Is it possible to brush your teeth, eat, drink, wash, wash yourself, take a shower before the sacrament in the church? Is it possible to sleep, make love, drink alcohol, kiss icons, a child, relatives, kneel after communion? What can not be done on the day of the participle?

Is it possible to brush your teeth, eat, drink, wash, wash yourself, take a shower before the sacrament in the church? Is it possible to sleep, make love, drink alcohol, kiss icons, a child, relatives, kneel after communion? What can not be done on the day of the participle?

What is the sacrament? How to fasten correctly before this day? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article.

All believers Orthodox Christians should go to the Church. The Holy Eucharist is a special procedure that is a memory of Christ.

  • On the eve of his terrible death, Christ told His disciples that people would drink wine and eat bread in His memory. These are symbols of his blood and body.
  • Therefore, the whole time of the existence of the Orthodox faith, people go to the liturgy, communion with wine and eat bread, and priests read prayers with the words "about the proposed honest gifts to the Lord will pray."
  • How to prepare for the participle correctly? What can be done the day before, and what is impossible? What is allowed to do the rules of the Church after the sacrament? Read about this in the article.

Is it possible to brush your teeth, wash, wash yourself, take a shower before the sacrament in the church?

Is it possible to brush your teeth, wash, wash yourself, take a shower before the sacrament in the church?
Is it possible to brush your teeth, wash, wash yourself, take a shower before the sacrament in the church?

Previously, even during the persecution of the Church, grandmothers still visited temples and took their children to the liturgy, and then grandchildren. But, if we talk about Orthodox literacy, then there was almost no. Everyone acted as it was considered necessary, because people were afraid not to ask, but to conduct any conversations about God or Church.

Now these children and grandchildren have grown, but all also continue to visit the temple. They often have a question: is it possible to brush their teeth, wash, wash, take a shower before the sacrament in the church, because grandmothers taught one rules, and the canons of the church imply completely different.

  • A visit to the temple is a special event, because we meet with God, becoming the participants of the Holy Eucharist, we accept the true body and blood of Christ in bread and wine.
  • A person must realize that this is a holiday. Therefore, brush your teeth, wash, wash and take a shower NECESSARILY. The rules of the church stipulate that if a person brushes his teeth and swallows a little water or pasta, then this does not believe that he drank water or ate. It is necessary to really look at the situation, using wisdom and his mind that God endowed us with.
  • It is also necessary to wear clean and beautiful clothes. The Divine Liturgy is a holiday, a meeting with God, life in prayers. This must be remembered, and then questions will not arise whether it is possible to wash and how to dress.

The temple should occupy a special place in the life of every Christian. This is the house of God, where we should come without sorrow and despondency.

How many hours before the sacrament can not be eaten?

How many hours before the sacrament can not be eaten?
How many hours before the sacrament can not be eaten?

A strict post begins before the sacrament after 12 nights of the previous day. This means that you can’t eat and drink anything. The liturgy usually begins at 8 in the morning, begins to partake after 1.5-2 hours. Therefore, it turns out that 9-10 hours before the sacrament you can not eat and drink.

Is it possible to eat fish on the eve of the sacrament?

3 days before the participle you need to keep the post. All meat and dairy products are prohibited, but you can eat cereals, vegetables, nuts. Is it possible to eat fish on the eve of the sacrament? The fish is allowed, but, like other dishes, before the beginning of a strict post before the Eucharist, that is, until 12 a.m.

Important: Three days before the participle, limit sweets. Only dried fruits can. Do not eat to the dump. Follow a post in which not human needs are important, but a prayer.

Is it possible to drink, consume kvass, water, coffee in front of the sacrament?

Is it possible to drink, consume kvass, water, coffee in front of the sacrament?
Is it possible to drink, consume kvass, water, coffee in front of the sacrament?

During the three -day post before the sacrament, it is important to read prayers: the canon repented by the Savior, the canon of the Mother of God, the canon of the Guardian to the Guardian, the following to the Holy Communion. These kondaki and chants will help to prepare correctly if you want to accept the holy gifts correctly.

During fasting before the sacrament, it is forbidden to drink alcohol, use kvass, and coffee. In these three days, the human body is the temple of the soul, where it should be calm, and coffee, kvass on yeast and alcoholic drinks cannot properly configure for prayers. You can drink water, but before the start of a strict post - up to 12 a.m.

Is it possible to feed the child before the sacrament?

It is difficult for a small child to withstand for a long time without food, and the Eucharist usually begins no earlier than 10-00 hours. Therefore, many parents ask the question: is it possible to feed the child before the sacrament?

