Who are people, men, women, children of hermaphrodites, how they look and why are they born? How the hermaphrodite people breed, what their genitals look like, the body, how they go to the toilet: scheme. Hermaphrodites - famous people, athletes: photo

Who are people, men, women, children of hermaphrodites, how they look and why are they born? How the hermaphrodite people breed, what their genitals look like, the body, how they go to the toilet: scheme. Hermaphrodites - famous people, athletes: photo

Physiological features of hermaphrodite.

Not so often we hear about hermaphrodites. Moreover, most of us imagine such individuals quite strange with the genitals as in women and men. In fact, everything is different and more complicated. In the article we will try to deal with who are hermaphrodites.

Who are people, men, women, children of hermaphrodites, how do they look?

Outwardly, these are the most ordinary people who get along well in society. The most interesting thing is that hermaphroditism cannot be determined before puberty. Many people think that hermaphrodites have the genitals of a man and a woman, but this is not entirely true. Many hermaphrodites initially have the genitals of a woman or men, and only during puberty are violations detected. The boy can grow breasts, and the girl will have no mammary glands and do not go to menstruation.

Hermaphroditism is a genetic disease that develops when the fetus is in the womb, there are malfunctions in DNA. At the same time, father and mother are completely healthy, and do not have genetic anomalies. It has not been fully studied why hermaphrodites are born.

Who are people, men, women, children of hermaphrodites, how do they look?
Who are people, men, women, children of hermaphrodites, how do they look?

Hermaphrodite man: reasons for the birth of such people

The main reason is genetic disorders that doctors and scientists cannot explain. At the same time, it can be a woman or a man outwardly, but inside everything is different.

Types of hermaphroditism:

  • True. In this type, a person has both genitals. That is, the ovaries and testicles are inside, and the vagina and penis are outside.
  • False. He, in turn, is divided into female and male type. With the male type, a person develops a penis, which is small. With female, the chest does not grow, the voice is rude.
Hermaphrodite man: reasons for the birth of such people
Hermaphrodite man: reasons for the birth of such people

What genitals look like, the genitals of hermaphrodite people: location scheme

The genitals look different, depending on the type of hermaphroditism.

Key Features:

  • In men, the penis is underdeveloped, twisted, small. The scrotum is dense and resembles female labia. The testicles are often not lowered into bags.
  • Women have a large clitoris, it may look like a small penis. The labia resembles a scrotum, they are large, irregular in shape.
What genitals look like, the genitals of hermaphrodite people: location scheme
What genitals look like, the genitals of hermaphrodite people: location scheme

How do people of hermaphrodites go to the toilet?

Hermaphrodites go to the toilet in the usual way. It all depends on the type of hermaphroditism. Urination occurs like everyone else, through the urethra. It can be located in a penis or in the perineum.

How do people of hermaphrodites go to the toilet?
How do people of hermaphrodites go to the toilet?

Hermaphrodite people with two genitalia in mythology

There is a very beautiful legend according to which the son of Hermes and Aphrodite fell in love with Nymph. This woman lived in the water and also fell in love with a young man. Then the son of the gods came to his father and mother and asked them to connect them together. Since then, hermaphrodites appeared. Although from a medical point of view, the legend has nothing to do with it.

Hermaphrodite people with two genitalia in mythology
Hermaphrodite people with two genitalia in mythology

Does a person have a hermaphrodite?

It all depends on the type of hermaphroditism. If this is a false type, then only sex hormones, female or male are released. But due to the features of the internal structure, girls may not have menstruation. They can begin much later than accepted among healthy girls. Due to the presence of the sexual characteristics of the two sexes, the ovaries in girls are underdeveloped and can distinguish an insufficient number of hormones. Because of this menstruation may not be. Although there are cases when hermaphrodites have menstruation and reproductive function is preserved.

Can a person hermaphrod to give birth to a child, have children?

In most cases, hermaphrodites are barren. This is possible due to the underdevelopment of testicles or ovaries. But there are cases of successful conception and birth of a child in hermaphrodites.

Can a person hermaphrod to give birth to a child, have children?
Can a person hermaphrod to give birth to a child, have children?

Can a hermaphrot to get pregnant from himself?

No, this is impossible. In fact, sex with oneself among hermaphrodites is not possible. Moreover, due to the underdevelopment of the reproductive system, useless sperm is produced or ovaries do not produce an egg.

Is it possible to get pregnant from a woman of hermaphrodite?

No, It is Immpossible. Since a woman will look like a woman with false hermaphroditism. She does not have a penis. The genitals are strange and look strange too. In this case, the sexual function may not be impaired. Such a woman can get pregnant from a man with a normal hormonal background. Another woman will not be able to enter into sexual contact with such hermaphrodite due to the lack of penis.

