Whoever changes more and more often - men or women: statistics, reasons. What are the signs of the zodiac that change the most among men and women?

Whoever changes more and more often - men or women: statistics, reasons. What are the signs of the zodiac that change the most among men and women?

In this article, we will consider which zodiac signs change the most and for what reasons the betrayal occur.

I recall an old and kind version that men are polygamous by nature. But a reasonable and logical question begs, but with whom they then cheat. It turns out with women. Then the idea arises that everyone is equal and the same. Therefore, this article will provide information about the most incorrect partners not only by sexual characteristics, but also by the zodiac sign.

Who changes more and more often - men, guys or women, girls: statistics

Change statistics will always have an error, so do not blindly believe the numbers. And if they were not the way they would like, then the partner should not run and arrange questions. Perhaps he really is 1% (this is only for example, the indicators are more positive).

  • Consider the fact that only a certain number of people in random order is taken for the survey. Everyone does not fall under this category, so the indicators may vary.
  • The country plays a big role. For example, in Thailand, where a lot of things are allowed and so popular, treason is generally considered the norm. Moreover, both among the male population, and among the weak half. In Germany, these indicators also reach almost 95%. But in Muslim countries it does not exceed 3%.
  • In Russia, the indicators have the following picture: 75% of men change their wives.
    • For example, guys at the peak of their active sexuality, that is, at the age of 20-25, change their second halves. Even before marriage. These indicators are slightly exceeding the average number - 76%.
    • After the wedding, about 60% of men continue to twist novels on the side. On average, this is up to 40 years.
    • 44% of men are ready for long -term novels with his mistress.
    • After 40, men calm down a little, but do not fall below 35%.
  • While women create only 25%. But these are generalized indicators.
    • In girls, these numbers are much lower - 12%.
    • But women aged 30-35 years “reveal” their abilities and the percentage of change increases to 54%.
    • At the same time, 43% of them had connections with married men.
    • For permanent intrigues, only 32%are ready.

Important: treason more often ends with a divorce and a complete breakdown of relations with the division of property and the termination of any communication. And, as it does not sound sad, Russia occupies a leading position among other countries in the number of divorces.

Change both men and women
Change both men and women

But statistics also indicate other indicators:

  • It is also worth noting that 57-60%of incorrect men are bounced by novels with married women. Therefore, inconsistencies come out - where are those married representatives.
  • And only 11% of guys are ready for relations with lonely girls.
  • Only 20% of men have a second “family”. That is, for prolonged connections, one girl is chosen.
  • But women in this matter are more constant - 44% of the variable women had lengthy connections.
  • It is also worth recalling random sex or in a state of intoxication 15% of guys and 6% of girls are decided.
  • 12% of girls and 18% of guys are ready for short -term novels. That is, in the case of a long absence of a partner, on vacation or on a business trip.

And what about mental betrayal:

  • Men a day think about sex at least 10 times. Although again, this is only an average figure. After all, each of us has our own sexual needs. The so -called "sexuality index." By the way, it often causes family betrayals. But more on that later.
    • Also, a 20 -year -old guy thinks about sex, too, according to average data, every hour.
  • Women think about sex per day only 3 times. Yes, again age and individual need will affect this figure.
    • With the birth of a child, for example, sexual fantasies are completely aside.
  • Speaking of sexual imagination! Women in this aspect have no equal. If we talk about mental betrayals, then women cover as many as 78%, while men - 43%.
  • Also, sexual desires among the fairer sex are much richer, brighter and even with extreme.
  • 30% of girls and only 14% of guys are ready to communicate with a same -sex representative.
Men change women more often
Men change women more often

Important: 86% of incorrect men love their soul mate, and 97% are not ready to terminate old relationships. Therefore, a note to young girls - only 3% of men leave their wives! But female indicators look a little different - 20% of women are ready to break ties. True, 7% will abandon such a venture for their children.

  • And the only indicators where men and women agreed - whether to tell a partner about their love "adventures." 86% of all the variable decided to conceal it!

Who changes more and more often - men, guys or women, girls: Reasons

But the reasons for cheating on each gender have its own. Yes, each person has a certain “explanation” of such behavior. But one can say one thing-men change for the sake of sex, but women-because of an emotional connection.