  • Children under 3 years old can be fed 2 hours before the adoption of holy gifts.
  • It is especially necessary to pay attention to the feeding of infants. If you feed the infant, and then bring the participle, then he can burst, and this is unacceptable. Therefore, a small child should also be kept without food at least 2 hours before the beginning of the Eucharist.

Important: The best decision in this case will be a visit to the early liturgy, which is usually performed in large temples. At 8 o’clock in these churches there is already communion.

Is it possible to eat to sick people and pregnant women before the sacrament?

Is it possible to eat to sick people and pregnant women before the sacrament?
Is it possible to eat to sick people and pregnant women before the sacrament?

A person needs a person to curb the body, and when it is weak, he does not need it. The sick body needs help to recover and recover. This is written in church rules. Therefore, before the sacrament, patients can be eaten, but you need to try to do this as soon as possible, so that not in front of the process of accepting holy gifts.

Pregnant women are also a relief in the post. But you need to discuss everything with the priest during the evening confession. He will advise what to do correctly according to the laws of God.

Important: Be sure to ask the father's blessings about any doubts about any church actions or even life situations.

Can I drink medicines before the sacrament?

There are diseases when medicines should be taken constantly with a frequency of 2-3 hours (asthma, diabetes mellitus, different inflammations, and so on). People with such diseases are wondering: is it possible to drink medicines before the sacrament?

  • If the medicine is vital, then it must be taken without fail.
  • If you can refrain from taking medications, then it is better to do it.
  • If there are doubts about this, you need to turn to the priest who will decide whether to allow you to the sacrament of the Eucharist or not. Ask the father of blessing.

So that you have no doubt, to discuss this issue with the priest in advance. Then you can prepare with a calm soul for confession and communion.

Can I donate blood to sugar before the sacrament?

Can I donate blood to sugar before the sacrament?
Can I donate blood to sugar before the sacrament?

For people patients with diabetes, it is vital to know the level of glucose in the blood. Therefore, before the participle, you can donate blood to sugar and take the necessary medicines.

Is it possible to watch TV before the sacrament?

Preparation in church practice for communion is called a shit. It continues three days before the Eucharist, and concerns both the bodily and spiritual life of a person. The body refrains from the use of meat and milk foods, and the mind should not dissipate through everyday trifles and have fun. Therefore, before the sacrament, it is unacceptable to watch TV, go to noisy companies. It is necessary to spend time at home - in silence and prayer.

After the participle: when and what can be eaten, can I eat meat?

The post is established only before the sacrament, as a feat of abstinence from earthly goods. This is necessary in order for a person to acquire a reverent mood for the adoption of holy gifts. After the sacrament, you can eat everything, as well as dairy products, meat. But if there is no post on this day. If the church is registered with a post on the occasion of some kind of holiday or remembrance of a saint, then it is necessary to refrain from using meat, dairy products and fish.

Important: Often during fasting, on some church holidays, you can eat fish. On this day and communion, it can also be tasted, but it is desirable that the fish is without bones so as not to spit them.

Is it possible to drink alcohol, wine after the sacrament and on the day of the sacrament?

Is it possible to drink alcohol, wine after the sacrament and on the day of the sacrament?
Is it possible to drink alcohol, wine after the sacrament and on the day of the sacrament?

On the day of the Holy Eucharist and after it, there are no canonical obstacles to taste alcohol. You can celebrate and drink wine after the sacrament and on this day, but in moderation, and not turn the feast into drunkenness and unification. It is important that this day does not feel sick. Therefore, it is better to refuse vodka, and drink a little good wine.

When can you brush your teeth, wash, wash, wash your hair after the sacrament?

On the Day of Communion, it is better not to spit anything, so you should refrain from brushing your teeth. There are no canonical prohibitions on washing the body and head after the holy Eucharist. If you have a concern that you will wash yourself, wash or wash your hair after the participle and spit off the water involuntarily, then refrain from these procedures for one day.

Can I sleep after the sacrament?

Can I sleep after the sacrament?
Can I sleep after the sacrament?

After the sacrament, many people want to come home and go to bed. Indeed, on this day, people usually wake up early to have time to gather for the liturgy and read all the necessary prayers. So can you sleep after the sacrament? It is undesirable to do this, since only wakefulness will help maintain the grace received. On this day after the church, it is better to read the Bible and think about the Lord in order to maintain a bright sense of joy in the soul longer.

Is it possible to make love after the sacrament?

Church rules are prescribed on the day of the Holy Eucharist to keep the frequency of bodily and occupy their mind only with thoughts of God and prayers. Therefore, you do not need to make love after the sacrament.