Is it possible to get pregnant from a woman of hermaphrodite?
Is it possible to get pregnant from a woman of hermaphrodite?

How do her Hermaphrodite people propagate?

Hermaphrodites propagate like all ordinary people. This is possible only with false hermaphroditism. With the true type, to get pregnant, to conceive or give birth to a child will not work. In the presence of the sexual characteristics of both sexes, a man may not be impaired in a man. Sex hormones can be produced in normal quantities. Therefore, it is realistic to practically get pregnant from false hermaphrodite.

Transvestites and hermaphrodites: What is the difference?

This is not the same thing. Transvestites are ordinary people without genetic disorders. They just look different than they feel. Therefore, they resort to the change of floor. Hermaphrodites are a kind of mutants who have signs of both men and women.

Transvestites and hermaphrodites: What is the difference?
Transvestites and hermaphrodites: What is the difference?

Hermaphrodites - famous people: photo

There are a sufficient number of famous hermaphrodites in history. The saddest thing is that during the Inquisition of such individuals they burned and tortured. That is why many were forced to hide their belonging to hermaphrodites.

Famous hermaphrodites in history:

  • Margaret Malor. A woman under the age of 21 believed that she was the most ordinary. Only in 1686, the doctor, who examined it due to illness, revealed anomalies. The certificate indicated that Magraretret is more likely a man than a woman. That is why she was forbidden to call herself a female name and engage in women's work. Outwardly, Margaret was like a woman, fragile physique and rounded shapes. By virtue of physical features, she could not engage in hard male work, so she was forced to beg. Only thanks to another doctor, who issued a certificate that Margaret is rather a woman, gave her the right to be considered again.
  • Genevieve de Bomont. Was rather a man than a woman. He successfully played the role of both men and women. He was court, often spied behind the kings.
  • Joseph Mazo. Until 12 years old, he was brought up as a girl, but then the doctors stated that it was rather a boy. The sexual characteristics were more like female, parents took a small penis for an overgrown clitoris. After the autopsy, it turned out that Joseph has a uterus and ovaries and is rather a woman than a man.

Some of the hermaphrodites were a huge success in the attractions of uglies: this, for example, Diana/Edgar, Bobby Korke and Donalde/Diana, who/Aya spoke publicly/and as early as 1950.

Genevieve de Bomont
Genevieve de Bomont

Hermaphrodites athletes: photo

Among athletes, a sufficient number of hermaphrodites also know. This is evidenced by the story. In 1966, a sex control was introduced at the Olympic Games, which ordered all participants to belong to a certain sex. Indeed, in women's sport, cases of hermaphroditism are known. At the same time, physically hermaphrodite is stronger than any woman.

Famous athletes-German:

  • Dora Ratien - Height jump
  • Zdenka KOUBOVA - Athlete
  • Helen Stefens - Athlete
  • Stanislava Valasevich - Athlete
  • Rene Richards - tennis player
  • Maria Patino - Athlete
Dora Ratien
Dora Ratien
Rene Richards
Rene Richards

The saddest thing is that many athletes, due to the constant intake of steroids and hormones, turn into men. Their voice is coarsening and their hair grows.

As you can see, among athletes there is a large number of hermaphrodites, according to some reports, one by 500 athletes. The presence of male hormones helps to win the Olympiads.

Video: Who are hermaphrodites?

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Comments K. article

  1. Read about the term “Interesting”, the term “hermaphroditism” is not used in relation to people, since this is wrong. About transvestites: they do not make any “floor shifts” (this is the wrong term), you confuse them with transgender people.
    The sorrowful is that many athletes, due to the constant intake of steroids and hormones, turn into men. Their voice is coarsening and their hair grows.
    They do not turn into any men. You probably did not know, but women can also have an increased level of testosterone, a rude voice and, oh God, hair. All this does not make them "non -tanks."
    Hermaphrodites are a kind of mutant.