Although there are general reasons for the betrayal:

  • Sexual dissatisfaction Or different sexual "indices". This includes the duration and frequency of sexual intercourse. Even here there are larks and owls that experience attraction in a certain period. 9% of men begin to change precisely for this reason, but among women this figure increases up to 14%.
  • The appearance of a new object of love. In women, this aspect covers 20%, but among men - only 7%. The above has already been provided that men in men can only be serious by 3%. Among women, a small percentage also breaks families for the sake of a new hobby. As a rule, this is only a temporary hobby.
  • Improving self -confidence and his self -esteem. This indicator also has the back of the coin - the attitude of the spouse or spouse. Often the lack of attention or the lack of compliments, or, even worse, the humiliation of the partner pushes this. After all, attention and even just flirting with an outsider of the opposite sex gives that lack of confidence. 11% of guys and 7% of girls are ready for this.
  • Long parting. It doesn’t matter if this is a resort or a business trip. This indicator increases if the regularity of such “vacations” becomes more frequent. Although not always couples immediately run for comfort to others. For some, on the contrary, distances and prolonged stay separately warming the relationship and warm up passion. Recall that 18% of guys and 12% of girls are ready for this.
  • The next reason is more related to young couples. Although this is not a purely youth phenomenon. Under the influence of alcohol Many begin to liberate and lose a sense of shame. These are the betrayals that happen only once. Almost all cheating (15% of girls and 6% of guys) becomes ashamed of their act, and they regret what happened. By the way, in half the cases, the initiators of the parting in such a situation are the changeables themselves due to the torment of conscience.
Causes of betrayal
Causes of betrayal
  • Bright sensations 15% of men and 9% of women for betrayal are pushed. Calm and good family life is good, but such a life becomes too monotonous to many. A cheating person wants to get the dose of adrenaline that is produced at the time of "what if they are caught."
  • A little consonant with the previous reason - the routine of family life. True, only 4% of men and 6% of women are ready to take such a step. This is done not just for the dose of extreme, but to feel the desired again. Remember those "butterflies in the stomach" in the first years of living together. Now return to the picture “Wife in curlers” and “husband in family underpants”, who do not even pay any attention to each other. And here is the desire to get away from problems or add bright colors to your life and pushing on betrayal.
  • Well, such a difficult circle closes - treason for revenge. 21% of wives and only 1% of men are ready for it. Women in this matter are more vengeful. Although women are not changed as often as strong representatives, therefore the number of revenge is higher. This is already from which side to see.

Male reasons that require special attention:

  • Nature is arranged so that male individuals should fertilize as many females as possible. This applies not only to humanity, but also the entire animal world. Therefore, the most common reason is just sexual desire or sexual need. Without emotional attachment!
  • Also, many try to just get as much as possible sexual victories. After all, such victories greatly raise the pride of men. Usually this is suffered by guys with Don Juan syndrome. As a rule, they rarely generally start serious relationships and, especially, families. And frequent trips to the left become a quick cause of breaks.
  • It is important status! This reason is a little consonant with the first aspect, more precisely, complements it. In the eyes of friends, such a man seems more successful. Especially, the question is increasing with age. After all, you can walk under the handle with a young mistress.
A man is looking for in a woman what he did not find in his wife
A man is looking for in a woman what he did not find in his wife
  • The same status among friends often under the influence of alcohol pushes into “new victories”.
  • A special place is given the initiative of a woman. Yes, not all free girls take into account the family status of a guy. And men, because of their nobility, do not want to offend a woman with a refusal. A little fragile reason. But there are women very persistent, and men are too supple.
  • Very often the reason for treason in men is quarrel with a lover. This is a kind of opportunity to relieve stress and stress. Also, this category is also the “sawing” wife. So, dear ladies, do not push your men to treason with strong pressure and annoying monologues when the regiment in the bathroom is already hanging.

Important: for women a note - a man in a mistress finds something that he does not receive at home. All men by nature are “adult children”, therefore they often express unwillingness to face responsibility and household problems. After all, with a mistress you can just relax, hear affectionate words and receive intriguing SMS.

  • Polygamism of men does not leave even in the period of separation With your beloved woman. That is, the absence of a partner does not cancel the need for sex. In men, this reason takes the last position.
  • Men can also "reward" for himself a new lover. Especially if it reaches any victories in the field of career. Such novels are temporary and short.
  • And there is one more unusual reason for cheating on a man - this unwillingness to take responsibility for the collapse of relations. In this case, a man does not hide his novel. Most often, a man in such a situation chooses a career, destroying his family life.