Can I go to work after the sacrament?

If you need to go to work after the sacrament, then there are no obstacles to this in the church. But, if there is an opportunity to postpone the work, then do it, and spend at least half a day to read prayers and in peace of mind.

Is it possible to kiss icons, a cross, a hand to a priest, a child, relatives?

Is it possible to kiss icons, a cross, a hand to a priest, a child, relatives?
Is it possible to kiss icons, a cross, a hand to a priest, a child, relatives?

Many people claim that after the sacrament you can not kiss the icons, the cross, the hand of the priest, the child and other relatives. But any father will say that this is superstition. According to church canons on Sunday, only earthly bow is not made. If you have a closer bow after receiving holy gifts, then this should not affect the further visible manifestation of your piety. Immediately after the sacrament, you need to take warmth (warm water mixed with wine) and then you can apply to the icons, the cross and the blessing hand of the priest.

Is it possible to kneel after the sacrament?

As mentioned above, bow to the ground after the Holy Eucharist is not necessary to do. But, if in the church during service and prayer everyone knelt, then you can do this. But this is unlikely to be, since after the completion of the sacrament, thanksgiving prayers to God are read and the service ends with a small sermon of the priest.

Is it possible to clean the house on the day of the participle?

Is it possible to clean the house on the day of the participle?
Is it possible to clean the house on the day of the participle?

The Day of Communion must be devoted to spiritual activities, and it is better to do worldly things later. Do not clean the house on the day of communion out of a sense of thanksgiving before the holy sacrament, as well as to maintain this grace in yourself.

It should be remembered that a quarrel with a loved one is even worse than doing housework. Therefore, on the day of the Holy Eucharist, you need to think about the good, try not to talk to anyone, to read prayers. But if you need to do housework for your neighbor’s help, then this can be done, but with special spiritual prudence.

Why can't you work in the ground after the sacrament?

Communion is a holiday that needs to be held with joy in the soul, enjoying every minute of grace given from above. It is believed that after the adoption of holy gifts, one cannot work in the ground so as not to lose grace. Someone says that the demon can drag this grace. But this is superstition. If you want to do something or you need to do this after the sacrament, then consult with the priest. Most likely, he will answer that this day needs to be devoted to God, to read prayers and be at home in peace.

Is it possible to spit, spit out the bones from the berries after the sacrament?

Is it possible to spit, spit out the bones from the berries after the sacrament?
Is it possible to spit, spit out the bones from the berries after the sacrament?

As mentioned above, one cannot spit, after the Sacrament, and even more so, spit out the bones from the berries. Refrain from such food after the adoption of God's grace.

What else can not be done on the day of the sacrament?

The worldly experience of many people suggests that it is easier to get than to hold. In the same way, one can say about spiritual experience - it is important to be able to use the gift - this is the most difficult thing that expects the recipient. What else can not be done on the day of the sacrament? Here are some tips:

  • Sin, annoy and arrive in despondency.
  • Kiss animals, as well as squeeze them and talk to them.
  • You can cough and blow your nose, but in a handkerchief, and not spit to the ground.
  • Chew chewing gum.

There is such a legend that expelled evil spirits after communion wander through the forests and fields, and who did not find the refuge thinks: “But is it not to go back to the house?” She returns again to a person - spiritually clean after communion and calls with her another 7 spirits. Therefore, it often happens that after the participle, a person begins to sin even more. It is important to maintain the condition and grace given during the adoption of holy gifts. No need to focus on superstitions, it is necessary to read prayers and canons and live according to the commandments of the Lord.

Is it possible to become infected with anything during the sacrament in the church?

Is it possible to become infected with anything during the sacrament in the church?
Is it possible to become infected with anything during the sacrament in the church?

When we cross the threshold of the church, we fall into God's house - this is already heaven, not the earth, and all worldly problems and thoughts should remain with the threshold. Is it possible to become infected with anything during the sacrament in the church? Near the bowl, people accept the body and blood of Christ. There is only cleanliness and sterility. Believers should not even have the idea of \u200b\u200binfectious diseases. In addition, the Orthodox Christian should not think about it at all. The priest goes to communion with sick people in hospitals, but no one has become infected yet.

Communion is one of the great sacraments. A person must receive holy gifts to purify the soul. It is important that a person does not lose reverence, but with all nature it feels the benefit of the sacrament of communion. Only true believers all their lives have a unique contrast: between a longing slave, which stands and prays on the knees (during confession), and the free flight of the eagle, which widely spread wings (after communion).

Video: Where did the ban on food come from before the sacrament?

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