  2. What is written is fundamentally wrong. At this time, it is in Moscow that many children of hermaphrodites are born, doctors of these children consider and call them freaks. This is not an understanding of life in general on our native planet without the theory of Darwin and a religious explanation. No one saw a single monkey a teacher, minister, even a simple watchman. The religious system with clay never blinded a man, but at this time, from a modern male rib, neither a woman, a cow, a mare, a bitch and chicken were created from a modern male rib. But the main thing is that any new discovery in any field of science in the former USSR without Western tips is never realized. Our scientists are always ready to appropriate ready -made work, the true author will only confuse the co -author at best. Our finished work "about the emergence of life on Earth" said they would miss if we are a co -author, but we refused. This work is agreed by biologists, biochemists, archaeologists many private Western researchers in the field of medicine, but not the scientific composition of the former union, not to mention Western scientists. Western are afraid that they did not reach this discovery. But we wanted this discovery to be from our former USSR to be published. This work well reflects the appearance of hermaphrodites in all types of living on Earth. It’s just ashamed as the scientific composition of all states of all earthlings is fooling to write off any topic from each other as their own. Not only that they present aliens with what ugly creatures on the hint of Americans that we all must believe them, gasp and groan. Why exactly the Americans, not to mention the fact that the technology of aliens for 10,000 years went forward in any scientific field. It is the alien creatures of all earthlings that saves from all comets changing the trajectory of movement from the Earth. Moreover, these alien creatures have always and all the time were among people when in Europe they walked deadly infectious diseases with their help stopped this infection. It is not profitable for scientists to lose warm and profitable places, but it is not profitable to promote others.
    About ourselves, we have been living in France for 13 years, 3 children are working here, 10 grandchildren. We were 71 years old worked as doctors of 46 years of practical work, at the same time as private researchers collected materials about the causes of more than 26 diseases of an internal non -contagious nature. All the medicine of the former USSR at the hint of Western wise men was turned into a commercial structure. It was simply necessary in Russia for any discoveries to allocate 1.5-2% more than the Nobel Prize, new discoveries will transfer to the Russian scientific system. And the West allocates the Nobel Prize to the Japanese dog, which determines cancer by 95 %, only in what language the dog explained to Western experts explained cancer and how many years the dog studied, where. The mathematician calculated the appearance of the 9th planet after 40,000 years, also gave the Nobel Prize, how to understand and what they turned science into. It’s just scary that the future of generation awaits before the end of oil and gas resources on Earth. Give the Almighty to all living health of good luck and well-being of many, many joy.

  3. For people. biologists, biochemists, archaeologists, all researchers about causes causing internal non -infectious diseases for communication fatima.ramasanova@gmail.com

  4. The term hermaphrodite has long been outdated, like transvestites. There are people who are born with atypical genitals, they are called intoxies. Unfortunately, doctors and parents are still often inclined to surgery at the tender age of the child, recalling his genitals in accordance with their ideas about normal. This greatly negatively affects the health of such people and their quality of life. Fortunately, a positive trend in recognition of Index variation by the norm for human development has been groped recently, it receives the right to corrective operations personally at a conscious age. As for transvestites, there are people who are dressed as opposite to their gender. Previously, transvestism, like homosexuality, was considered mental abnormalities and were treated forced with rather cruel methods. Now Ola of the term is outdated. There are transgender people, these are people who are aware of themselves as a representative of the opposite gender (so that it is easier, say, gender). Such people can decide on a hormonal transition and operations to change the biological sex, trying to become physiologically closer to their sensed floor, or may remain in their body invariably, feeling differently. It is competent to talk about such people “transgender”, because, regardless of whether they change their body and physical characteristics of the floor to others or not, they remain those who feel, the people of another gender. Now distinguish the concept of gender and biological gender. The first is belonging to a certain gender -roller and social model (man, woman), identifying oneself with this model. In addition to two opposite genders, many variations are distinguished, such as a biegender (a person who feels himself in two sexually and social models at the same time), an agent (denying such models), a non -bureau person (sensing himself not for any of the existing models and types) and others) and others) . Many consider this innovation to useless and unscientific fiction, there are many literature on this topic, disputes are ardently underway between supporters of gender theory and opponents of it. As for changing clothes - there are people working in the field of entertainment as showmen, they are called dragcuin and dragking. This is a stage around. Dressing into clothes of the opposite sex is not a deviation from the norm

  5. interkeks

  6. I am a hermofrodite. I was very not easy to live in this world. I have a male type, but I have a vagina and the uterus and ovaries. The most difficult thing from childhood was sewn in me women's moded behavior. It destroyed me. Women's habits are feminine in the end of the claws of female dreams and desires in the presence of a definition that I am a boy. It got to the fullest starting with the nurseries from the guys who did not give me the descent. Only in 61, I understood who I was and why it was so hard to live ... The skin of a female breast all his life from Rogdeia because of her and stooped by pulling and tightening the protruding balls. There were 7 wives all threw me the reason alone I am not a man. Although the character was no longer feminine. Life beaten hardened. But women could not forgive me for female gestures manner of thinking and my excessive softness of the tenderness of Susyakia, etc.
    .... He gave birth to a son .. son a real man is a preferential .... Cool I would say. I try not to lose heart to be useful for society I write poetry I write music ... .. But here I live ... lonely ... I don’t try to look for anyone else to look for anything else ....

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