What are women guided by changing their husbands

Women's treason is much worse than male novels. No, any betrayal does not bear anything good of partners. But female treason has a different character.

Important: men, changing more, want more, but women are looking for the best. Note to men - if a woman is cheating on you, then you lost her. A woman can forgive and survive a lot, but the most good reason for female is disappointment!

  • Lack of spiritual proximity and emotional contact Pushes women to an affair with another man. Available language - with a caring husband, having two children, a woman will not go to this. Without even having the desired prosperity or mink coats in the closet.
  • Indifference The husband becomes another reason for the "campaign to the left." When children are born, the husband is constantly at work, he does not help her with household problems, but does not pay attention to as a woman. It is not necessary to buy diamonds at all, even a small bouquet for no reason will come down. That women, that men want to get care and love from the second half.
Women also change
Women also change
  • Unsatisfied sexual needs. Two options play here:
    • Possible inconsistencies of sexual "indices" of partners. That is, her husband is enough and twice a week, and the wife needs 2 times more often. Time also plays a role. Someone wants intimacy early in the morning, and someone “wakes up” only late in the evening.
    • The woman simply stopped developing her energy. She loaded with domestic problems, denying the need for sex and hiding her desires. This energy accumulated for years, and then simply exploded like a bomb.
  • By the way , cheating for revenge A little consonant with the previous point. If the partner repeatedly cheated on his lover, and the wife once again forgave him, then at an unconscious level she will bring another to your family. That is, the love triangle of the husband will simply develop into the triangle of the wife.
  • Dissatisfaction It also happens physical. The option is also not ruled out in the absence of material satisfaction, but such a reason rarely pushes a woman to treason. Girls run into other people's arms due to the lack of self-development. Closing a wife in four walls often becomes a provocation to break out of this cycle. Typically, householders with limited communication and a monotonous way of life are subject to this.
  • Well, do not forget that men are stronger in nature. And often prove their authority through psychological pressure or physical violence. This also includes cruelty with her children from a previous marriage, pernicious habits, from which a man does not try to get rid of. Constant nit -picking and moral humiliation de -energize the woman as a person.
  • Availability weak husband Pushes in search of a strong representative. Today, strong and independent women are becoming more and more, so a picture is increasingly found when a weak man is nearby. A calm enjoyment of life on the sofa of her husband will begin to bother over time.
  • Also, a reason that responds from some previous versions is not excluded. A woman can begin to achieve some career heights through the bed. Or sometimes it happens that a woman who has lived without the attention of her husband for years, as gratitude for the help of another man, can repay treason.
Women are looking for attention in another that husband does not give
Women are looking for attention in another that husband does not give

A few words about how to be with a changer:

  • Never find out the relationship on emotions. It does not make sense to swear, scream and sort things out, why they did this.
  • It is necessary to give a little time to calm down to both partners and rethink the situation. It is advisable, do not even see this time.
  • And only then, in calm tones, find out why this happened. After all, do not forget that both partners are to blame for any situation and quarrel.
  • And only after all, you can make a decision: to forgive or not. If you are ready to forget the betrayal, you should be ready for this. And after never to remember her.
  • If you reproach your partner or partner with treason at every quarrel, this will only lead to a break.
  • But, if you cannot forgive and close your eyes to such an act, then put the point at once. Otherwise, resentment will accumulate, and sooner or later it will break out. Moreover, this tangle of resentment will certainly lead to a loud and scandalous break with hatred.

What are the signs of the zodiac that change the most among men and women?

Well, there are different men and women. Some are ready to sit at home for years, and you can’t drive others on the sofa, even on the weekend. To believe or not to believe the horoscopes is everyone’s personal business. But some recommendations, albeit past yourself, but you need to miss. Perhaps something to postpone in memory. When choosing a stall of yourself, take into account some features to be prepared for incidental situations.

