessing should, when setting a candle, pronounce a sincere prayer with love and humility, and live according to commandments.
  • Candles about health and repose can be placed at any time, only the parishioner can determine their number. Candles and prayers are not placed on repose and is not pronounced only on Easter week. They are transferred to Radonitsa.
  • Donations for the temple are made from a pure heart. The amount of the donation does not matter, the thought and case of the parishioner should be righteous and clean.

It is necessary to buy candles only in the church. In the store they sell multi -colored candles. Sometimes aromatic oils are added to them.

How to put candles in the temple correctly: no superstitions

Place candles in the temple correctly, without any superstition
Place candles in the temple correctly, without any superstition

There are many different prejudices associated with staying in the church. Entering the temple, you should not focus on which foot to approach the icon or which hand to put a candle. Calmly take a breath and, to calm thoughts, and then read the prayer and clearly formulate your appeal or request to Savior, you can look at the fire of burning candles. How to put candles in the temple correctly? Remember that, first of all, no superstitions - Orthodoxy is not about that. Here are another tips:

  • By installing a candle on the candlestick, it is forbidden to put them two in one cell.
  • If the candle installed earlier falls or bends, this does not mean anything. You just need to raise it and put it evenly and tightly in the cell.
  • The burning candle suddenly went out, or burns with a bang or smokes. Nothing bad will happen to the person whose health is established. In the church, drafts or a candle of not very good quality are simply walking.
  • A candle -burned candle is removed on the candlestick, the church minister removes. Do not worry about this. Victim God Accepted, lightly lightly marked.

In the days of large Orthodox holidays, when parishioners are much larger in the temple than candlesticks, it is not necessary to light the candle yourself. You can put the candle next to the candlestick, then the ministers will be lit.

Video: Where, how and to whom to put candles in the temple? The first steps in the temple

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