Siluan Athos: What does it help, and how to pray to the icon, saint? Siluan Athos: Life, prayers and icons

Siluan Athos: What does it help, and how to pray to the icon, saint? Siluan Athos: Life, prayers and icons

How and why pray to Siluan Athos.

Siluan Athos is a monk who was born in the Tambov province and lived a long life. The Athos prefix appeared due to the fact that the clergyman was on Athos for a long time and prayed there.

Siluan Athos Life

Siluan Athos is a real name Semyon, born in an ordinary family, where there were five brothers and two sisters. His father was a working, humble, calm person who constantly worked. Semyon himself was born quite strong and strong. He worked heavily, was distinguished by great power, and also ate a lot. Could work without breaks. He became famous in his village thanks to Silushka Bogatyrskaya. He led like all ordinary people, rural life: he worked, rested in taverns, walked with girls. But his doubts constantly tormented that the Lord God sees how he lives incorrectly, therefore he could punish him.

The most interesting thing is that the thoughts of God came to Him at the age of four, when the Father sheltered the book Noshe, who spent the night with them. During an evening conversation, the man said that God does not exist. It very strongly sunk into the soul of a little seed. Therefore, until the age of 19, he tried to answer the question: is God or not? At one time I wanted to go to study in the Kiev Pechersk Lavra, but his father did not allow him.

Siluan Athos in what helps and how to pray? Siluan Athos Life
Siluan Athos

He said that he would do whatever he wants, after military service. After serving in the army, Semyon returned, and the demons began to overcome him and he set off into a rampant life. I drank a lot, walked. On one of these days, he began to doubt that he leads an incorrect and very sinful life. Therefore, I must somehow change everything. Further, he went to Athos, where he was tonsured in monks in 1892.

Life was not at all simple. He prayed a lot, practically did not sleep. His dream was short, 15-20 minutes, several times a day. He worked a lot in the afternoon, constantly prayed and worshiped the Lord God. Throughout his life, he had several phenomena of Isus Christ and the Mother of God. It was because of the vision of the Mother of God, after he rested with the girls, he decided to get a haircut in the monks. Because the Mother of God said that the snake (lust) penetrated and lives in the body, so he leads a reckless lifestyle.

The elder lived for 72 years. His whole life was in repentance and prayers. Many clergymen note him, as a strong spirit of a person, good -natured with a meek, cheerful and kind character. Many of them speak of him as the Lord to God. The monk was the very humility and kindness, always tried to justify people.

Photo of the monk

Icons of Siluan Athos, prayer to the saint

After the death of Siluan, many monks hid his head from the main metropolitans and clergymen. Only in 1987, Siluan was canonized. It was after this year that many icons were created with his image.

There are many questions regarding the icons depicted by Silum Athos. It is believed that the monk is the patron saint of monasteries and gives the monks humility, as well as power, in order to live in humility, in prayer. One of the most popular is the icon of Siluan Athos in prayer, where his hands are raised up. There is an icon in the monastery in Romania. The fact is that many images of Silum Athos are abroad, despite the fact that he is a native of Russia. For a long time, his remains were hiding due to the prohibitions of the main clergymen.

Prayer Siluan Athos

What does the Holy Siluan Athos help?

On September 24, Saluan of Athos is celebrated. On this day they pray in front of his icons. It is worth noting that this image is used in special cases. It is believed that this date is special. It is on this day that prayers have great power and almost always lead to healing. Now the old man’s icon is located in the Athos Compound, in Moscow, with particles of the relics of the monk. Not only September 24, but on other days a whole queue is built to this icon. Many are praying to the Monk.

How and why pray to the saint (text below):

  • If they want healing for their loved ones, relatives, as well as loved ones from serious illnesses
  • Ask for help at the end of the war and disagreements
  • They ask for reconciliation with enemies with whom the disagreement arose for a long time and enmity appeared
  • Helps with headaches, migraines, pride, as well as in humility
  • Helps with unhappy love
  • Get free from sinful thoughts
  • With all kinds of dependencies, alcohol including
  • With unhealthy passion from which a person suffers
  • When making a decision
  • In sorrow and despair

They pray to the saint and ask to help with the help of prayers. If it is difficult to read prayers, ask for help in your own words, only sincerely and with deep faith in God, Holy Siluan of Athos and the result.