  • The first and honorary place is given Sagittarius. There is a goal - I do not see obstacles. And if they are, then only "pour oils into the fire." And even if there is no goal, he will come up with or find it. Sagittarius cannot exist without a goal! Even in love. This is a very freedom -loving zodiac sign. Its representatives come into marriage reluctantly and relatively late, but they do not miss the opportunity to go left. What is there, this is such a surge of adrenaline. It itself is started by the very thought of what they can catch.
  • The men of this sign make a mistress for self -affirmation in order to be proud of themselves and boast of friends. These men are very easy to tempt.
Sagittarius receives the championship
Sagittarius receives the championship
  • Women are a lesser extent than men of this sign. But such partners' girls choose themselves, and their loyalty depends on the degree of affection and love for the partner.
    • To keep the Sagittarius - do not control it and do not limit freedom. And also, create constant conditions so that it does not get bored.
  • Aries It is not inferior to the Sagittarius. That a woman, that a man of this sign is looking for an ideal partner and has very high requirements. And disappointed, looking for a new passion. Moreover, they do not see anything wrong in their act. Yes, and why be upset, because it was just sex.
  • This is a bright representative of male behavior, when spiritual and bodily proximity may not intersect. The status is also a common cause of change. This man often achieves heights in his career and is considered good. Therefore, it does not see the point of hiding “such beauty” from prying eyes.
  • But the woman is also used to achieving everything herself, including partners. She can successfully engage in a career no less than any man, and therefore is not used to retreat. Often the curiosity and desire for novelty pushes to this.
    • Aries is terrible jealous. Even if I found a new ideal. The wife or husband of such a sign should remain true. Therefore, a fleeting boyfriend or fan near his “property” will return an incorrect husband or wife in an instant home.
  • Twins With their sociability and curiosity, they cannot miss such a chance. And why not, because others do this! Another sign that will repeatedly lead an intrigue for one night and even "not lead an eyebrow."
  • Their main reason lies in the fact that they are simply tired of the current relationship. Well, tired of this monotonous family life. These representatives do not even think of hiding something or invent an excuse.
  • The only thing that comforts is that they do not have constant love connections. After all, this is the most inconsistent sign, so the opinion will change until tomorrow.
    • It is impossible to protect the twin from treason. He is always in communication and in motion. He just needs a like -minded person nearby. It’s completely pointless to scold the twin. Even if you express your dissatisfaction, he will turn the situation so that you will still feel guilty. For there was nothing to "catch on hot."
  • Fourth place was obtained by quiet and harmless Crayfish. They can be called pathological changes. They have no good reasons - they do everything by itself. Their problem is more likely that they are all the time looking for a “only second soul mate”. But you can be sure that cancer will not leave the family. He will live with great responsibility for two houses. True, this applies more to male representatives.
  • This man uses an excuse more often than others - that's all. I didn’t want to, they made it! But in general, this man will be an exemplary family man and a wonderful father.
Take care of your love
Take care of your love
  • But the woman of this sign does not fit into such a rating a little. Raki girls rarely change and only when there is no spiritual thread with a partner. Frequent resentment of a partner can push his wife into an arms to another man.
    • To protect him from this, you must always be on the alert. And do not let the “dangerous” ladies close. It is also important to know that for cancer there is a very price spiritual proximity to a partner. Therefore, do not scold the incident, but rather calmly talk.
  • And close the five - Fish. A little shocking, but these representatives can change every day and even several times, but only in their heads. In reality, such representatives do not change, but find their true love. Although "from the permutation of the term" nothing changes.
  • Often such romantic men affect the notes of the soul of representatives of the opposite sex. This happens infrequently, but sometimes it brings them to the left.
  • Women of this sign also start novels on the side. Moreover, their main dignity is also the spiritual side. These are very sensual natures and their weak place is a heart. They trust him more often than common sense.
    • To protect your family from this, do not offend vulnerable fish. Also do not try to keep them. It is pleased that they leave the family very rarely. Again, only if real love is met.

Important: signs are considered the most faithful: Taurus, Capricorn and Scorpio. Taurus is too fond of home and family benefits, and also, they are too conservative. Capricorns consider this a low act. Moreover, they chose their “ideal” for so long. And Scorpio is too jealous to walk to the left.

Treason as a temptation
Treason as a temptation

And do not forget that one cannot be attributed only to the channers, while others are called "saints and sinless." All to one degree or another are subject to betrayal. Much depends on how comfortable partners are in marriage. There should be spiritual and physical intimacy between the spouses. I recall the phrase: “In marriage, you need to fall in love many times, but always in the same person!”

Video: The cause and psychology of treason

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  1. Whoever is lucky with 2 half.

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