What is the myrrh -hut, the icons in the church, houses are crying: folk signs. What does it mean when an icon of an Almighty, Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Mother of God, is a seven -shot? What to do if the Icon is a murmur at home?

What is the myrrh -hut, the icons in the church, houses are crying: folk signs. What does it mean when an icon of an Almighty, Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Mother of God, is a seven -shot? What to do if the Icon is a murmur at home?

In the article you will learn about what “myrrh -bearing” is and how to recognize this phenomenon.

What is the world, how to understand that the icon is a myrrh -coated? Myrrout of icons: physical phenomenon, scientific explanation, composition of the world of icons

Myrrout is a unique phenomenon. It is considered a real miracle, since not all icons can uterine. Miro is a special oil that is released on the surface of the icon, images, and relics. It exudes a pleasant fragrance, the consistency of the Miro can be honey, sticky as a resin or similar to dew.

The icon, which is the myrrh, is deservedly considered special, and the Miro itself is miraculous. Those who touch him are healed from any ailments, problems in relationships, diseases of mental and bodily, disasters.

Interesting: with the advent of dew on the icon, a special commission immediately comes to it, which confirms the fact that this phenomenon is not a fake. The myrrh -bearing icon is placed in a special capsule.

Phenomenon: Mirotocht icons
Phenomenon: Mirotocht icons

Why does the icon of blood are a myrrh?

Icons and images do not cry in the literal sense. If the process of myrrh is not forged artificially (i.e., there are no special holes that produce moisture or oil in the icon), then most likely the Miro is mixed with the paint that the image was drawn, which in its mixed state has a brownish tint.

Important: from the point of view of esotericism, such phenomena can be regarded as a sign. Warning about events in the future (most often bad: war, loss, disputes, death, illness).

Why do icons cry with blood?
Why do icons cry with blood?

What are the myrrh -hut, crying icons in the church, houses: folk signs

Interpretations will accept:

  • The icon "cries" -the sign that portends you changes in the future, if the “tears” are light - they will be good if the dark ones are bad.
  • The icon was covered with "dew" -a good sign that tells you that everything will be fine.
  • The icon is abundantly the mystery -a good sign about approaching favorable events.
  • The icon is the mystery in the church -a favorable sign for the church, city, parishioners.
  • The icon is the amidthing at home -a good event will happen in the family

What does it mean when the Icon is an almighty, Nicholas the Wonderworker, the Mother of God, the seven -shot?


  • The mercenary icon is a myrrh -coated -wait for favorable events and changes, your deeds will be given and life will become happy.
  • Myrrout is the icon of Nicholas the Wonderworker -a happy event or message, favorable life changes.
  • The myrrh is the Icon of the Mother of God -the health of children, the appearance of a child, getting rid of diseases.
  • The myrrh -firing icon is a world -peace and world of the house, protection against "bad eye"
Signs of amusing icons
Signs of amusing icons

What to do if the Icon is a murmur at home?

This icon should never be washed or wiped. Try not to disturb her and if you have the opportunity, invite a clergyman to your home who could testify this phenomenon. Wait until the myrrh is ended, even if it lasts a very long time. Take it as God's grace and respect that icon that gave you such a unique sign.

What icons are the world in Russia now: List

You can find out in detail about where and how the murders you can in the daily news, as well as on official Orthodox sites. Myrrout can be an isolated case, but it can be massive and not extended to one state.


  • Cyprus icon Theotokos
  • Iverskaya icon God's Mother

Video: "Mass Mirotopolization of Icons in Russia and Ukraine"

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