About the prematurely pleasing of God, Father Siluan! By grace, from this God, we tearfully pray for the whole universal - the dead, living and future - not premoli for us to the Lord, who are diligently falling to you and your representation of pimilarly asking (names).

Pass, about the all -white, the prayer of the zealous intercessor of the Christian family, the subtle -member of the Mother of God and the entertainment Mary, who was miraculously called for the faithful dealer in her earth helicopter, even the chosen one of God for the genes of our gracies and the long -suffering of God is not mentioned by the inaudents and the lawlessness of ours But by the indescribable goodness of our Lord Jesus Christ, to be damaged and save us from His mercy.

To her, the sung of God, with the essential mistress of the world - the Holy Igumeniy of Athos and the holy ascetics of her earthly lot, ask the holy of the Holy Word of the Holy of Athos and the God -loving desertor from all the troubles and the slander of the enemy in the world to remain.

Yes, the angels saints from the evils of deliverance and the Holy Spirit in faith in faith and fraternity strengthened, until the end of the century about one, Holy, more often and apostles of the Church, prayers create a saving path, and the earthly and heavenly Church will constantly praise the Creator and the Father of Lights, enlightening and illuminating The world in the eternal truth and goodness of God.

The people of the Earth of all ask the prosperous and peaceful life, the spirit of humble wisdom and fraternity, kindness and salvation, the spirit of the fear of God. Yes, it is not anger and lawlessness that the hearts of human people who can destroy the love of God in the man and overthrow them into the godly enmity and fratricide, but in the strength of divine love and truth, as well as the name of God, may His Holy will be holy in the man , and may the world and the kingdom of God reign on the Earth.

To your earthly country, the earthly domestic - the lands of the Russians ask, the sung of God, the coveted world and the heavenly blessing, in the hedgehog by the omary by the mofor of the Mother of God, get rid of him from the smoothness, destruction, coward, sword, invasion of foreigners and internecine marriage and from all the enemy of visible. And the invisible, and such a Holy House of the Crazy Virgin Mary until the end of the century, to be, the cross of the life -giving force of force, and in the love of God to be indiscriminately established himself.

But all of us, in the darkness of sins immersed and the repentance of the heat, below the fear of God who does not have and the carrier immensely loving us, the Lord is constantly offending us, ask about all -worthy, the all -and -haired God of our god, and divinely will be divinely visited and revitalized by our souls, and every kind of anger And the pride of everyday, despondency and negligence in our hearts will be abolished.

We still pray, for the hedgehog and we, the grace of the omnipotent spirit to be strengthened and the love of God warm, in humanity and fraternity, humble wisdom for each other and for all, in the truth of God, and in the fertile love of God to be reliably strengthened, and the sons of this closer to this.

Yes, it was creative of all the bluish will, in all piety and purity of the temporary life, the path is unastroused and with all the saints of the heavenly kingdom and his lamb marriage will be stolen. From all earthly and heavenly he will be glory, honor and worship, with his hopeless father, murder and good and life -giving spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Below in the picture, read the texts of prayers.

Prayer crying of the Monk Siluan Athos
Prayer crying of the Monk Siluan Athos

The result from prayers to Athos Siluan may not occur immediately. It all depends on your sincerity and faith. They pray to him until healing occurs or the tormenting reason will disappear.

As you can see, the life of Silum Athos was saturated and very diverse. He is already at a sufficiently mature age, at about 30 years old, came to the Lord God and cuttled into monks. Since then, he led the right lifestyle, constantly prayed. His faith was strengthened after the attacks of demons, who were increasingly to the silwo. But he continued to pray and ask the Lord God to help Him. And the vision of Jesus Christ was. After that, he believed that Vera was resurrected and became even stronger. Since then, demons have not been to him. It was from that time that he began to sleep in snatches, 15 minutes and all his free time to pray for civilians.

Video: Siluan Athos

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